SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter


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L E T T E R F R O M A M E R I C ASaturday through Wednesday was the 31 game tournament, which most of you will have seenpictures of, so I won't bang on too much about it, except to say that it was an exceptionally well-runand friendly tournament to be a part of.... Everybody was so nice and fun to be with, and our littleCollins group was cosy and friendly. Big thanks to all the organisers, and I'm definitely consideringBuffalo for next year -- to play, not to eat!<strong>The</strong> players in our division were of high calibre, and I was surprised to even get into double figures-- I think when your original dictionary was TWL, and you have to unlearn, as well as learn, it mustfocus the mind wonderfully. I was pleased to end up on a double-figure win, and it has highlightedhow much work I need to do before Prague. I narrowly missed out on 3 prizes (highest-scoring wordcontaining SUN... I played SANGUINE for 76, and on the last morning someone pipped me with a78 pointer; highest-scoring word of the tournament in our division -- mine was FRONTMAN for172... someone pipped me again on the last morning with one that made 176(?); and, (anignominious one here), lowest win... I won with a score of 331, and someone snuck in with a 313win.... ) Bah.... Interestingly here, which I quite liked, was that if someone won more than oneprize, they were not automatically excluded from winning a second or third prize...which seemed fairto me.... Though as Awards go, I think the Americans outdo us 100%!!! (Was waiting for the awardfor the nicest English player.... In a field of one, I stood a good chance!)Saturday night we went to the Riviera Comedy Club. What a mistake that was! Whether it's just adifferent sense of humour, I don't know, but Nuala and I were the only ones that didn't seem to laughfrom the moment we walked in until the moment we left. And I guess the usher that placed us inrow 2 didn't know how unnerving that was going to be for the two comedians involved, who bothkept glancing over as if to say, "Why are you not finding this funny?!" I'm afraid to our minds it wasdated humour of the least pleasant kind. It seemed racist, sexist, and ageist. And every time one ofthem swore, everyone went into hysterics.... I don't know...maybe it was us.... And we couldn't leavebecause we were right at the front!!!Anyhow, equilibrium was restored by aswift pint or two in the Queen Vic, ourlovely English pub within the hotel -- thishas become our bolt hole once we escapethe unremitting heat of the outside. Afascinating place with its 99 beers, whichmostly are British, and appropriatelyplaced artefacts to remind us that we're inan English pub, innit geezer?! Loved theIrish flag that welcomes you in.... Thatmade us giggle... <strong>The</strong> staff in there arelovely, and have been following ourprogress with interest and someamusement. We had a couple of nights ofthe Duelling Pianos, (how brilliant arethey?!!) and a really funny Karaoke nightrun by twin sisters, who not only hosted,but also sang along and danced to everyone's tracks.... 41

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