SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter


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T A G - T E A M S C R A B B L E A T N A T I O N A L STag-Team <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® at NationalsBy Brian GalebachOn Tuesday, July 23, a total of 24 players took part in our 5thannual NSC Tag-Team Scrabble tournament. With the greatturnout for the NSC, I was expecting a larger Tag-Teamparticipation, but I hadn't considered that we were in Las Vegas,where there might perhaps be some other activities to do in theevening.Here are the complete results of this year's tournament:Division 1:Brad Whitmarsh & Judy Cole: 2-1 +114. $50Michael Kapernaros & Jeanmarie Youngblood: 2-1 +94. $30Chris Williams & Judy Romann: 1-2 +49.Brian Galebach & Curran Eggertson: 1-2 -257.Division 2:Miriam Gregory & Ryan Burgess: 3-0 +287. $50Tom Bond & Supriya Devnani: 2-1 -19. $30Heather Steffy & Gerianne Abriano, 1-2 +17.Linda Wancel & Tim Weiss, 0-3 -285.Team “Brudy”--Judy Cole and BradWhitmarsh--won Division 1 at the 5thAnnual Tag-Team <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>®Tournament, organized by Brian Galebach.Division 3:Ruchi Gupta & Trish Harrop: 3-0 +253. $50Amalan Iyengar & Kevin Bowerman: 2-1 +207. $30Mike Gincel & Daniel Novinson: 1-2 -230.Will Scott & Bruce Shuman: 0-3 -230.Miriam Gregory and Ryan Burgess,Division 2 winners with a 3-0 +287 record.Ruchi Gupta and Trish Harrop, Division 3winners with a 3-0 +253 record. 31

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