Determination of Biochemical Composition of Avena sativa

Determination of Biochemical Composition of Avena sativa

Determination of Biochemical Composition of Avena sativa


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BANGLADESH RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS JOURNALISSN: 1998-2003, Volume: 4, Issue: 4, Page: 312-319, September - October, 2010DETERMINATION OF BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF <strong>Avena</strong><strong>sativa</strong> (OAT) AND TO ESTIMATE THE EFFECT OF HIGH FIBER DIET ONHYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC RATSShumaila Usman 1 , Saima Nazir 1 Sakhawat Ali 1 , Zahida Nasreen *1 and Ammara Najim 2Shumaila Usman, Saima Nazir, Sakhawat Ali, Zahida Nasreen and Ammara Najim. (2010).<strong>Determination</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biochemical</strong> <strong>Composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Avena</strong> <strong>sativa</strong> (Oat) and to Estimate the Effect <strong>of</strong> HighFiber Diet on Hypercholesterolemic Rats. Bangladesh Res. Pub. J. 4(4): 312-319. Retrieve fromhttp://www.bdresearchpublications.com/admin/journal/upload/09181/09181.pdfAbstractChemical compositions and nutritive value <strong>of</strong> oat (<strong>Avena</strong> <strong>sativa</strong>) samples(oat grain, hull and oat bran) determined by proximate analysis. Thepercentage value <strong>of</strong> moisture, ash, protein, fat, fiber, cellulose, lignin andcarbohydrate in oat whole grain, hull and in bran is deliberated. Moreover,evaluation <strong>of</strong> functional properties <strong>of</strong> oat, anti-hypercholesterolemic effect<strong>of</strong> oat bran high fiber diet is studied. The in house prepared oat bran highfiber diet proved effective as it lowered the cholesterol levels significantly inhypercholesterolemic rat.Keywords: Nutritive value, Oat and anti hypercholesterolemic effect.IntroductionOat is one <strong>of</strong> the most important rabi cereals fodder crop grown in winterthroughout Pakistan both under irrigated and rained conditions. It is a quickgrowing, palatable, succulent and nutritious fodder crop (Nawaz et al 2004). Oatcontains high-unsaturated fatty acid and protein (Wood and Beer, 1998). Theaverage composition <strong>of</strong> oat is; 15.9% protein, 7.0% fat and 63.2% starch. It grainhas always been an important from <strong>of</strong> livestock feed. Oat is versatile and grownon many different soil types around the world. It has been shown that oat cantolerate acidic soil with a pH <strong>of</strong> 4.5, but higher yield require a pH <strong>of</strong> 5.3 to 5.7(Alam and Adams, 1979).Phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity been identified in oats.Phenolic compounds present in oats, it contributed to functional and nutritionalproperties <strong>of</strong> the grain (Collins, 1989). It is well known that phenolic acids whichare abundant in whole grains having antioxidant characteristics (Onyeneho andHettiarchchi, 1992).Antioxidants protect the body from degenerative diseases such as cancer(Bailey and Williams, 1993). Phytic acid is the major phosphorus storagecompound <strong>of</strong> most seeds and cereal grains, it may account for more than 70% <strong>of</strong>the total phosphorus (Rhou and Erdman, 1995).Soluble fiber found in cereals, legumes (including beans peas), some fruits(including apples, pears) and plantain seed husks psyllium (Plantago psyllium). β-glucan is the soluble fiber <strong>of</strong> cereals, which consist <strong>of</strong> linear unbranchedpolysaccharides <strong>of</strong> linked β(1-3)-(1-4)-d-glucopyranose units, that has been shown*Corresponding Author, Email: Zahidanasreen_pcsr@yahoo.com1= Biotechnology and Food Research Centre, PCSIR Labs Complex, Lahore 54600, Pakistan2= Institute <strong>of</strong> Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, the University <strong>of</strong> Lahore, Pakistan.

<strong>Determination</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biochemical</strong> <strong>Composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Avena</strong> <strong>sativa</strong>313to be an important component in cholesterol lowering properties <strong>of</strong> viscoussoluble fiber (Behall et al 2004).A β-glucan enriched meal thought to increase intestinal viscosity and bileacid binding which in turn may decrease re absorption <strong>of</strong> bile acids and drive bileacid synthesis from hepatic cholesterol, hence depleting the body ' s cholesterolpool and decrease absorption <strong>of</strong> intestinal cholesterol (Lia, et al 1995). The ability<strong>of</strong> the β-glucan to form highly viscous a solution at low concentrations in thehuman gut is thought to form the basis <strong>of</strong> it is a health benefits. The primary healthbeneficial component <strong>of</strong> oat bran is β-glucan; dehulled oats (groats) have a highcontent (3-7%) <strong>of</strong> linear mixed linkage (1→3) (1→4) - β-D glucan (Wood et al,2003). Oat is effective in lowering the total serum LDL cholesterol due to thepresence <strong>of</strong> β-glucan in oat (Behall et al 2004).The aim <strong>of</strong> present work was to find out the effect <strong>of</strong> oatmeal on plasmalipid pr<strong>of</strong>ile in rats, fed cholesterol-containing diets. The degree <strong>of</strong> this positiveinfluence is directly connected to the contents <strong>of</strong> the bioactive components andthe antioxidant activities <strong>of</strong> the oatmeal diet.Material and MethodsProcurement and cleaning <strong>of</strong> raw materialOat whole grain used in this study was purchased from local market. Oatgrain and hull was cleaned manually. After removal <strong>of</strong> foreign material, weedsand non-grain matters, samples were stored in clean polythene bags until used.Estimation <strong>of</strong> Moisture, Ash Fat and FiberThe moisture, Ash and fat contents were assessed by using method <strong>of</strong>(Anonymous, 2005). 3-5g <strong>of</strong> dried sample was in use in each determination.Estimation <strong>of</strong> ProteinProtein content <strong>of</strong> oat and hull sample was estimated by using Kjeldalmethod as reported by AOAC 2005.Estimation <strong>of</strong> ligninLignin content was estimated by the method <strong>of</strong> A.S.T.M (1961). 1 gm <strong>of</strong>defatted sample was used for refluxion with 70 mL 1.25% H2SO4 for 2 hours. Refluxsample washed with hot water and then with chlor<strong>of</strong>orm. Washed sample treatedwas with 72% H2SO4 for four hours with constant stirring. Sample was filtered (add10 -12 mL distilled water) with whatman filter paper No-1 and ignited it at 550oCfor 4 hours.Estimation <strong>of</strong> CelluloseCellulose estimated by using the method <strong>of</strong> Kurschner and Hanak (1930). 1gm <strong>of</strong> defatted sample was used for refluxion with 15 mL <strong>of</strong> 80% acetic acid and1.5 mL conc. HNO3 acid for 2 hours. Reflux sample washed with hot water.Washed sample was treated with 72% H2SO4 for four hours with constant stirring.Sample was filtered (add 10 -12 mL distilled water) with whatman filter paper No-1washed with distilled water until it become neutral and finally it washed withalcohol and ignited it at 550oC for 6 hours.Estimation <strong>of</strong> CarbohydratesThe Carbohydrates were determined by applying following equation.Moister+ Ash+ Fat+ Fiber+ Protein-100 = CHO (Anonymous, 2005)http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

Usman et al.314I) Development <strong>of</strong> High Fiber DietThe complete dehulling <strong>of</strong> oat hull from oat groats carried out. Oat branprepared by grinding <strong>of</strong> clean oat groat and separating oat bran from oat flourby sieving (Anonymous, 1989).Oat bran was used as fiber source in diet. Aftergrinding <strong>of</strong> oat bran, fiber was extracted by method <strong>of</strong> (Anonymous, 2005). Acidhydrolysis <strong>of</strong> extract was carried out with dilute sulphuric acid. After hydrolysis,fiber was neutralized by NaOH. Sample was washed with the distilled water for thecomplete removal <strong>of</strong> NaOH.2) <strong>Composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> Diet25 g/kg oat bran high fiber diet contained 175g/kg casein protein to fulfilthe protein requirments in animel body. After that 12g/ kg corn oil was added indiet to provide essently fatty acids.Corn strach and sucrose was added in diet assweetness and carbohydrates source. DL- Methionin added in diet for amino acidsource. Vitamin mixture and mineral mixer was added 10g/kg diet and 35g/kgdiet respectively. Oat bran was used as a fiber source and 257g oat bran wasadded in per kg diet (Remi et al 1992). After maually mixing, diet was pelletedwith water and dried in oven and store in air tight bags.Feed intakeFeed intake was determined by the weighing the feed hoppers.Consumption, expressed as grams per rat per day, was obtained by dividing foodintake by the number <strong>of</strong> rats per cage (Jackson et al 1994).The average feed intake was 13g/day/rat.Functional Properties <strong>of</strong> oat bran High Fiber DietHigh fiber oat bran diet was used for the determination <strong>of</strong> functionalproperties <strong>of</strong> oats by the determination <strong>of</strong> antihypercholesterolemic effect <strong>of</strong> highfiber oat bran diet on hypercholesterolemic rat.Experimental Design and Induction <strong>of</strong> Hypercholesterolemia30 albino rats <strong>of</strong> either sex weighing between 200 to 300gm were selectedfor the experiment. The rat was divided into 3 groups each group consist <strong>of</strong> 10 rat.Table 1. Animal groups, their diet and treatmentGroups Animal conditions Treatment1 Normal (Control) Chick starter diet2 Hypercholesterolemic Chick starter diet3 Hypercholesterolemic 25% oat bran high fiber diet.Induction <strong>of</strong> HypercholesterolemiaThe rat was made Hypercholesterolemic by oral administration <strong>of</strong> 1% <strong>of</strong>cholesterol powder (1gm/kg) for 10 days as prescribed by (Reeves et al 1993).Then, the hypercholesterolemic condition was confirmed by using respectivediagnostic kit at the 11 th day <strong>of</strong> experiment. After confermation <strong>of</strong>hypercholesterolemic condition <strong>of</strong> rats, the day at which rats were treated with25% oat bran high fiber diet was considered as first day <strong>of</strong> experiment.Blood collection and analysis1ml blood was collected from coccygeal vein <strong>of</strong> albino rats. Collectedblood was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes and serum was seprated. Theenzymatic kit was used to assess serum levels using spectrophotometer.http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

<strong>Determination</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biochemical</strong> <strong>Composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Avena</strong> <strong>sativa</strong>315Examination <strong>of</strong> serum cholesterol1973).The cholesterol level was determined by using method <strong>of</strong> (Richmond,Estimation <strong>of</strong> cholesterol by enzymatic kit.12 test tube were used, two <strong>of</strong> them labeled as blank/standard. Remaining10 tubes were labelled as 1,2,3……10 for each sample <strong>of</strong> rat,s serum from eachhypercholesterolemic group. 1000µl reagent was taken in all the tubes by micropipette. 10µl <strong>of</strong> stanard solution from kit was added to the tube labeled asstandard and 10µl <strong>of</strong> serum sample was taken in tubes labeled as 1,2,3……12.Contents <strong>of</strong> all the tubes were mixed well and then incubated at 37oC for 10minutes. Absorbance <strong>of</strong> standard and sample was measured against the blank atwavelenth <strong>of</strong> 546 nm. Similar procedure was used the rest <strong>of</strong> the samples.Statistical AnalysisFor biochemical properties, mean deviation and starndad deviation wascalculated while for funtional properties ANOVA was applied at 0.05 level <strong>of</strong>significance (p

Usman et al.316Table 4. Multiple ComparisonsDependentVariableCholesterol level at1 st dayGroupG1Control+chick starter dietG1Control+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietGroupG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Control+chick starterdietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietMeanDifferenceStd.ErrorSignificant level-41.8000* 2.16282 .000*-42.6000* 2.16282 .000*41.8000* 2.16282 .000*-.8000 2.16282 .714**42.6000* 2.16282 .000*G3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber diet.8000 2.16282 .714**Cholesterol level at14 dayG1Control+chick starter dietG1Control+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Control+chick starterdietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter diet-41.2000* 2.15664 .000*-28.0000* 2.15664 .000*41.2000* 2.15664 .000*13.2000* 2.15664 .000*28.0000* 2.15664 .000*G3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber diet-13.2000* 2.15664 .000*Cholestrol level at28 dayG1Control+chick starter dietG1Control+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter dietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Control+chick starterdietG3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG1Hypercholesterolemic+chick starter diet-39.5000* 2.23391.000*-6.5000* 2.23391 0.07*39.5000* 2.23391 .000*33.0000* 2.23391 .000*6.5000* 2.23391 0.07*G3Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber dietG2Hypercholesterolemic+Oat bran high fiber diet-33.0000* 2.23391 .000**Significant level as p< 0.05**Highly signifacanthttp://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

<strong>Determination</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biochemical</strong> <strong>Composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Avena</strong> <strong>sativa</strong>317Results and DiscussionOat is distinct among the cereals due to its multifunctional characteristicsand nutrtional pr<strong>of</strong>ile. Oat provides a potential source <strong>of</strong> low cost protein withgood nutrional assessment. The use <strong>of</strong> oat in human diet has also been motivatedby the quality <strong>of</strong> its fiber components which act as hypoglycemic andhypochloesterolemic agents. Phenolic compounds present in oats maycontribute to functional and nutritional properties <strong>of</strong> the grain. It is well known thatphenolic acids which are abundant in whole grains have antioxidantcharacteristics.Oat bran has been demonstrated to provide many human healthbenefits such as serum cholesterol lowering effect (Butt et al 2008).Bearing in mind the importance <strong>of</strong> oat , the current work was planned todetrmine the biochemical composition <strong>of</strong> oat and to estimate the effect <strong>of</strong> highfiber diet on hyperchloesterolemic rat. The results <strong>of</strong> proximate analysis <strong>of</strong> oatsample (oat whole grain, oat hull and oat bran) and antihypercholeaterolemiceffect <strong>of</strong> oat bran high fiber diet are given in Table # 2 and 3.Oat has long beenrecognized as a good source <strong>of</strong> protein and fiber (Peterson, 1992). Oat brancontained the highest amount <strong>of</strong> total fat as ompared to oat whole grain andoat hull as shown in Table 2. Our finding is in accordance with Grausgruber (2004)study.The percentage <strong>of</strong> protein in oat bran is higher (15.23%) as compared tothe oat whole grain and oat hull, at the same time, fiber content in oat bran washigher (14.13%)as compared to the oat whole grain. Proten and fiber content inoat whole grain was 13.53% and 12.47% respectively as given in table 2. Similarresult were reported by the Grausgruber (2004). Protein content in oat hull was7.3% while the fiber content was 31.97% as given in table 2.These results are inagreement with the findings <strong>of</strong> Melicia and Grossmann (2006).Most <strong>of</strong> the minerals in oat are associated with the bran (Peterson, 1992)The percentage <strong>of</strong> ash content in oat hull was higher as compared to the oatwhole grain and bran.Ash content in oat whole grain was 3.57% and in oat hullwas 7.3%. These results correlate with the consequence <strong>of</strong> Melicia and Grossmann(2006) as listed in table 2. Production <strong>of</strong> oat bran for human food usage hasincreased due to its antihypercholesterolemic.Fibrous feeds have not been used for the non ruminants due to theirdocumented reduction <strong>of</strong> diet digestibility, especially in young and growinganimals. Nonetheless some type <strong>of</strong> fible and fiber sources don’t exert suchnegative effects on nutrition digestibility but can have protective effect on guthealth and reduce cardiovascular disease risks (Keogh et al 2003).These protective and physiological effects are dependent on complexmixture <strong>of</strong> stucture, chemical and physiological properties <strong>of</strong> dietary fiber (waterholding capacity, viscosity gel formation and bile acid binding). Oat bran, animportant source <strong>of</strong> water soluble fiber, has been shown to reduce serumcholesterol. Oat bran high fiber diet is effective in lowering the plasma cholesterollevel in hypercholesterolemic rats and cholesterol level decreased significantly asshown as in Table No. 4 which relatively correlates with the results <strong>of</strong> (Dierzuk,2006).ConclusionIn this study, we were able to show the following facts, the contents <strong>of</strong> totaldietary fibers and the contents <strong>of</strong> the protein fractions, antioxidant compounds,and the antioxidant activity in oatmeal is higher than the control diets withoutoatmeal. Oatmeal diet significantly hindered the rise <strong>of</strong> plasma lipids in rats givenhttp://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

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