Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex


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$etkirkby Fred WeaverNite Wind Brillo Puss, a black and white longhair female, born May 30th, 2002.Br/Ow: Mary Jones.92CH Glomoon Twilight, a black longhair male. Br: KellyAnn Grant. Ow: Kelly Grant and Fred li'eaver. CFA's2nd Best of Breed, 2001.GC. BW RW Deenewkurl In Town, a red spotted tabbyshorthairjemale. CFA's Best of Breed and the NorthwestRegion's 10th Best Kitten and Best of fired, 2002,Br/Ow: Jeri Newman and Debra Kallmeyer.Introduction<strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> owners are the luckiest people in the world. These cat lovers have the privilege ofing and sleeping with a real, live, plush teddy bear. There is no possibility that a warm human h,can resist touching and cuddling with those living masses of curls. In the show hall, people c.stantly stop a <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> owner with anxious hands, wanting to pet and feel this soft, plush r.The fortunate humans are those who can take these live teddy cats home for hugs.HistoryThe original cat, "Miss DePesto," came to live with the breed originator, Jeri Newman, in 1987.cat had originally lived with Kitty Garrett Brown, who called her "Curly-Q." Ms. Brown ran a ster out of her home called "For Pet's Sake" in Sheridan, Montana. She placed Miss DePestoyoung age with someone else, but Miss DePesto "bounced back" because she cried and was r.:bunctious. She was placed once again at nine weeks when Peggy Vorrhees of the Bozeman Hun:.Society brought Miss DePesto to Jeri in Livingston, Montana, because of her unusual coat.whiskers were curly: her ears were full of "brillo" hair and her body looked like a "body \‘.r.e.(Neuman, 1996). "She survived her teenage phase at my house, and remained a very inquisitnemischievous cat all her life. She was very prone to earring and bathtub plug thievery, and had atinteresting affinity for water!" (Newman, 2002). "Pest" is an 11-pound, blue-cream and white shorehair that is known to carry colorpoint and longhair genes. She has a narrow muzzle with a stnmiwhisker break, prominent cheekbones, slant), green eyes and a wide flat spot between her ears. Jr:has been known to describe her as the world's worst Devon <strong>Rex</strong> with a Chartreux body.As of June 1997, Miss DePesto's mom cat was still alive. She is a dilute calico that is missitfootand was caught in a trap before she was rescued. Upon further inquiry, Jeri discoveredMiss DePesto's mother and five littermates were all normal-coated. No other curly cats werein the area, leading Jeri to believe that Miss DePesto was the locus of a new mutant gene.On July 4, 1988, Pest had her first litter of kittens. After spending 72 hours in the company ofDePesto waiting for her to deliver, Jeri took a nap on a real bed. When she returned downstairs.found that Miss DePesto had escaped from her kittening area and little meows were coming frot•directions. The father was Jeri's Persian male, CH Photo Finish of Deekay. Of the six kittens i:1litter, three had very curly hair, and of the straight-haired kittens, two were shorthair and onelonghair. A perfect ratio of curlies and straights indicated a dominant gene. The kittens were.black and white curly shorthair male (Noface Oscar Kowalski), one black curly shorthair(Nofacc Shccla of Frostypaws), one tortoiseshell curly shorthair female, tsvo black straight-h..shorthair males and one black straight-haired longhair female. These characteristics indicated thz:gene carried was different from the Cornish or Devon <strong>Rex</strong> gene, as outcrosses from those hr..would produce only straight-haired kittens in the first generation. These characteristics indicat.:well that "Pest" carried the longhair gene. The next year, the black and white curly male was hr.his mother. On July 15, 1989, Pest had one curly shorthair flame point male, two curly shorthair.ties and one black shorthair straight-haired female. Pest was bred a total of five times, once to "I'Finish," twice to "Oscar," once to Mr. Rogers (a local stray cat Pest encountered when she es,outside) and once to a shaded golden Persian (CH Razberrilane Furrpow'r of Bigsky). Out c•Oscar to Pest breeding, several homozygous curly cats were born, which was another indicat!.a complete dominant gene.The breed was named after the <strong>Selkirk</strong> Mountains in Western Canada and after Jeri's stept,.•whose name just happens to be <strong>Selkirk</strong>. The <strong>Selkirk</strong> Mountains are about 75 miles from the

place of Miss DePesto. Later, Jeri found that the nameof <strong>Selkirk</strong> was used to name a creek within about twentymiles from the point of origin. She did not want toname her new breed "American <strong>Rex</strong>," as the Cornishand Devon were named for their areas of origination.She instead decided to honor her stepfather but used theexplanation of the <strong>Selkirk</strong> Mountains.Jeri decided that to achieve the type she wanted, shecould use the American Shorthair, British Shorthair,Persian and Exotic breeds. She felt that each of thesereeds had something to contribute. Later, removing the1merican Shorthairs proved to be a wise decision sincecoat and body are so different.<strong>Selkirk</strong> kittens go through some amazing phases wheretheir hair just looks strange instead of curly; as a result,not many people were impressed. Because of this cat'sinteresting gene pool, Newman decided that all colorsand both hair lengths would be allowed from the start.In 1989, Oscar Kowalski was bred to his mother, MissDePesto, again to see if any other genetic quirks cameith the curly hair, and when Oscar appeared at a CFAshow with his flame point son, the cats drew a crowd.The first CFA show to witness the introduction of the<strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> was at Salt Lake City, Utah in January1990. The two cats that were shown were Oscar and-Snowman," Oscar's flame point son. Miss DePesto.:aged home as she was known to hate shows and-:move the cage from the table!In Miss DePesto's third litter there was a kitten, NofaceGrace Slick, that became the originator of the European<strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong>. On February 10, 1990, "Gracie," was bornof Miss DePesto of Noface and Noface OscarKim alski. Gracie was a blue point female with white-ocks. In September, Gracie started her long distance...mey to Europe, where she went to Mary Harringtonri Switzerland. Gracie had three litters of kittens ins'‘‘ itzerland, with a total of twenty-one kittens. The pub-_ation of Gracie's picture and an article in A tout Chat,French cat lovers' magazine, caused an outright sen-.ation. Many breeders wanted to have a cat like Gracie,is they were particularly charmed by her blue eyes.Repine Lohre (Cattery Du Clos Des Anges), ntacted Mary Harrington, and soon Gracie went to.e in France where she produced the first <strong>Selkirk</strong>st■om there. In 1992, one of the kittens born to Gracie inFrance. "Helosia du Clos des Anges," moved in withrao ladies in Saarlouis; she was the first <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> inGermany. Regine Lohre was the pioneer of our newteed in Europe where the breed continues to grow.- February 1992, CFA accepted the <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> for..eistration. Roy Robinson's report from this boardeeting states:1 have examined the <strong>Selkirk</strong> hair samples. Inboth neck and tail samples the hairs are veryfine, being shorter and thinner than normal. Inthe neck samples there is a complete absenceof guard hairs, but some which are slightlythicker than down hairs which could be awnhairs, more or less reduced to the size andlength of down hairs. On the other hand, in thetail samples there are many long thin hairswhich could be either guard or awn hairs.<strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> coat is clearly different from the coat,4 the Devon <strong>Rex</strong>, since the latter typically has all three-air types, even if they are short and crooked.At the October 1992 board meeting, the breed was putinto the Shorthair class as a Miscellaneous breed.Jeri took Noface Oscar Kowalski, Lit'BoPeep'sLambert and Lil'BoPeeps Mouton Rouge to the boardmeeting where she presented the <strong>Selkirk</strong>s for acceptanceby CFA. Some of the original breeders who werepart of the registration process were: Pam Swenson(Frostypaws), Nancy McMullen (Oaktree), Sue Senfies(QT), Sharon Kleager (Aristocurl), Wendy McGuire(Sunthief, Ramblin), and Ruth Pasley (Wld Cedar).After acceptance into Miscellaneous status, otherbreeders who joined the effort were: Pam Sharp(Pamacs), Donna Bass (Pixelpoint, Woolibaar),Rebecca Romans (Banbury), Joy and Ebe McCabe(SoJoy), Ric Dirle (Elrid), Rebecca Warren (Purwaky),Kim Bailey (Sotacats), Don Finger (Finger, Judon),Lorraine Shelton (Featherland) and Fred Weaver(Mummers Meow).In 1998, the <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> advanced to Provisional status(breeders in attendance for the advancement: D. Bass,S. Lowenstrein, N. McMullen, C. Rigoni, and D.Sutherland). At the board meeting there was a concernthat the coats being exhibited were too similar to theLaPerm breed. Variety in type of coat could be seen in1992 in Maine Coons, Wirehairs and Devons. <strong>Selkirk</strong>sdistinguish themselves from LaPerms in that LaPermsgo bald during the kitten period; they have no curlywhiskers and cannot be distinguished at birth as curly.In 1995, there were 43 litters with 154 kittens born. In1906, there were 36 litters with 136 kittens born. As ofDecember 1997, there were 404 <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> registered.During 1997, there were 232 kittens born in 62 litters,with 131 cats registered. These are such significant numberswhen you consider that in 1987, there was only onecat: Miss DePesto.On February 6, 2000, the <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> was acceptedinto Championship class. Cindy Stryker, RoseanneDavis (appointed breed committee chair) and NancyMcMullen were present at the board meeting inHouston, Texas. The vote was 13 yes, 5 no and oneabstain."Jeri already had a background of knowledgein genetics before Miss DePesto setpaw in her household. The program wasmanaged intelligently and logically fromthe very first breeding. Unless you starttalking with other folks about how otherbreeds got started, you can't fully appreciatejust how easy our road is compared toother breeds without such an advantage.What a wonderful foundation you laid forus, Jeri. Thank you!" (Shelton, 1995).Several cats have been sent to Australia and have donewell there. CFA's own Gary Veach made such a goodimpression with his presentation of the <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> tothe main cat organization in Australia, that they wereadvanced to Championship easily.AppearanceThe first <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> characteristic noticed is the coat.A curly kitten is curliest at birth. The amount of curl atbirth seems to be an indicator of how curly the maturecat will be. As the kitten grows and develops, the coatcan fluctuate in curliness. At about one year of age, theGC Sheeplet Lamb Chop, a copper-eyed whiteshorthair male. Gulf Shore Region's Best ofBreed. 2002. Br/Ow: Judy BenderGC Finger's Chewbaaka of Spellbinding, a redtabby shorthair male. CFA's 2nd Best of Breedand the Southwest Region's Best of Breed, 2002.Br: Donald Finger. Ow: Jan Mellinger.Nite Wind Bedazzled, a cream mackerel tabbyand white shorthair female. Br: Mary Jonesand Jennifer Siemens. Ow: Mary Jones.93

Rama( s CaApse,. a seal smoke point longhair nude CFA s3rd Best 01 Breed. 2001 Br/O❑ Pamela SharpWrolthaar Wooliette 01 OaAtree. a blue cream pointhinghau female Br Donna Bass Oh ;slams McMullenGP Woohbaar Sugarfoot. a seal point N/717rthalr Male BDonna Bass and Pam Sharp On Donna BassW0(4111(4(1, I Am Curuncs (Blue '1. a shaded blue, c reampoint female Br Donna Bass On Jeri .Amman andDebra Kallniescoellark Itgeed koDdordHEAD (30)COAT (30)Skull 10 Texture, Curl, Density 30Muzzle & chin 10 COLOR (10)Ears and eyes 10 Including Eye Color 10BODY (30)Torso 15Legs and Feet 10Tail 5GENERAL: the <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> is the result of a dominant, spontaneous mutation that causes eachhair (guard, down and awn) to have a gentle curl giving the coat a soft feel. This is a mediumto large cat with heavy boning that gives the cat surprising weight and an impression of power.Females may be less massive than males but not dainty in appearance. The <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> is anactive cat with a sweet and endearing personality.HEAD: Skull: round, broad and full-checked in both males and females. Round underlyingbone structure with no flat planes. Muzzle: the muzzle is medium width. The underlying bonestructure is rounded with well-padded whisker pads to give the impression of squareness. Thelength is equal to 1/2 the width. Profile shows a muzzle, clearly visible beyond the curve of thecheek. The tip of the chin lines up with the tip of the nose and the upper lip in the same verticalplane. Profile reveals a nose stop. The nose has a downward slant with a convex curve andis set below the eye line. Chin: firm and well-developed, balanced in proportion to rest of head.Ears: medium in size, broad at the base. tapering, set well apart. Should fit into (without distorting)the rounded contour of the head. Furnishings, if present, are curly. Eyes: large, rounded,set well apart. The eyes should not appear almond or oval-shaped and inside and outsidecorner of eyes are in the same level horizontal plane.BODY: Torso: medium to large and well-balanced. The substantial muscular torso is more rectangularthan square, but not long. Back is straight with a slight rise to the hindquarters. Shouldersand hip should appear to be the same width. Legs: medium to long. Substantial boning. Shouldbe in proportion to the body. Feet: large, round, and firm. Toes: five in front, four behind. Tail:medium length, proportionate to body. Heavy at base, neither blunt nor pointed at tip.COAT: Coat length: two lengths - short and long. The differences in coat length are most obviouslyseen on the tail and ruff. On the shorthairs the tail hair is the same length as the coat(approximately 1"-2") and tail curls are plush and lie compactly around the tail. The ruff is thesame length as the coat fur. On the longhairs, the tail curls are plumy and stand out away fromthe tail. The ruff hairs are also longer and frame the face. SHORTHAIR — Texture: the coattexture is soft, plushy, full and obviously curly. Density: the coat is dense and full with no baldor thinly covered areas of the body. The coat stands out from the body and should not appearflat or close-lying. Curl: this is a random, unstructured coat, arranged in loose, individual curls.The cur.'s appear to be in -eitimps" rather than as an all over wave. Mit-lough curl varies by hairlength, sex and age in an individual, the entire coat should show the effect of the rex gene.Curliness may be evident more around the neck, on the tail and the belly. Allowance should bemade for less curl on younger adults and kittens. LONGHAIR — Texture: the coat texture issoft, full, and obviously curly. It does not feel or appear to be as plush as the shorthair coat, ho■% -ever, should not appear to be thin. Density: the coat is dense and full with no bald or thinly coveredareas of the body. The coat may stand out from the body but may appear and feel less thanplush, but not close-lying. Curl: this is a random, unstructured coat, arranged in loose, individualcurls. The curls appear to be in "clumps" or "ringlets" rather than as an all over wave.Although curl vaires by hair length, sex and age in an individual, entire coat should show theeffect of the rex gene. Curliness may be evident more around the neck, on the tail and the bell'.Allowance should be made for less curl on younger adults and kittens.PENALIZE: Excessive cobbiness or sleek oriental appearance.DISQUALIFY: Extreme nose break, lack of visible muzzle, malocclusion, tail kinks, crossedeyes, obvious physical deformities, including polydactl feet, no evidence of curl.CH. PR Wouldn't', Brute W000los. a c ream junta and a lute94 short hair neuter Bo/01, Donna BassCH Sotatlt, Creamwrkurls of Calumet. a t ream tabh% quo-thannude CFA ?rcl Bea of Breed and the %/Wu (At RC:V(117 s Best ofBreed. 2002 Br K,, Bales (Si Cortina Sinker and Al BloomCH. BW l.a Purr . Fet t Rappunzl of Deeneh kura calico longhair female Br Debra Siotherlam.011 Jeri Sigh Mall and Debt Kallmeser

coat settles down and becomes closer to its maturestage. Even during this intermediate stage. the coatshould exhibit some curl around the neck and onthe tummy From one year of age on. the coatbecomes curlier and softerA mature male or spayed female will have the bestcoat In the best examples, the curling is strongeston the flanks, tummy and around the neck, withsome curl on the back The hair on the back seemsto be the most difficult with the least amount ofcurl, regardless of the softness of the rest of thecoat A mature female, however, can at timesappear either curly or nearly straight, depending onthe state of her hormones While in heat, pregnantor lactating, a female's coat looks nearly straight,between heats, the coat curls to its regular stateLook for a coat that is not too soft or too hard, butthick Remember that the coat of a growing <strong>Selkirk</strong>may not be much like the coat that he will have asan adult ( M Jones, 2002)The whiskers are the second most noticeable char-,Ictenstic More than one <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> exhibitor hasbeen asked why they cut off the whiskers Before anewborn <strong>Selkirk</strong> is even dry, it can be classified aseither curly or straight by its whiskers Curly<strong>Selkirk</strong>s have curly whiskers at birth Even if the:oat appears nearly straight later on, the cat has thecurly gene and retains the curly whiskers If thehiskers are straight, the cat is also a straight-hairedand v% ill never pass on the curly gene The whiskerson a <strong>Selkirk</strong> can be described as short, curly andSparse Because the whiskers are curly and brittle,:hey break ofT when they get too long, even though.: long one is occasionally visible The w hiskers do'lot change as the cat grows older, if the whiskers.ire curly at birth, they will he curly as an adultLook for Roundest head and broadest muzzle.tv ailable. prominent whisker pads (as opposed to..mitly rounded), round eyes with level-set, plushycurls in the shorthairs and long, loose curls in the.onghairsv oid Flat heads, shanty eyes, narrow muzzles,-.,Lrd coats, light boning, small size, short and,obby bodies, tiny ears, short tails or cats with asoak above the eyesI fomozygous "Curlies" The <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> gene istrue dominant in that approximately 25% of thesmells produced in <strong>Selkirk</strong>-to-<strong>Selkirk</strong> breedings.:re homozygous curlies The homozygous kittenslook like their heterozygous. non-curly siblings.:nil approximately three weeks of age At that-vim. these cats appear difTerent with angular,'inched faces, large ears, sparse coat (includingor loss) and pear-shaped bodies Kittens borna homozygous cat will all be curly. A.0inozygous cat is born when a curly is bred with.1 curly. At this time in our history, the recommenlinonremains not to breed a homozygous catith another homozygous cat (remember the detimtionof homozygous is different from curly) Thesdkirks have a limited amount of time for out-,rossing (2010 for Persians and Exotics and 2015•or British Shorthairs) There is nothing more-mportant than the health of the breed and the.Apansion of the gene pool is imperativeThe cats that are homozygous for the curly coatfactor have a sparser, tighter coat than those whoonly have one <strong>Selkirk</strong> parent. Right now, it appearsthat the heterozygous cats most closely fit our standard,but the homozygous cats are very valuable toour breeding programs as every kitten produced bythem will be curlyThe <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> genetic factor does not appear tobe debilitating in homozygous form However,some transient problems have been seen in a fewhomozygous cats, most probably due to breedingtoo closely on the original cats, rather than becauseof the nature of the genetic mutationAt this time, outcrossing is our primary focus: tohelp build the foundation gene pool upon whichour breed will depend in the futureBreeding <strong>Selkirk</strong>s means attention to the basicsInterest in colors and patterns are secondary to thebasics "I would like to see a row of <strong>Selkirk</strong>s at ashow with bodies, heads, and coats that lookstamped out of the same cookie cutter before westart focusing on what strange new colors we cancreate " (Shelton, 1994)Oaktree's SocratesFlow many <strong>Selkirk</strong> breeders became involvedbecause of "Socrates" (a red, longhair, patient boywho looks like the Cowardly Lion) and his owner,Nancy McMullen" The answer is most of usCertainly this was the scenario for myself I wasaway on a business trip in 1996 and trying to connectwith home, when I bought a CATS USA magazineI was thoroughly entertained by studyingeach picture but was overwhelmed with envy whenI saw this red curly cat, "Socrates " Since then. Ihave discovered that many had the same conversionexperience. Socrates was used on the first<strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> breed pamphlet, inspiring many Theonly problem w as that there was only one SocratesFinding my first <strong>Selkirk</strong> on the East coast was achallenge. My experience is duplicated in thewords of Stephanie Zabel In the following quote,Stephanie visits a cat show for the first time hopingto become a breeder"You would never believe the negatix cresponse that I got at that shom, in regard tomy cat! I believe that a less determined personwould have been crushed by this Thelight at the end of the tunnel was a womanshowing a big red curly cat There was such acrowd around her that we couldn't even get ina peck, the bit I overheard her say was thatPersians were being used in the breeding programMy friend and I made a point to keepcruising that area until the woman was freeThat woman was Nancy McMullen and thatbig red curly cat was Oaktree's Socrates Iwas totally intrigued' I asked Nancy for moreinformation and she found me a chair andtalked to me at length about her cats, thebreeding program and the possibility of mybreeding <strong>Selkirk</strong>s" (Zabel. 1995) Jeri is theoriginator, but for the <strong>Selkirk</strong> breeders,Nancy is the queen.iliimmers Men. Cheerio. a brosut Intl( Aerei tabbh longhairfemale Br/011 Fred WernerGC ,Nate Wind Tsunami 01 !keno, kart a blue :ream longiumfemale CFA's ?hi Best of Breed. 2001 Br Ilan Jones O.1) Kalb:tele, J Newnan and IN JonesGC. BW Panuus Winme The Blue. is blue shorthair male TheNorths, est &TIM,. 2nd Best of Breed. 2002 Also CFA's andthe North:1,es! Region's Best it1 Breed. 200/ Br PamelaSharp Os, Pamela Sharp and n BassGP Calumet Toni Home Perm, a tortoiseshell longhair spa,Br/0,, (\nano I Sinker95

This small core membership grew over the nextfive years to total more than 50 members, locatedin all CFA regions in the continental US andCanada. From isolated small towns in the backwoodsof Canada to the largest metropolitanareas in California, the club's members are adiverse group of individuals, working to improvethe breed's Championship status in CFA. Thecatch phrase of "A cat in sheep's clothing," is adesignation often used by the breed club.ConclusionThis breed is not for the uptight, organized breederor pet owner. These cats' humans must be preparedto take all kinds of hair jokes. The breederswere polled and these are the remarks heard mostoften: "This is a <strong>Selkirk</strong> <strong>Rex</strong> - spell that W-R-E-C-K-S;" "Mutant," "Looks like a poorlygroomed Persian," "Bedhead," "Just-woke-up-look," "Raggedy Ann," "Afro-Cat," "Bad hairday cat," "Stuck a paw in a light socket,""Wash and wear breed," "mop," "rug," "Curlycat poodle," "Curly Brit.," "Dustmop" and"Unmade bed." Like a "picked-on" cat, wehave learned to live with all of your remarks.But do remember this - if you think you areoriginal, you probably aren't. Also, take a goodlook at the person; maybe this is not the day tobe insensitive or maybe this is the day to joke.We know that one of the best features of thisbreed over any other is that this cat can makeyou laugh! My unoriginal comment made oftenduring the Provisional status days when a winwas never possible is: "They may not alwayswin the beauty pageant, but they always winthe title of Miss Congeniality." In 2002, especiallyin the western and mid-western regions,they are winning the beauty pageant plusretaining their personality titles.My role in writing this article is that of compiler.The above information consists of quotes from J.Newman, D. Bass, R. Davis, D. Kallmeyer, L.Shelton and "The Woolgathering" the breednewsletter. The above breeders, plus their manyconverts, have faithfully documented each stageof development, and have been meticulous inencouraging the highest standards in breeding.My role has been small but committed. In region1, 1 consistently showed "Cubby," "Cherrios,""Shadow" and "Brillo." Without all the regionsinvolved, Championship would never have beenpossible. *Breeding StatisticsData in the following chart was provided by the authorColor 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000ShorthairWhite 00 0 0Copper-Eyed White I8 9 12Odd-Eyed White 00 0 0Blue 27 9 10Black 1120 24 31Red 13 4 4Cream 24 4 7Cream Cameo Smoke 00 I 1Dilute Calico 22 6 8Blue-Cream Smoke 00 0 0Chinchilla Silver 00 0 0Shaded Silver 00 0 3Black Smoke 02 2 2Silver Tabby 04 4 4Blue Tabby 00 0 0Red Tabby 210 12 19Shaded Tortoiseshell 00 0 0Brown Tabby 38 10 IITortoiseshell 414 17 19Calico 06 9 12Blue-Cream 00 0Blue Tabby 00 0 0Cream Tabby 22 3 8Bi-Color 1021 27 33Cameo Shaded 00 0 0Red (Smoke) Cameo 00 0 0Cameo Tabby 00 0 2Blue Silver Tabby 00 0 0OSRC 225 37 48Silver Patched Tabby 00 0 0AOV - SH 17 9 12Chocolate 00 0Lavender 00 0 0Chocolate Smoke 00 0 0Lavender-Cream 00 0 0Sable 03 8 8Champagne 01 1 1Cream Point 00 0 1Chocolate Point 00 0 0Seal Point 12 3 4Blue Point 11 1 1Flame PointTortie Point 1242445Lilac-Cream Point 00 0 0Blue-Cream Point 11 1 3Chocolate Lynx Point 00 0 0Seal Lynx Point 00 0 1Blue Lynx Point 00 0 0Total Shorthair 48 70 112 157 207 276 342 4162001 20025162192256014162156971420153623832784213661252191531587905212589ColorCopper-Eyed WhiteOld-Eyed WhiteBlueBlackRedCreamDilute CalicoShell TortoiseshellChinchilla SilverShaded SilverBlack SmokeSilver TabbyRed TabbyShaded TortoiseshellBrown TabbyTortoiseshellCalicoBlue-CreamBlue TabbyCream TabbyBlue ShadedBi-ColorCameo ShadedRed Smoke CameoCameo TabbyBlue-Silver TabbyShaded TortieOSRCSilver Patched TabbyAOV-LHChocolateLavenderChocolate-TortieNatural MinkSableCream PointCream Lynx PointChocolate PointSeal PointLilac PointBlue PointFlame PointChocolate-Tortie PointTortie PointLilac-Cream PointBlue-Cream PointTotal LonghairGrand Total19932012200000000002000000000000000000000000000009571994215330000001000200000000000101000000000000000019891995 1996 1997Longhair4 6 91 1 13 5 63 4 54 4 80 0 00 1 10 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 12 3 31 2 30 0 01 1 22 4 70 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 30 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 03 5 101 I 10 2 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 10 0 00 0 00 1 10 1 10 0 00 1 10 0 00 0 025 46 66137 203 27319981827612011033383613I30I080000015120000010100I412011284041999232910140I103518361513221160000016130000110110I4120115950120002441115170110464114718153212111000171300011102402616012086242001 2002244142417I1105851147212742129121001914100413134138171125977526417331946107II6144924784214322211212421415046258192233992897

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