Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...


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abies. You must then try to keep herwith you as much as possible, rnak<strong>in</strong>g agreat fuss <strong>of</strong> her but prevent<strong>in</strong>g her fromsee<strong>in</strong>g the kittens. It is always a sadtime when you have to part them.Just a few f<strong>in</strong>al words <strong>of</strong> advice on theimportant subject <strong>of</strong> groom<strong>in</strong>g. Youshould start grbom<strong>in</strong>g kittens at an earlyage so that <strong>in</strong> later life they will not resentit. There must be no harsh brush<strong>in</strong>g andcomb<strong>in</strong>g. Take a kit <strong>in</strong> your lap, let itplay with the brush or comb or a woollytoy whilst you carelully groom the frill,back, sides, tummy and tail. Hold cachleg up and comb under to keep any lurfrom matt<strong>in</strong>g. If this is done daily, theywill learn to expect and appreciate it.With a piece <strong>of</strong> clean cotton wool lbreach kitten, wipe each eye and each earout and occasionally dab the rvool onboracic powder belore do<strong>in</strong>g th- ears.This keeps them clean and free lromgrease.At eight weeks old, give homepathicc<strong>in</strong>a-anth drops <strong>in</strong> case o1' rvorms. Allkittens should have this. Mrs. Bruntontold mc <strong>of</strong> Ihi. precaulionary trearmenrseveral vears ago and I have handed iton to others. Give the dose <strong>in</strong> the morn.<strong>in</strong>g rvhen the kitten's tummy is empty,hav<strong>in</strong>g left no food about dur<strong>in</strong>g thenight. No starv<strong>in</strong>g is necessarv. Dosesare : B weeks, 2 drops ; 10 rveeks, 3drops: 3 months,4 drops; 4 to 6months. 5 drops ; 7 months, 6 drops ;l0 rnonths and orer, 7 or B drops. Theseclo.e. thould be gir.n three consecurivedavs belore breakfast. Repeat <strong>in</strong> a lveek.tJr-n give lLnnightly up ro 4j monrhr,then monthly or as required.\-eter<strong>in</strong>ary surgeons now have tabletsrrhich save any withhold<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> mealsovernight. These are given accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe' rreight <strong>of</strong> the cat or kitten. Neuerrlorm them unless you have the advice<strong>of</strong> lour vet., kittens have been lostrlrr,'r'oh isnnrance nn .. rh' . ..rs lmporLantpo<strong>in</strong>t and it is alu'a,vs wise to call <strong>in</strong>expert adlice.B.::- L. .

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