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and 20th June, <strong>in</strong> Paimerston North on27thJune, <strong>in</strong> Inver.cargill on 4thJuly andChristchurch on Bth July.Mention <strong>of</strong> New Zealand, rem<strong>in</strong>ds methat this delectable country now has irsorvn cat journal. It is called Cax Monthltand is devotecl to the welfare, breed<strong>in</strong>gand exchange <strong>of</strong> cats. Editor and publisheris Miss Dulcie Hore, 52 Roy Street,Palmerston North, New Zealand, and,the price is ls. 4d. per copy. The issuesI have seen have carried some usefulveter<strong>in</strong>ary notes, general <strong>in</strong>terest featuresrvith illustrations and news items aboutthe English Fancy by Mrs. D. Brice-Webb. The launch<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> this journal isa courageous venture that merits thesupport ol cat lovers everywhere.It is reported that the Vatican State<strong>in</strong> Rome is alarmed at tl.re rise <strong>of</strong> its fel<strong>in</strong>epopulation. A weed<strong>in</strong>g out <strong>of</strong> undesirableshas been made by a squad <strong>of</strong> pontificalgendarmes and as a result somethirty cats have been transferred to ananimal home.There is no gett<strong>in</strong>g away from thetruth-writes Michael Joseph <strong>in</strong> a contributionto the magaz<strong>in</strong>e Men Onbthatcat lovers are <strong>in</strong> a sense separatedfrom their fellow men, and that theyshare with each other the peculiar devotionto the cat which confers on them theprivileges and exclusiveness <strong>of</strong> a lreemasonry.It is a society which has norules, no subscriptions, and no signs orbadges enabl<strong>in</strong>g members to recogniseone another. But it is an <strong>in</strong>disputablefact that true cat lovers always d.orecognise other cat lovers, at any rate <strong>in</strong>the presence <strong>of</strong> a cat.Newspaper correspondenc Mrs. E.Rhodes, <strong>of</strong> Deganwy, Wales, writes :My l4-year-old cat never purred <strong>in</strong> allhis life'until we moved from the Midlandsto Wales 1B months ago. Now he isalways purr<strong>in</strong>gPlaywright Terence Rattigan lives <strong>in</strong>a. delightful fourth-floor penthouse <strong>in</strong>Belgravia which is decorated to give anout-<strong>of</strong>-doors impression. A balcony gaywith w<strong>in</strong>dow boxes opens out to a tree_filled square. Most subdued glrest at arecent celehralion was Mr. Rattigan'sblack cat Ruffies, who fell 75 ft. {rom thebalcony to the pavement below. Ruffiesescaped wirh a fright and a bruis<strong>in</strong>g.An X-ray apparatLrs has been <strong>in</strong>sralleclat Wood Green Animal Shelter. It is thegift <strong>of</strong> an anonymous woman donor <strong>in</strong>memory <strong>of</strong> her dead sister. The appatatuswill make possible a speedy diagnosis<strong>of</strong> animal compla<strong>in</strong>ts and supply details<strong>of</strong> fractures with<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>utes <strong>of</strong> a patient'sat:rival at the Shelter. It is expectedthat the police and <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> humanesocieties will avail themselves <strong>of</strong> theseunique facilities.In the House <strong>of</strong> Commons on l8thNlarch the M<strong>in</strong>ister <strong>of</strong> Agriculture wasasked rvhether he had carried out tests<strong>of</strong> the new humane rabbit trap andwherher the results were sufficientlysatisfactory for him to be able to makethe use <strong>of</strong> the g<strong>in</strong> trap illegal. TheM<strong>in</strong>ister (Sir Thomas Dugdale) replieclthat supplies <strong>of</strong> the Imbra trap were be<strong>in</strong>gdespatched to county agricultural executivecommittees.The current Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the ScottishCat Club reveals that the f<strong>in</strong>ancial position<strong>of</strong> the Ciub is sound. Mr. peter p.Connor was elecred President at therecent Annual General Meet<strong>in</strong>g. Mrs.F. M. Richardson cont<strong>in</strong>ues <strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice aslIon. Secretary/Treasurer. This year,sshow will be held on 28th November <strong>in</strong>Paisley Town Hall, a new venue.Dr. Neguib, younger brother <strong>of</strong> theEgyptian Premier, recently arrived <strong>in</strong>England with his wife and three childrenfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> study<strong>in</strong>g veter<strong>in</strong>arysurgery.To-day's popular song parodied :IIow much is that moggie <strong>in</strong> the w<strong>in</strong>dow ?The one with the beautiful tail.How much is that moggie <strong>in</strong> the w<strong>in</strong>dow?I do hope that moggie's for sirle.Mrcrry.30

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