Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...


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Lirne l{aterIs it advisable to give lirne waterto a cat ? I have been told it isbeneffcial.We strongly adr.ise aga<strong>in</strong>st the use <strong>of</strong>lime water. A cat needs all the acid <strong>in</strong>her stomach which nature provides forthe process <strong>of</strong> digestion. Lime waterwould neutralise this acid.Siarnese RegistrationI have a pedigree Siarnese catwhich I wish to register. Would youadvise rne how to make the necessaryarrangernents and what is thecost ?The lbrm <strong>of</strong> registfation can be obta<strong>in</strong>edfrom the Assistant Secretary <strong>of</strong>theGovern<strong>in</strong>g Council <strong>of</strong> the Cat Fancy,Mr, K. J. Aitken, 2 Commonfield Road,Banstead, Surrey. The fee per registrationis 2s. 6d. If you wish merely toregister a change <strong>of</strong> ownership for a catwho has already been registered, the feeis 2s. It should be noted that the addressgiven is for Siamese registrations on1y.Born Open-eyedMy Red Tabby Persian gave birthto four beautiful kittens with theireyes open. The veter<strong>in</strong>arian whosaw them told rne to leave them fora while. However, at three weekshe had toput them to sleep as theywere bl<strong>in</strong>d. I would like to knowthe cause. The succeed<strong>in</strong>g litter wasquite healthy,,\nimals which are homozvgos lbr tht:gene (open eyes at birth) do not get theirlids jo<strong>in</strong>ed completely be{bre birth andare therefore born with rheir cyes openr.rr partly opeh. 'fhe eyes are thereforecxposed to <strong>in</strong>juries as movements <strong>of</strong> thelids do not take place. The causc o{'thiscondition is usually genetic and <strong>in</strong> thisparticular case it is likely that the causeis environmental. It was probablybrought on by a shock to the mother orperhaps a damage just after birth. -fhenormal condition with eyes closed atbirth is provided by nature as a protectir.emeasurer. Thc lids arc jo<strong>in</strong>ed upbe{bre birth by a bridgc <strong>of</strong> epithelium.P(}RTRAIT OF AGANruEMANAs no gentleman would enterta<strong>in</strong>fleas or lice, he is dustedwith (Lorexane' Dust<strong>in</strong>e Powderonce a fortnight for permanentpiotection. (Lorexane'is deadly to these troublesomesk<strong>in</strong> parasites.6l6#exirnet 38SSHf;(Conta<strong>in</strong>s gamma BHC)Retail price 2i- <strong>in</strong> a conaenient conta<strong>in</strong>er.pUyjngt]e, frcm 1-our,usual supplier or, <strong>in</strong> case <strong>of</strong> difficulty, writero imperlat uhem,cat /t,harm.lceulicrls) Lrd...Wilmslow, MrnChester.a subsidiary company ot Imperial Chemical Indusrries LrA.t2Ph.B.Jo I

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