Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...


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Quiz!In u'hich " thirsters after knowledge " are handed over toour panel <strong>of</strong> experts. Readers are <strong>in</strong>vited to submit theirquestions-by post, please, mark<strong>in</strong>g their envelopes " Quiz "<strong>in</strong> the top left-hand corner.Rais<strong>in</strong>g OrphansCan an orphan kitten be raisedon coavts rnilk ?Yes, cow's milk is similar <strong>in</strong> comlr'rsitionto that <strong>of</strong> a queen' The comparabltrconstituents <strong>in</strong> each are approximately :Cat's milk-8Zfro water, 7o,,'u prote<strong>in</strong>.50[ sugar, 5o/o lat and 0.6-0/o ash. Cow'smilk-86.51( water' 3'B% prote<strong>in</strong>, 4.7!lsugar, 4.3o/n fat, 0.7lro ash.On CatnipWould you describe the Plantcatnip as a tonic for a cat ?Because ol il\ aruma. r atnip it rrndoubtedlya mental tonic but ue doubtif takcn <strong>in</strong>ternally it could evcr be anr'-th<strong>in</strong>g more than a rnild nerrt: stimulantfur a cal. .\s one writer has ptrt it veryappositely, " a cat love's noth<strong>in</strong>g betterthan a voluptuous roll <strong>in</strong> a bed <strong>of</strong> catnip."lVe don't hear a lot about theplant <strong>in</strong> this country, but <strong>in</strong> America, fcrrexample, it is grown and marketed commercially<strong>in</strong> quite a big way and we havcread <strong>of</strong> calnip scratch<strong>in</strong>g posts. catniptoys and specially prepared catnip <strong>in</strong>bottles. <strong>Cats</strong> seem to prefer it dried.Another plant which cats l<strong>in</strong>d cxcit<strong>in</strong>gis the garden heliotrope, particularly theroots, and rve have heard <strong>of</strong> some rvhoare {asc<strong>in</strong>ated bY the sage hcrb'H<strong>in</strong>ts on Groorn<strong>in</strong>gI have a Crearn Petsian who requircsa great deal <strong>of</strong> brush<strong>in</strong>g.IJnfortunately he cannot bear histummy or h<strong>in</strong>d quarters brushedor combed and I am rather lenientwith him and stop operations directlyhe protests, Consequently, aboutthis time <strong>of</strong> the year he developsballs <strong>of</strong> fur along his sides and onhis h<strong>in</strong>d legs. Could you please tellme the best way to approach theproblem <strong>of</strong> the daily brush when theold fur has gone,The dailv bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>of</strong> bmsh<strong>in</strong>g andcomb<strong>in</strong>g Longhairs is onc that must behandled resolutely. It may well be <strong>in</strong>your casc that another pair <strong>of</strong> handsrvould he us-ltrl unril tlr" cat g"ts u"edto the ide a oi'firm handl<strong>in</strong>g. Very <strong>of</strong>tenan aclrLlt cat is clifiicult to groom becauseit has not been tra<strong>in</strong>ecl properly liomkittenhood. \{()st cats likc hnrsh<strong>in</strong>g andresent comb<strong>in</strong>g, especiall,v comb<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> theundcrparts. After a bricf brush<strong>in</strong>g. youshould start comb<strong>in</strong>g with one <strong>of</strong> thespecial metal combs made for the job andusually obta<strong>in</strong>ablc from any good petstores. Stand the cat upright and startwith rhe hcad. \Vhen 1ou proceed tocomb dorvn the back and sides, grasp albld <strong>of</strong> the cat's sk<strong>in</strong> ancl hold it firmlv,mak<strong>in</strong>g r he pu I I <strong>of</strong> t h- cum b come aqai nstthe handful <strong>of</strong> iiLr. Anvmatted bits <strong>of</strong> furshould be removed by cutt<strong>in</strong>g away witha sharp pair <strong>of</strong>'scissors. Take carc notto pull on the flcsh, espccially rvhen youget to thc ,more tender parts. If yourpet cont<strong>in</strong>ues to be resentlul <strong>of</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>gopcrations. then obviouslv you needsonre help, someone to holcl h<strong>in</strong>r lvhileyou get on t'ith thr: job.t1

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