Irish Youth Music Awards - Youth Work Ireland

Irish Youth Music Awards - Youth Work Ireland

Irish Youth Music Awards - Youth Work Ireland


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YOUTH WORK IRELAND<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Music</strong><strong>Awards</strong>‘Be Part of It’Rules 2013Saturday 27 th April 2013Liberty Hall Theatre,Dublin 1IYMA RULES 20131

IYMAs 2013 RulesAt the outset, each region must select a local act which they think will bestrepresent their region at the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Awards</strong> in Dublin on 27th April2013.However, the only people allowed to take part in the decision making process,are the musicians themselves!No adults. No experts. No lobby groups.Each act has an equal number of votes - 4 votes - (singer songwriter has sameamount of votes as a full band etc) to ensure fairness.The incentive for the acts to vote wisely is that, if their region scoops the mainaward in Dublin, everyone in their regional group gets to spend time in aprofessional recording studio, where they will record a full album of their ownoriginal material!Those who are not actually playing at the Dublin show, all become part of thelocal support team, and are assigned a ‘job’. Photographers, image consultants,guitar techs, drum techs, radio pluggers, biog writers, press officers etc etc.…and they are all judged on their performance.The results for the teamwork are assessed, and added to the live performance of‘their act’. That’s how the winning region is chosen.Local Selection Full Rules / Guidelines1. Initial entry via entry forms.2. 10 entry forms will be drawn, and those 10 acts will be invited to take part in theLocal Live Selection Night. (Discretion to each location, as to exact numbers toperform on Live Selection Night, but only one act can be sent forward to DublinDay.)3. Applicants must be aged 12 to 19 years.4. In the case of a multiple application (BAND, DUO, TRIO etc) applicants must beAVERAGE AGE 12 – 19 years. (Different needs from different locations warrantthe need for local discretion within these age limits. Applicants whose ages areOUTSIDE these limits will not be considered.)5. Applicants should ideally already be members / volunteers within the local youthorganisation.6. Judges. THE ACTS ARE THE JUDGES. Each act will be given 4 Votes, and votingcards with their act name printed (rubber stamped) on them. Acts cannot votefor themselves. If an act consists of only one or two individuals, they are stillentitled to 4 votes AS AN ACT.IYMA RULES 20132

7. Audience votes count also as tie break only! Audience will be given voting slipsupon entry to venue. No audience voting cards to be given out after first act hasbegun performing.8. Total audience vote will count as ONE VOTE, effectively making the audience atiebreaker, and not a lobby.9. Votes will be collected and counted on the night, and selections made andannounced of One Artist, and 3 songs. NOTE TO STEWARDS; If winning ACT hasalso written winning SONG, then you go to song 2 on the list of winning songsand so on... until the winning song is from another original source(Famouscovers cannot be considered).10. This will be the song the winning act will need to prepare and perform in Dublin,along with 1 other song, which must be their own original composition.11. All voting slips must be forwarded onto <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> after event, to verifyvotes (send to Geraldine Moore).12. ‘23 Jobs’ will then be issued AT RANDOM from 2 hats (1 x names, 1 x job) forparticipants outside of songwriters and performers selected. The purpose ofthese jobs is to enable every participant to become part of the team behind theirrepresenting act.13. Representing artists also get jobs.14. It will be the responsibility of the assignee to learn about their job. Their Teamwill be graded on their collective performance.15. Job descriptions, along with hints and goals are printed below.16. <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> to be notified as to individuals and job titles.17. Preparation for the ‘Prep Gig’ gets underway immediately.What are The 23 Jobs?Announcing The IYMAs 2013 New Jobs List…There’s 23!So, the best band in the world is in your local <strong>Youth</strong> Club, and all you have to do is sendthem to Dublin on the 27th April and they’ll blow everybody’s socks off and then worlddomination is only a whisper away… ha ha ha ha (evil laugh)….But there’s a Catch 23 – this isn’t a band competition….This is The IYMAs 2013.The following is the brand new and exciting list of tasks which need to be completed inorder for World Domination to actually happen, as well as sending the best act in theworld to Dublin on the 27th April 2013 of course!And to make things easier, we have clearly marked the potential score of each task!And there are bonuses!Facebook Team:This Team will consist of the following1. Facebook manager: The Facebook manager is the person who has overallresponsibility for the opening and upkeep of the Facebook page. Link Facebookpage to IYMAs 2013 <strong>Music</strong> Award Facebook Page so we can see you- Tell uswhich Team you are. – Maximum Score 100 points.IYMA RULES 20133

2. Tech Uploader: Upload the information from the Stage Team, Image Team andPress Teams up on site, and make it all look as exciting as possible! – MaximumScore 30 points.3. Acquire ‘friends’ and set up groups. Maximum Score 20 Points.4. Post audio, if available. This is essential for this project, and we encourage therecording of audio and video on whatever forms available! Maximum Score 40Points.5. Post Video, if available. This is essential for this project, and we encourage therecordings of video on whatever forms available! Maximum Score 40 Points.6. Info Uploader – Upload forthcoming gig dates, and other news of any interest.Maximum Score 20 Points.Please note, Facebook is a self-regulated site, suitable for music promotion, but we stillurge caution in your online communications.SCORE: The maximum score for The Facebook Team is 250 PointsStage TeamThis Team will consist of the following:1. Stage Manager: For this project, it’s the job of the stage manager to draw up the‘stage specifications’ of the act, and post them onto your teams' Facebook page.These ‘Stage Specifications’ will be used on the night of 27th April 2013, and willbe judged as to their accuracy. ‘Stage specifications’ are essentially a ‘map’ ofthe stage, showing where band members stand/ sit, and which instruments theyuse. Maximum Score 30 Points.2. Sound Engineer: For this project, it’s the job of the sound engineer to draw up a‘channel list’ and ‘backline list’, and put them onto your teams' Facebook page.These lists will be used on the night of 27th April 2013, and will be judged as totheir accuracy. A 'channel list' and 'backline list' is a list of instruments beingused by the band / act, including vocalists, and amplification (eg 1 x MarshallJCM900 amp, 1 x Peavey 120 Bass Amp, 1 x Tama Swingstar Drumkit. 3 xvocals). Maximum Score 30 Points.3. Guitar Tech: For this project, it will be your job to supply your guitarists'equipment list(s) for posting onto your teams' Facebook page. Maximum Score30 Points.4. Drum Tech: In the real world, The Drum Tech makes sure that the drumkit is setup properly. For this project, it will be your job to put your drummers' equipmentlist onto your teams' Facebook page. Maximum Score 30 Points.5. Lighting Engineer: It will be the job of the lighting engineer to bring visual life tothe sound of the Artist. This can be achieved even through the use of veryminimal stage lighting. Make sure the 'live' photographer gets a good shot ofyour best efforts for the Facebook page! (Expensive lights are very oftenunavailable, so imagination is key!). Maximum Score 30 Points.SCORE: The maximum score for The Stage Team is 150 Points.IYMA RULES 20134

Audio & Photo Team:This Team will consist of the following: Live Photographer: Take ‘live’ shots onstage on the prep night. Maximum Score30 Points. Studio Photographer: In discussion with the image team and artist to take andselect ‘staged’ photos of the act. We would like to see 1 x indoor shot, and 1 x‘location’ shot (outdoor). Maximum Score 30 Points.Recording Engineer: Demo your act… Use whatever you can, we will award: Good recordings on any device! iPhone, cassette recorder or Windmill LaneRecording Studios, we don’t mind. You will be judged on quality versus yourequipment. Maximum Score 50 Points. Video Engineer: Use whatever you can, we will award imagination! Some of thebest videos in the world have been made on a tiny budget – or get a lend of your<strong>Youth</strong> Club’s best equipment, we don’t mind if you use a top of the range thingyor an iPhone, just make the best video you can out of what you have! Post thevideo on youtube via your Facebook page, and tell us what you used! MaximumScore 50 Points.SCORE: The maximum score for The Audio & Photo Team is 160 Points.Image Team: Image Consultant: It’s the Image Consultant’s job to talk to the Act about theirclothes and overall image. We suggest looking through music magazines andfashion magazines to see how successful contemporary artists presentthemselves. This is one of the areas where most artists fail, very often thinkingthat their heroes don’t engage in this, as it’s not cool. They all do, Green Day,Metallica, Damien Rice, Lilly Allen and obviously Madonna and U2. MaximumScore 40 Points. Make-up artist: In very basic band and artist photography, basic foundationmake-up is used to offset flash glare, and cover simple skin blemishes. Hair geland colouring are widely used to emphasise expression. Make-up is an art formin itself. It will be the Make-up artist’s Job to make sure this area is discussedwith the image team and the act before the photo sessions. If the act decide notto use your ideas, we will still need to know what ideas were suggested and theact may lose points for failing to work with make-up artist if reasons aren’tsensible. For this project, it will be your job to put your make-up ideas onto yourteams' Facebook page. Maximum Score 40 Points.SCORE: The maximum score for The Image Team is 80 Points.IYMA RULES 20135

Press Team:This Team will consist of the following:Biography writer: The Biography writer must put a 200 word ‘Biography’ of the Band /Act onto your teams' Facebook page. A ‘biography’ is the basic information that all newacts present to newspapers and magazines prior to their being famous or well known.Usually, this information would include band member names, a little about how theygot together, where they’re from and what their influences might be. Maximum Score40 Points.Hint no 1: Contact details of the Acts’ Management need to be made very clear in anyband biography.Hint no 2: Band biographies are notoriously boring and any flourish or twist that canbring some life into the piece could possibly make a real difference to your act beingnoticed. This is difficult (as it can backfire by being annoying!) but always worth a try. News writer: The News Writer’s job is to come up with at least one story aboutthe Act’s progress or any interesting thing that might grab the attention of thepress. These things can be anything from the Act saving a cat from a tree orbeing abducted by aliens. Interesting facts about artists aren’t always related tothe music, but they can be fun and news editors like these kind of stories. Didthe act recently meet someone famous?… Did they save some old lady’s catfrom a tree?… Don’t forget that the very fact that the Act has been selected torepresent your region is quite a bit of news in itself!… What is the date of yourlocal ‘Prep Gig’?… You should also mention that the date in Dublin is The 27thApril 2013 in Liberty Hall. Maximum Score 40 Points. PR agent: The PR Agents’ job is to take the Biography and the News piece fromthe Biography Writer and the News Writer and make a ‘Press Release’. Thensend it to as many of the LOCAL newspapers and magazines as possible. Don’tbe afraid to ring the newspapers and magazines also and see if they’ll help you,you’ll be very surprised at how helpful some of them can be! Put your PressRelease, along with any successful press placing’s onto your teams' Facebookpage. Maximum Score 50 Points. Radio Plugger: The Radio Pluggers’ job is to get onto as many LOCAL radiostations as possible. Don’t be afraid to ring the DJs as a lot of Radio Stations andDJs can be very helpful. Report your efforts along with any successful 'hits' ornews of radio plays onto your teams' Facebook page. Maximum Score 50 Points.SCORE: The maximum score for The Press Team is 180 Points.Fundraising Team:This Team will consist of the following: Fund Raiser: The job of the Fund Raiser is to collect money locally to be puttowards the local campaign and costs towards your involvement in The IYMAs2012. Points will be awarded based on imaginative ideas for fundraising andmonies collected compared to the population in your area. Maximum Score 180Points.SCORE: The maximum score for The Fundraising Team is 180 Points.IYMA RULES 20136

For Further information please contact:Dermot Lambert on 085 851 5035OrGeraldine Moore on 01 8584506gmoore@youthworkireland.iewww.youthworkireland.ie<strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>20 Lower Dominick StreetDublin 101 8584500www.youthworkireland.ieSupported by:IYMA RULES 20138

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