Our Schools... - Oconomowoc Area School District

Our Schools... - Oconomowoc Area School District

Our Schools... - Oconomowoc Area School District


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<strong>Our</strong> <strong><strong>School</strong>s</strong>...The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> (OASD) covers approximately 120 sq. miles in the northwest corner of WaukeshaCounty, the eastern part of Jefferson County and the southeast poron of Dodge County and includes the communiesof <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, Summit, Mapleton, Ixonia and parts of the towns of Ashippun and Concord. In the 2011‐12 schoolyear, more than 5,000 students prepared for their future as part of the <strong>District</strong>.OASD offers a vibrant, challenging and responsive educaon experience, designed to help students think crically, solveproblems, collaborate, adapt, iniate, communicate, create, ulize informaon and develop the skills necessary for futuresuccess.The <strong>District</strong> includes an exemplary high school serving students in 9th through 12th grades with a proud tradion ofexcellence in academics, arts and athlecs. OHS features Internaonal Baccalaureate classes along with a full scheduleof AP courses and transcripted opportunies.Nature Hill and Silver Lake intermediate schools are located at opposite ends of <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> and offer personalizedlearning experiences featuring three world languages, a complete arts curriculum and technology‐integrated discovery.Five elementary schools serve students from across the 13 municipalies that make up the <strong>District</strong>. The locaon ofthese facilies creates a neighborhood environment for students and families in grades 4K through 4. It is here that studentsbuild a foundaon for the future with the help of a dedicated, professional and well‐trained staff.Every school is supported by student services and special educaon professionals. Using a team approach, counselorsdeliver developmentally appropriate competencies with the child at the center of every decision. Within the next severalyears, an all‐district special educaon inclusion plan is expected to make posive changes in the lives of general andspecial educaon students.<strong><strong>School</strong>s</strong> Greenland ~ Ixonia ~ Meadow View~ Park Lawn ~Summit ~ Nature Hill ~ Silver Lake ~ <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong>19

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>School</strong> Contacts...Principal Phone E‐mailGreenland Elementary: John Flannery (262) 560‐8105 greenland@oasd.k12.wi.usIxonia Elementary: Deanna Burton (262) 560‐8405 ixonia@oasd.k12.wi.usMeadow View Elementary: Jason Schreiber (262) 560‐8005 meadowview@oasd.k12.wi.usPark Lawn Elementary: Jennifer Jones (262) 560‐8205 parklawn@oasd.k12.wi.usSummit Elementary: Robin Wilson (262) 560‐8305 summit@oasd.k12.wi.usNature Hill Intermediate: Michael O’Connor (262) 569‐4945 naturehill@oasd.k12.wi.usSilver Lake Intermediate: Ellyn Helberg (262) 560‐4305 silverlake@oasd.k12.wi.us<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong>: Joseph Moylan (262) 560‐3105 ohs@oasd.k12.wi.us<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong>: Sco Raduka, AD (262) 560‐3110 sco.raduka@oasd.k12.wi.us20

440 Coolidge St. | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 8105Greenland Elementary epitomizes the concept of a“neighborhood school.” Nestled in the heart of<strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, just off Fowler Lake and Lac La Belle,Greenland Elementary <strong>School</strong> educates many studentswho live within walking distance to our building.Opened in 1959, Greenland has maintained apresence as a community school that is a symbol ofpride for all who have aended.<strong>Our</strong> classrooms have strong reading pracces thatinclude guided reading, an increased volume of independentreading, reading connected to contentareas and wring, small group instrucon, conferencing,and other elements of reader’s workshop.Besides a strong literacy program, Greenland providesrelevant and engaging curriculum in the areasof math, science, social studies, art, music, physicaleducaon, guidance, and library. We are fortunateto have a dedicated, compassionate group of educatorsthat truly recognize the specific needs of everychild in the classroom.<strong>Our</strong> PTA does an amazing job of creang opportuni‐es for students outside of the school day. Studentscan parcipate in acvies such as movienights, water park excursions, and the highly ancipated“Greenland Games” at the end of the schoolyear. In partnership with the teaching staff, the PTAcreates an annual theme that enhances our acvi‐es. This year, the school community chose“Greenland Students Are Out Of This World.”We purchased ten iPads to be used by staff across ourschool to begin exploring ways in which we can meetstudents' needs through innovaon, visual modeling,and digital creavity. Working with OPEF and our PTA,we were able to secure funds for 75 mobile devices tobe deployed to classrooms beginning in September of2012. Members of our staff have met weekly duringsecond semester to evaluate best pracces in digitalintegraon.<strong>Our</strong> third grade technology students parcipated in adigital learning environment known as “E‐Pals.” <strong>Our</strong>students connected with third graders from across thecountry through the exchange of e‐mails and digitalmessages. They discussed geographic connecons,social issues relevant to their area and typical learningenvironments. <strong>Our</strong> students concluded the acvitywith a digital “face‐me” conversaon with a thirdgrade class in Parker, CO.Greenland joined forces with McDonald’s employees inFebruary for “McTeacher Night.” More than 20 Greenlandstaff members served families at our local McDonald’sand the event aracted more than 200 Greenlandstudents and families. The money raised was used byour student council to aid our development of the2012‐2013 building iniave: PBIS.John Flannery, PrincipalGreenland is a great school becauseof the teachers, students and parents.There is a community of caringand cooperaon between allthree. —OASD Parent21

Enrollment Students: 403 Female: 44% Male: 56% Econ Disadvantaged: 16% Disabilies: 21% English Lang Learners: 0.5% American Indian: 0% Asian: 2.5% Black: 0.2% Hispanic: 3.5% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 92.1% Two or More: 1.7%Aendance Aendance Rate: 96% Truancy Rate: 0%Behavior Suspension Rate: 0.5% Expulsions: 0%Class sizes 4K: 19.7 5K: 22.0 G1: 21.0 G2: 18.7 G3: 23.0 G4: 21.3Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 25.4 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 71%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 4K—4 Opened: 1959 Updated: 1963, 1996 Space: 67,200 Sq. Ft., 8.5AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 3 & 4)Greenland22

N8425 North Street | Ixonia, WI 53036 | Ph 262 560 8405Ixonia Elementary <strong>School</strong> is located ten miles westof <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>. It is a growing school with smalltown charm. There have been recent facility updatesto provide a conducive learning environmentfor students. Some of the updates include: technologyupgrades for wireless internet access; classroomcarpeng; painng; three mural installaons;and resurfacing and painng our playground blacktop.We have approximately 240 students enrolledin four‐year‐old kindergarten through fourthgrade. The Ixonia <strong>School</strong> staff is highly talented;they work diligently to meet the individual learningneeds of all students. This will be an excing newyear filled with great opportunies and challengesto learn and grow. We are excited about challengingour students to think crically, problem solveand prepare to live and work in a global society.The 2012/13 school year will be excing, filled withgreat opportunies and challenges. <strong>Our</strong> theme is“We will ‘Bee’ good learners at Ixonia <strong>School</strong>.”Ixonia <strong>School</strong> offers a research based curriculumthat will prepare students for academic success inyears to come. We believe strongly that early literacyis crucial for student success. As a result, wehave implemented the research based, ColumbiaTeacher’s College Readers’ and Writers’ workshopsover the past two years. Consequently, we haveobserved improvement in student reading levels,stamina and discussions surrounding literacy.For the past four years, we have ulized the ResponsiveClassroom program as a school culturebuilding tool. One of the many aspects of ResponsiveClassroom is that each morning every classroombegins the day with a morning meeng. Themorning meeng is a me for students to greetone another, share something special, play a communitybuilding game and learn about what theirday will look like. Responsive Classroom also ensuresthat staff model behavioral expectaons andulize a common language as we communicate.We understand the need to prepare our 21st century,digital learners. Technology is an importantpart of preparing students today for their journeystomorrow. Ixonia <strong>School</strong> has wireless conneconthroughout the building for easy internet accessibility.Every classroom has a document cameraand projector for instruconal needs; many classroomsare equipped with Smartboards and iPads.We also have two iTouch carts with 25 units percart.<strong>Our</strong> school‐wide goals this year were to increaseour test scores on the WKCE, coupled with increasedliteracy performance. We celebrate ourfourth grade students for 100% proficiency on theWKCE in Math this year and overall improvementsin reading on the WKCE as well. We also haveshown noted improvements on students internaltest scores in reading 5K‐4th grades, with the vastmajority of students scoring “exceeding” on theirreading assessments.Deanna Burton, PrincipalWe love Ixonia school andhave enjoyed all of our experiencesthere. —OASD Parent23

Enrollment Students: 239 Female: 51.5% Male: 48.5% Econ Disadvantaged: 19.2% Disabilies: 14.6% English Lang Learners: 1.7% American Indian: 0% Asian: 1.3% Black: 2.5% Hispanic: 3.3% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 92.9% Two or More: 0%Aendance Aendance Rate: 96.1% Truancy Rate: 1.1%Behavior Suspension Rate: 1.3% Expulsions: 0%Class sizes 4K: 22.0 5K: 17.7 G1: 16.5 G2: 19.5 G3: 22.5 G4: 25.0Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 13.6 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 39.3%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 4K—4 Opened: 1956 Updated: 1980, 1996 Space: 32,523 Sq. Ft., 14.6AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 3 & 4)Ixonia24

W360 N7077 Brown Street | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 8005Meadow View is a beauful school built on 80 acres ofland. We have several unique aracons including a naturalpond, hiking trails, and a nave Wisconsin prairie.“Meadow View – Oh The Places You’ll Go ” was theMeadow View theme in 2011‐2012 and our school goalfocused on improving our students’ reading achievement.Fountas and Pinnell reading benchmark assessmentswere used to monitor our students’ progress aswell as a data wall. Children in need of extra assistancereceived help from classroom teachers, intervenon specialists,and our Reading Specialist in a small groupseng. As a result of these and other efforts, our studentsconnued to score well on the reading poron ofthe Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exams.Meadow View connued tobuild strong partnerships withinthe building and community.<strong>Our</strong> PTO was very involvedonce again this year. Theirmain goal for the year washelping to infuse technologyinto our classrooms. Throughtheir efforts we purchasediPod Touches to enhance instruconand the learning experience.They also hosted afamily movie night, a schooldance, family game night, DerbyDate Night and other acvi‐es that gave our students,staff, and parents the opportunity to gather.We are excited to connue to provide a high quality educaonalexperience for our students and families!Jason Schreiber, PrincipalFrom the principal’s perspectiveWhile in classrooms I have seen….Varsity football players volunteering inclassrooms reading with our students.Students excited about wring.Students in music class praccing for ourVeteran’s Day observance.First grade math lessons focusing on regroupingand place value.Tumbling acvies in gym class.4th grade students working on a podcasngtechnology unit3rd graders using the Smartboard towork with Google Earth.2nd graders being introduced to frac‐ons in math.1st grade students reading and wringduring workshop.5K students reading on their own!4K boys and girls enjoying a read aloudfollowed by leer idenficaon andleer sound acvies.Great artwork on display from art class.Students enjoying extra‐curricular clubslike Spanish, Student Council, and LegoRobocs.Overall we are very pleased withMeadow View, its leadership,qualified educators, strong curriculum,and variety of acvies.—OASD Parent25

Enrollment Students: 492 Female: 49.8% Male: 50.2% Econ Disadvantaged: 19.3% Disabilies: 10.4% English Lang Learners: 0.4% American Indian: 0% Asian: 0.6% Black: 1.4% Hispanic: 1.8% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 94.5% Two or More: 1.6%Aendance Aendance Rate: 96.3% Truancy Rate: 0%Behavior Suspension Rate: 0% Expulsions: 0%Class sizes 4K: 22.0 5K: 23.3 G1: 23.3 G2: 22.3 G3: 25.3 G4: 24.3Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 24.4 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 33.0%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 4K—4 Opened: 1962 Updated: NA Space: 62,054 Sq. Ft., 80.0AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 3 & 4)Meadow View26

300 Park Lawn Street | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 8205Park Lawn Elementary <strong>School</strong> is located a few blocks from historic downtown <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> anddeemed a Blue Ribbon <strong>School</strong> of Excellence by the United States Department of Educaon. The staff atPark Lawn comprises 65 dedicated educators and paraprofessionals focused on providing a quality educaonto approximately 500 students from 4K through fourth grade.<strong>Our</strong> PTO does an amazing job supporng students and staff by sponsoringevents like the Scholasc Book Fair, Movie Nights, Dances, Pancake Breakfastwith Santa, Field Day, the annual Talent Show, and the Panther Prowl.A main PTO goal in 2011‐12 was to help supply new playground equipmentfor students. Through their efforts, new playground equipment was addedthis summer!Readers’ and Writers’ Workshop is the heart of our literacy instrucon. Studentspracce daily with an expert coach to learn the skills of proficientreading and wring. There has been a heightened movaon and love forliterature across all grade levels. <strong>Our</strong> classroom libraries also grew in 2011‐12 allowing student access to a wide array of books at various reading levelsand genres.Park Lawn uses technologies like iPod Touches for enhanced 21st centurylearning. Students use these devices to pracce and extend their skills inmath and language arts, view references, research, take notes, pracce fluency,take photographs, complete interacve polls, and create movies. Theavailable soware apps facilitate instruconal differenaon within theclassroom.PKL94 is Park Lawn’s very own social media network. This programming provides a daily televisedbroadcast produced and implemented by our very own students. Classrooms tune in to PKL94 everymorning at 8:42 for this thrilling broadcast. The show is hosted by two student anchors featuring studentguests who present the Pledge, lunch choices, weather, birthdays and other announcements. Behindthe scenes students are running the camera, computer and video mixer. Every child has an opportunityto make their TV debut on this thrilling broadcast.Park Lawn Elementary <strong>School</strong> is a very special place for both students and adults. <strong>Our</strong> staff and parentshave an unwavering commitment to excellence and together we will connue to provide an outstandinglearning environment for all our children.Jennifer Jones, PrincipalPark Lawn feels like familyto us. It is a great place tolearn. —OASD Parent27

Enrollment Students: 494 Female: 49.0% Male: 51.0 Econ Disadvantaged: 27.1% Disabilies: 15.4% English Lang Learners: 2.6% American Indian: 0% Asian: 1.6% Black: 1.0% Hispanic: 6.3% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 89.9% Two or More: 0.2%Aendance Aendance Rate: 95.2% Truancy Rate: 0.4%Behavior Suspension Rate: 0.6% Expulsions: 0%Class sizes 4K: 17.7 5K: 23.5 G1: 19.8 G2: 24.0 G3: 20.5 G4: 22.8Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 34.1 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 51.3%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 4K—4 Opened: 1950 Updated: 1958, 1996 Space: 63,818 Sq. Ft., 7.7AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 3 & 4)Park Lawn28

1680 Valley Road | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 8305Summit Elementary <strong>School</strong> is located next to theYMCA at Pabst Farms and serves more than 500 studentsfrom 4K to grade 4. The staff of Summit<strong>School</strong> is comprised of 40 highly qualified professionaleducators. <strong>Our</strong> staff maintains the standards andpracces of a professional learning community, collaborangwith one another in implemenng bestpracces to further student learning.During the 2011‐2012 school year, the Summit staffconnued Response to Intervenon pracces to provideindividualized instrucon to meet the needs ofall learners. Staff members sought to enhance alreadyexisng communicaon between home andschool by conducng parent informaon nights inthe fall, developing blogs and websites, and facilitangparent literacy nights for first grade parents.Summit students received naonal mathemacsawards, parcipated in the Milwaukee Public Museum’sYoung Authors’ Conference, had their artworkdisplayed at the Capitol Building in Madison, and hadtheir work published in the Five Lakes Anthology.Summit students made a difference in the local community,as well. They raised more than $9,000 forthe American Heart Associaon through Jump Ropefor Heart, collected food for the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> FoodPantry, donated clothing to Lake Country Caring, andraised more than $2,000 for Pennies for Paents.In addion, Summit <strong>School</strong>’s Art & Design Clubcreated <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>’s first Lile Free Library.Lile Free Libraries can be found in more than 200countries. Summit’s Lile Free Library is locatedoutside of Summit’s main entry and is open to thepublic every day of the year.Finally, Summit’s fourth graders were the winnersof the first annual Summit Staff/Fourth Grade KickballGame. The fourth graders’ trophy sits proudlyin the display case located in the front hall.The Summit staff looks forward to connuing ourwork in implemenng Posive Behavioral Intervenons& Supports (PBIS) as a part of our RtIframework. <strong>Our</strong> work in PBIS acknowledges theimportance of explicitly teaching social skills andposive behaviors to students, then providing studentswith the support they need to be successfulwith these important habits. <strong>Our</strong> plans seek waysto include all students in the seng and aainingof goals, so that they experience not only academicsuccess, but also success in their social and emo‐onal growth.The Summit staff also plans to connue work establishinginter‐rater reliability with district benchmarkassessments so that we maintain rigorousacademic standards for all students.Robin Wilson, PrincipalI love Summit Elementary. Theprincipal is incredible, the staffmembers are fantasc and thebuilding is great. —OASD Parent29

Enrollment Students: 549 Female: 49.7% Male: 50.3% Econ Disadvantaged: 15.1% Disabilies: 8.9% English Lang Learners: 0.9% American Indian: 0% Asian: 2.0% Black: 2.7% Hispanic: 5.5% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 88.9% Two or More: 0.9%Aendance Aendance Rate: 96.0% Truancy Rate: 0.4%Behavior Suspension Rate: 0.2% Expulsions: 0%Class sizes 4K: 20.0 5K: 20.0 G1: 19.0 G2: 20.4 G3: 20.2 G4: 25.0Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 31.9 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 54.9%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 4K—4 Opened: 2003 Updated: NA Space: 76,830 Sq. Ft., 30.0AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 3 & 4)Summit30

850 Lake Drive | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 569 4945Nature Hill Intermediate <strong>School</strong> is a warm and welcoming environment where students excel in academics, the artsand athlecs. We serve more than 750 students in 5th through 8th grades, who come to us from Meadow View,Ixonia and Greenland elementary schools. Addionally, 4th grade students from Ixonia Elementary will be joiningus for the 2012‐2013 school year. With the rigorous preparaon we provide our students in mathemacs, languagearts, science, social studies, music, visual arts, physical educaon and technology educaon, they leave uspoised and ready to be successful at <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> and beyond!The 60 professional educators at Nature Hill believe that all studentsare capable of reaching high academic expectaons whengiven the care, support and encouragement needed to do so. <strong>Our</strong>students perform exceponally well on the annual WisconsinKnowledge and Concepts Exam, with approximately 90% of all studentsscoring proficient or advanced in reading and mathemacs.We aribute our success to giving students large blocks of me inwhich to engage with core academic subjects. In addion, studentshave access to the help they need during daily intervenon periods to ensure that every child can succeed.With the push for academic success comes the need for strong, caring relaonships between staff and students.<strong>Our</strong> teachers connuously go above and beyond the call of duty to meet the social and emoonal needs of our students.We offer numerous extracurricular acvies, including Robocs, Student Council, Photography and Ski Club,that develop posive connecons between our students, our staff and our school.Nature Hill prides itself on being a leader in instruconal technology. <strong>Our</strong> goal is to leverage technology to createhighly personalized learning environments for all students. This focus has led us down several remarkable pathways.We have adopted several different game‐based courses that allow students to learn in new ways. <strong>Our</strong> olderstudents bring their own mobile devices to connect to the Internet, which allows them to pursue their passions andinterests in ways previously unimaginable. Ulizing Google Apps for Educaon, our staff and students are connecngwith each other and the outside world to develop deeper understandings of the curriculum. With thisflood of innovaon, it is truly an excing me to be at Nature Hill!New to our language arts curriculum during the 2011‐2012 school year was Reader’s Workshop from the Readingand Wring Project at Columbia University. In the past, we have employed the Writer’s Workshop model andfound tremendous success. The workshop model allows teachers to differenate literacy instrucon so that studentswrite and read at their level and have choice in their learning. With the implementaon of Writer’s andReader’s Workshop, NHI students grew in the area of wring stamina, wring volume and made remarkablegrowth in their reading levels.The staff, students and families of NHI welcome the opportunies and challenges that a new school year alwaysbring. We look forward to doing great things together!Michael O’Connor, Principal31I have been so thankful mychildren had the privilege toaend NHI. —OASD Parent

Enrollment Students: 764 Female: 52.4% Male: 47.6% Econ Disadvantaged: 21.3% Disabilies: 11.9% English Lang Learners: 0.8% American Indian: 0.5% Asian: 1.4% Black: 1.2% Hispanic: 2.4% Pacific Islander: 0.3% White: 93.6% Two or More: 0.7%Aendance Aendance Rate: 95.7% Truancy Rate: 2.1%Class sizes G5: 25.1 G6: 28.1 G7: 26.7 G8: 29.2Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 43.6 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 56.6%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 5—8 Opened: 2008 Updated: NA Space: 124,000 Sq. Ft., 77.0AcresBehavior Suspension Rate: 2.3% Expulsions: 0%AchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8)Nature Hill32

555 <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Parkway | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 4305Silver Lake Intermediate <strong>School</strong> instructs more than 700 students in grades 5‐8 who matriculatefrom Park Lawn and Summit elementary schools. Students may choose learningopportunies like Project Lead the Way (pre‐engineering) classes, world languages inMandarin, German, and Spanish, financial literacy, educaonal gaming, graphic arts, music,physical educaon, computer technology, and extra‐curricular opportunies in addi‐on to math, algebra, reading, wring, science and social studies. Staff learning opportuniesthis past year included instruconal differenaon and assessment/grading, bookstudies on 21st century fluencies, integrang digital media and emerging technologiesinto instrucon, inclusive educaon, Co‐teaching, Response to Intervenon, and literacyachievement with addional training in Readers’ and Writers’ workshop model.Highlights for 2011‐12<strong>Our</strong> staff parcipated in a summer Teachers College Reading and Wring Project through Columbia Universityto support expert literacy instrucon through research, wring and the professional developmentof teachers and school leaders.<strong>Our</strong> WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) 8th grade leaders provided social acvies for students to connectoutside the classroom, provided academic follow up teaching lessons on topics such as study skills andLiing People Up Instead of Pung Them Down and developed personal relaonships with our 5th graders.<strong>Our</strong> school partnered with Books & Company and our students worked with naonally known authorssuch as Lisa McMann—New York Best Selling author of the “Wake Trilogy” and “Cryer’s Cross.” Studentswere able to receive and express knowledge through the spoken, wrien, and visual language.<strong>Our</strong> students planned “A Tribute to our Veterans” luncheon and assembly thanking veterans for serviceto our country and prepared a talent show for the Milwaukee VAMC and supported one veteran for theStars and Stripes Honor Flight.<strong>Our</strong> students designed robots that led two of our robocs teams to the world championships in California.The Silver Lake “FIVE” team was given the highest award in the Vex Robocs compeon. We arethe Middle <strong>School</strong> Excellence Award 2012 World Champions!<strong>Our</strong> students planned and took acon in reaching out and giving back to a variety of organizaons suchas Beads for Life, American Red Cross, Ixonia and <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Food Pantries, One for Books, Jacobs Angels,and Soldier Care Package project.The 2012‐2013 school year promises to be wonderful. Silver Lake Intermediate<strong>School</strong>…demonstrang and showing accomplishment andexcellence!Ellyn Helberg, Principal33SLI is an amazing place andour children are so blessed tolive in this school district. —OASD Parent

Enrollment Students: 690 Female: 47.4% Male: 52.6% Econ Disadvantaged: 19.0% Disabilies: 18.4% English Lang Learners: 1.3% American Indian: 0% Asian: 1.0% Black: 1.7% Hispanic: 5.4% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 91.2% Two or More: 0.3%Aendance Aendance Rate: 96.0% Truancy Rate: 0.8%Class sizes G5: 24.7 G6: 26.7 G7: 28.2 G8: 27.6Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 43.9 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 59.5%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 5—8 Opened: 2008 Updated: NA Space: 124,000 Sq. Ft., 31.0AcresBehavior Suspension Rate: 2.0% Expulsions: 0%AchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8)Silver Lake34

<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong>641 E Forest Street | <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>, WI 53066 | Ph 262 560 3105<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> is a comprehensive school serving almost 1500 studentsgrades 9 through 12. <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> students can choose fromprogramming in the Internaonal Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, AdvancedPlacement, Project Lead the Way, Transcripted Technical College credit and manyother vocaonal course opons.<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High school offers a wide variety of courses for the wide range of studentinterests we serve. <strong>Our</strong> goal for all of our students is to be college and career ready in four years.To meet this goal we have programming in areas of vocaonal interests, college preparaon andthe arts. Each of these opons is well‐designed to offer students the skills and educaon they willneed in their later pursuits. We have added a program this year for students wanng a rigorouspreparaon for study in engineering through the Internaonal Baccalaureate Program called IBCC(Career Cerficaon). This program also matches our extra‐curricular offerings through robocs.This mirrors other program offerings which also are coupled with extra‐curricular opportunies.Because our programming is coupled with extra‐curricular offerings, we are able to broaden theexposure and pracce a student has in their learning.<strong>Our</strong> extra‐curricular groups have enjoyed a lot of success over the past year with band, robocs,FBLA ( Future Business Leaders of America), art and DECA (markeng club) all enjoying State andNaonal recognion. <strong>Our</strong> athlec program has won the coveted All Conference Award for theirsuccess, while sending individuals and teams to State for compeon.Academically, we have more students taking high level courses in Advanced Placement and InternaonalBaccalaureate than ever before in our history. Annually we have students recommendedfor Naonal Merit Scholarship and our students receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships.<strong>Our</strong> students enter college most oen having earned some college credit for use in theirpursuit of a major with Internaonal Baccalaureate Diploma students averaging over 30 credits atthe University of Wisconsin‐Madison.<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> prepares students for their next steps; 88% of OHS graduates who entercollege connue past their freshman year of study at the college of their choice. We are grafiedthat our students are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead while also learning to balance theirlives and interests. Having served the students of this community since 1882, we have a long proudhistory of developing young people and preparing them to make a difference in the world.Joseph Moylan, PrincipalOverall we have been very happywith OHS. Your staff is wonderful—OHS Parent35

Enrollment Students: 1,450 Female: 49.2 Male: 50.8 Econ Disadvantaged: 16.6% Disabilies: 13.7% English Lang Learners: 0.8% American Indian: 0.4% Asian: 0.7% Black: 1.1% Hispanic: 3.5% Pacific Islander: 0% White: 93.2% Two or More: 1.0%Aendance Aendance Rate: 94.4% Truancy Rate: 2.5%High <strong>School</strong>Compleon Compleon Rate: 96.5%Post‐Secondary College Enrollment: 72.0%Behavior Suspension Rate: 5.9% Expulsions: 0.3%Teachers Full Time Equivalent = 82.8 WI Teaching License: 100% Master’s Degree+: 62.8%<strong>School</strong> Facilies Grades: 9—12 Opened: 1965 Updated: 2008 (Arts Center &Fieldhouse) Space: 333,619 Sq. Ft., 52.4AcresAchievementWisconsin Knowledge & Concepts Exams (Grade 10)ACT Composite Score (0-36)36

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