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:.i- mated to Cream females,:he resuits rvere exceptionaily finedntr gave us many of our notedCreams. both male and female.I could mention also some fine:pecimens and notable winnerscarried on from Cream to Creamand Cream to Blue Creamcrosses.I have always preferred puttinga Blue Cream to a Cream or aBlue Cream to a Blue. Youshoulci not lose your type ortolour rrith these matings. Thave been must successful inbreeding the loveliest Creamspossible this ivay. Recently Ihave asked French breeders tofollow this plan as so many oftheir Creams are really very hotand marked. I am sorry to saythat several of them have beenexported from England. ThreeI have handled in Paris recentlyand which are pure and unmarkedare Braeburton Bambi,sired by Gathorne Gabonne exSweetagirlie (sister to Sweetaboy),Int. Ch. Idmiston Champagre,by Tweedledum ofDunesk, and the Dutch bredRentveld Muffrn (which I believeis now a Champion), sired bYSedan Cocktail, a son of Dickonof Allington, dam Bentveld Lampedusa,she being sired bY Int.Ch. Jonathan of Shatterway outof Int. Ch. Theydon Heather.lfuffrn is owned by Nllle. Posthuma.Rollo of Sunfield, bred fromPelham Puffba11 b1,' )Iiss Gabband owned by Mme. Bridgett, isabsoiuteiy unmarked and a soundpalest cream. Miss Langston andMrs. Thompson told me this afterthe Amsterdam and LausanneShow a ferv months ago.Finally, I must add that amarked improvement in Creamshas been noticeable during theshog, season which has justended.OFFICIAL STANDARD OF POINTS FOR CREAMSAs laid down by the Red, Cream, Tortoiseshell, Blue Creamand Brown Tabby Society.Colour-To be pure and sound throughout rvithout shadingor marKlngs.Coat-Long, dense 1nd silky, taii short and flowing.Body-Cobby and solid, short thick legs.Head-Broad and round, small ears lvell sei and s'e]1 tufted,short broad nose, full round cheeks.Eyes-Large and round, deep copper colour., Scem oF PoINrsCoatBodyHeadEyesTotalOU1C2015

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