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AdycrtisementsYoa ear. preserae 24 eopies ofOUn CATS in ttrese speeial easesArrangements have been made with the makers ofthe well-known EASIBINDER to supply readers ofOUR CATS with their self-binding cases and accessories.Each EASIBINDER-see illustration belowwillhold 24 copies of this Magazine. lt enablessubscribers to keep their copies clean and undamaged.The issues can be inserted or removed at vvill withthe aid of steel rods supplied with each Binder. Bymeans of a special device, the EASIBINDER is just.as -useful when only partly filled and the pages willalways open flat. Full instructions for use aresupplied with each Binder.EAS I B I N D ERS are cuppliedwith the title (OUR CATS)printed in gilt on the spine.They are stoutly made andneatly finished in green bindingcloth.*ttPrice 1316 eachu.s.A. s2.00(P ri ces include postoge)\Orders and remittonces should be sent to OUR CATS Masazine,4 CorltonMonsions, Clobham Rood, London,5.W,9. Remittonces should be mode,poyoble to " Our Cots Mogozine."SPECIAL OFFERS:!Complete set 1950 issueslSs. 0d. ($2.S0)Complete set 1950 issues (with Easibinder) 2ls, 6d. ($4.ZSyPrinted, ih- Great-Btitai.n by F. J..Milner. &_Sons Ltd., Commerce Road., Brentfotd., Mid,1leser,for the Publiskers and P/oprietors, A. E. & L R. D. Cowlishqu, 4 Cailton Mansions.Clapham Road,, London, 5.W.9.

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