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Orving to the rising cost of ra*'mateiials, the price of Kit-E-Kat hasbeen increased to ls. Per tin.Chappie, the clehvdrated dog foodmade by the same manufacturers, hasbeen in.re..so l tn ls. :ld. per haH.Both these increases took effect fronr9th -\prri1.-\ Birn-ringham Letter writer in tireSlnday Express " reports that the:-:ruse cat takes. trinkets and hides:hem.\eus ul import.rnl changes in the.,..111111ion ,'f llt, norrerful LllFanciers' Association, Inc., o{America has just reached me. Thenerv President is llrs. l'I. SaxbyJlabie, President of the Boston CatClub:incl s'eL1-knoln judge, rvhosucceeds lIrs. i{1,rtle K. Shipe, o{Detroit. )'{rs. Shipe has been electeclSecretary of the -\ssociation rn successionto n'Irs. Claire Y. O'Bryon.Vice-Presidents are I'Irs. Bess H.]Iorse, of llollvrvood, and lilrs. Carll'. Rotter, ci{ }Iinneapclis, and N'lissL. ]I. Goodri in, of Teaneck, Neu'Jersey, r,as re electeci Treasurer. -fheE.xecutive Board includes m.tny prominentiigures in the American catrvorld-lliss Elsie G. Hvdon, I'lrs.Carl A. Spencer, IIrs. John S. Hunter,llrs. Anthony Avata, ttre neu' Presidentand Secretarv, and llrs.O'Brr-on.And here's another quotation *htchmav lre ne\\' to vou. lt is bv thatgreat rvriter and cat lover, llaJkTq.ain: " Of a1l God's creatures thereis onl1,' one that cannot be made theslar.e of the lash. That one is thecat. I{ man could be crossed s'ith the'cat, it rvouid improve man, but itu'ou1d rleteriorate the cat."According to the late EleanorBootir Simmons, rr'ho conducted au idely read Cat Co1umn in " The'Nerv York Times," a. cat medicinechest shoulcl contain the followingitems: Cotlon rrool, orange slicks,cheese-cloth bancl:rge, gelatine capsu1es,thermometers, vaseline, eucalyptusoi1, magnesia, licluid paraflin,:rspirin, cerlcium lactate, bicarbonateof soda, boric acid porvder, slveetspirits of ammonia, bismuth sublimate,ancl 5 per cent. argyrol.Alimals r'ho travel by air are toh:ivc their orvn reception centre arldhospital at London Airport. It rvillbe the first of its kind in the norldrnd is expected to cost about .€18,000.TIr. R.S.P.C.A. is "ppe6li6g JorrLrnLlq Lo rneel its (,,sl rnd upk"ep.[1 is eslimalc,l thal ,]ne in .\'ery ninepassengers is :rn animal and that morethan 17,000 pass through London-\ely \Aar. Plrns for the huil.Jingjra\e l,-en appru\ed ancl the speetJ of, onsrrr.li, n rrilr ,len-nd on Govern,rnent permits anJ thc rrrilrb lity of{unds. The centre lr.il1 have its orvnq{llranline d"p rrlmeni antl surgery.IIICKi'YAII fanciers should read.. THE CAT FANCY ''A monthrv i"'"l:i"lf:::,",lilT:t".t Pedigree catsc ,UDGES' FULL REPORTS ON THE SHOWS ar EREEDERS' NEWSO THE FANCY OYERSEAS O CLUB MEETINGS AND REPORTS€) STUD AND SALES ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC., ETC.Single copies l0d. Post free. Yearly Subscription l0s.Obtoinoblc only from . THE EDITOR (KlT WILSON)..THE LOFT'' I8 SOUTH END KENSINGTON W 835

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