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A CCORDING to .\lr. N IA ^\lathieson, of the ,\ation riJ I Veterinary Association, ca.ts ar,:uflering {rom the meat shortage.They are getting skin complaintsthrough over-feeding on fish. Thecure, he says, is to remove the cr;Jrom its usual environrnent for t,roor three rveeks and give it horse-lleshand grass. l,Ir. trIathieson adnitsthat cats are finicky feeders; one heknorvs u'ill eat only buttered crumpetsIA c;rt pours his body on the floorlike n'ater. It is restful just to seehim.-\\riiliam I-1'on Phelps.A lady on holiday s.as interested trnt;te that it rvas a local custom rvhen.1. c:rt \\as lost or found to pin a handtr,rittennotice to the garden gate.f-his rlas, she thought, an excellentidea that might rvith advantage befollorved more rvidely. Some months;afterrvards her orvn pet lvas lost, so;she decided to give the idea a triai.The result: a steady stream of peoplel'ith airout 20 stray cats and a fervisrnall bovs offering birds and a dog.'in a fit !Lester Piggott, the 15-year-oicljockey rvho had the mis{ortune tol;reak his collarbone u,hen his mountleii at Lincoln Races, is a great catlover. C)ne of his most u'elcome I'isitorsrluring convalescence is Black('at, the stable pet. " Normally,',said Lester, " Black Cat never lea,r,esthe st:rbles, but she came into thehouse to r.isit me lvhen she found I".r'a5 laicl up. ' 'A cat has at lalt lreen sc.ected {ortlie title r6le of '' Rhubarb, " thePar4mount picture u'hich is soon togo into production. He is Orangey,an 18-pound stray belonging to Mrs.Agnes Murray, of Sherman Oaks,flaLifornia. Orangey, selected fromnearly 500 applicants, will co-starrvith Rav l{illand and Jan Sterling inthe hilarious tale of a cai u'hich in,herits thirty million dollars and abaseball team. Many other cats rvillappear in the film, but Orangey willbe the star with a stand-in of hiso\\:n,\lice are reported to have beenlound for the first time in Gleenland.Thev are believed to come from ships.I-ocal R.S.P.C.A. officers haveI.ecn called to Northolr Airport forthe second time in t$,o years to huntdown a family of semi-wild cats rvhoroam the miles of underground pipes.Ihe cats u'ere {ound in a rvater maina{ter some members of the stafi reportedhearing pattering {ect anclstiange noises belorv ground at night.\\rriting to the " Evening Stanriarci" about the recolded instanceof a cat having 100 kittens, a Londonreader savs: " I have a black catuhich u'a5 given to me in 11)ll. Sheirecarne a rnascot for the R.-{.F. andrlas christened Spitfire. To clate shehas hacl I li1 kjttens ; hcr birthdar,; rvason 3rd ]{arch, }rer age being l0 r,c:rrs.She has a lolelv coat, is plav{ul,gentle and faithful, and loolrs aitoutlral{ her age."OD

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