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my \ et. 1\lr. Galc) suggesied \\ cshould inc.luder the countv of \liddlesex,and I think it $as a" r'ery goorlsuggestion. I canrrot express ho\'thrilled I am rvith the success achieveclby the Club in this short time." One little detail may amuse you.In 1947, mv cats, l'ith the exceptionof Donald, were beginning to gro\\'middte-aged, and I realised that if Il anted to carry on the time had cometo get some younger stock. I decidedthat I ri'ou1d let the judges atthe S.C.C. Shol. decide {or me. Ii|ou1d sho$, Donaid, and if he rvon aprize in his Open l{itten Class Is'ou1d carrv on. I n ould also founrlthe Club ; i{ not, I s,ould irave himneutered :rnd gi\.e up lrreecling. HerYas a\rarded several firsts that davzrnd l.as unbeaten by anv other S.P.male kitten. That decided me tocarrv on and nurr I am so pieasedthat I did."The Club l'as lortunate to " cliscover" JIrs. \r. Parker, s'ho l'asrgreeable 1,, ,( I as TTon. Secretarv,although not a cat lrreeder, and ancnthusjastic pal r, n in IIrs. ]litchell(Vice-Chairman), t'ho has kindlr- lent'lrer lovelv horr.e rn,l oarden for theparties held each summer' ; also llissDukes to act :rs llon. Treasurer. ]IissI{it Wilson (President) and lliss'I{athleen Yorke (\rice-President) har,ealso done great u,ork lor the CIub,especialiv :rt its inauguration.6th April. Tea riitlr llrs. ancl llissStatman at Cricklel'ood, the latterrow a.n enthusiastic. breeder of Blues.She commenced by purchasing PrioryXllanetta from Mrs. Davies. Thisqueen, unfortunately, had to bespayed, a great loss as a brood queen,as she is a very rvell bred, handsomePerson.Miss Statman's next venture rvasto purchase a daughter of \raileyendBlue Prince, bred by Nliss Phillips.This queen has had some very nicekittens by Miss I'iontague's male,trlo of n'hich, .A.nson Belinda. anda1Anson Bouquet (the latter no\\' olvnedby tr rs. Davies), rvon at this season'sshou--s. Bouquet \\':rs the unfortunatekitten *,ho, after being arvarded firstin her Open Class, u'as disqualifiedbecause her tally rvas tied on u'ithblue rvool instead of white ribbon,the latter lning de rigueul at aIIShol's under G.C. ru1es. llorvever,she has no\Y t\\'o male kittens by Mrs.Davies's ou,n male Gem oi Pensfordmuch more precious than-somethingprizes. She is such a devoted mother.She rvoulcl not leave her babies touse her sanitary pan, and after threeda-vs llrs. I)avies called in the set. toexpeclite rlertters and she is non'notnral.I hale experi.enced this lith

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