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not used lnuch, as I rvas unknou'nand there was no famous prefix'to hisname. Also. orsing to the rvar, theredid not seem to be much Point intrying to go on keePing a stud. Unfortunatety,he caught cold and diedas a resul.t of the operation. I stillha.d t t'o of his daughters and mYoriginal queen, and after about a vear'found it so difficult to send the catsany distance to studs olving to s'arconditions that I came to the conclusionthat it rvould be rvise to getanother stud. This time I gave thematter a greal deai of thought. Itanted somelhing uith a prefix sufficientll-famous tu bring me visitingqueens. There u'ere no shou's so Icould not get help from them." By this time, horvever, I hadcome to the conclusion (an opinion Istill hold) that the Prestu'ick catstake a 1ot of beating, so I \\'rote toMrs. Hindley and she kindlY Pickeda male kitten f or rne, Prests'ic.k., Prithie Pa1. 'This was a " buy "rvhich I ha.ve never regretted' I norl'have seven adult Siamese-P.P' Pai'Devoran Donald, D. Araminta, D.Griselda, D. Hermione, GracedielLFah-Chee (by NIYstic Dreamer) and'Nlorris Petula (litter sister of MorrisPadishah). I have onlY bought fivekitiens in all the years I have beenbreeding-my original pair, P.P. PaI,and the two young queens, GracedieuFah-Chee and l{orris Petula." In 1947 I had to sPend sevemls'eeks in bed as I rvas not rvelI, andit was then I got the idea of foundinga cat c1ub. I feit that those ofus rvho lived in the North London.area seemed rather out of things, andthought that it would be a good ideato have a club and PossibJY run ashou'. I thought contact with otherbreeders rvould be interesting. InJanuary, 1948, after much telePhoningand writing, I heid a meeting of15 interested people at my house andthe Club rvas formed. At first Ithought that the Club should becalled just the Herts Cat Club, but30AVERNOLL HAPPY CHANCEMrs. E. Brine. Stanley Cottage, Wickfo-rd,Essex. owner-breeder of the Avernoll EluePertians, writes:-" lt eives me lreot Dleasure to express myobDrccia;ion of yTur most excellent ptoductK[-rv^". I find it imparts a wonderful.extrotlit"lrf-i" mv cots' coats so essentiol in thelriiirrir.'- ena" ii a conditioner dnd tonic it is'utf"rrtl." usin. Kit-zvme, not one of my nine catsond kittens hoie hod ony of thoseoff-colour fromen.tsusuollt exDetienced during the hotderwin'et montnsl'.-.-.Lii1n"r" hos nev6r been anv folling off inoDq"f'l3ro^^"na every cdt owner to use Kit-zyme-.;;;;;;ti ioluoble oddition to d cdt's diet"'1950 Show Successeslst Ooen Moie 3- 6 months, lst Novice'Reserve Eest Elue Kitten, C.C.C.Ch'Show'Jst Oben Mole 3-6 months' 3d A.C'Limit. 3ft A.C.S. Limit' N.C.C. Ch.Show.KIT-ZYME will benefit Your cat tooIt is a natural Tonic and Conditioner-NOT a Purgativc*(il.zvmeY'TAII4'N-R'CH YEASTPromoto8 .esiatancc to:LISTLESSNESS. FALLING COAT'LOSS OF APPETITE'SKIN TROUBLES'fO (t} gr.) Tablcg | /6, 250 fo: l/',750 for !1"KIT- ZYl'lE ir rold by Ch.mittr, rnd mortPGt Storar.It rny dlfflculty In obtrlnlna, writ. to :-YEAST PRODUCTS LTD.'HILLIPS ROYAL ROAD, LONDON, N.W.II'ARK titcrot0rt frca oa nquctt

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