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DIRECTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSLOXGHAIR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)GORDON B. ALLT, F.Z.S.DANEHURST CATTERYDANEHURST, OLD LANEsr. roHNs, cRowBoRo ucHCrowborough 107Enquirier inyited for thG popul.rDanehurst Longhairr -- 'BlucPcrrianr, Crcamr and ChinchilltrSic dirpltyed and Stud advertisomcnts in thir issueDUNESK BLUE PERSIANSWorld 'famous 'for lovely irrlc flowing ioair,coppcr eya3, wonderful atamina. Winnars of100'. prizes, inctuding 29 Fir.t. in 1949-50.gUSIY OF DUNESK (B F rsts), wll.D VTOLET OiDUNESK (14 Fifstr), CH,NASOy OF DUNEjK(8cst Eluc Male Kitten Not. Ch. Show)REALLY LOVELY STOCK FOR SALEMRS. M, BRUNTON, MARLPOST FARMSOUTHWATER, HORSHAM, SUSSEXTel. Southwater 389DEEBANK CATTERYFor BLUES and CREAMS of outstandlneguallty, Lovcly Kittens usually for ral-AT STUDDEEBANK STURDY (BLUE)ByThc Playmate ofthe Cburt ex ldmiston Merlc2nd Open Male Midland Ch. Show, Croydon Ch.Show, N. & D. Ch. Show 1949-50.H4L-r1ARY TAFETEACE ( BLUE)By Mokoia Tafere * Skeete Gaye.WALVERDENE MA'OR (CREAM)By Mighty of Sunfietd ex Walverdene SandreMia. lst end Ch. Notts. and Derby, Jan. 1950CH. WIDDINGTON WHYNOT (CREAM)By.Ch. Widdington Warden ex WiddingtoiWilful. lst & Ch., C.C. Show, t949. tst&-Ch.M.C.C. Show, 1950. lst & Ch. N.C.C. Show, t9S0.e,ue€nr met by errugementrt Liverpool or BirkenheadMISS BULLELM COTTAGE THORNTON HOUGH WIRRALPhone Thornton Hough 214PRIORY BIUE & CREAMPERSIANS Noted for type,tovetypate coatstorgeous eye-colour & staminaBrocder of the Int. Ch. PRIORY BLUE WISHlccutiful Kittens for sole. Sotisfoction guordnteedAt Studi cEM OF PENSFOhDFirrt PrizeWinncrand Sire of First prize Winnersat Championrhio Shows}4RS. L. DAVIES, THE OLD CURIOSITY CAFECHATFONT ST. PETER. BUCKS.Gerrords Cross 356iTRENTON BIUE PERSTANS-. At Stud: cH. oxLEYs Sire oJ Best Kirten National PETER C.C. Shiw, 1950.Bcst Kirren Scottirh C.C. Show, t950. 'OHNBest L.H.Kitten Croydon_C.C. Show,l950, and meny othcrPrizewinners. Stron3 hetlthy Kittens usually forlrlc, pllctt coats of lovely texturc, superb iypc.Enquitica to: MRS. HARRINGTON _ HARVAhoMILFORD LODGE, NR. STAFFORDArt _Qucctr nct at Slaffod Stotion. Eustan-Saaffodrrdc? t hcurrno chonl.. lcl. Milford J5tBARATAN PERSIANSAt Stud*Ch. BARALAN BOy BLUE \Sire of many winning Kittens both at homc aridabroad.Ch. BARALAN SAMSON (Btack)Both young rons of Ch. DEEBANK T4ICHAELMRS. E. L. HENN, SEVERN HOUSEEARDINGTON, BRIDGNORTH, SALOP. fcl. Bridgnorth 2285EIREANNE BLUE PERSIAHSANd MINIATURE TOY POODLESAt StUdJ EIFEANNE APOLLOExquisite typr, Prizewinner only time shownNEUBURIE BAI-IBILovcly pah ron of Bler:cd Mischief ol Henlov.Siro ol many lst Prize Winning Kittenr.Beautiful Kittcns urually lor sale.MRS. EIREANNE MAR,LOW38 VEREKER ROAD, WEST KENSINGTONFulhom 6201LONDON. W. l,tPTHE ALLINGTON BIUEPERSIANS & GHINCIIITTASRonowncd throu3hout thc world for tyD.,colaur, coat and widc-awtko oyIEnquiria for CAIS Af SIUD orYOUNG SIOCK FOR SALE roMISS EVELYN LANGSTON8 CRAUFURD RISE, MATDENHEAD. BERKSTel. Moidenheod 813OLDENHILLSCHINGH!LtASPR'ZE WINNERSAt Strd' POLDEI.IH|LLS HypERtON(Proved Sire\MRS. CHAS POLDENMARKET HOTEL REIGATEKlttenr m.y bc booked in advancc toapprovad homcs onlyA,IRS. JOAN THOI,|PSON'SPENSFORD BLUESNotcd for typc, cyl colour, co.t & phyriqsatgulSr e!9l'. ASTRA OF PENSFORD, A'CE_O_F-_PEN_SFORD (sirc ot Ch. Deebank MichelfFAY OF PENSFORD (drm of Ch. Gtorir oiPcnsford), ADRIAN OF PENSFORD (sire ofmany bit winncrr) and GEM OF PENSFORDI3O WICKHAM WAY, BECKENHAM. KENTBeckcnhom 6901PEDIGREE F.ORMS at 2s. per doz€n(post free) are obtaimable frorn ,, OurCats " Magazine, 4, Carlton Mansions,Clapham Road, London, S.W.9.Larger quantitics available at prorata fates.Pleasa mcntior OuR C.lTs uhcrr l.ptying to ailve/tiscrrcnts

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