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Olympia Crystal Cat Shos. IIrs. E.Hart is to officiate as Sho\\, Nlanageras before. The date is 11th Octolpr.The Club has the amazing total o{over 700 fully paid up members, i.ncludinglife members, and \Irs. Harthas the onerous task ol being Hon.Secretarv and corresponding at sometime or other rvith the majority ofthem. The Club owes a tremendousdebt of gratitude to her capabilities,and I have vivid recollections of herehthusiasm during the rvar, *'hen theS.C.C. rvas the only cat club to havean annual Committee meeting inLondon.5th April, A letter from ]IissVerner Clum reporting the safe arrivalof lloonbean. She savs: " Ifearrived on Saturdav, 1st -A,pri1, at 11a.m. I had to go to Tampa" Airportto get him released out of bond. Ifthe rveather had been good he rvasscheduled to arrive Thursday, so yor-rcan imagine hon' worried I have been.He has been to }Iiami and there havebeen long-distance telephone calls andcables flying about Ll.S.A. He isrealll' beautiful, such l(,\'cl\' 1yp'.eyes and physirlue ; he \\'as ip grandshape, so Spratts to(,k \er\ guod careof him. ]Irs. I-aura Graham(Cat Fanciers' Association judge)came dorvn to see him and likes himvery rnuch indeed." They had a notice of his arrivalin the local paper and the photographer{rom the St. Petersburg nervspaperi5 q,,ming shortly to takephotos for a feature ston- rvhich Irvill send vou. It is really excitinghaving him and horv interesting toeventually sec his progeny. T see hisdam is a grand-daughter of Masterpieceof Allington, so he has bloodIines on both sides so valuable herein U.S.A.."Whilst I rvas in America it was arevelation to me to see the close studymade of pedigrees, and T advise allBritish breeders to teli potential purchasersif the cats and kittens theyare qffering have ancestors of anothercolour i.n their pedigree. For examp1e,Blues should have at leastthree geterations of pure bred Blues.If there are Clreams, Blacks or Blue'Creams in the pedigree, explicit informationshould be given. InCreams any Recl Tabbies or Tortoiseshe11sfor the last three generationsare considered a bar sinister by somebreeders, and one very rl'ell knorvnAmerican juflge and breeder of Blacksrefused a lovelv typecl Black kittenbeca.use her dam s,as a Tortoiseshell,.although she uas a Champion of exceptionalmerit. This judge considersTortoiseshells are inclined to givetheir Black progeny bro*'n shadings.I think Mr. Jude's opinion u'ould bqr-aluahle on this matter.Of course, if a breeder has a catteryof mixed longhairs she might considersome ancestors o{ other coloursirn asse1, lrut. gcnerallV speaking. Ifound lI.S.A. lrreeders like Blue-bredBlues, Blacks l;red from Rlacks or.Rlues, Creams brecl from Clrearms,.Blue-Creams or one Blue Parent.-\t St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.,in I)ecember, NIrs. Kloo's Barala'n\listress Midnight (bred bv our tr{rs.Henn) ri'as Best Opposite Sex.At Aarhus, Denmark, in February,Ilr. Erik Remsunen's ChadhurstLinda (bred try l'Iiss Rodda) was 1stin her Open Class and Prix d'HonneLrr.At the same Shorv X'lorris Sable(brec1 by NIrs. Richardson), by Ch.Hillcross Song, rvas also first in hisOpen (ilass. Splendid neu's of Britishexports.6th April. ,\'leeting flrs. Price,Chairman of the Hertford and lliddle'sex Cat Club, at an A.G.}I. recently,I asked her wh-v she started breedingSiamese, and was so interested t'henshe reciprocated by sen

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