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quality of those they may be competinpagainst. T hear from Messrs.Spratts that transit costs are aboutto rise by 5 per cent. to 10 per cent.This means that travelling costs willbe about J25, rvith insurance at 5 percent., for each cat sent to U.S.A.26th March. Mrs. Vize and herdaughter, rvho is over here fromCanada spending the winter with hermother, called to see Souvenir Moonbeam(by Ch. Astra of Pensford) beforehe flies to U.S.A. on the morro*'-He has grorvn into a fine cat, as llissKathleen Yorke predicted rrhen shejudged him on his ddbut at the KensingtonKitten Shon' last Ju1y. Hehas a, shoit face and nose, but not{he " pushed in " accentuated stopwhich so often accounts. for " g'eepy "eyes. His 1arge, deep copper eyesgaze boldly at one and gir.e him asweet expression, and having himrvith me for seven months has mademe realise hou' right the late Mr.Yeates was when he rvarned Bluebreeders against an exaggerated desirefor ultra-short noses which so oftenleads to a tendency to lveepy eyes andsometimes sngfily noses. Moonbeamrvas bred by Nliss Cotteli and Ibought him on the occasion of hermarria,ge on 1st .Septernber rvhen shet'as unable to keep him. He has beenpurchased nou. by Miss Verner Clum,of Florida, U.S.A., as a mate for herovn queens and possibly a ferv belongingto acquaintances. A1l beingrvell, he u.il1 be exhibited this season.Mrs. Vize is leaving England inNovember on the Edinburgh Castlefor Capetou'n, South Africa, to spendthe winter. Mr. Vize retired thisChristmas and they want to have onemore " adventure " before theyfinally settle down. The problem isthe cats, especialiy a valuable maleIike Ch. Astra in the prime of life at3| years. His temporary home has tobe extra special and Mrs. Vize hopesa friend u'ill have him. Some of herother cats will be sold and a few will26live temporarilv u'ith other breeders,Leaving them is a big u'rench, butthe urge to travel is overwhelmingand this will be the Vizes' first reaXholiday for years.27th March. A letter from MissAdele Rudd telling me of the splendidresults of Nlortimer's parties. Shervrites: " So many l\.anted to comethat rve had a third one {or the overflow.The incredible thing is theamount Mortimer made, as when westarted t'e had just enough for onesma1l stall. But nearly everyoneirrought him a gift and rve had hastilyfo _ nrrf r"- rrn "r si- sfallc" We made sixty pounds / As thenroney is so desperately needed forgood u,ork \\'e are more than gratefulto his many rvonderful friends. Mortimeris also appearing in the Americari'Cats Nlagazine ' rvith his photoand his tit1e, ' Ambassador o{ Strays.'As you knolr', the Cats' ProtectionLeague is very rve1l knorvn in Slough,trut *.e are trving to put it on themap in london."29th March. Committee meetingof the Siamese Cat Club in the mornirg.A{ter lunc.h, the A.G.M. atFleming's Restaurant. No nominationss'ere received for delegates tothe Governing Councii, so Mrs. E.Hart, \lrs. Drrncan Hindley, NTrs.Sayers and NIr. Soderberg were automaticallyreturned. As a result ofthe postai ballot, flrs. Sayers andf,Irs. Williamson were re-elected onthe Commiltee and CommanderLuard, receiving the next highestnumber of Yote-s, is the nerv member-In a more or less pleasant u'ay afeg- members hard come to criticise, so. irt \!ds luurc,:..rrvrry ^1. - " than mostA.C].M.s, although very ably conductedby our Chairman, ]Ir. Soderberg.On being put to the vote"members rvere nearly unanimous illrvishing their orvn Club Sho*' to beheld as usual at Lime Grove BathsHall and not in conjunction with the

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