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on the way, and false PregnancYis something which is comParativelyrare.The first indication that kittensrnay be expected is that on inspectionthe nipPles of the queenare found to have adoPted a muchmore lively colour. With somequeens this change is aPParenton the twenty-first daY, and mostgive clear proof before the end ofthe fourth week. From this timeonwards the contours of the ladYwill adopt the Hogarth " line ofbeauty," and when the litter is tobe a large one she becomes moreungainly in aPPearance as the'weeks pass.A Contrary CreatureIt is wise for the beginner torely on these signs alone and toleave more critical insPection tothose whose business it is to know.II you must know the answer,then ask your vet. I When allappears well at the end of thesrxth week you can relax andpossess your soul in Patience.During the week befoie thekittens are born, I think there issome reason for exercising a littlenrore than ordinarY care. I liketo shut my queens uP a few daYsbefore the kittens are due, notbecause theY are likelY to do harmto themselves, but humans aresuch fools and so careless. Aqueen carrYing a heartY litter isnot as nimble as at ordinarYtimes, and if she is in the quartersin which she is to have her22family she rviil be out of harm'sway'The cat is a contrary creature,but she knows her own businessbest and will not condescend toproduce her family on the sixtYthirdday just because You haPpento think that is the aPPropriatetime.If statistics were available, Ithink they would Prove that agood average for the Period ofgestation is sixtY-five daYs, butthis is by no means the limit andmany a queen has had her familYon the sixty-ninth without harmto herself or her kittens. Thesupreme proof that all is well isthat the ladY herself shows nosigns of uneasiness or distress.Unless and unt'i she disPlaYs suchunfortunate symPtoms, don'tivorry the vet., because he certainlywill not do anYthing unlesshe really feels that action on hispart is essential.Don't Just HoPeWhen labour starts don't goaway and just hoPe for the best !Be on hand and keeP a wary eyeon the lady, but do not interfereunless you are sure that there issomething you ought to do. Anormal queen can get on PerfectlYwell without human intervention'Maiden queens do sometimesget into a state of comParativepanic at this entirelY new situation,and in their confusion forgetto release the kitten from itsprotective sac or fail to sever the

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