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Care & Managernent by I'" M. SODI].RltEIIGChairman of the Siamese Cat CIubancl author of ,,Cat Breeding andGeneral l\{anagementffsKiltteretrog Tince Aguin Iy HAVE received s0 manvtette.sIrecently on the subjrctr' nf cats in kitten ancl lirterswhich, although ahvays confiden,tlyexpected, sometimes donot materiaiise, that perhaps thismornent is as good as any otherfor dealing u'ith thi, imporrantaspect of breeding.Juclging from the tenor of theremarks of some of mV correspon,iieirts, novices appear to tirinkthat a queen, when she has beenrnr"ted, should for that i-e rvloason receive constant attentionof :r particuiar kind. Not a Carmrrsrbe missed without doingtliis or that, or adding this par,tiiular food or that special medicine-.rt the happy lady's dailyro utiri e.It lvould be a good iclea to forgct aii the fads and fancies, forpractically all are just an un_n('cessary r,vaste of time and somr_times also of money. If the nor_mal routine for your cats is souncl,there is no reason to make anldrastlc alterations for this m"reli.rntere-qting condition.fhere are cstablishecl breedersu'ho su'ear by this or by that fortheir rnated queens. At tiniesthey go so far as to suggest thattireir successes are clue to the fact:ithat they added some special pillto the mid-day mea1. I don,t believemore than one worcl in tenof rhe rvhole lot of ir.These breeders are successfuisometimes [,'1 one reason .rnisomr:times for another, an

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