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etter than thenseh'es, nhile anothermale, t}le result, perhaps, oI an outcrossor just a luckr. chance mating,onllr produces the most ordinarvcfnnL. alihnrrgh _----.*o-- i,A -_ ic superlor rnappearance. Oftcn the most Valuablmaleis not the rvinning champion,but his sire, lor he fras proved irisworth by his son's successlA point to remember is that rvhenbuilding up a strain, or in selectingbreeding stock {ronr a str:rin, the malers not merely passing on his ou-nqualiiies, but all the characteristicsu,hich he has inherited from his aricestors.MY WINNING SNAPIt uas rn June last vear (rvritcsXllrs. \,'. E. ]Iajor) that I u'ent toHolnbury St. flarr- to look after thelovely ccttage of Dr. antl Jlrs. (i.Loughborough shilst thel. \\'ere .l\l'a\..Ttie cat familv consr,sted of live Chinchillasand Blue Chinchillas, Nisba.llickel-, Ashlel- Poppet, -\shlej. Bol;-bin (the weli-linos'n ncr',ter) :rndJingles of Thame.I took m1' Rolleitlex carnera l i thme foL ny o\\-n anusement as titehouse an

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