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lle lealised he had to get dorvn. Therclo{ slopes are steep and s}ippery,anrl Sammy is heavily buiit. Hetr it d 1o cume Llo\\ n, slipped a ferr'feet, scramblcd up again, and rvailed !IIy Iittle Siames. q ueen , nursingher first litter, rvhich rvas only tu,od:rys old, heard his cries of distress:lnd came out to see rvhat lvas thenatter. She took commancl at onceand ran up the tree and on to thelrof rvhere Sammy rvas perche(i.\\'ith a crooning purr of con{ort shervalked carefully across the roo{,gradually descending. Then she rventtrack to Sammy and nudged him tofollorv her, rvhich he did, keepingclose to Susan while she came gentlvr.Jesays dotn the slope.\\iithin trvo minutes all rvas peaceagain. Sammy $'as fussed a"nd,petted and Susan .rvas back rvith herlrallig5-1vg were once more a conr"ntedfamily !C:rrmen X'I. Peskett,\\'ick . Lil l leha mplon, Su:sor.CHINESE CATI am rvondering if the enclosedphotograph {rom my colLection rvouldinterest your reaclers? It ri-as takenin Hong .I{ong. As you probably1tre11,, the Chinese eat cats, in x'hichcase this poor creature had a longu,ay to go, I imagine, before it rvasfit for the pot. The main colour iscream (paler than Siamese) rvith darkspeckles and patches.Eunice A. \Velsford,Brixton, PlYmouth.DIET FOR STUDSAs there seems to be a sharP difierencebetween cat breedels as to thehousing of studs, I rvould like to sa-va \vord about it.There are breeders rvho frnd itnecessary to keep their studs awaYfrom the house and those rvho do not,:rnrl this inr.oh'es issues u'hich Ithink are worth exploring. Let ustake the case o{ the poor stud that isturned out Lrecause he cloes not seemto knot' horv to behave himself, andrnakes the house cluite impossit;le forhis human ou'ners to live in. FIe issl'rut up in an outhouse, shed, o.r elelrcage ; quite deprir,ed of his iibertyand exposed to the bitterness ofwinter nights, and the darkening andtleterioration of his coat caused b5rthe cold rviil in clue course keep pacerith the increasing ri'ildness of hisnature caused br- his continement'-\nd no rvonder I(liher 'breeders-and I arl happyenough to be among them-treat theirstuds as civilised members of thefamilr', and l'rav: no cause to dootherrvise. In lact, mine sleep .;n lTlvlred everv night l-hen thev are notrnore profitabiv occupied, and I don'tthinlr that ;rttv fttrl her 35.11';' 1ce isneedeil to prove that I sar'"56s,, rvhy this dilTerence! Is itlot a rnatter oI diet? llv r:,r','r-" leliefis that if all recl meat be a'"'oi,iec1 astud will gile no cause fot i,denle. Iner"er {eed mt cats on me:ij: ,ri th:rtliin11, although everv cat ' 'r dogol-ner of mr-acqrtaintance seems tomake horse meat their pets' ;taPlei,',',1. Tnstea,l ,'l meat, I gi .- plentr.of cheese, rvhich tlre-v all love, and alinited quantitt of boiled rirtr heads

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