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Correspond,enee tornerReaders are invited to send contributio'nr to thia featurc "nd "pto joinin the useful exchange of ideas, experienccs and knowledge. Letteo$ould be conciee and deal grcfcrably with items of general interestDEW CLAWSI should like to put a question tot he readers o{ Ou n C,r'rs.One of m1' Black Shorthair queens,\iaximilia Unterkatze, mismatedearlv this year and in due course pro-,lrrcod Iour l,lack kittens. I put threeoI them to sleep and kept one malefor rvhich I hopc to find el home as apet rvhen he is old enough to leavehis rnother. When I clestroyed thenerv-born kittens I mere"v looked attheir sex and left her the bigger anclstronger male kitten to nurse. Later,s'hen I inspected the kitten morethoroughly, I found that it had dervcla\rs on his hind feet which f hadnot seen be{ore- The three dead kittenshacl onlv four clans on theirhind feet.I should like to kiios if otherbreeders have had kittens born rvithderv clarvs and horv frequentlv, or infrequently,this occurs. I have seena number of cats s-ith double thumbs,uhich is another form o{ polydactylism.In rny opinion this abnormalitvoccurs more frequently in catsthan the fifth claiv on the hind feet.I shouid be very glad to learn whatexperience your readers have haduith polydactyle cats ; aiso if suchcats are otherrvise normaiiv intelligentand healthy.lliss E. von f.rlimann,Hampstead, London, N.\\'.3.ACROBATICSA statement reported in a cat prrl,-lication (not Orrn CATS) tb have beenmade by a speaker at a recent socialgathering of cat lovers has intrigueclnle not a little. She u'as referring to1lthe abilitv of the norm:rl cat to landon its feet a{ter a fall and st:rted thatfrom a.s loa a hezght as one loot lronttlte ground (the italics are mine) it u'asLi'le to d" rhi

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