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ing lvhite sparks from the overbeadcable. Inside the wall it was quiet.Memories chased through his :ldrowsy bra.in almost {orgotten,so {aint were they. Ghosts of memoriesperhaps come back to wander theearth. Tales his mother used tocroon to him 1ong, long ago alittle striped scraP of a creature,nestled in the hay in a Highlandbarn. One tale that alwaYs made herpurrs grow softer. ft was a tale ofwhite moonlight on a hooey-scentedhiltside, a tale of a rvild outlarv who ;ca^me down from the mountains bvnight and stoie-not a chicken or atender nerv-bom 1amb, but the eagerheart of a little puss. An old wivestale, perhaps, but old wives tales are .apt to tell of war and rtork and love.Cheetles yaw'ned and stretched himseif.Time to be moving ; there waswork to be done, There rvas thatmouse to be seen to, the one that gotaway under the surgerY door lastnight. And young TerrY realll'needed more supervision than he rvasgetting. An upstart braggart of acat if ever there was one, with hisflashy good looks and his cocksuremanners supposed to patrol thecookhouse and half the grounds, butfonder, i{ rumour sPoke truth, o{skulking round. the supper table inthe quarters br sleeping over the sitting-roomfire. Terry, the foundling,the st3ay, urchin of the city streets'Then there was Lizzie at the gate'Real1y, the stores were her ProPerbeat. A hard-rvorking, anxious littlecat, ef6cient, too.. One must giveLizz\e her due, but invariablYharassed by family cares and prey tothe conflicting interests of rvork andmotherhood, like so manv $'omen,pressed into industry and prematurelyr,r,orn out by the ceaseless pressure ofthe machine.Yes, time indeed for him td bemoving. The responsibility was onhis shoulders. I{e rose uP, Yawnedand stretched himself again. Still,life held many cornpensations. Tonight'sNight Duty u'as a true friend.The corridor windorv u'ould be openand he could trust to her rememberingthat a drink of warm milk tastesvery good in the bleak hours betweenmidnight and dalvn.Cheetle's great green eYes Piercedthe darkness like the headlights of ahigh-powered car. Time to be moving-thejob must go on.The Second Open Show of theEdinburgh and East of Scotiand CatClub (held in Edinburgh in February)was well attended. Judges were MissKit Wilson, Mrs. Newton and Mrs.Williams and their main awards wereas follow: Best C,at in Show, MissPaton's Amber of Rockviila ; BestAdult Longhair, Mrs. Marsden'sWiddington Warcry; Best LonghairKitten, Miss Paton's Nepeta of Rockvilla; Best Adult Shorthair, MissPaton's Amber of Rockvilla; Best-shorthair Kitten, Mrs. Challoner'sTFIE EDINBURGH SHOW10Whitehaugh Yetta.An interesting {eature rvas the displayby Mr. and Mrs. Lamb of their1ovely Siamese QhamPion MorrisTudor and ChamPion PhcoP AzureZelda. Exhibitors ol Siamese rvereinvited to.- challenge either of theChampions and to have their respec,-tive points compared. About a dozenexhibitors took advantage of the ofierand interesting discussions ensued.A successful dinner was held a-fter theShow, which was admirably organisedby Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Oswald.

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