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Thc (,or ernor- on occasion \\'ould::ing an ofiering, :r token as it l\'ere.-: ester.nr and iespect. A juicy teg-.; rabbit, perhaps. The rnerit thus3cquired u'as a trifle offset bv the {act:!at the Governor \ras possessed bvTH.\T DOG-a st,rut, rni,ltlle-agedand effusivc person, only to l;e tole-:ated at a distance. But the gift uasaccepted rvith a cliguiired an(l riltherinroatv purr.holida-_v on a {arrn and rvhen she returnetlto the citv she bore in her arrnssornething in a piece of old blanket,sonrething shich rvhimpered a littlein the covering {olds. Tales in rvhichclreans nelted imperccptibly into 're:rlities.l)arkness had almost {allen now.fhe C)ffrcer Ior Night Duty passedacross the gr:rlcl ss,eep, attachd casein hantl ;rncl coa.t collar turned up1nlCHEETLES, for 12 years on the staff o,f H.M. prison.Glasgow.Vi,sitors also-r'isitors to the estabiishment usually stopped to admiresocialworkers, learnecl magistrates,even jurlges o{ the High Court andeninent offlcials from a distantOltmpus calleJ The Lrqpl1111..,.Ihey said: "\Vhat a hanclsomefellorv-unusual markings, hasn'the? " and passed on their u-a_v, har.-ing tendered homage, Lur learinR rh,cbject of it unconcerrled,-and u::im_pressed.The evening shadorvs ,lengthenedand the chittering sparro\\s settled 10rc

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