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ffFeee6tesAll ths prisons in Crsat Britafui have thcir cats. A motl,ey army. moreesteemed for their efficiency than fot their looks. They ate " on thestrength,tt drawing rations daily from the cookhouse as official mousersto their respective establisrtlments. To become a peison cat is an enviablebillet for any arnbitious feline (congenial occupation. gcod quarters, andfull board pius t'perks tt) and every staff considers that their cats arethe best ever" This is the story of one of fhem, specially written forOUR CA,TS by V. B. It is founded on fact and is affectio,nately dedicatedto Cheetles, for twelve years honoured and faithful friend ofth€ Staff, H.M" Prison, Duke Street, Glasgow. May his whiskers nevergrow less, and long may he flourish !rfrHE bil r'at lar' lrtxurioltsliE ,-.extended in a tlori er bed,I His massive striped headpillorved among the antirrhinumsand his hind feet restinE on theno\\' prostrare form uf a purplestock. But Cheetles rvas far toorvel] arvare of his privileged positionas Chief Cat to the Establishmentto be concerned with horticulturalniceties. Even the principalofficer in charge of- thegrounds, going hornervards somefour hours earlier, merely smiledand gave him a kindly rvord,whereas any other cat rvould ha-"ebeen summarily driven off to findanother resting place.There had been lish for tea in thewomen clfficers' mess, good fish, tastvfish. Cheetles, comlortably replete,required a quiet spot for his eveningsnooze-sec.luded-but not too {arremoved from the rrorld lest someevent of importance should occurwithout his knowledge. Yes, theflower bed rvas a perfect place. Heneeded a snooze {or he rvould be goingon duty later. f{ad he not occupiedan honoured position of trust for morethan a deoade in a service proud ofits traditions-a service rvhose rvorkis never done?Lyiag there in the evening sunlight,drorvsily content betrveen sleepI:rnd g'akefulness, ihcrughts alc] rnentoriescrou,cled and jostled in his brain"\lemories ol mice u'eLl caught*thoughts oi rnice still to be reckonednith. ile could look back on a hnerecord ancl forrvarcl to triumphs stil}to come.]Iemories, too, stretching backacross the ve:rrs, oI friendl-v faces andkindiv hunan hands, so many faces,su manv lrands. Tltev came: thevsiayed au'hile :rnd then the-v passedout o{ his life. Transferred, married,retired ; some he missed more poignantlv,br,rt others came to take theirplaces:rntl the enrlless cvcle of time'.\pnT n. \lrik.,n,1 nsh-tish andmilk -thes-.\ cr r th. rrnchangingrealities-these iiere alrrat.s there.The nres- anoth-r focal poinl in akaleidoscopic rvorld ; the mess, u'hereonce an inquisirlre voungsrer L.liscoveredhon' to get a drink out ofmilk jugs s.ith a long and dexterouspa\Y. FIe had also learnt to " give apa\\' " on request (an accomplishmentrvhich he early resolr,ed to keep[or senior stalT and dcrind rriends).Hic frien,l. rarrsh. him rh;rt one-buthe nastererl . the rnilk jLrg techniquefor himself . Friends, so manyfriends, amorg thern the Governor.Daih' thev greeted each other *'iththe sober deference-of colleagues ilrprmn

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