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21Being in the lower realms. By answering Amein, one brings down the blessing, thatrevelation from above, into the world. Therefore, “a person who answers Amein is greaterthan the one who says the blessing” (Nazir, 66b). The numerical value of the word Ameinis also 91: Aleph (1), Mem (40), Nun (50). When we answer Amein, we unify the upperand lower Divine Names.Because of the value of 91, Amein also alludes to the Yud-Hei:The spelling or ‘filling’ of the letter Yud is: Yud (10), Vav (6), Dalet (4) = 20. Asmentioned earlier, the spelling of the letter Hei can take three forms:Hei (5), Yud (10) = 15Hei (5), Aleph (1) = 6Hei (5), Hei (5) = 10.Therefore, there are three possible numerical values for the ‘filling’ of the Yud-Hei:20 + 15 = 3520 + 6 = 2620 + 10 = 30When we add these three values together (35 + 26 + 30) we get a final sum of 91.‘Exalting the Great Name’ means to bring the higher Light of Yud-Hei into its ultimatefullness (91), and reveal it within the ‘muted’ vessels of Elokim. This is the same processas uniting Havayah and Ado-noi (91). We can now understand that reciting Ameinencapsulates the entire mystical purpose and function of Kaddish.May the fallen ‘eleven’ of the Vav-Hei, and all fragmentation in life, be lifted into itsproper unity with the Yud-Hei, thus making the Great Name complete. May this healingpermeate all of creation, permanently removing all pain and grief from the entire world.

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