Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland


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ResurcesIs Counselling Training fo r Yo u? (1997)By Va l PotterGuidebook to help individuals discover whether theywant to become a counsellor and if so, how to goabout it. It acts as a 'why to' book rather than a 'howto ' book, a guide to training and good practice inco unselling skills and co unselling.Potter draws on over 20 years of working andteaching in the field, providing a comprehensivestore of useful resources for the aspiring counsellor.Important aspects of the field are covered, invitingthe individual to engage with the kind of perso nalex ploration that is vital for counsellors, and providingessential information, such as 'menu' of counsellingapproaches and check lists to help choose thetraining that will suit best.Stigma (2000)By the Royal College of Psychiatris tsPeople with mental illness often live a life of doublejeopardy. Not only do they endure the illness itself,they also suffer the disinterest, disrespect and fartoo often the hatred of the public. This fo urteenminute video explores the origins and nature of thestigma of mental illness and how it affects us all.Smartmoves: A Good Practice Guide toPlanning and Organising Arts Projects(2000)Edited by Jan BranchImmigration and Residency in <strong>Ireland</strong> (<strong>2001</strong>)By Ta nya Wa rdResearch document which aims to:Guide aimed at people underta king arts projects forthe first time, but is helpfu l to those who are 'oldhands'. It aims to provide quick and easy access toessential facts - condensing information relating to awide range of usefu l topics from Constitutions,Fundraising , Health and Safety, to the equallyimportant subjects of Press and Publicity, andCustomer Care.(a) outline the different fo rms of legal residencycategories there are in I re land and types ofcitizenship there are available to non-EuropeanEconomic Area nationals in <strong>Ireland</strong>;(b) delineate the social and economic rights thatpertain to each and(c) what documentation individuals should posses ifthey are in one of these categories.Themes covered include the following:• Constitutions and Charitable Status• Strategic Planning• Preparing a Business Plan• Drawing up a Budget for an Event or Project• Monitoring and Evaluation• An Approach to Fundraising• Preparing Grant Applications• Sponsorship• Committee Skills: Getting the best from yo urBoard of Management or Committee.Irish <strong>Youth</strong><strong>Work</strong> Scene<strong>November</strong> <strong>2001</strong>

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