Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 34: November 2001 - Youth Work Ireland


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Plicy & Fundingcurrently serving a sentence for a sex offence.A new system of tracking sex offenders came intoeffect with the introduction of the Sex Offenders Act<strong>2001</strong> on Thursday 27 September, <strong>2001</strong>. Under thenew laws, the Gardai will be informed at all times ofthe current names and addresses of convicted sexoffe nders, who will also have to notify the Gardai ofdetails of any trips abroad lasting more than tendays. The notification system will also apply to sexoffenders who enter <strong>Ireland</strong> from abroad. Anyoffender who has received a custodial sentence ofmore than two years will be obliged to notify theGardai of their whereabouts for the rest of their lives.On 20 July the co mposition of The Implementation &Advisory Group for the White Paper on a Frameworkfor Supporting Voluntary Activity" was announced.·The group will have the dual task of leading theimplementation of the White Paper'srecommendations while providing a forum fordiscussion between the voluntary sector and theState on related issues such as financing, trainingand development and the introduction of aregulatory framework for the sector.The tracking system is one of six elements thatcome with the Act. The other provisions include:• The Civil Sex Offenders Order agai nst sexoffenders covers behaviour in the community thatgives the Gardai cause for concern. Gardai canapply to the civil courts for an order restraining theindividual. The order can be applied to both peoplewho have offended, and to persons whose actions,while not technically criminal, give cause forconcern in the community. The order will prohibitsex offenders from doing things such as loiteringnear school playgrounds.• A new system of post-release (from prison)supervision for sex offenders.• It will be an offence under the Act for sex offenderto seek employment where unsupervised accessto children is involved.• Separate legal representation in rape and otherserious sexual assault cases in certaincircumstances.• An increase in the maximum penalty for sexualassault from 5 years to 14 years where the victimis a child and 5 to 10 years where the victim is anadult.In announci ng the introduction of the Act TheMinister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform MrJohn O' Donoghue, T. D., also confirmed thatmeasures had been enacted to facilitate theregistration of all those convicted of sex offences orThe 12 member Group is drawn equally from theCommunity and Voluntary sector and the relevantGovernment Departments. It will be co-chaired bythe Department of Health & Children and theDepartment of Social, Community & Family Affairs.The Group's terms of reference are to:• Advise on a programme of research, which willinclude quantifying the full extent of communityand voluntary activity in <strong>Ireland</strong>• Agree protocols for financial accountability inrespect of State funding of the sector• Monitor administrative mechanisms to underpinthe effective functioning of the working relationshipand discuss and agree proposals that promoteintegrated approaches at national level• Monitor developments in accreditation of trainingfor the sector• Formulate practical proposals to further enhancesupport and training capacity within the sector andwithin other sectors• Advise on the development of a regulatoryframework for the sector• Examine areas of overlap or gaps in statutoryresponsibility with regard to support for theCommunity and Voluntary sector at policy andprogramme level and make recommendations toresolve such situations• Advise on the distribution of the £2 millionproposed provision for other Federations andIrish <strong>Youth</strong><strong>Work</strong> Scene-<strong>November</strong> <strong>2001</strong>

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