4K-4 Summer School Brochure - Oconomowoc Area School District

4K-4 Summer School Brochure - Oconomowoc Area School District

4K-4 Summer School Brochure - Oconomowoc Area School District


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Page #Information Page (location, course fees, registration, transportation, etc.) ...................................................... 5Registration Information .......................................................................................................................................... 3YMCA <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> Club ................................................................................................................................... 4Park Lawn Skills Instruction Classes:Bridges to Kindergarten ................................................................................................................................. 8Bridges to 1st Grade ..................................................................................................................................... 8Math Improvement ........................................................................................................................................ 8Reading & Writing Connection ...................................................................................................................... 8Park Lawn Enrichment Class<strong>Summer</strong> Adventures ...................................................................................................................................... 8Summit Skills Instruction Classes:Bridges to Kindergarten ................................................................................................................................. 6Bridges to 1st Grade ..................................................................................................................................... 6Four Year Old Kindergarten Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6Math Improvement ........................................................................................................................................ 6Reading & Writing Connection ...................................................................................................................... 7Summit Enrichment Classes:Albert Einstein ............................................................................................................................................. 12Cheerleading ............................................................................................................................................... 10Chess .......................................................................................................................................................... 14Dance .......................................................................................................................................................... 10Fishing Fun .................................................................................................................................................. 14Guitar ............................................................................................................................................................. 9Gymnastics .................................................................................................................................................. 10Hola Amigos .................................................................................................................................................. 9Incredible Edibles ........................................................................................................................................ 12Invention Lab ............................................................................................................................................... 12Kindergarten Rhyme Time .......................................................................................................................... 11Lego Mania .................................................................................................................................................. 14Movement, Music and More .......................................................................................................................... 9Movin’ On to the Intermediate <strong>School</strong>s ......................................................................................................... 7Rainforest Explorers .................................................................................................................................... 12Scrap Booking ............................................................................................................................................... 9Sounds of Disney ........................................................................................................................................ 13Sports University ......................................................................................................................................... 10Spy Kids: Top Secret Missions.................................................................................................................... 13Stories ‘n More ............................................................................................................................................ 11Story Time ................................................................................................................................................... 11Strange Brews ............................................................................................................................................. 13Surprise Party .............................................................................................................................................. 11Survivor ....................................................................................................................................................... 10Swamp Rat .................................................................................................................................................. 12Travel the World Through Art ........................................................................................................................ 9Unsolved Mysteries ..................................................................................................................................... 13Camps:First Stage Theater Academy ...................................................................................................................... 16i-Camp 2013 ................................................................................................................................................ 15Page 2 Grades <strong>4K</strong>-4

Page 4 Grades <strong>4K</strong>-4

Skills InstructionMATH IMPROVEMENTStudents will explore mathematical conceptsthrough hands-on thematic activities. Problemsolving will be the central focus of this mathematicsprogram. Students will share their thinking and approacheswith each other as well as the teacher. They willlearn several ways of representing problems and strategies forsolving them. The class will be filled with thought provokingquestions, speculations, investigations and exploration. Considerableinstructional time will be spent helping children developgood number concepts that will help them with theircomputation work. This course is designed to meet studentsunique and individual needs.Students entering Grades 2-4 Hrs: 8:00–10:00Date: June 17-July 26 (6 wks) 10:05-12:00Materials Fee: $10.00Note: Students may sign up for only one session of FourYear Old Kindergarten Introduction.FOUR YEAR OLD KINDERGARTEN INTRODUCTIONIs your child eligible for 4 year old kindergarten in the schoolyear 2013-14? (Must be four years old by September 1, 2013).This class will be a fun introduction to the <strong>4K</strong> environment. Studentswill have stories, songs, art, games, music, movementand lots of play! This will be a fun way to introduce your child tothe OASD 4-K program.Students entering <strong>4K</strong> Class Limit: 20Date: June 17-July 26 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday only)<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementarYHrs: 8:00-10:00 FOURAS CLOSEDMaterials Fee: $10.0010:05-12:00 FOURBSInstructors: Becky Shoemake & Tina Kastner<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryCourse CodeGradeLevelTimeMAT2AS 2 8:00-10:00CLOSEDMAT2BS 2 10:05-12:00TeacherRebeccaReichhartRebeccaReichhartMAT3AS 3 8:00-10:00 Rob FlanaganBRIDGES TO KINDERGARTEN (Students entering 5K)Children will have opportunities to participate in enjoyable learningexperiences. Through observations, explorations and problemsolving, students will grow in their reading, writing, math,and social skills.Students entering 5KDate: June 17 –July 26 (6 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 BRIKAS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary10:05-12:00 BRIKBSMaterials Fee: $10.00Instructors: Jennifer Ellis, Marge WilkinsMAT3BS 3 10:05-12:00 Rob FlanaganMAT4AS 4 8:00-10:00CLOSEDMisty BurtonMAT4BS 4 10:05-12:00 Misty BurtonMaterials fees are listed for districtresidents only. Nondistrictsummer school registrantspay an additional $40.00per class. No refunds unlessclasses are canceled by OASD.BRIDGES TO FIRST GRADESame as Bridges to Kindergarten for students entering Grade 1.Students entering Grade 1Date: June 17 – July 26 (6 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 BRIFAS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary10:05-12:00 BRIFBSMaterials Fee: $10.00Instructors: Emily Hammen, Cyndee LewisThis information brochure contains classes for studentsentering Grades <strong>4K</strong>-4 classes. It is important that younote the location where classes will be held. Grade5-12 classes are in a separate brochure which isavailable on the district’s website: www.oasd.k12.wi.us.Page 6Skills Instruction

Skills Instruction ContinuedREADING & WRITING CONNECTIONThis daily, two-hour course will focus on reinforcingthe strategies of reading essential to becominga successful lifelong reader. Childrenwill have the opportunity to explore and read avariety of literature as well as writing for a variety of purposesand audiences. Come join in the excitement of this“Reading and Writing Connection!”Students entering Grades 2-4 Hrs: 8:00-10:00Date: June 17 —July 26 (6 wks) 10:05-12:00Materials Fee: $10.00<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryCourseCodeGradeLevelTimeREA2AS 2 8:00-10:00CLOSEDTeacherCecelia Schlosser& Jessica DumkeREA2BS 2 10:05-12:00 Cecelia Schlosser& Jessica DumkeREA3AS 3 8:00-10:00 Heather AndersenREA3BS 3 10:05-12:00 Heather AndersenREA4AS 4 8:00-10:00 Adam Stead“MOVIN’ ON” TO THEINTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS!Here’s an opportunity to get a head starton intermediate school life! You’ll get orientedto the intermediate school buildingand establish a connection with your 8thgrade WEB leaders. You will practice communicationskills, and learn positive behavior and studyskills that will help with intermediate school learning.The orientation is full of fun activities, and it will giveyou a jump on feeling at home in intermediateschool.Students entering 5th Grade:Orientation will be held at:Nature Hill Intermediate, Aug. 22 , 9:00-12:00CODE MOVNHISilver Lake Intermediate, Aug. 23, 8:00-12:00Fee: NoneCODE MOVSLIInstructors:Nature Hill Intermediate <strong>School</strong>: Brenda Barker,Melissa Krahn, Laura ParraSilver Lake Intermediate <strong>School</strong>: Peihua Reinke,Laura Calhane, Barb Knoten-SmithDo not register for Movin’ On online. All students entering5th grade will be automatically registered for this event.REA4BS 4 10:05-12:00CLOSEDAdam SteadGrade levels may be combined if insufficient enrollmentoccurs.Teachers listed in the brochure are subject tochange!<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> registration will NOTbe accepted after March 22, 2013.Registration for K-8 Skills Instructionclasses and High <strong>School</strong> Credit Recoverycourses will re-open in May.Page 7Skills Instruction

Park Lawn 5K–4 Skills CoursesMATH IMPROVEMENTStudents will explore mathematical conceptsthrough hands-on thematic activities.Problem solving will be the central focus ofthis mathematics program. Students willshare their thinking and approaches with each other aswell as the teacher. They will learn several ways of representingproblems and strategies for solving them. Theclass will be filled with thought provoking questions,speculations, investigations and exploration. Considerableinstructional time will be spent helping children developgood number concepts that will help them with theircomputation work. This course is designed to meet studentsunique and individual needs.Students entering Grades 2-4Date: June 17-July 26 (6 wks)Grade 2 8:00-10:00 MAT2APGrade 3 10:05-12:00 MAT3BPInstructor: Tracy CavannaGrade 4 8:00-10:00 MAT4APInstructor: Meg Eichstadt<strong>School</strong>: Park Lawn ElementaryMaterials Fee: $10.00BRIDGES TO KINDERGARTEN (Students entering 5K)Children will have opportunities to participate in enjoyablelearning experiences. Through observations, explorationsand problem solving, students will grow in their reading, writing,math, and social skills.Students entering 5KDate: June 17-July 26 (6 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 BRIKAP<strong>School</strong>: Park Lawn Elementary10:05-12:00 BRIKBP CLOSEDMaterials Fee: $10.00Instructor: Deb BergBRIDGES TO FIRST GRADESame as Bridges to Kindergarten for students enteringGrade 1.Students entering Grade 1Date: June 17-July 26 (6 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 BRIFAP<strong>School</strong>: Park Lawn Elementary10:05-12:00 BRIFBP CLOSEDMaterials Fee: $10.00 Instructor: Heidi NiethREADING & WRITING CONNECTIONThis daily, two-hour course will focus onreinforcing the strategies of reading essentialto becoming a successful lifelongreader. Children will have the opportunity toexplore and read a variety of literature aswell as writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.Come join in the excitement of this “Reading and WritingConnection!”Students entering Grades 2-4Date: June 17-July 26 (6 wks)Grade 2 10:05-12:00 REA2BPInstructor: Meg EichstadtGrade 3 8:00-10:00 REA3APInstructor: Becky JannyGrade 4 10:05-12:00 REA4BPInstructor: Becky Janny<strong>School</strong>: Park Lawn ElementaryMaterials Fee: $10.00Grade levels for Math and Reading/Writing may be combinedif insufficient enrollment occurs.SUMMER ADVENTURESLooking for some summer fun? This class willoffer a fun, fresh perspective on physical activityand leading a healthy lifestyle. Students will beencouraged to take on new challenges in a varietyof settings including: outdoor education, team sports,fitness, cooperative games, gymnastics/tumbling, and muchmore. Students will also have the opportunity to be engagedin healthy living curriculum focused on overall wellness. Applicationof learned concepts and skills will be encouragedoutside of the classroom.Students entering Grades 5K-2Date: June 17-July 26(6 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-2) SUMMAP CLOSED10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) SUMMBP<strong>School</strong>: Park Lawn ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructors: Kayla MuroniCourse fees are non-refundable unless coursesare canceled by OASD due to low enrollment.Page 8Enrichment Classes

General Enrichment ClassesART CLASSESSCRAP BOOKINGMemories are precious, pictures are too! It’s time to learn whatyou can do when you put your photographs and creativity together.Students will use their imaginations to design and createtheir own scrapbook pages. Students will work on developingtechniques to safely and creatively store their photographs.Each day will present a new technique. Students need to cometo class with a scrapbook and about 30 pictures that will be cutand creatively made into precious scrapbook pages.Students entering Grades 3-4FULLDate: June 17-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs. 8:00-10:00 SCR1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 SCR1BSMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Julie GreenTRAVEL THE WORLD THROUGH ARTNew projects and places are added this year in addition tosome old favorites! Who knew that studying geography andculture through art could be so much fun? Students will travelthe world and make art projects that reflect the particular countryand all seven continents will be visited. Flags and maps willalso be used on our travels. Some projects and places mayinclude Australia: dot painting, China: lanterns, Egypt: jewelry,North America: dream catcher, and many more. Several mediumswill be incorporated with different paints, markers, pencils,oil pastels, embossing tools, clay, and a variety of craft supplieslike beads, feathers, wire, string, etc. Let's pack our art briefcasesand jumpstart our creative, inquisitive minds. We cancover the world in two weeks time!Students entering Grades 2-4 BOTH SECTIONS FULLDate: June 17-June 28 (2wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 TRA1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 TRA1BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Christina ForeckiMusicGUITAR 2Have you ever wanted to learn how to play guitar? Well,here's your chance! This two-week course will cover how toplay chords and single notes on guitar, as well as basic musictheory. Students must have a functional guitar for this course.Stands and lesson books will be provided.Students entering Grade 3-4 Class limit: 20Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 GUI2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Sherry JenkelGUITAR 3Same as Session 2 listed above—different dates.Students entering Grade 3-4 Class limit: 20Date: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00—10:00 GUI3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Sherry JenkelMOVEMENT, MUSIC & MORE 2Get ready to move around and make music! This class willinclude a five-course meal in musical movement, an explorationthrough time with famous composers, and musical expressionand creativity through singing.Students entering Grade 5K-1Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 MMM2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Sherry JenkelMOVEMENT, MUSIC & MORE 3Same as Session 2 listed above—different dates.Students entering Grade 5K-1Date: July 15-July 26 (2 wks)<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00FULLHrs: 10:05-12:00 MMM3BSInstructor: Sherry JenkelWorld LanguageHOLA AMIGOS! 1Engage in this cultural class that will explore the Spanish languageand culture through the use of food, games, stories, andsongs! Amigos will learn and practice the vocabulary throughinteractive culturally enhanced activities! The class will concludewith a piñata party.Students entering Grades 5K-3Date: June 17– June 28 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-1) HOL1AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 2-3) HOL1BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Minerva La LicataHOLA AMIGOS! 2Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-3Date: July 1-– July 12 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 2–3) HOL2AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 5K-1) HOL2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Minerva La LicataHOLA AMIGOS! 3Same as Hola Amigos 1 & 2 listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-3Date: July 15– July 26 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-1) HOL3AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 2-3) HOL3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Minerva La LicataPage 9Enrichment Classes

General Enrichment ClassesFitness FunCHEERLEADING 1This class is for girls and boys who want to learn fun and creativenew cheers (and a few short dances) that can be used for a varietyof sports. Come on out and show your Cooney Spirit!Students entering Grades 1-3Dates: June 17-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 CHE1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnCHEERLEADING 2Same class as listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Dates: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 CHE2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnCHEERLEADING 3Same class as 1 & 2 listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Dates: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 CHE3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnSPORTS UNIVERSITYSports U offers young athletes the opportunityto: enhance their athletic skills, develop ballskills, work on their hand/eye coordination andlearn how to become a quality teammate. Studentswill be playing many team games, focusing on flag footballand various ball games. (There will be no tackling in any ofthe activities). If you are looking for fun in the sun, this is theplace for you!Students entering Grades 3-4Dates: June 17-July 26 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 SPORAS FULL(6 wks)<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $19.00Instructor: Ted SchmidtSURVIVOR 1Are you a survivor? Do you enjoy being outside and learningnew games? This is the class for you! Join the tribe while playinga variety of new and challenging outside games! Tribes willcreate their own challenges as well! While having a fun time,this class will emphasize teamwork and fitness throughout thechallenges!Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: June 17-June 28 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-2) SUR1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) SUR1BSMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Colleen HoyneDANCE 1Learn numerous upbeat and energetic choreographed dance routines.Modern music and a contemporary style make these dancesfun to both learn and perform. Students will also make up their owndances in small groups using their own dance moves and stepsfrom the instructor.Students entering Grades 1-3FULLDates: June 17-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 DAN1BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnDANCE 2Same class as listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Dates: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 DAN2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnDANCE 3Same class as listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Dates: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 DAN3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Rachel HahnSURVIVOR 2Same as Survivor class listed above—different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 3-4) SUR2AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 5K-2) SUR2BS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Colleen HoyneSURVIVOR 3Same as Survivor 1 & 2 classes listed above—different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: July 15-July 26 (2 wks)BOTH FULLHrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-2) SUR3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) SUR3BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Christine SzukallaGYMNASTICSBOTH SECTIONS FULLA daily, two-hour course stressing tumbling and apparatus intendedfor beginner through advanced boys and girls. Theskills taught will be basic tumbling and apparatus, and intermediateas well as advanced level gymnastics. After teachingskills, there will be a small competition/meet the last week ofsummer school for grades 2 - 8. High <strong>School</strong> gymnasts willjudge the competition. Competition will include Girls Floor, Bar,Beam and Vault; Boys Rings, Floor, Vault, and Side Horse.Note: Students may sign up for only ONE session.Students entering Grades 2-12 Class limit: 55 per sessionDate: June 17-July 26 (6 wks) Hrs: 8:00 - 10:00 GYMAH<strong>School</strong>: OHS Upper Gym10:05 - 12:00 GYMBHMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Tom Taylor & Jamie KrausePage 10Enrichment Classes

Reading & WritingGeneral Enrichment ClassesSURPRISE PARTY 1Join us as we celebrate summer with a party each day. Partiesinclude a Teddy Bear Picnic, singing songs around the campfire,building sand castles at a Beach Party, and having a PajamaParty. Our Surprise Party projects will reinforce early elementarymath concepts (counting, graphing, etc.) and reading concepts(letters, word recognition, etc.)Students entering Grade 5K-3FULLDates: June 17-June 28Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-1) SUP1AS(2wks)10:05-12:00 (Gr. 2-3) SUP1BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Wendy SallamSURPRISE PARTY 2Same class as session 1 listed above, different dates.Students entering Grade 5K-3Dates: July 1-July 12 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 2-3) SUP2AS(2wks)10:05-12:00 (Gr. 5K-1)SUP2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Wendy SallamSTORIES ’N MORE 2Themes will tie together activities in Visual Arts, Music, Dramaand Movement with . . . Books! Stories ‘n More uses an artsbased curriculum to encourage students to discover MOREabout the stories they read!Students entering Grades 2-4Dates: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 STM2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 STM2BS FULLMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Jessica KoskiSTORIES ’N MORE 3Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 2-4Dates: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 STM3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 STM3BSMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Jessica KoskiSURPRISE PARTY 3Same class as session 1 & 2 listed above, different dates.Students entering Grade 5K-3FULLDates: July 15-July 26 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-1) SUP3AS(2wks)10:05-12:00 (Gr. 2-3) SUP3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Dave BerlowskiKINDERGARTEN RHYME TIME 1Rhyming is not only an important pre-reading skill, but lots ofgood silly fun! The students will enjoy a 2-week long nurseryrhyme study through role playing, music and movement, art projects,numeracy skills, and literature activities. From HumptyDumpty to Jack and Jill, we’ll row our boats and jump over themoon!Students entering Grades 5K-1Date: June 17-June 28 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 KIN1AS CANCELED<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 KIN1BS FULLMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Tami WickSTORY TIME 1This class is designed for 5K-2 students that love stories. Childrenwill do fun activities based on the stories read in the class.Come enjoy crafts, puppet shows, and some great stories.Students entering Grades 5K-2Dates: June 17-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 STO1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 STO1BS FULLMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Kristen MarquardtKINDERGARTEN RHYME TIME 2Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-1Date: July 1-July 12Hrs: 8:00-10:00 KIN2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary10:05-12:00 KIN2BS CANCELEDMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Tami WickSTORY TIME 2Same class as session 1 listed above – different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-2Dates: July 1-July 12 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 STO2AS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 STO2BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Kristen MarquardtClass sizes for Enrichment classesare limited to 25 students, unlessotherwise indicated.No extra sections will be added.STORY TIME 3Same class as session 1 & 2 – different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-2Dates: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 STO3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 STO3BS FULLMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Kristen MarquardtCourse fees are non-refundable unless coursesare canceled by OASD due to low enrollment.Page 11Enrichment Classes

General Enrichment ClassesFoodStudents may sign up for only one session of IncredibleEdibles.INCREDIBLE EDIBLES 1 ALL SECTIONS FULLEnjoy this incredible class for the student wantingto learn how to cook! The chefs will learnhow to make delicious and easy foods forbreakfast, lunch and dinner while integratinginformation on nutrition, kitchen math, safetyand health issues. Each child will receive acookbook with the recipes made in class! BonAppetite!Students entering Grades 1-4 Class Limit: 15Date: June 17-June 28 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 1-2) INC1AS(2 wks) 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) INC1BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Julie KochINCREDIBLE EDIBLES 2Same as class listed above—different dates and times.Students entering Grades 1-4 Class Limit: 15Date: July 1-July 12 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 3-4) INC2AS(2 wks) 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 1-2) INC2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Julie EllisINCREDIBLE EDIBLES 3Same as classes listed above —different dates.Students entering Grades 1-4 Class Limit: 15Date: July 15-July 26 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 1-2) INC3AS(2 wks) 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) INC3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00ScienceInstructor: Julie KochALBERT EINSTEIN 1Get ready to investigate the wacky world of science! This classwill be filled with ooey-gooey, stinky, gross science projects! It isa perfect tool for the hands-on scientist to get ready to explore!Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: June 17-June 28 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 5K-2) ALB1AS FULL10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) ALB1BS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Jenna TrameALBERT EINSTEIN 2Same as class listed above—different dates.Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: July 1-July 12 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 3-4) ALB2AS(2 wks) 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 5K-2) ALB2BS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Linda RupnowSWAMP RATThe world is full of creatures, overhead andunderfoot! Step into this class and discoverthe natural habitats of different types of creaturesincluding insects, bats, spiders, mammals and much,much more!Students entering Grades 5K-4Date: July 15-July 26 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 3-4) SWA3AS FULL10:05-12:00 (Gr. 5K-2) SWA3BS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Wendy RinehartINVENTION LAB 1Is your child a “mad scientist”? Is your child always takingstuff apart at home? Have your child join this class and reconfiguregreat gadgets from yesteryear; design innovative thingamabobsfor today; and create futuristic gizmos for the nextmillennium!Students entering Grades 1-4Date: June 17– June 28 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 1-2) INV1AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 3-4) INV1BS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Connie ZellmerINVENTION LAB 2Same class as listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-4Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks)Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr. 3-4) INV2AS10:05-12:00 (Gr. 1-2) INV2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Connie ZellmerRAINFOREST EXPLORERSHave you ever wondered what it would be liketo take a trip into a rainforest? Come and enjoytwo weeks of fun creating a rainforest in theclassroom. Learn about different animals,plants, and people that live in the rainforest. Participate inmany hands-on craft activities.Students entering Grades 1-2Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 RAI2AS FULL<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 RAI2BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Wendy SchnellerClass sizes for Enrichment classesare limited to 25 students, unlessotherwise indicated.No extra sections will be added.Page 12Enrichment Classes

General Enrichment ClassesSTRANGE BREWS BOTH SECTIONS FULLExplore the world of weird chemistry! Create your ownconcoctions; choose the ingredients; test for taste, potency,smoothness, solubility, and stickiness! This willbe a fun class with wacky hands on experiments!Students entering Grades 5K-3Dates: July 15 –July 26 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 (Gr.5K-1) BRW3AS(2 wks) 10:05-12:00 (Gr. 2-3) BRW3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Laura BuschSocial StudiesSPY KIDS: TOP SECRET MISSIONS 1 ALL SECTIONS FULLAre you ready to take on the challenge of becoming a professionalSpy Kid? Become a part of a highly qualified groupof kids engaging in top secret missions. The class will begin withbasic agent training consisting of fingerprinting and completingan obstacle course. Students will do many activities to simulatethe life of a real spy or detective such as decoding, having aliasesor code names, examining evidence, assembling puzzlesthat lead to more clues, map reading/map making, physicalmazes, observation skills, fingerprinting, and footprints. Studentswill make their own spy kit/briefcase to take with them tosolve each “crime”. Rumor has it that there may be a cookiethief burglary that will need to be solved and a treasure huntthroughout the school/playground.Students entering Grades 1-3Date: June 1-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 SPY1BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Kayla StrasburgSPY KIDS: TOP SECRET MISSIONS 2Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Date: July 1- July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 SPY2BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Kayla StrasburgSPY KIDS: TOP SECRET MISSIONS 3Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 1-3Date: July 15- July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 10:05-12:00 SPY3BS<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Kayla StrasburgUNSOLVED MYSTERIES 1Who doesn’t love a good mystery? If yourchild is naturally inquisitive and likes to dabble insecret codes, finger print identification, logic puzzles,and mystery games, this is the course forthem! Over the course of 2 weeks, students willhone their powers of observation and critical thinking to unearthevidence and become super sleuths.Students entering Grades 3-4Date: June 17-June 28 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 UNS1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 UNS1BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Barb Knoten-SmithUNSOLVED MYSTERIES 2Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 3-4Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 UNS2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 UNS2BS FULLMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Barb Knoten-SmithUNSOLVED MYSTERIES 3Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 3-4Date: July 15-July 26 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 UNS3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 UNS3BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Barb Knoten-SmithTheater & ActingSOUNDS OF DISNEYFrom Snow White to High <strong>School</strong> Musical, Disneyknows how to capture our hearts and minds with unforgettablemelodies. Students will explore some of themost popular songs, learn the music and choreography,and what it takes to perform them. A performancewill be given to parents on the last day. All participantswill need black shorts or pants, a plain primary color t-shirtand dance or tennis shoes.Students entering Grades 1-4 Class Limit: 30Date: July 15-July 26 Hrs: 10:05-12:00 SOU3BS FULL(2 wks)<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00Instructor: Amy JappinenMaterials fees are listed fordistrict residents only. Nondistrictsummer school registrantspay an additional $40.00per class. No refunds unlessclasses are canceled byOASD.Page 13Enrichment Classes

General Enrichment ClassesMathLEGO MANIABuild, build, and build. Use your imaginationto design and construct your own Lego creations.Students will not only design and createtheir own Lego structures but will also usetheir Legos to further develop their reading comprehension.Students will use their Legos to create story settingsas well as different objects based on categoriesthey come up with. Students will need to come to classwith a one gallon baggie filled with Lego pieces. In classthey will take their own inventory so that their pieces willbe returned at the end of the session. A fun and activeway to reinforce reading and creativity.Students entering Grades 2-3FULLDate: June 17-June 28 Hrs: 8:00-10:00 LEG1AS(2 wks)<strong>School</strong>: Summit ElementaryMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Trefor JonesOutdoor AdventureFISHING FUN 1ALL SECTIONS FULLStudents will be introduced to various fresh water fishspecies. Students will learn basic knot tying techniques.Students will learn about environmental concerns regardinginland lakes and rivers. Students will take fishingtrips to local area lakes and rivers. They will alsolearn about various fishing techniques using lures andlive bait. We will also discuss fishing etiquette and fishingsafety.Students entering Grades 3-4 Class Limit: 15Date: June 17-June 28(2 wks) Hrs:8:00-10:00 FIS1AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit10:05-12:00 FIS1BSMaterials Fee: $63.00 Instructor: Tom ShowenFISHING FUN 2Same as class listed above, different dates.Students entering Grades 3-4 Class Limit: 15Date: July 1-July 12 (2 wks) Hrs: 8:00-10:00 FIS2AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit10:05-12:00 FIS2BSMaterials Fee: $63.00 Instructor: Denny RinehartCHESSBOTH SECTIONS FULLChallenge your brain and have fun! Students will explorebasic rules and strategies as well as strengthenskills and play against each other. Beginners Welcome!Students entering Grades 2-4Date: July 15-July 26(2 wks) Hrs:8:00-10:00 CHS3AS<strong>School</strong>: Summit Elementary 10:05-12:00 CHS3BSMaterials Fee: $13.00 Instructor: Tammy Bishop<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> registration will NOTbe accepted after March 22, 2013.Registration for K-8 Skills Instructionclasses and High <strong>School</strong> Credit Recoverycourses will re-open in May.Teachers listed in thebrochure are subject tochange!Page 14Enrichment Classes

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