A clocking technique for FPGA pipelined designs

A clocking technique for FPGA pipelined designs

A clocking technique for FPGA pipelined designs


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690 O. Cadenas, G. Megson / Journal of Systems Architecture 50 (2004) 687–696RequestAcknowledgeCDelayCCDelayCRequestAcknowledgeR1R2DelayMS-CTRLMS-CTRLA2A1 Lm Ls Lm LsDelayData InRegisterLogicRegisterLogicData OutData InM-regS-regLogicM-regS-regLogicData outFig. 2. Left: A two-stages four-phase micropipeline. Right: DLAP pipelining <strong>for</strong> two-stages.3.1. General scheme of PP-pipelineThe PP-pipeline is basically a representation ofthe micropipelinig state rule specified as a statemachine. Fig. 3 shows a PP-pipeline control <strong>for</strong>three stages, where the U i (or PP-modules) correspondto state machines controlled by a globalclock signal clk. The processing time associatedwith pipeline stages is modelled by delay lines;these are shown on top of each PP-module. Registersof a <strong>pipelined</strong> datapath are clocked by locallogic i-1Delayclklogic iDelaydone i-1 done doneU ii+1i-1 U i U i+1go i-1go i go i+1p i-1p i p i+1Fig. 3. PP-pipeline control <strong>for</strong> three stages pipeline.pulses p i , generated by individual PP-modules. Atstage i, module U i generates synchronously p i onlyif both go i and done i are asserted. After processingat stage i 1 (modelled by delay i 1 ) done i will beactive (asynchronously) indicating that data isready to be delivered to stage i. Similarly go i whenasserted means that stage i þ 1 has accepted thedata from stage i. U i synchronizes these twoevents, at the first clock-edge after both signals areasserted U i will generate a clock pulse on p i . All thestages operate in parallel, accordingly the organizationof interconnected PP-modules is referred toas a PP-controller. In synchronizing signals doneand go, the PP-controller can be susceptible tometastable behavior [17]. We address this shortlybut first consider the circuit operation.Circuit operation: An Algorithmic State MachineChart (ASM chart) description and a circuit<strong>for</strong> an individual PP-module is shown in Fig. 4.External events done and go are synchronized intodone:sync and go sync, respectively. The statemachine has two states: FIND and WAIT. FINDchecks the condition capt ¼ done i sync ANDFIND0doneiDQdone.syncWAITcaptTpcaptF1FTgoiclkresetFF0RD QFF1Rgo.syncD QFF2Rpgoii-1Fig. 4. An individual PP-module. Left: ASM chart specification. Right: A circuit implementation.

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