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Copies aaa'iluble on 7th l)ecetnber !OUB SPACTAL GREE'I'TNGS ISSUNconsiderably enlarge.{ for the occasion and packed rvith seasonal articles,pictures and goodwill mqssages from all .o.r-r.., of the cat n'orld" It,ia unique issue r,l,hich .every cat lover should .Dossess.'lJre issuc rvill be on sale iiom our stand at the Nati.nal Shoi,r,, ol.,'rpia,on l5th December. Additional copies mal be ordered fiom'oun ia.r.iMagazine, 4 Carlton Mansions, Clapham Road, London, S.\\r.9, ls. 9d.per copv .(post^ free). Arrerica 25 cents. The yeariy surrscriptionrate co'erin^g 12 issues post free (including this speciai issue) is 20s.(Arnerica 3.25 dollars).Letes go to a Shou'we urge our readers to attend as rnany cat shows as possible. There isno better place at which to rneet ord friends, to rnake new ones and to pickup useful points about cats, their breeding and general managernent, fromexperienced fanciers and exhibitors. Brief details of the show fixtures forthe 1956-57 Season are provided below for the inforrnation and guidance ofreaders.1956 promoted by24 November .., Scottish Cat Club ...24 Novenber... Surrey and Sussex Cat Association24 Nowember... *Yorkshire County Cat Ctub4 December ... *Blue Persian Cat Society15 Deeember ,.. *National Cat Qlub...19575 Juuary .., *Notts, and Derbys, Cat Club22 Jantaty .., *Southern Couties Cat Club9 february ... *Lancashire md N.W.C. Cat elub*Denote8 show with Championship statusVeaueGlasgowEpsomLeedsLondonLondouNottinghamLondonStockport, n€arManchester_ A detailed-lkt olf shows. c.an be obtained from,the ,secretar-y oir. the Goaernine council of the catFanc2, Mr".W. A. Hazeldine, I Roundwood Wa|,. Banstead, Srrrrl. Ooit/oiiri"tirrrto* ostambe d address ed ente lo b e."%s",ii#$H:#,#H":"##;si3l""a,&iriL.*-nre"itl?3:6gitstris.difrOUR CATS is published.monthly_ and closiagprecedine tledateEonthi,s the 25thof publicatiou. day of tbc eooth-Mss. and pl"i"g"."iiraccompmied by fully _"otaitted witr oor)- bG staaped and addressedli"-.1"p=.*--p[;;"s.;;;"fiJJj rfrmcd ifof the glossy type with eharp details.oT_'r]jo,, t.No responeibility is taken lor MSS. and photographs duriag trap_sEris_sionIn the absence of agrccment..copvrig-ht oriilir ou teep6g.holds-the right "r ""t-i.li.tJ"rs"";b-uR..L;i-s"ir.lH.lto reprodrce in any-form.*.ri.taad opinions erpressed in iadividual articles arc not necessarily tle hcld by the"Ora].tl*" Yearly Subscriptio. Ratc is 20r,- for 12 issucs poet free iU:S.4.."ii C--.&25 cents). Single copiee ls. 8d, posrfree. IlruOURdollats,CAT'S M"e.rioe_is ai"t;tor.a-oii]fo'lthe usual tradc channele ud can be ,i-ostordered trt"oer-uy.x.**-g.;-.-;;iltil,.''of difrculty in obtriaing copice ehould b..epo.teail c"r."thc rbowc adL-.-.-

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