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\it.t.\Full of fish-fullof meatThe food that ail cats love to eat.Oh, isn't it a pity thatAll kittens don't get Kit-E-Kat !Every cat needs Kit-E-Kat every day, because it s acomplete food ... fresh white fish ond herring p usmeot, as well as extra vitamins and minerals IKit-E-Kat is so easy and clean to serve, andthere are several meals in every 9d tin.All cats loveKIT-E-KAfFRESH FISH AND MEAT.-COOKED AND READY TO EAI4r\li/Rtt-s-rAfcet rooP!L jl.,

{WCnt6lUTHORITATIVT . INSTRUCTIVE' TNTERTAIT{INGPublished every month with the'best possi'ble features and illustrations and circulatedro Cat Lovers of every kind throughout the*orld. Our editorial PurPose is :I to sDread a wider understanding and abercer alpreciation of all cats' their care andmilagement;2) to encourage in every way the breeding,handling and showing of pedigree cats ;3) to rvork for the suppression of every formof cruelty to cats;lJ to act as a link of friendship and commoninrerest between cat lovers in different partsof the world.VOL. I No. 11NOVEMBER 1956Managing Editor :ARTHUR E. COWLISHAW4 CARLTON MANSIONSCLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.9THE MAGAZINE THAT SPAI{S THE WORLD OF CAT LOYERSAssociated Ne@spapersThe tragic death last month ofAnne Crawford came as a great shock to the countless thousandswho admired the work of this talented young actress o[ the stager T.V. and in 6lms. Thiswas her happiest picture of the year, taken to celebrate the retutn of Whiskyr her black andwhite cat, who had been missing from home for several days. Miss crawford told the cameraman: " I was very worried atout Whisky." But she did not nention to anyone that thcremight be a much bigger worry.-an illness which a few nonths later was to end r brilliantc4reer.

Copies aaa'iluble on 7th l)ecetnber !OUB SPACTAL GREE'I'TNGS ISSUNconsiderably enlarge.{ for the occasion and packed rvith seasonal articles,pictures and goodwill mqssages from all .o.r-r.., of the cat n'orld" It,ia unique issue r,l,hich .every cat lover should .Dossess.'lJre issuc rvill be on sale iiom our stand at the Nati.nal Shoi,r,, ol.,'rpia,on l5th December. Additional copies mal be ordered fiom'oun ia.r.iMagazine, 4 Carlton Mansions, Clapham Road, London, S.\\r.9, ls. 9d.per copv .(post^ free). Arrerica 25 cents. The yeariy surrscriptionrate co'erin^g 12 issues post free (including this speciai issue) is 20s.(Arnerica 3.25 dollars).Letes go to a Shou'we urge our readers to attend as rnany cat shows as possible. There isno better place at which to rneet ord friends, to rnake new ones and to pickup useful points about cats, their breeding and general managernent, fromexperienced fanciers and exhibitors. Brief details of the show fixtures forthe 1956-57 Season are provided below for the inforrnation and guidance ofreaders.1956 promoted by24 November .., Scottish Cat Club ...24 Novenber... Surrey and Sussex Cat Association24 Nowember... *Yorkshire County Cat Ctub4 December ... *Blue Persian Cat Society15 Deeember ,.. *National Cat Qlub...19575 Juuary .., *Notts, and Derbys, Cat Club22 Jantaty .., *Southern Couties Cat Club9 february ... *Lancashire md N.W.C. Cat elub*Denote8 show with Championship statusVeaueGlasgowEpsomLeedsLondonLondouNottinghamLondonStockport, n€arManchester_ A detailed-lkt olf shows. c.an be obtained from,the ,secretar-y oir. the Goaernine council of the catFanc2, Mr".W. A. Hazeldine, I Roundwood Wa|,. Banstead, Srrrrl. Ooit/oiiri"tirrrto* ostambe d address ed ente lo b e."%s",ii#$H:#,#H":"##;si3l""a,&iriL.*-nre"itl?3:6gitstris.difrOUR CATS is published.monthly_ and closiagprecedine tledateEonthi,s the 25thof publicatiou. day of tbc eooth-Mss. and pl"i"g"."iiraccompmied by fully _"otaitted witr oor)- bG staaped and addressedli"-.1"p=.*--p[;;"s.;;;"fiJJj rfrmcd ifof the glossy type with eharp details.oT_'r]jo,, t.No responeibility is taken lor MSS. and photographs duriag trap_sEris_sionIn the absence of agrccment..copvrig-ht oriilir ou teep6g.holds-the right "r ""t-i.li.tJ"rs"";b-uR..L;i-s"ir.lH.lto reprodrce in any-form.*.ri.taad opinions erpressed in iadividual articles arc not necessarily tle hcld by the"Ora].tl*" Yearly Subscriptio. Ratc is 20r,- for 12 issucs poet free iU:S.4.."ii C--.&25 cents). Single copiee ls. 8d, posrfree. IlruOURdollats,CAT'S M"e.rioe_is ai"t;tor.a-oii]fo'lthe usual tradc channele ud can be ,i-ostordered trt"oer-uy.x.**-g.;-.-;;iltil,.''of difrculty in obtriaing copice ehould b..epo.teail c"r."thc rbowc adL-.-.-

^l llage for the proletarian puss No. 68i t:,, i--ii'ffi', l:i;'i!;i:'KelslontFor three days Inspector I(neeborn, of the R'S'P'C'A' tried to locate a cat and het kittens under-;:;.il';;;e;;b";a' "t tr,.-fo-i? "i rvri'.'iattl I-ewis, of s'E' London' It was known thatq a"! in the same house' She decided tomother Duss had disapproweJ:':;;;..";;; "i-trt. m..it"itai."pp""-"i,a .;;;;fl;;;;L"iJ.. "f rr.""-v"u see the rnspector at the point oI;;;;;;;th M... iJ*i. and her voungsteis as interested spectators'AN IDEAL GIFT SUGGESTIONBrooehes for Out LoaersSIAMESE DESIGN BROOCHES (actual size l$" high x l*" wide)Solid silver, rhodium finish (untarnishable)Artist enamelled in natural S.P" coloirrs on solid silverBOX No. 16, OUR CATS MAGAZINE,{ CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON' S.W.920/5 each(u.s.A. $ 3.25)3l/- each(u.s.A. $ 4.50)These brooches-available in two designs only at Present-are made by a worldrenowned firm of specialists in costume iewellery. They are of fine quality with plainback, fitted with ioint pin and catch, Prices include purchase tax and Postage'Remittances should be made payable to OUR CATS Magazine and sent with order to :

HOW TO MAKE A CAT DOOR9q"{qryoisv.lizeiohtihutf,on-Vof,eL:-r-----tutned,, '.nFu)-8e//ft,fi;, ////ru)t )f*- n\e-------------tI':-6"i( TMpoRTANT I1&!gb:L:dS!s*q:#ffiJ5}Jf,".-,*elg-+&tzq*',t tffi.H!]H'":t_r""Hb(U *+ BLock-Hir:ges can te used- osW"iglfs)Reproduced b1t kind pernzission oJ-Tnt L;ts, protection League

Prirate Entranee:I P\\IELA SYKES1/-\L'R house has three en-\-,,,f tttnces-front door, backdoor and cat door. The,;trel is for the exclusive use of\\'illou', our three-year-old cat.\\'hen larse armies of militantr:rice forced us to adopt a kitten,\\.e were faced with the problem',1'n hat to do with him at hight.The traditional idea of shuttinerlie poor thing out all night, andin ail weathers, was obviously toocluel to consider.On the other hand, shuttinghim rn would also have its comolications.ln this case we wouldeither have to harbour a boxpermanently, or become accustomedto getting up at all hours oftlre night to let the prisoner outrr-hen necessarv. We were notenthusiastic about either alternative." If onll.he could let himself inand out lvhenever he wanted to!"si3^hed mv husband, wistfully.And then, of course, the ideaof the private entrance was born,The actual construction of thelittle door was simplicity itself.The 9" x 6" opening was cut nearthe foot of the back door, andneatly framed with plywood. The" door " is a wooden flap, hungfrom the top, so that it swingsfreelv both inwards and outwards.The finished whole-the makinsof which took iust over an hourwasgiven a coit of paint to matchthe back door, and is almostindiscernible.At first Willow deeplv distrustedhis private entrance, andwould have nothing to do with it.We had to show him how he couldlift the flap by gently pushing thelrase o[ tris aoor wirh his irose.After a good deal of coaxing andbribing, he got the idea. Tobegin with he was a little slow andthe flap would swing back and niphis tail. He sooi learned t'owhisk it smartly out of the way,and became a very proficient userof his private enirince.As soon as we were sure thathe was perfectlv confident abouthis exiti and his entrances, wemade him up a warm bed in thekitchen and-left him to it. Thesystem has worked with perfectsatislaction both to him and to usever since.Useful .6 bolt hole ttAt first we were afraid thatfollowers might be tempted to usethe door, and we had visions of akitchen full of hilarious cats, butI'eline neighbours have remainedbaffiled by, and suspicious of themechanics of it. In fact, Willowhad found it a most useful line ofretreat, Several tirnes we haveseen him, when chased, take a sortof power dive through his semiconcealedentrance, leaving anirate and puzzled pursuant lorcedto a skid-stop outside.Cats are naturally cautious, soWillow rarely goes oal of his doorquickly, preferring to stick only hisnose and whiskers out first lor abrief reconnaissance. If all iswell, his body soon follows. If itis raining harder than he thought,or he spies an enemy in ambush,he withdraws hurriedlv.

At the Siamese Championship ShowHugh,\ttithTab hicturt\, Mr. P. M. Soderberg, Chairman of the Committee of the Siamese Cat Club,his retirement from all future activities within the Fancy, a decision which was".rou.ies received with universal regret. For many years Mr. Soderberg has served with distinctionon the Governing Council and his books and writings have contributed substantially to a betterunderstanding of the cat throughout the world, IIis articles have appeared regulatly in thisMasazine from our first issue in January, 1949, and his enthusiasm and interest will be greatly- missed. Recent ill-health has caused him to curtail some of his many activities.(Loaer Picture\. The Show Manager, Mrs. Kathleen R. Williams, with the President of theSiamese Cat Club, Sir Qompton Mackenzie, who in his address revealed wery clearly that he issecond to none in his admiration and afiection for the breed.GIIere is the promised picture of an All-American Calico Petsian Champion JAY-KAY'SLbU ANN. bred 6y specialiit fancier Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mts, Andersonwrote about this fascinating variety in our August issue.

I(ENADEXis good for cats too tMISS MADELEINEDE LA PLANQUE,of 13 Waldeck Road,Ealing. London, W.13.writes :-" I should likeyou to know howmuch my cat,Tigger, enjoysKenadex. I reallygot Kenadex -forour dog but when Idiscovered TiggerTIGGER ENJOYING KEN,{DEXhelping himself he, too, h,as given a share. Leave ct ja*penon the table and he will fincl it, as the photo sho\,s.Kenadex has greatly improved his general health, ctnd Ihave recommended it to lots qf'ny.fi.iencls.',t(EnADEX coN"i;lilliThe M0DERN WAY of supptying Vitamins A and D, EnergypromotingFats and pre-digested protein . scientificaltystabilised and freefrom rancidityKENADEX, used as a spread, as agravy, or stirred into warm milk, adds flavour and nourishmentto the diet and, given regularty, builds up resistance to disease.From Boots, Chemists, Corn Chandlers, etc.j lb. Jar 313 I tb. Jar Sl9 6 rb. Tin 30/_ Triat Size Jar 1 9By the makers of Kit-zymeFree Booklet on application to the Veterinary Division :PHlttlPS YEAST PRODUCTS LTD., park Royal Road, London, N.W.|ORef. No. 137lKXlj

Reprod.uation. .. C,JLDEOur popular contributor on getretics responds here to the rnanyrequests he has received-rnostlyfrorn novice breed615-f61 1ae13inforrnation about the various asPects ofreproduction. This isrhe rrtenty-fi.fth article in a fine new and exclusive series to helpand encourage our readers all over the cat world.E have seen that thernutation " albir-ro " cameI I about through the loss of'rssalv iI'colour is to appear, andrlat normally this mutafion, whennated with its like' will onlylroduce aibinos. We cannot fioreiastr,r'hen or in what form a mutati.)nmar occur, but seeing wc arede aling in these articles r'r'ithleproduction as a rvhole it maYbC inte rcsting to note horv, througha mutation, it miglit be Possiblelbr albino x albino to Producecolour in dispiar' ltv the Progenv.Somctincs. cvcn u hen the inhcritanccr )1 a cllaractcr is knou n to lbllorr' lr{endel'sl:rrr. rnost unexpectccl rcsrrlts appcar fromccrtain rnatings, In rabbits, for instancc.rlrr-- rvilcl agouti colour is knorvn to beclorninant to black, so that black cannotcarr.v agouti. In rabbits, black is alsoknorvn to be dominant to x'hite. In mostcrosscs betrveen the blacks ancl tlie rvl'ritesthe o{Ispring are alt black. as rvould bccxpectcd ; but sometimcs, a1l of thcm arcagouti. This seems a clcparturc fromMcndcl's larv.The agouti character. howcver' appearsto bc the result of the interaction of threcdiffercnt kinds o1'determiners or factors,trvo which together produce black, andonc rvhich causes the ticking of the hairsancl so changes black to agouti. Not',i{'the factors lbr black arc present rvithoutthc ticking factor, the animal is black ;:.rctors rvhose co-operation is necil,horvcver, thc tir:king I'actor is alsoprcscntr the animal is agoutr.Norv these factors bchar-c quitcseparatell, in inheritance I thev mav bctogethe r, or an-v one mav be presentrvithout thc othcr, Thc ticking may thusbe prescnt in an albino animal, but.naturally, in the abscncc of colour, it hasno visible effect. But if the black rabbitit mated rvith a rvhite one lvhich carriesthc factor for ticking, then thc blackfactors and the ticking factor ma,v comctogether at fcrtilization, and so proclucean agouti instead of the expectecl black.An even more surprising result is obtainedrvhen trvo purc-bred albinos givcculourcrl progenr. This sometimesl)utnot o{'tcn-happcns rvith rabbits,calies, rats ancl micc.Occasionallr', botlt in plarrts andaninals. inclilicltrals rvith new charactersarise, ancl these nel'charactcrs oftenseem, as rve har-e seen above, to be thcresult crf the loss of onc or more lhclorsfrom the germ cell ofthc parent. In thisrvay black has almost certainly arisenfrom the wild grey by the loss o{' thcticking factor. r\nd black itselfseems tcrbe the result of the interaction betweena factor which gives rise to a colour base.and one rvhich gives rise to a colourdeveloper,A strain of albinos may arise fron astrain of blacks, therefore, by thc suddenloss of the colour developer I and thesealbinos will still carry the factor for thecolour base, Bred amongst themseh'es,

however, they u'ill remain perl'ectly truelbr albinism, for the whole-breedingstrain lvill lack the colour developer.Similarlv, another strain of albinos mayarise from black by the loss of thecolour base ; these will retain the colourdcveloper. 'fhey will breed truc generationalier generation if brecl amongstthernselves, for none of tltern posscssesthe colour base.If norv, rncmbers of these two differenttrue-brceding albino strains are uratecltogether, they *'ill givc black offspring.for at l-crtilization the factor for colourbasc and the lactor lbr colour der.elopcrrvill be brought together, and colour r.illconsequently develop in the resultingindividual.Albino CrossesOne o1'the lacts which emerge lrom allthis is that, whether mice, rabbits. rats,cats or other animals, the albinos rnaybe of different sorts in their geneticcolour constitution, so that, in lact. thereare exactly as many kinds of albino asthcrc are colour varicties. And all thescclifferent kincls of albinos may breedtogcther, transmitting the various colourIhctors according to the Menclelianscheme ofinheritance, and yet the visibleresult will bc nothing but albinos.Under the mask of albinism is all thervhile occurring that segregation of theclifferent colour factors which rvouldresult in all the varieties of colouredIbrms, if only the essential factors Ibrcolour development were prescnt. Butput in the deveioper by crossing with apure coloured form, and their variety ofconstitution can then at last becomemanifest.'l-here is a belief held by some fanciersthat because albino is white the rvhitenesswill, in crosscs with a colouredanimal, reduce that colour in the coats oI'the offspring. Such crosses are a sheerrvaste of time and material, and cannotbe justified. The albino crosses may evendarken colour instead of the reverse.l0It is true tliat in somc animals albinosmav be built up into a strain in rvhich theindividuals may bc almost ideal in typeand size lbr that particular kind ofanimal. ancl in that case, such indiviclualsare olten usecl to improve both type andsrzc in the colourecl brceds. However,unless test matings rvith tlie allrinos arcmacle llrst. to asccrtain thcir gcneticcolorrr nrakc-rr1t. resrrlts ll.orrr r.rosscs rlavrvell givc onlr upsctting msults.Pattern is thereIt ntav be oi intercst that onc otherIact is gircn about albinos. \\.c nrustnot ibrget that altliough rnic, albinos arcu'ithorrt colour. ther still can sirot. thcpattern on rlhich crilour rr.oulcl har.cappeared ifit had bcen procluceci. Cer_tain albino rats. for examplc. har c longerand thinner hairs revealing thc pink skinbeneath them and arrangecl accordins tothe colour pattcrn shown b,v rheir col_oured relativcs. In the samc \\.av thcwhite tail-feathers of an albino pcacockmay shorv the eye-likc markings oi' rhccoloured bird. We must conclude,rhe1ef61p. lhat a soparate gr.nc cxisrr ler.colour pattern, and that this is inhcritcclquite independently of the colourproducingfactors.In the next article lvc shall clcscribewhitc coat rvith coloured eyc as clistinctfron albino, and notc likenesscs ancldifferenccs in the inhcritancc. Whitc" spotting " will also be discussed.(to be continued)ll'ri::.:' ? ? ?anrmPort a . .Sperializing in making individualselections of English show winnerslor overseas breeders.Puppy enquiries also inyited.ELLA B. MARTINHerons, Boreham, Nr. Chelmsford.Essex, Fngland

\frIn thoSiumesell-orldAn exclusive contribution by KATHLEEN R. WILLIAMS, breeder, iudge andshow organizer of rnany years' experience and flon. Secretary of the SiameseCat Club, which is probably the largest specialist cat club in ihe world.HE sho*' season is norv in lullsn'ing. .ln August thc Hcrts anclMicldx. Shorv clreu, a goocl entr,v.^\1rs. Srvili's malc S.l). Chanccrv Rupceqainccl his sccond Challengc Ccrtificatcand Mrs. H. Martin's I'emale Nonpareillc\Iiral;el hcr first, rvith thc rcst of thc.hot season bcforc her to collect the otherl\\o. Thc Blue Point combincd entr,v\\ a\ ,\cven. Mr. E. Russell's Ruselon Zi:aining his scconcl Certificatc. One(.hlcolate Point entry, Mrs. D. Orton's..rnimerfielcl Cherry, gainccl her firstL.rtilicatc. N4r. Stockbridge's Ran-.enr Rama. a ncwcolncr to shrtrvs, lr,as.rr. arclccl thc Prcmicr Ccrtificatc.On \eprenrber 12th camc thc KentishCat Socicn',. Shorr. hclcl at funbriclec\\'clls. u'hich \vas a great success. Ithappened that thc spa was holding acentenary celebration which broughtan aclded fcstivc atmosphere to the Shorv.Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoopcr, who wercnraking tltcir del'rrt as organizcr.. ar,'to bc congratulated on a splcndidl,vprescntcd Shorv.llest S.H. Cat was Mr. and Mrs. P.(lloier's Seal Point Siamesc male Southu'tiodMarcus : Best S.H. Kitten, Missll,\nn Coclrington's \\atcrrnill 'l'rucli Lu ;Ilcst Malc Kittcn, Mrs..J. \,'arcoc'sSukianga Jiminl' Cricket ; Bcst S.H.Ncutcr, Mrs. i\{. Montgomer.v's PtrrlanclSom Phong. Mrs. Montgomcrv. rvhoenters three to five neuters at rnost sho\\'s)is to bc congratulatccl on thcir prescntation.A tmly delightful ancl cnjoyablcrlay.A littlc rvhilc bclbrc her last illncss.Mrs. C. Burns, who l'as a fbundermcmbcr of Kentish Cat Societv, ancll0r somc years tieasurer, wrotc rteenclosing a photograplr ofhcr ncutcr petScluirc " contemplating his past." Shctlrotc " perhaps this rnar, {incl a placcsomcs-hcrc .' " \\'ith mr. notes on thcK,.nri.lt Shui' .ccmed a must appropriateplace-so herc is Squirc's picturetogether u'ith last vcar's rvinning L.H.kittcn, Mrs. P. \{. Joncs's DaintonCastor.***Still in Scpternber. thc South \\icstcrnCounties Shou.held at Paignton. drewa marvcllous gatc. Miss Cathcart,thc Club's sccretarv and Show manager,rvas dclighted at the succcss of the Sl.rorv.Mrs. Foxwell's Selbourne PrairielVolf gained his first Challenge Certi-Iicate ancl her Firesprite Cheta her

Aat/ G. hrittffirvnA charming study of Mrs, U. Magnusson,s Seal point Siamese MILORIBON VMUR with his Great Dane friend Duysters Euclid. See notes onopposite pago,I .)tz

1inal. A number ol the cats lvcreverv brincllecl; the bacl summer hashad its effcct on Siamese. The BluePoint Challenge Certificate went to\'Iiss L. \Villoughbl''s Laurentide Chalcecloney,a verv nice I3.P., t'hich I hoperve shall see again. I rvithheld the Chocolatt-Point Ccrtificate.f h"re rr -r,. s, \ crel promising 1.angstcrssholvn in adult male ancl femaleclasscs, amongst them Miss Purtell's.\r'onside J'udor Prince ancl f)avspringancl Mrs. l)arlcl's Iiillckrrvn Clorclclia.***'f lrere lrar"not heen a qreat numlr.rol qualitv kittens at the show-s. Aconsistent t'inner has been Ndrs. H.l'or,l': Char\\rn Jr'nn). a 'leli{lrt['ulIllue Point bred b,v Mrs. Tancock.-\ litter sister Chatrvyn Clarette rvassltorvn bv Major and Mrs. Rendall onceonll' at thc Siamese Sholv, and is evenbetter than sister Jenny. In Seal Pointkittens N4rs. I. Kecne's KilldorvnLervis ancl Killdolvn Iona shorv greatprrimisc--mv preference is for " Lelvis."\ Iiss N4. Lant's lleartmanor 'fops,v,\1rs. \Iartin's \\'hiteoaks Pheasant ancl\1rs. \\-. (larti'r's ('ainsliorough llalia

particular danger exists, ancl to urge thesummoning of veterinarv aid in allcases rvhich coulrl lrar,. serious complications."These principles have my strongsupport and summarized are " Don'tthink vou knolv the treatment. It isbetter to call in 1'our veterinarv aclvicetoo early than too late."Miss B. Saker, of Melbourne, Australia,sent me such a delightful stucly ofstud Bluemead Chaminade with rrvoof his kits bv Talbingo Tiente. Iiarlr.tliis vear, she and her mother took athree lveeks holidav in Svclner.. SheN4iss Saker, having sold five of herkittens to Svdney brceders, had thesplendid idea of visiting them. Onehad gone to Mrs. Donmall, ancl wasnursing a litter by her stud Clrace-Dieu Da Yook. \4rs. Dommall tookYook out with her. She is norv eightvears old ancl very beautiful. MissSaker also describes a visit to Mrs. Vize,who took a young male Hillcross Rondorvith her last year. He should prove agood outcross for Australian breeders.A delightful description in this lerterreads : " Mv male u'as bred in the BlueMountains, about 60 miles from S_vdnev.Vivid are my recollections of his piercingand prolonged indignation at beingpllt in a travelling basket, bereft ofm()ther and sislers. 1'alking to him lvasMiss Saker's Australian-born Siarnese to whomreference is made on this page,lvrites " The lour leggeds had to prececler"rs by plane-travelling de-luxe in thecaptain's cabin. only a couple ol'hoursjourney (rvhereas in our A30 it tookus a couple of day,s bv road). Therethey were met by a very kind friend andtaken to a highly recommended boardingestablishment. On our arrival it rvasevident already that our cats wereapproving of the loving attention thevreceived there. Our holiday lvouldhave ended then if they hacln't. lVevisited them often."Llseless; he shoutecl mc clorvn I Hisprotests ensured me of an emptv carriageat every station of the crolvded trainjourney to Svdnev ancl intrigued thcair hostesses on rhc plane home toMelbourne. So large and l'earsome anoise from so small and sweet a kit !He is by thervav ason of'an imported sire,a son of Ch. Clonlost Yo Yo and Ch.Inrvood Shadorv."xt*Latelv I hatr harl many queries asto the reason rvhy the third ey'elidt+

appears over rlle eles. and it is srLggestedtlrat it is beconring more prevalent.I rvill urite nrore lullv about this nexttime. In the neanrvhile a recentexpt:riencc of mine may help you.**tOne of my queens vomited her breakr.,.1.betarne listless an(l rclv quiet.I rook her temperatltre lvhich wasnormal-nose quite cold ancl moist,Rv the al-ternoon she hacL brought uprrso lots ol bile and sat obviously tr,vingro su'allorv the liquid which kept risingin her mouth. As humans suffer froma lbrm of biliousness which causes waterro literally run from the mouth, and Ihave founcl a certain cure-a dose ofEno's Fruit Salts-I mixed some andc:l\ r' it lo her lrom a hypodermir ry ringe.She clid not want {bod 1br the remaindercif the day, neither dicl I attempt totenpt her. I lbllowed with anotherclose of Eno's, and the follorving davall was lvell.An outstanding quartette of Siamese neutersbelonging to Mrs. M. Montgomery, ofThundersley, Essex. Their names areDaybreak, Purland Som Phong, PurlandThong and Devoran Diplomat. In a strongneuter class at the Siamese Show, Daybreakwas placed First, followed by Som Phong.Judge Mrs. Elsie Kent reported on Daybreakas follows : " This Cat made me sigh forirretrievable losses. IIe is a Siamesebreederts dream come true, and those whoare unable to interpret the Standard ofPoints should take a look at him."Brand's Essenceis palatable nourishmentthat even the sick catcan rapidly digestwHETHER in real illness, or when a cat isjust "offcolour," Brand's Essence is theideal strengthener. Cats will often take ateaspoonful when they refuse everythingelse. lt provides the cat with the valuablemeat protein it needs. And being partiallypredigested, Brand's Essence is rapidlyabsorbed with almost no strain on thesystem. It contains no added salt or preservative-cannotpossibly irritate.Wheneven extra nounishment is indicatedthene's nothing betten than Bnand's EssenceF2,\" t\. tr. rtcolAs.a nourishing stimulant at show-timeor whenever the cat is subjected to strain ;to build up the mother-cat; and as additionalfeeding for the kittens themselvesfrom the age ofthree weeks, there's nothingbetter-or more acceptable-thanBrand's Essence. And it's a rapid generalconditioner.l5Brand's EssenceBEEF . OHIOKEII

Danish Show Report by Judge Mrs. E. G. AitkenHE Danish Club Racekattenheld their big International ChampionshipShow in Copenhagen onOctober lgth, 20th and 2lst in the famousMusic ilall of " Tivoli " and MissPrentis and I were invited to judgeShorthair and Longhair cats and kittensrespectively. Mrs. Lorentzen of Denmarkjudged the Abyssinians.Anyone who knows Denmark and theDanes will know what a wonderful timewe both had and how heartily we canecho the words of the song " Wonderful,Wonderful Copenhagen ! "Friday morning, bright and earlv, rvebegan our judging. I found rhis mostenjoyable as we judged in comfort and ingood light. The quality of most o1' thecats was high and it was difficult to decideon the best Longhair. I had to look forthe smallest laults in ordrr to arrive atthe almost perfect. This was VigilantJonathan, a Blue owned by Fru,Larsdotter of Sweden and bred byMrs. Pullen of Englancl. Twinkle ol'Pensford, a lovely Blue Cream, ran himvery close. lor she is an exqrrisite.beautifully mingled and typy queen.She is owned by Fru. Ruusunen ofDenmark and lvas bred by Mrs. JoanThompson.The Best Longhair Kitten and BestKitten in the Shor.v was a Black femaleNulle of Knorre, with a perfect blackcoat, glorious copper eyes and excellenttype. She is seven months old and Ianticipate a good show Iuture for her.She is orvned and bred by Fru. Rathje ofDenmark and has a Danish sire and dam.I was interested to discover on lookingthrough the catalogue that the sire's damis Chadhurst Linda, who was present andlooking lovely and so gained herC.A.C.LB. Linda is bred by Miss Roddaand is one of Ch, Bourneside BlackDiamond's many famous children.There were winning cats from Norway.Mrs. Saether's Laetitia of Allingtonwas the best Chinchilla and her Bluet6Foxburrow Firefly was Best Neuter. l\rhata grand cat he is.Among the cats from S.weden whowere winners were Mrs. Axelsson,s grandBrown Tabby Derry de padirac ancl herBlue female Thiepval Enchanting.A fine Blue Cream, Copthorne Lieb_chen, owned by Fru. Brijit Bjork andbred by Miss J. Aitken rvon her firstC..\.C. My best Cream rvas Drevvikshol'sSabina owned by Fru. Ljungstrom andbred b.v Fm. Tingwall, both of Sweclen.From German)' there was paragon ofPensford, a grand Blue male who u.on hisC..\.C.I.B. He is owned bv Hr. \\ernerBierhoffand rvas bred by Mrs. Thompson.A beautiful Chinchilla Nitouche ownedby Fru. Lenders won her C.A.C. and herBlue Longhair kitten Tamara van FrisiaState was first in its class. There was alsoan excellent Brown Tabbv kitten owneclby Fru. Wagner.Although I must leave the Shorthairwinners to Miss Prentis, I must mentionthe Best Cat in Shorv. He lvas that vcrvfine Siamese Morr.is Sable. o*ned by Fnr.Poulsen and bred by Mrs. Richardson.lle rvas looking superb ancl richlr.deserved this honour.I was very attracted by the littcrs ofkittens. The best Longhair litter rvasthat owned b.v Fru. Vestertjele ancl con_sisted of three spotless Whites, an excellentRed Tabbv and a Tortre,My stewards, whom I found mosthelpful and capable, were Fru. Kirstenand Fru. Schulte, both liom Germany,,and to them I express mv sincere thanks.May I here express m\. thanks to Mrs.Eisenhuth who, although she rvas keptso busv at the Sholr', found time tcrarrange evervthing for our entertarnmentand comfort.[6",t

WINNERS ON THECONTINENTReport from Mrs. E. ToweHE Association Feline de Iranceheld a very successful sholv at theGalerie Royale, Paris, on October5th,6th and 7th.I greatly enjoyed mv visit to this Cluband rt'as very impressed with the lor.elr.cals on sho\v in lreaurilirlly creanr .nanr'elled pens, the trestles covered in rosecoloured rep and bowls of lovelr. flowersabout the hall. The shor.v was televiseclancl shorvn in London where it came inlirr a lot of favourable commenr.I judged the L.H. Blacks, lVhites andBrown -Iabbies and all the Shorthairs.Tlie best L.H. Cat in Shorv r,vas MadameCluiclon's Winsome of Dunesk, a lovelyBlue, Best Opposite Sex was MadameBriault's Cream Male, Emir de Clair cleLune, another grand cat. Best L.H.Kilten \\as an enchantinq Birman.Fabienne des Muses, owned by MlleBriquet ; Best S.H. Cat Madamecl'Alleizctte's Clr. Pristinc llxnpey a reallvlovell' Blue Pointed Siamese brecl inEngland ; Best S.H. Kitten ruas hisclaughter. Madamc d'Alleizette's daintl'BIue Point. Flika des Monts Dores I BestNeuter, a magnificenr L.H. White, Daclo,owned by A, M. Barthelenv.Trvo Blue Pointed Siamese had travellcdlrom Florida via Gerrlarrl. ro competeat the Shorv-both rvere Championsand beautilul cats. Theolder,B years' oldChampion Blu Lei, lvinnerofanother Certificate,was on'necl bv Mrs. Phvllis Alexandcr,U.S.A. All thc cats and kitlens shownwere in excellent condition, lvell presentcclancl a great credit to thcir ol ncrs.I r.vas pleased to mee t M. l'AbbdChamonin rvho judged L.H. Blues,Chinchillas, Crearns, ctc. Mlle floste n'asreferee juclge.Mrne. villechaise's DRAGON BLEU DE BoIS-cLARy (breeder Mme. Esteve)was Best in Show at Vichy, France, in July.I7f

Y+s'{il-+{"x;6'aZPuss will purr her applause when you provideRED HEART Cat Food for her meal I Made fromfresh fish and tasty mear fortifi.ed with cod liver oil,this scientifically balanced diet will keep your catin glossy, gleaming coat and in perfect condition.RED I{EART3 to 4 tasty mealsll.,'liJ'.,,lii 9o&rM]OHN MORRELL & CO. LTD,, 57 VICTORIA ST., LIVERPOOL,lcvt-uoIB

Presented by JOAN THOMPSONRS. JOAN THOMPSONand active-popularfigure in the Cat Fancyfor rnany years, breeder andInternational judge turnsthe pages of her diarY -toreveal the rnost interestingentries concerning Personal'ities, both hurnan and feline.Siarnese Big DayHf. 2(rtlr Cllr. Shrrrr ol thc SratleseClar CllLib on ()ctolrt'r 9th at theS{r nrorrr Hall. LoncLon. \vas \/er\'srLccesslullv organized b,v the Hon.S('.retar,v, Mrs. K. R. \Villiarns antl, mal'I acld. her husband Capt. F. B. \\'illiams.I knorr, thcy u'ork lvell as a tearn ancl theri srrlt rvas gratil'r'ing to clevotccs ol thebrrecl ancl all cat loyers.Dircctly one cntcrecl the sborv hall onehacl an impression o1'serenitv ancl brightness.llncloubtr:tllv. lhc Sevnrour Hallhas thc nearest approach to pcrfectiighring of anv venue cxcept lhe Neu-Hcn ticultural Hall in \\iestrninster ancl it*'as pleasine to see thc cxhibits in their1mc colottrs.Mrs. \\illiams' suggcstion the'\tcoloured pennants rvhich usually depenclfrom the roof hacl been removecl. Thcvmay aclcl to tlrc gaietl' ol the scene butthey somelirnes plar- tricks rvith coat andl9eyc colour. especiallv rvhcn thc sun filtersthror-rgh them.Mr. Soderbcrg, the Club Chairman,introcluced thc glrest ol honour, thePresirlent, Sir Compton Mar:kenzie.Members appreciatecl his kindly interestin coming all thc lvav from Scotland tobc lvith thern ancl to see the exhiLits.Hc macle an inter.sting ancl amusingspeech during the coursc ol' rvhich herevealecl that his first Siamese t'as a'l'ortoiseshell Point. Later his Siarnesecat family increasecl ancl rvhen living onthc islanci of .Jethou (in the ChannelIslancls eroup ) he had fourteen. Hestresscrl the pleasure l.rc clcrivccl lrorn thecliarrning companv ol Siamese.'l'rqr hunclrecl ancl lbrtv-six Seal, Rlueand Chocolate Points competecl, and onexhibition there were sir Lilac, Red anrlTortoiseshell Points. Mrs. DuncanHindley had the unusual honour cif beingarvarded Best Exhibit in Shorv u'ith herScal Point male Silken Faun (by SilkenDomino) and also ou'ning^ the ChallengeCertificate winner in Seal Point females,Ch. Silken Jacarancla b,v Bvnes Rcirneo.Both t'ere brecl bv Mrs. Highton ofTenterden. Kent. Congratulations onSilken Faun attaininq his lull Championship.Competition was lormiclable inthese two classes with 25 males ancl 30females.Best Blue Point Aclult was Dr. anclMrs. Groom's handsome and so rvcllpresentedmale, Nilgiris Blue Antonio.First in Blue Point Females cameDoneraiie Blue .|ulielle by Doneraile

6d t tl{ERE's lU|V TIBS ?"'" ft was nearly Tibs-Time when I metBroughton Marxo,,, says Tibb1,, the Tibs Reporter." He was qtite impatient when I interrupted him- thei zae bothhad ottr Tibs together, and we parted very good friends.,,Broughton Marvo is a beautiful pale cream Longhair, owned byMrs. Aitken of z Commonfield Road, Banstead, Suirel, and bred byMrs. Hughes. He is a winner of many prizes and has iired winningkittens, among them Bourneside Miity Tnilight, a lovely blue_cream bred by Mrs. Aitken. Misty Twilight won at every show atwhich she appeared last year. Mrs. Aitken attributes -r.h of h".success in breeding to the excellent condition that regular TibsTablets give all her cats. They all love their dail1, Tibs_in fact one of her cats likes them so much that he hasbeen known to empty the packet it left open !r:{.,'TIB$11d. and 213KEEP CATS KITTENISH20

Dekho. In Chocolate Point r\clultsFIight-Lt. \{ilson's femalc Carelcss Chloerr as best and in C.P. Males Mrs.Hampden-Smith's Pettysha Beelzebub.In a class of l0 Brace Miss Purtell n'ashrst u'ith Avonside 'I'udor Prince and-\r'onside Day'spring.Other u'inners rvcrc: Bcst Kitten inShorv. \4ajor and Mrs. Rendall's BluePoint feraale Chatu.yn Claircttc (bv\{isscllbrc R.vkcn) ; llest lv{ale Kitten.]{rs. Kcene's Scal Point Itilldorvn Lor,isbl Linclale Simon Pic). \\irh his littcrsistcr Killdorvn Iona, hc recorclcd tlvocxcellcnt lvins by being {irst in a class o1'l5 pairs-juclge NIrs. Holro_vcl--anci ina class of l0 Bracc judge Mrs. Varcoe.In a lurell clas' ol l9 neulcr'j c(rrnl)eLinglirr the Premicrship Mrs. Montgomcrvn'as lst and Prernier u,ith Seal PointPtrrland Som Pl.rong, later Best -\cuter inShorv. N{rs. Channing n'as second rvithBraclgatc l'unchinello. Mrs. Mont-{omery \vas also third rvitJr her Da,vbreaknot vct at his bcst but oh l rvhat a lovcl,vcat ! Far too good to bc neutcrcd lroma brecclcr's point ol vierv but a jov tollosscss.The lltst irt Slrt,rr rr intt, t \\'a\annorrnced plcasinglr- r'ar'1r'. .jrrst alicr3 p.rn., ancl rvas maclc possiblc ol corrrsr'bv having alr adcquat. nrrmbcr riI'jtrclgcs. Lcn in all. -Ihc n.\\'cr('anr pairrtccljLrclgcs' tables rvt-rc thororLghll' hlgicnicantl a nicc sizc..{ltogethcr an enjolablc shorv rvith urrvonck:ri'u1 arral' of Sianersc. l

(picturecl in Oun C]ars .August issuc) anrlhis Bluc-Crearn littcr sistcr Aldra'sPansv Facr:. N{rs. J. Ntt. Newton, whont,c seldorn scc r-.xhibiting norvadavs, rvasllrst r.ith a Tortoiscshell Longirairkittcn, Cbintz of Carnc.N{rs. Lamb, Hon. Sccrctarl'ol'theC)lub, organizccl thc shorv rvhich l'asinterestins ancl cnjovaltlc.\\'c l'cre vt-rv pleasccl [o ser: N,IissKatlrl.ctt Yulk, aril,)nq u\ r,r)( c a{-Tai[ :she bas recor.t-rctl rvcll liorn hel rccentinclisposiLion ancl rvc hope to scc hcr atall Lhe rcmaining shorvs ol the sr.ason.thrcc clals, althorrglr tlt:rnks to tlrt:spaciorrsness onc rlc\ar liarl llrc irlpr.cssionol'a packccl hall. l'host' trr,o pcrcnnialll'lor.elv cats, N,{rs. -\nna Porrlscn'sSeal Point Siamcsc Intcrnational (lhamyrionMorris Sable ancl Nliss RrrustLnr:n'sIlluc Crcam Int. Ch. Trrinkie ol Pcnsftrrclarc rcallv iantastic. Year alicr rcar tlrcvappcar lookine as attractilc ancl rorrnqas cyer'. It llas a stiff c()nt(s1 ltctrrccnthern antl Vjgilant Jonathan. thc lJlLrehc'cL lrv N4rs. PLrlL rr. Jrinathan ir.:rs lhccvcntLral rvinncr. Bcst Exliibit. lnt. Clir.Winners at EdinburghOrving to tht' clisrancc I clicl nor atLenrlthc Eclinburgh ancl Easr ol'Scotlancl Ch.Shorv at Eclinburgh on Octobcr 6th.organizcci irv Dr. Sheina \\ratrers. ButI hcar ir was a succrcss and thc Soutlrernclswcrc ver) apprcciativc o1' Scottishhospitalitr'. I havc a felv dctails ofal'arclsancl mrrst congratulate N{ajor Dugclalcrn his llcst Longhair Clat rrin lith hisBlur-- Ch. Foxburrorv Fairv (bv Ch.Har'pur Bluc llor,) ancl on his llltrc malcHarpur Rornco (bv tlrc same sire )br:corning a Champion. r\lso congratulationsto Miss Chapnian. rvhose Crcamrlal' Orrseclak: N4axinrilian fb1 li.o1'all3luc) cornplctcrl his Charnpionship, asdicl X{r. Swili's Scal Point malc ChanccrvRupcr: (b1' Silkcn 'I-assel).Enthusiastic DanesMrs. Aitken nho juclgecl all thc Lonehairi:xhibits, rvritcs clscrvherc in thisjssue concerning thc rccent l{accliattenCIub Sholv in Copenhagcn.tr[r'.. Sacr]rcr. uf Orlu. Norrrar. rrril"s:" lLacekattcn held a most bcautiful ancllr,cll-organizcd sholv. 'fhe hall u'as builta vear ago sci is large, lieht ancl colourlirl.It reall.v rras a magnificent \.enllcancl horv I rvish rve hacl somcthingsimilar in Noru'ay I" The gate was \rery good and therewerc queues rvaiting to get in ; abouti0,000 visitol.s altogether durins the2'),\lu rc.y 3 ,\louth Lanrlon picturt ,leniteAnother delightful study of a pedigreedShorthair kitten bred by Mrs.Attwoodo Cheam, Surrey,

\lorris Sabic ; Ilest Longhair, VigilantJ,rnatlian ; Best Longhair Fcmale, Int.Clli. Tu.inkle of Penslbrd. Thc Britishbrrclcats already Champions and cornpcringfrrr and awarded an InternationalCj.-\.C.1.8. werc Mr. \terner Bicrhol''sIlluc male Ch. Paragon of Penslbrd, Mrs.ll.rnrsunen's Black Ch. Chadhurst Lincla,\Irs. Lllla \{agnusson's S.P. Siamcsc Ch.l)ristinc Pctalingr rny Ch. Lactitia o1.\liington, and Morris Sablc. 'l'u'inklc ofPcnslbrcl, ancl thc Ab,vssinian lemalc\rgclla Fcrn all added )'et another(...\.C.1.8. tu their arrald".N'Iv Premier neuter Foxburrolv Fire{lyhacl the time of his li{'e, he was oncc rnorcllcst Neutcr. Every timc I came into thehall sornconc lvas photographing him sohc reallv pla,vecl thc film star and rcvelledin it I Hc r'as on telcvision. the ncwsrecl,private film recls, ancl photos in thcI)apcrs) in fact cver-vthing.The Show lvas so well organized bvrhc Presiclcnt Mrs. Rudv Eisenhuth anclhcr Cornmittcc. Evcr_vthing u'as donc forthc coml'rrrt of our cxhibits and oursclvcs.\Irs. Aitken and Miss Prcntis tolcl rnchorr rnuch thc.v cnjovccl thc Shox' anclsecing C)openhagen."Int. Ch. Morris Sablt: (a 1951 son o1'Ch. Hillcross Song) nas brccl bl N{rsRicharclson. Hc has bcen Best in Shou'several tilnes ancl has sired numerousuinners. Ch. Hillcross Song rvas brcclbv N'Irs. Torve, and after quicklv achieringhis C)Jrampionship went to livc inCirpms l'ith Mrs. S. Druce.Int. Ch. Trvinkle of Pcnslbrd (aclaughtcr of Cir. Astra ol'Pcnsibrd), rvasborn in 1951. one of thc first litter ofrnr' first Crcam qucen ;\nchor Fclicity.Four out of fir'c kittens in this litter rvereclestinecl to ber:ome Charnpions (lli.Dawn of I'cnslbrcl (thc onc I kept),Signora Paganini's Int. Ch. 'frvilight ofPensford (thre e Blue-Crearns), ChampionSunbeam o{' Pensford, a Cream, alsoo\\'ncd by Signora Paganinr.Vigilant Jonathan is a babe in comparison,born in Scptcmber, 1954. Hc isa son of Mrs. I)ullcn's lovely qut:cn Ch.Jervcl of Duncsk ancl rvith his ilnmaculatel,r'ec,ling *l:uultl lr" an ac(luisir;,)rr LuScanclinavia. His littcr brothcr \iigilant'I'eclcly Bo1, tvas t'xPorted to Norrvav arrdaiier rvinning two Challenge Clertificatcsand bcing Best Longhair Flxhibit aLOslo last DcccmLrcr lvas ncuturccl asthete rvcrc too I'crv cluccns lbr hirn inNolwav.Manx on the ScreenTwo ol'Miss Sladclcn's I'arnous StonorManx ancl a trio ol'kittcns rrt'rc onMr. Macclonald Daly's I'l'V programmc" Aninnl Crackers " on Octobcr lBth.The kittcns rvcrc charming ancl thc RcclTabby has gone to a loving homc as apet 1br chilclren, rvho arc cluitc intrigucrlto know thev har-c thc kittcn rvhich thct'actuallv sa*' on Lelevision.Stonor Minnie, a Black (u'inner o1' trvoChallcngc Ccrti{icatcs) behavccl so rvclland even re siste cl the ereat temptationto jump at a whitc mousc on a peclcstalabout thrcc l'eet away lrom her. Mr.Frank Blake inlormed thc vicwcrs thatthc mouse rt'as the turn previous toMinnic ancl as shc had to be lz sira andreadv for thc camera thev couldn't avoidhaving them ncar cach othcr for a u,hilc,Minnie has a grcat liking lbr harclboilecl eggs ancl it is an inlallible u'av tot\\\.i'\\\lti\i\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Nr\\\r\"\\\\\NNN$Ns$\fri $VMt. x|Sj' fIAMESE seaJ-toihtea.J-\ Pxtze yr:"NNtNe &rfrg^rs tu& SA.LE]\Flr,- Queerrs I suuruw sltx*nrI SuMFUN nTAMTATi're"srw*;-- l .*"REB;;;;Sj:e- | ;';'; ;';;;:-;;ir^,4 ;;; ^,;Z;a.x€isi\\ Devr" I svl4rvN 'u'orH \ su*rrvtt 'sutx,+Rttftra lhryPunnill-rfte 6a"t?LHightaneHASLEMEF.E\ SqFrcyTelephont : Hasltnert I70l

94 .4TING-A-LING, young _Blue Lon-ghair, bted by Mrs. D. Brice-Webb,has been winning vinning C.C.s in New Zealand for Mr. Basil Mar...L- Marsack, of Auckland-Arr-Lt--nffi &;iA contribution from Mr. and,Mrs. Gefld HalI, of lleanor, Derbyshire, whodescribe MILORI QUIXOTE and MILORI eUIt as i.-lu" two Siamesecharacters-"24

set her in when she is at her countrvhorne at Henley-on-'fhames. She comesancl nudges Miss Sladen directly she tapsan egg with a spoon. We rehearsed herat the studio but we could see she wasn'ti'eeling confident enough 1o do her actserenely so it lvas cut out and a shortclissertation given on her show points.Shc stood well to show her shapel,v bodl'and nice round posterior.Miss Rodda's lovely Black femaleChadhurst Ebony Princess (by ChadhurstSolitaire) is travelling to Miss RubyLovejoy of New Zealand and the Creamfemale kitten Chadhurst Mimosa (byChadhurst Golden Monark) to Mrs.Dorvney of Auckland. The latter isintended as a mate for the Cream maleRonada Rendezvous (by PennhomePierre) bred and exported by Mrs.Brice-\\,'ebb. He is maturing well I hearand will be show'n next season as hcshould bythen. beacclirnatized. It nsuallytakes a year or Lu'o lbr our cats to growtheir coats in the Neu' Zealand autumnwhich, ol course, corresponds to ourspring apd the time when their breedingactivities here would be paramount.Miss Rodda is famous for the all-ronnclquality o1' her Blacks. She bred theCopenhagen r'vinner Int. Ch. ChadhurstLinda, and one of the loveliest post-warTortoiseshells for type one could rvish for-Chadhurst Juliet. Her head wasbeautiful and she had such perfect littleears. Miss Rodda is in great demancl forjudging so has not done much exhibitingcluring the last tlvo or three seasons.Holvever, she is still as interested as everin breedinq Blacks, '['ortoiseshclls,Creans and Blue-Crearns ancl rvill bec*hil.itino tLic r,,int'.r";l-lA Black Longhair baby, CHADTIURST CHLOE, trred byMiss M. L. Rodda. draws her rations.9^

DIRECTORY OF LONGHAIR BREEDERSFOIT RELIABLE STUDS AND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)I BOURNESIDE CATTERYBlack, Crcam and Blue-Cream persiansAt StUd J CH. BOURI{ESIDE BLACK DIAMOND (BIACK}Fee for all MYOWIIE CAESAR (Btue)studs2|gns. BROUGI|TON ttARYO (Cieam)ano exDensesMRS. E. G. AITKEN, BOURNESIDE,2 COF1MONFIELD ROAD, BANSTEAD, SURREYTel. : Burgheath 2754BAYHORNE PERSIANS. Blues and Cr€amsAt Stud lCHAMPION BAYHORNE AJAXMRS. DULCIE BENBOWLITTLE HEREFORD, LUDLOW,'SALOP.Phone : Brimfield 263GRACEFIETD CATTERY ]AND KENNELS IBRATTON, W|LTS. rel. I 220IandCHITHURST MANOR, Nr. PETERSFIELD. IHANTS. Tel.: ln1rcms Green 46.Longnatrs:CH. PENCHAR HOPECH. REDWALLS FANTASYCH, GRACEFIELD POLLYANTH US( forties, forties dnd Whites)CH, BRUTON SNOWFLAKE( White, Oronge-eyed )PURRING MYSTERY(Silver Tabby \SLAPTON MISCHIEF( Smoke Stud )PERSIAN KITTENS FOR SALEDEEBANK BLUE & CREAM I IHARPUR BI,UE PERSIANS iPERSIANS I i'rtst'a' IKittens oroutstanding quaritv usuailv ror sare IEnquiries for cats at srud toiMlss BULL, ELM CoTTAGE, ITHORNTON HOUGH, CHESHIREiThornton Hough 214 |:lf UliSN ,Tf*f.yf #HEo""",.I iHARPUR cAsANovAIPedieree Kittens usuallv for saleIG. C. DUGDALE, 48 NEVERN SQUARE,LONDON, S.W.5 Frobisher 0904BROETON'S CATSCHINCHILLAS: Deb of Thame. Brocton,sMargaret, Brocton's Miss Moppet, Brocton'sPrairie FlowerBLACK: Ch. Slapton SusanKittens from these queens sometimes for saieMRS. M. M. CALDER, 81 EPSOM ROAD,GUILDFORD,SURREY. Guildford62046BERESFORD PERSIANSBLACK, RED, CREAM, TORTOISESHELLSILVER AND BROWN TABBTESLovely, inrelligent, friendly Kittens, brousht uowirh dog. All stock immunised against f.i.e.At Stud : BERESFORD l{lNG BORR|A (Btack)Fee 2 gns. incl.PURRING VINCENT (Silver Tabby) Fee 2 gns. incl,MISS CAMFIELD, Tl CHURCH WALKWORTHf NG, SUSSEX, Phone : Worthing 2494PRIORY BIUE & CREAMPERSIANS Ai stud: GAMBER ALGERNoNEtue, excels in type and colourFee 3 gns. ELMWOOD CAVAL|ER. L6vely Cream,sire ofTriple Ch. Lady Gay of Pensford, U.S.l. anjmany,,winning kittens. Fee 3 gns. OSCAR OFPENSF0RD. Cream. Fee 3 gns.MRS. L. DAVIES, "THE JOLLY FARMER."GOLO HILL, CHALFONT ST. PETER, BUCKS.Gerrords Cross 2464SLAPTON PERSIANSare famous at home and overseasBlacks, Smokes and Silver TabbiesBreeder of many winners includine Ch. SlaDtonBlack Magic (Six !imes Bes! in Show in N.Z.') andSlapton Mischief (Smoke Kitten twice 'Best iKitten and Best L.H. Klrten 1954.)Only rhe best Champion scock used for breedingMRS. DYER, HARTMOOR, SLAPTON.S. DEVON. Tel.: Torcross 247BARWELL CATTERYMRS. DENYS FAWELLTHE LAWNS, SALHOUSE, NOR\^/ICHwill hove for sole o few beautifulRED TABBY, CREAM and BLUE CREAMKITTENS excelling in type and sweettemPerament.PERSIANS & CHINCHITLASRenowned throughout thc world for typc.colourr coat and wide-awake eye3Enquiries for CATS AT STIJD orYOUNG SIOCK FOR 5ArE toMISS EVELYN LANGSTON8 CRAUFORD RISE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSTel, : Moidenheod Ol3Pbase mntion Ou*. Cars uh-en rcpbhg to adoertisements in the Dircctoty

ASPLIN TORTOISESHETT &YYHITE PERSIANS AtSOGOPPER RED TABBTESQUEENS :ASPLIN JULIET I TortoiseshellASPLIN LUCETTA,, &WhiteGh. BARWELL PIPPA CoPPer RedAf SfUD rCh. BARWELL PEDRO(eight times a ChamPion)HENDON PUCKBrillianc copper red, beautiful eolour. To inoculacedoueens onlv.MRS. BLANCHE MOORE, ASPLIN COTTAGE,THAMES BANK, LONDON, S.W.l4. Prospect 3626ARELEY & ROSEVETH PERSIANSBlues and BlacksExquisite kittens sired by famous studs fromdaughters of well-known Champions.l'1rs. C. M. MITCHELL & Miss DOROTHY CLARKE] THE GRANGE, BUCKFAST, S. DEVONTel. : Buckfastleigh 2270WOBURN BLUE PERSIANSBeautiful affectionate kittens fromprizewinning queens usually for saleMISS CONSTANCE PAGE,"WOBURN LODGE," 92a GAMMONS LANEWATFORD, HERTS. Tel.: Wotford 3895,POLDENHITLSCHINCHILLASEred byMRS. EMILIE F. M. POLDEN,MARKET HOTEL, REIGATE, SURREY.Pure bred kittens, healthy and most fascinating,u3ually available in the sPring to verygood homes.BEAMSLEY PERSIANSBlue, Cream and Blue-CreamKittens, Show or Pet,for sale shortlyApplv :MRS, MADGE SMITH, WOOD NOOK FARM,BLUBBERHOUSES, Nr. OTLEY, YORKS.fel 142.ASHDOWN BLUE, CREAM& BLUE.CREAM PERSIANSSturdy country.bred kittens from prize winningStrarnsAt )tud iWOBURN SUNSHINE( BLUE PERSIAN )MRS. STEPHENSON,9 EARL'S ROAD,TUNBRIDGE WELLS. fel.: T. WELLS 21360MRS. JOAN THOMPSON'SPENSFORD BLUES, CREAM3AND BLUE.CREAMSBreeder of Ch. ASTRA OF PENSFORD, Ch. DANDY OFPENSFORD (Denmark). Ch. ROYAL 0F PENSFORD{New Zealand). Int. Ch. IWINKLE Ot PENSFORD(Denmark). Ch. TWILIGHI OF PENSFORD {ltaly).Ch. DAWN OF PENSFORD and many othar winnGrt.130 WICKHAM WAY. BECKENHAM, KENTBeckenham 69O4"onanlo exmrc!{lllAsPrize winners every time shownLLotest outi BOI'IAVIA MARIEITA Best Chin. Kit. K.K. I1956. BONAVIA HARK Best L.H. Kit. K K. 1955.CH. BONAVIA FLORA Notts & Derby 1956. Ctl. BON-AVIA FFATHER (Australia). CH. SONAVIA BONNYBOY (Switz:rland).MRS. MOLLIE TURNEY, OLD BEAMS,HOLYPORT, BERKS. fe/.: Maidenhead 1812WOODLA}TD PERSIANSCreams and Blue-CreamsWinners every time shown at allthe leading showsEnguir/es to :H. F. WOOD, OSCOTT HOUSE, tALL SIREETNETHERTON. DUDLEY. WORCS.

DIREGTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSSHORTHAIR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)ilof Seal Point SiameseMIGHIFER RUSSIAN BLUEAND SIAMESEAt Stud iMISSELFORE STRINX PRINT(B.P. Siamese)DUNLOE MIKALVITCH(Russian Blue)Both Siring WinnersMRS. PHYLLIS COWEN, SHALLOWFORDHATHERLEIGH, OKEHAMPTON, DEVONGRACEFIELD GATTERYAND KENNETSBRATTON, WILTS. rel. 220andCHITHURST MANOR, Nr. PETERSFIELD,HANTS, Tel.: lngroms Creen 46.Shorthdifs (Foreign\:Ch. GRACEFIELD ARRO\|/ (Abyssinion)SABLESILK MELINDA r .^GRACEFIELD KATHA I \dUTMCS'IAlso Brirish White Shorthairs Orange-eyed.Kittens from April.K€nne/s.' Shetland Sheepdogs, \/\/el.hTerriers, Black-and-Tans. Puppics forsale now.GHEYNE SIAMESEAt Stud:GRACEDTEU LU-AN (S.P.)MTSSELFORE RYKEN (8.P.)Sire of Besr S.H. Kitten, Herts. & Middx. 1956, alsoBest Kitten in Siamese Cat Show l956Enquiries for Studs and Kittens to :MRS. K. DUNKS,38 LEXDEN ROAD.ACTON, LONDON, W.3.Acorn i367Ifor Type and TemperamentII At Stud: HADEN RTTTEE III P.ir"*inner-Sires lov,| "ly kirtens IMRS. rAN FORBES, BRAWLTNGS FARM. HORN II H|LL, CHALFONT ST. PETER, BUCKS. I,Ootfont 5t. Gites 1321|Mrs. MAY HAMPSON'SLAKELAND STAMESEAtStud: LINDALE AMBLESTDE tMpSiring outstanding kittens. Fee €2,2.0Kittens now ready, to approved homes,lrom A4 .4 . OGALE LODGE, AMBLESIDE, WESTMORLANDTel. I Ambleside 2268LAURENTTDEBlue Point and Seal Point SiameseRussian Blue and other rare breedsExcel as petsBred for stamina from prizewinning stockEnquiries for kittens ond cots dt stud to..Il!_4. !4RglEAVEs, F.z.s., cHURcH sryLE,BOVEY TRACEY, NEWTON ABBOT. DEVON:Phone : Bovey Trocey 2291PR ESTWIGK SIAME3ENoted for type and brilliant eye colourAt Stud; CH. PRESTWICK PENGLTMA PERTAMA (S,p.)SILKEN FAUN (S.P.)cH. pRESTWtCk B[UE CRACKERS (8.p.)Breeder of Ch. Prestwick Mata-Biru, Ch. presiwickPertana, Ch. Prestwick Perling, Ch.'p'twick F;rakMRS. DUNCAN HINDLEYH,IG.H PRESTWICK, CHIDDINGFOLD, SURREYrnrcdtnglotd 6UStotion _ HoslemereBROUGHTON BRITISH BLUESAt Stud ;CH. BROUGHTON NIMRODFee f2 2s. 0d_Blue, Blue-Cream, BluclritishPersian Kittens for sale, l-iealthy,housetrained for breeding purposes,- snowtng or petsMRS. PHYLLIS HUGHES, 23 BERESFORDROAD, CHEAM,. SURREY. Vigitant 3284HEATHERPIT{E ABYSSINIANSiAt Stud:ALBYN JASONwho sires orizewinnersMRS. I. A. EARNSHAW, HEATHERPINE.CURRIDGE, Nr. NEWBURY, BERKS.Tel.: Hermitage 240Brtrdcr of Ch. Hcatherpine Jurnita andCh. Heatherpine lsisCROSSWAYS SIAMESEHAYANAS & LAVENDERSCountry br€d-under modern conditions, wheraeyery attentioo is giyen to rearin! stronehealthy kittens with Sl'vEET DtSpOSIT|ONS:TYPE & LOVELY EYE COLOUR.Kittens to oFproved homes only.MRS. JOAN JUDD, ORCHARD LODGE.CROSSWAYS, THORNBURY, Nr. BRIST6L.fe/ephone : Thornbury 3337Pbau mntisn Oun Cers wlun rcpl2ing ta adacrtkcmmk h thc Dir*tory

GARDOTE SIAMESE &SILVER TABBIESAt Stud:PROUD MANDARIN (S.P.) Sire : Ch. SladesCross Shahid. Dam: The Tschudi Nun,Indoor conditions and central heatingEnquiries for Studs ond Kittens to iMRS. D, M. KAPP, GARDOLE, STANHOPE RD.,CROYDON. Stotion : EastCroydon. CRO.6711BRADGATE SEALPOINT SIAMESEAt Stud i TIANE TAIAT{FU. Sire of Best SiameseKitten K.N.N.C.C. Show.'1953. SrameseC.C. Show '1954. PETERSOGAI. FirstOpen Kitten, Herts and Middlesex, 1955,BLUE VlS|ON. Consistent Prize Winner,1 955.Kittens bred for stomina ond quolity.MRS. IRENE LAPPER, 8 ALBERT PLACE,ILOUGHBOROUGH, LEICS. Tel. 2775KYNETON BURMESEPrizewinning Kittens and Pets usuallyfor saleMRS. MACAULAY,WEST KINGTON, CHIPPENHAM, WILTS.felePhone: Costle Combe 260DEVORAN SlAlvtESE GAT3EXCEL IN TYPEAt Stud:DEVORAN ARISTOCRATFee {3-3-0Kittens usually for raleParticulors from - MRS. PRICE, THE GABLESHEATHFIELD ROAD, BUSHEY, HERTSPhone - Wotford 5624MORRIS SIAMESEAt StUd r MORRIS PADISHAHFee 2 guineasOne of many winners, including four]Champions, bred from Morris Une byIMRS. M. W. RICHARDSON.IGRINSTEAD, OTTWAYS AVENUE, ASHTEAD, ;Ashteod 3521SURREYiPETROZANNEABYSSINIANS(MRS. C. J. ROBERTS)Kittens occosionolly for sole28 RIVEN COURT, INVERNESS TERRACE.LONDON, W,2 Bayswater 1395FERNREIG SIAMESE & BURMESEAt Stud : MAIZ-MOR-MAROUIS (S.P.) Sireof Best Kit Barnsley, Best S.H. Kit Notts. andI Derby, Lancs, Lancs. and N.W. 1952. Best S.H. Kir, Kit,Herts. and Middx. 1953. Sire of Champions 1954.CN. FERNREIG ZYN (8.P.) Sire of Best S.H.Kit. and Best S.H. Exhibit Southern Counties 1954,lWinner of B.P.S.C.C. Foundation Trophy 1954.Porticulors from MRS. EDNA MATTHEWSONi LINDRIDGE HOUSE. 917 HAGLEY ROAD WESTI QUINTON, BIRMINGHAM 32. Woodgote 2353THE MTSSELFORE BLUEPOINTED SlAlrlESEAll enquiries to :MAJOR & MRS, J. C. S. RENDALLSEDGE COPSE,BU RLEY,RINGWOOD, HANTS.Burley 2160Breeders of :Champion MISSELFORE PAN PRINTGrand Champion MISSELFORE TYRANPRI NT ( A,ustralia)Champion MISSELFORE ECHO (U.S.A.)CARSON SIAilESECATTERY(Mrss DAPHNE J.WELLS)At Stud : CH. KILLDOWN SULTAN (S.p.)CH. SAYAM ZAR PRAK (C.P.}Kittens for so/e,-LANE END HOUSE, SHINFIELD, BERKS.Tcl. : Reading 83274PEDIGREE FORMSPedigree Forms of cxcellent qualitywith space fot fou gcnerotions orcobtoinoble at 2s, 3d. per dozcn, pottfree fromOUR CATS MAGAZINE4 CARLTON MANSIONSCLAPHAM ROADLONDON, S.W.9(continued oserLqlf I

MITORI SIAMESESEATCOAT BURMESEAt Stud: MILORI LINKO, Siamese 5.P,, very typey young male, norable for pale coat andperfect eye colour. Winner of 46 awards ('l,f Firs$ and 1 Challenge Certificate).MILORI OBERON. Siamese S.P. Fine bined, inrense eye colouri C.C. Nationil1955. C.C. Lancs. and N.W. 1956.CHAMPION CASA GATOS DARKEE. Only British Chamoion male Burmese.Sired outstanding kittens shown lasr season. Fee 4 gns. inclusive.CASA GATOS DA FOONG. Firsr Burmese stud imported from U.S.A. Stillsiringlovely kittens. Fee 4 gns. inclusive,Queens met ot ony North Midlond Stotionyisiting gueens receive great care and understanding ond live under ideol conditions in the countrySiomese ond Burnese kittens usuolly for saleMRS. C. F. WATSON, THE OLD NURSERY HOUSE, TANSLEY. MATLOCK. DERBYSHIRETel. : Motlock 777DONERAITE SIAMESEHave a world-wide reputation for Gentle Temperament, Eye Colour and TypeAt Stud: CHAMPION BLUEHAYES FOXYFine boned male, lovely eye colour, pale coat. Best S.H. atCoronation and Herts and Middx. Shows 1953. la/inner of l7 FirstQueens metPrizes and over 20 Sp6cials.atLondon Termini Also SALEWHEEL SIMKINby arrangement Sire of Best Male S,C.C.C. 1953, Best Litter,|950, Best S.H. KittenScottish C.C. 1952 and Best Exhibit Edinburgh and E. of Scottandc.c. t954.lNeUlRlES FOR STUDS and Kittens to :Mrs, Kathleen R. Williams, 53 Grange Road, Sutton, Surrey. Tel. : VlGilant 1389Well-named ChampionCONTENTED KEVA.Mrs.Madge Shrouder'syoung Abyssinian malewas Best Shorthair atthe Herts & Middx.Show last rnonth,

AT STU DSUKIANGA PEPE TEMOKO Seal point SiameseSire of Best Shorthaired Kitten National Ch. Show 1955.lst and Ch. 1954. Winner of 21 Firsts and many otherawards, including Special for .,Gentlest Stud.,'Sire : Ch. Clonlost Yo yoDom : Mollington MogicFee 2] gns. and return fare. Trains met.BAYHORNE ADAM Btue LonghairBest Kitten in Show Croydon 1954.Prolific, Iight-coated stud Lvery one of whose kittens shownto date has come lst,2nd or-3rd in its Open Class,Sire ; Ch. Borolon Boy B/ue (3)Dam : Boyhorne Sheeno (lJ)(sired by Ch. Widdington Warden. Dom : pelhom Silver Girl)Fee 3 gns. and return fare. Trains met.Nonporeille Siomese ond Anchuso Blues occasiondlly for soleto approved buyers.MR, & MRS. IVOR RALEIGHGABLES," TAMWORTH LANE, MITCHAM, SURREYMlTcham 2323IRRITATION OF CATS' EARSc_oused by the eor-mange mite con be definitely cured by three orfour applications of the wonder-drugaOTODEXwhich combines on anti-porositic, ontise|tic and locol dnestheticSOOTHING, SAFE AND CERTAINBottles 2l- and 716 (post 4d. and 8d.)SKIN DISEASEof o non-porositic noture, so rife ond often seosono I in cots, conbe rapidly cured byeSTRENOL ECZEHACREAMond lye//-tested remedy. Quite sofe if licked,Pots 2/- (post 5d.)Ltd. S+ St. Gabriel's Road, London, N.W.2on outstandingStrenol Prod ucts31

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSThe rate for prepaid advertisements under this heading is 3d. per word perinsertion (minimum l2 words) and instructions musi be received by notlater than the lst dalt of the monih of issue. prease write ,,.opyi, clearlyandpost with appropriate remittance to oun cars MaceztNe, l'curlton Murrsions,Clapham Road, London, S.W.g. Use of Box No. costs ls. extra.At StudBoardingCHAMPION SPOTLIGHT TROUBADOUR.SiIe Bynes Romeo, dam Patwyn Tricini," Best Exhibit " at Siamese Cat Show, 1954.An ideal outcross for dauqhters ud nearlwrelated queens of Clonlost Yo-Yo. Fee {3 3s.and return carriage. . Richard Waine".Little Foxes, Bayleys Ilill, Sevenoaks, Kent.Phone : Sevenoaks 4516.CHAMPION CLONLOST YO-YO. Sire.Doneraile Dekho, dam, Foxburtow Runtu.He holds u unrivalled record of winningkittens, including the ,, Best Ititten " iiSiamese Gat Show three years runnine.Fee, {3 lOs. dd return cariiage.lVarne_r, Little Foxes, Bayleys-Hill, -Richar?Sevenoaks,Keat. Phone: Sevenoaks 4516,BOURNESIDE CATTERY, Aittrcn, 2 Com.monfield Road, Banetead, Surrey. Tel.:Burgh fleath 2754. CH. BOURNESIDEEI-ACK DIAMOND iBlack Longhair;. Fec2| gne.For SaleLOVELY S.P. SIAMESE KITTENS bvCIIAMPION CLONLOST YO-YO. Frotn5 gns.-Richard ll'arner, Liatle Foxes.Bayleys Hill, Sevenoaks. Kent, Phone 4516.PEDIGREE BLUE Male and BLUE CREAMFemale Longhair Kittens, l0 weeks old.affectionate and house-trained. Orpin.Great Robhurst, lVoodchurch, Ashtord, I(Lnt,SIAMES_E Queen I year 5 months, pticeI qry. E. Parker, Elmside, Chilton Trinity,Bridgwater,PEDIGREE SIAMESE l{ittens, born 6.9.56.and house-trained. Cat lowers, enquiriejinvited.-D. Williams, Corner patch.- LittleIlanpden, Gt. Missenden, Bucks.MANX Blue-eyed Whiae Male Kitten. 4months, excellent aype, from winnine:.9.\. - I\gt, 4eaf:. Twining, Greeba, StlJohn's, LO.M, St. Johns 389.BooksWE SPECIALIZE in CAT BOOKS for CatLovers at The Little Bookshop, FarnhamCommon, Bucks. Lists free.CATS BETIfEEN COVERS, by SidnevDenham, the only complete guide to booksabout cats, with an introduction bv SirCompton Mackenzie, 7s, U.S.A. Sl,- postfree from H. Denham, 37 Canonbury Squlare,London, N.1.THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT OFTIIE SIAMESE CAT, by Kathteen R.l!'illiams, contains all you wut to knowabout Seal, Blue and Chocolate PointedSiamese. Based on the author's experienceand knowledge acquired during 20 years ofbreeding, nursing, exhibiting ind iudeine.ill0s. 6d. post free from F. B. WilUimE.l53 Grmge-lRoad, Sutton, Surrey.29AT LOW KNAP Siamcrc cats arc boardcdin_ ido4 conditions and cared for by Dr. aiJMrs. Frencie who lovc and ud.rstandthcm. .ProrpcctuE and photographs onapplicrtion. Helrtock. nr. yccvil. -THE GAT'S INNoffers unique Boarding Facilities, underthe supervision ofMOLLIE TURNEYBREEDER OF BONAVIA CHINCHILLASIndividual Cedarwood Houses & GardensINSPECTION INVITEDDetails ond Brochure from:OLD BEAMS KENNELS,HOLYPORT,nr. MAIDENHEAD.BERKS. Tet,: MATDENHEAD t|t2A SMATL NUMBER OF CATSBOARDED IN PLEASANTCOUNTRY SURROUNDI}IGSKindness, comfort & good foodInspection invitedMISS RUTH EVERY-CLAYTONc/o Norton Court Farm, Kewstoke.Weston-su per-Mare, SomersetMiscellaneousTrrE _ _T4tL: WAGGER MAGAZTNE, thcmonthly.British Dog Magazine for doj orvnerssd dog lovers evcrywhcre. Fuil; illustratedud complete with informative fceturesed instructive articles. Annuatsubscription l4s. iinc. postag.r for twelvcissues.-The Tail-Wagger Malazinc, 35G360Grry's laa Roed, Lm-dia. W.C.t.I/YHO WANTS A CATNIP MOUSE ? Theherb inside this cloth aouse creates sheerccstacy dd promotes healthy cxercise.Send ls. 6d. aP.O. or stamps) to'OUn CATSll agazine, -4 Carlton Mansions, ClaphamRoad, Londoa, S.W.9,CAT HARNESSES as televised, Clawboards.Baskets, White Show Blmkets. Coll"".]N-ovel,FeedinglCookery Cuiae.- Cottiei,Manor llouse, Lytchett Matravers, pooleiDor6et.

-{NTOINE'S CHYANG I,UUTHELPS HIMSEI,F TO HISSWEETSMRS. A. J. CLEWES of46 Littlemoor Lane, Balby, Doncaster, Yorkshire, writes :-" I enclose tw:o photographs o.f my small son's Siamese kitten eatins hisswee ts- Kit- zyme Tab I ets.Antoine's Chiang Luui was itt a very poor state when y,efrst had himancl nothing we gave him had any results. Then when he wos ten weeks Iput him on Kit-zyme Tablets and he has never looked back since. Luui is,6y, fve months old and a picture of health.I do ret'ommencl Kit-21,t71s Tablets for all cats and kittens."KIT.ZYME WILL BENEFIT YOUR CAT TOO...It is a natural Tonic and Conditioner-NOT a purgativeE{itzymeYITAMIN - RICH YEASTPromotes resistance to: LISTLESSN ESS, FALLI NGCOAT, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN TROUBLES50 (4 gr.) Tablets 115, 250 for 4l-, 750 for gl-From Chemists, Corn Chdndlers ond Pet SlropsLiteroture Free on Reouest_'ffilf any difficulty in obtaining write to:PHILLIPS YEAST PR0DUCIS LTD., Park Royal Road, London, N.W.l0Ref. No. 136All cat owners are advised to keep a jar of Zemol in the store cupboard. Zemol, anactively antiseptic veterinary ointment (by the makers of Kit-zyme) is a safe and veryeffective way of treating minor wounds, cuts, burns, etc. Literature FREE on reouest.

You eun Itreserae lroar eopies ofOLrn CA?S in these speeial eolsesArrangements have been made with the makers ofthe well-known EASIBINDER to supply readers ofOUR CATS with their self-binding cases and accessories.Each EASIBINDER-see illustration below_will hold 24 copies of this Magazine. lt enablessubscribers to keep their copies clean and undamaged.The issues can be inserted or removed at will withthe aid of steel rods supplied with each Binder. Bymeans of a special device, the EASIBTNDER is just asuseful when only partly filled and the pages willalways open flat. Full instructions for use aresupplied with each Binder.EASI Bl N DERS are supptiedwith the title (OUR CATS)printed in gilt on ths spine.They are stoutly made andneatly finished in green bindingc I oth.Price l4l3 each, u"s.A. $2.25(Fill;es include postoge)Orders ond remittonces should be sent to OUR CATS Mogozine,4 CorltonMonsions, Clophom Road, London,5.W.9. Remittonces"should be modePoydDIe to ,, Qur Cots Mogozine,',Ptintcd ,n ^GreatB-ri1q1n. by F. l. Milner {l Sons Ltd., Commette Road, Btcntfard, Middlcscx_Jor th. fub[t\her and Prcbrictor, Ariltut E. Cowli,hau, 4 Catlton MinsiansClabham Road. London. 5.W.9-

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