Curriculum vitae Europass

Curriculum vitae Europass

Curriculum vitae Europass


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong><strong>Europass</strong>Personal informationSurname / First nameNationality(ies)Cristina PARASCHIVRomanianDate of birth 04.09.1977SexFProfessional experiencePeriodTitle or occupied positionMain activities and responsibilitiesName and address of the employerType of activity and field of activity2012 – up to presentLecturer PhDSupporting the courses and seminars at the business law, commercial contracts and environment lawsubjects;University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Administration and BusinessEducational2007 – 2012Assistant .PhDSupporting the courses and seminars at the business law, commercial contracts and environment lawsubjects;University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Administration and BusinessEducational2005 – 2011Assistant .PhD.Attending the seminars at the commercial law, family law and administrative law subjectsUniversity of Pitesti/ Faculty of Economic, Legal and Administrative Sciences;Educational2001 – 2005Junior AssistantAttending the seminars at the commercial law, family law and administrative law subjectsUniversity of Pitesti/ Faculty of Economic, Legal and Administrative Sciences;Educational2004 - presentAttorneyBar of BucharestAttorney office Cristina ParaschivlegalEducation and trainingQualification/obtained diplomaThe main studied disciplines/acquiredprofessional competencesName and type of the educationinstitution/training supplierPeriod 2007-2010Graduate in Economic sciencesMarketingUniversity of Pitesti/ Faculty of Economic Sciences - Marketing SpecializationPage/ - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> ofSurname First nameFor further information about <strong>Europass</strong>, go to: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu© The European Communities, 2003 20060628

Level in the national or internationalclassification2005-2007Master diplomaSport, tourism, loisirUniversity of Pitesti in cooperation with the Sophia Antipolis University of Nice, France2005 – 2011Doctor diplomaCivil law"Nicolae Titulescu" University, Bucharest2001-2002Post-university educationLegal sciencesUniversity of Craiova, Faculty of Law Nicolae Titulescu2001Psycho-pedagogic moduleDepartment for the training of didactic staffUniversity of Pitesti2001Specialization courseEuropean community lawUniversity of Bucharest, Economic and administrative training center1997-2001Bachelor degreeLegal sciencesUniversity Nicolae Titulescu, Faculty of LawPersonal skills andcompetencesMother tongue(s)Romanian languageForeign language(s) knownSelf-evaluation Comprehension Speaking WritingEuropean level (*) Listening Reading Participation toconversationFrench languageEnglish languageItalian languageC2C1C1ExperimenteduserExperimenteduserExperimenteduserC2C1C2ExperimenteduserExperimenteduserExperimenteduserC2C1B2ExperimenteduserExperimenteduserIndependentuserC2C1B2Oral speechExperimenteduserExperimenteduserIndependentuser(*) The Level of the Common Reference Europrean Frame For Foreign LanguagesWritten expressionC2B2B2ExperimenteduserIndependentuserIndependentuserCompetences and social skillsOrganizational competences andskillsGood interpersonal communication, teamworkGood organizerPage/ - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> ofSurname First nameFor further information about <strong>Europass</strong>, go to: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu© The European Communities, 2003 20060628

Additional informationPublished articles-1998 «Admisibilitatea probei cu martori » (Admissibility of probe with witnesses); Periodical Lex etScientia;-1999 « Excepția de neexecutare a contractelor sinalagmatice » (Non-execution exception ofsynalagmatic contracts), Periodical Lex et Scientia;-2000 « Institutia adoptiei în materia dreptului succesoral. (Adoption institution in the matter of successorlaw) Amendments by GO no. 25/1997 », Periodical Lex et Scientia;-2002 «Libera circulație a persoanelor și securitatea – Europa socială » (Free traffic of persons andsecurity), Pitesti University Annual ;-2005 « Drepturile copilului – Drepturile omului » - Sesiunea internatională de comunicări stiintifice« Integrare si globalizare » (Child’s rights – Human rights – International session of scientificcommunications «Integration and globalization», University of Pitesti, vol. III, p. 213-220.-2005 « Efectele circumstantelor atenuante » (Effects of the attenuating circumstances), AnuarulUniversitătii din Pitesti (Almanac of University of Pitesti);-2006 «The lien», -The International Conference -The “Acquis communautaire” a need for the EuropeanIntegration;-2006 « The Process of European Unification and the Conformity of the Romanian Legislation with E.U.Standards”, The International Conference -The “Acquis communautaire” a need for the EuropeanIntegration;-2009 “Aeolian energy – the energy of the future?” - Periodical Manager nr. 9;-2010 „Offshore companies” - The International Conference on Economics and Administration, Faculty ofBusiness and Administration, University of Bucharest, Romania, 2010;-2012 “Real Estate Publicity in the light of the provisions of the New Civil Code” - The InternationalConference on Economics and Administration, Faculty of Business and Administration, University ofBucharest, Romania, 2012;-2012 ”Branch status in cross-border insolvency procedure” – Agora International Law Conference AILCOradea, 2012;-2013 ”The European order for payment procedure” – Agora International Journal of Juridical Sciencesno. 2/2013;Published books-2013 ”General considerations on special procedure for payment order under the auspicies of the newCode of civil procedure” – Law Review nr. 2/2013;-2012 ”Studiu comparat privind institutia publicitătii imobiliare” (Compared study regarding the real estateinstitution), Publishing house of the University of Pitesti;-2012 ”Proceduri de recuperare a creantelor nationale si internationale” (Recovery procedures ofnational and international receivables), Publishing house of the University of Pitesti;Page/ - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> ofSurname First nameFor further information about <strong>Europass</strong>, go to: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu© The European Communities, 2003 20060628

Page/ - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> ofSurname First nameFor further information about <strong>Europass</strong>, go to: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu© The European Communities, 2003 20060628

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