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Another louely cat wlto louesKIT-E.KATChampion <strong>of</strong>Chan'rpions thrives onr the completecat food tA{ost admired cat <strong>in</strong> thecountry is 12). vear oldLangherne W<strong>in</strong>some, the beautif.rlpale ch<strong>in</strong>chilla lr,hich wonthe 50 gu<strong>in</strong>ea cup for besr catat Oiympia. Miss Steer <strong>of</strong>Maidenhead who owns W<strong>in</strong>somesays, 'I mix her Kit-E-Kat with vegetables and cornflakes and she loves it. Lots <strong>of</strong>cats don't like t<strong>in</strong>ned foods,but Kit-E-Kat seems to getthem ali'.\sr, anJ Kit-E-Kar is notoniv delicious but $'onderfullynouri.hrng. Ii is a high prore<strong>in</strong>food enriched ri'ith liver.Yom' cat mav not be achampion, but Kit-E-Kat willgive her glossy coat, bright eyesand vitam<strong>in</strong> vitalityl Cooked,ready'to serve, l0ld. a r<strong>in</strong>.KIT.E-KAT LTD., SLOUGH, 8UCKS.

(fubCntoAUTHORITATIVT . INSTRUCTIVE . EI{TERTAITIINGIltblirhed evcy month lyith the best-possible featuresEd illustratious and circulated to Cat toym afrer.r k<strong>in</strong>d throughout the world. Our cditorialpupse rs:Cl) to spreed a wider understanil<strong>in</strong>g md a betferappreciation ol all cats, their care md management;(2) to encourage <strong>in</strong> every way the breed<strong>in</strong>g, haudl<strong>in</strong>gud shw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> pedigree cats;(3) to work lor the suppressiol <strong>of</strong> every {orm <strong>of</strong>cruelty to cats;(.1) to act as a l<strong>in</strong>k oI friendship and coEmon <strong>in</strong>terestbetween cat lovers <strong>in</strong> difierent parts ol the world.VOL. 3 No. 2FEBRUARY I95IManag<strong>in</strong>g Editor :ARTHUR E. COWLISHAW4 CARLTON MANSIONSCLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.9CRUELTY IS TOO CI{EAPT has been our custom lrom time to time to report <strong>in</strong>stances oI cruelryfIto cats and usually we have done no more than to present the barest- outl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the cases, many <strong>of</strong> rvhich have been revolt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the extreme.The report<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> these acts <strong>of</strong> crueltv has not passed withoutcomment from our readers and I have been <strong>in</strong>trigued on occasion toreceive letters <strong>of</strong> protest aga<strong>in</strong>st their <strong>in</strong>clusion <strong>in</strong> this Magaz<strong>in</strong>e. He orshe (the reader) just hated to read eLbout these unpleasant th<strong>in</strong>gs andtherefore such items were best omitted.We are at ieast <strong>of</strong> a m<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> one respect. We, too, dislike <strong>in</strong>tenselyhav<strong>in</strong>g to read about the horrible acts <strong>of</strong> cruelty to dumb animals that, rop up every rveek. They make us " hopp<strong>in</strong>g mad." But hav,ng "aidthat, \ve must parl cornpany from our cr,tics brcause $.s fc,sl stronglythat to pretend to ignore their existence is a deplorable form <strong>of</strong> appeasement.It is part <strong>of</strong> our policy to work for the suppression <strong>of</strong> cruelty tocats. What can rve hope to achieve if we rema<strong>in</strong> completely dumb on thesubject? No, it is our duty to turn on the glare <strong>of</strong> publicity to the ful1and to help all we can to achieve a general awareness <strong>of</strong> rvhat is go<strong>in</strong>g on.Take, for example, that revolt<strong>in</strong>g case which cropped up the otheri"l-. It concerned a man who had procured a cat as food for his ferret.He tried to kill the cat <strong>in</strong> a public-house by strik<strong>in</strong>g its head aga<strong>in</strong>st a'.i..-,oden seat. When brought before the Saffron Walden (Essex) magisr:":eshe was f<strong>in</strong>ed f 5 and 36 19s. ild. costs.The case aroused great <strong>in</strong>terest and there was a storm <strong>of</strong> protesta:;;n=r shat u'as rightly regarded as the miid punishment <strong>in</strong>flicted on the

<strong>of</strong>fender. Sir Newman Florver addressed such a protest to the " News<strong>of</strong> the World," whose Editor has k<strong>in</strong>dly given me permission to reproducefrom some <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g letters published under the head<strong>in</strong>g'" Yes, Cruelty is Much Too Cheap." Sir Ne*man Flower wrote: " Inthe op<strong>in</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> all decent people that man should have been sent toprison."From Saffron Walden came a reply from Councillor Stanley Wilson,who presented a magistrate's po:nt <strong>of</strong> vierv on horr- to make the punishmentfit the crimd. He wrote: " As one <strong>of</strong> the mag;strates attacked, Icannot answer the criticism as that rvould be improper. I can, however,comment on the general question <strong>of</strong> what should be done to people convicted<strong>of</strong> cruelty to children and animals. In certa<strong>in</strong> circumstancesprison may be the only possible punishment, but I doubt if it will evercure cruelty. The only real cure is education ; that is a long and difficultprocess. It is all a question <strong>of</strong> rais<strong>in</strong>g the standard <strong>of</strong> morality. We canalso shame people by see<strong>in</strong>g that ali their neighbours know <strong>of</strong> any brutalacts. I love cats, but suppose a man goes to prison for six months withhard labour for hurt<strong>in</strong>g a cat. Will it make him love cats or will it onlymake him more careful not to be caught next time? The mentality whichth<strong>in</strong>ks that all little brutes should be thrashed and all big brutes sent toprison and lots <strong>of</strong> them hanged is just slipp<strong>in</strong>g back to barbarism. Weshall never kill cruelty by be<strong>in</strong>g cruel. A persistent <strong>of</strong>fender probablyneeds medical treatment <strong>in</strong> the nearest mental hospital."Most <strong>of</strong> the letter-rvriters to the " \ets <strong>of</strong> the World " had littletime for the milk-and-water stuff handed out by Councillor Wilson.Mrs. Sheila Coleman very rightly e:'pressed the vieri that a grave responsibilityrests on the shoulders <strong>of</strong> those rvho adm<strong>in</strong>ister the law. Cases <strong>of</strong>cruelty to animals are on the <strong>in</strong>crease and their character grows morerevolt<strong>in</strong>g despite the fact that rve are spend<strong>in</strong>g more on education thanever before.Here is T. V., <strong>of</strong> Gloucester: " Real crueltl'to an animal revealsmore than just a callous streak. It shows that the <strong>of</strong>fender is mentallyunder-developed, unimag<strong>in</strong>ative, <strong>in</strong>capable <strong>of</strong> appreciat<strong>in</strong>g the suffer<strong>in</strong>ghe is caus<strong>in</strong>g by his deeds. Certa<strong>in</strong>ly f<strong>in</strong>es w:ll not correct this deficiency,nor imprisonment ; not even flogg<strong>in</strong>g. The least that can be done surelyis to ensure that such people come <strong>in</strong>to contact with animals as little aspossible. "Sir Newman Flower himself received among many letters one from" Six Bristol Lorry Drivers and Mates." " We rvould like to thank youfor the splendid stand you are mak<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st persistent animal cruelty,"they say. " You are much better educated than the writers <strong>of</strong> this letter

a:.'.;.'::::rsi lou $i11 cont<strong>in</strong>ue to say ruhat the general public th<strong>in</strong>ks.-{:--: ::,,-'i luck to }'ou, sir."llv erperience," Sir Newman comments <strong>in</strong> forward<strong>in</strong>g this mes-!:

ITNOW YOT]B OATThis <strong>in</strong>formative and delightfullysimplified anatomical chart should<strong>in</strong>terest all those cat loveri-and theyare legion-who shate the schoolboy'scuriosity to know " what makes thewheels go round.ttThe top sketch shows the arrEngementand function <strong>of</strong> the cat's ma<strong>in</strong>external muscles.The second sketch depicts the circulatorysystem, the location and rela.tive size <strong>of</strong> the heart and majorvessels. Had it been possible for usto reproduce this sketch <strong>in</strong> colo'ur, redand blue would have been used todifferentiate between the arterial andthe venous systems.tReproduced with acknowledgment and thanksfrom the excellent 550-page wotk on " HomePet Care," by Leon F. Whitney, D.V.M.(Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City,New York.)The third sketch gives the locationand relative size <strong>of</strong> the pritrcipai <strong>in</strong>ternalorgan5 and this is followed bya draw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the cat <strong>in</strong> skeleton form.

llore Questions rt AnswersGesse&Ees gte:os ws FametsBv ALBERT C. JUDEOur popular contributor on the fasc<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g subject <strong>of</strong> animal geneticssusta<strong>in</strong>s the grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> the scientific aspects <strong>of</strong> cat breed<strong>in</strong>g withthis fc,urth <strong>in</strong>stalment <strong>in</strong> a f<strong>in</strong>e new series. Readers are <strong>in</strong>vited to subrnittheir simple p'roblems to Mr. Jude who will be pLeased to answer themfor the general <strong>in</strong>teres <strong>in</strong> ensu<strong>in</strong>g issues.1 S a knowledge <strong>of</strong> genetics neces-sary <strong>in</strong> order to be successful as aI breede" <strong>of</strong> small livestock?Th:q:q: orre.f<strong>in</strong>n *hich has beenlr: tL me a good m:rny times byirreeders oi all sorts o{ smal1 fancyiir r'5tock, and I t,ant to anstver here. .:--r-.drru --, frdrr^Ly f--..i.r-.d) I can.In these clays <strong>of</strong> quickly spread <strong>in</strong>folnaflel-ngwspapers,magaz<strong>in</strong>es,radic, etc.-I cannot th<strong>in</strong>k there cani ^ nr nV p^, 'p'" $ ho a rp ignoranl <strong>of</strong>the fact that stock breeders uho procluceihe preseni high r-ields oJ nilk,'S

lems to be tackied and mastered satisfactorilyand rvithout guessivork. And<strong>in</strong> any case, surely it is more rnterest<strong>in</strong>gto knorv rr-hy a thlng happensthan merely thal it just does?Age for StudsI have a Siamese stud who is sir<strong>in</strong>gexcellent kittens. He is six years <strong>of</strong>age. Do you consider this too '( old "for stud work ?The anq\\ er js a" deflnite negat ive.In fact, I rvould say a stud <strong>of</strong> thisage is <strong>in</strong> his prime. I could nameseveral quite n'e11 knou.n studs <strong>of</strong> dif-{erent breeds rvho are trvice as old asyour stud n'ho are norv sir<strong>in</strong>g kittensr.I just a< good qualil.y as rhey tlid <strong>in</strong>their younger dal's. This is only asrvould bc expected from good stock.The time to stop breecl<strong>in</strong>g *itl'r malesis rrhen they shorr def<strong>in</strong>itp signs <strong>of</strong> afall<strong>in</strong>s nlT <strong>in</strong> seneral r,,ndiliun. Thecoat quality may be a guide, but, <strong>of</strong>rourse, the quality <strong>of</strong> the progenyl'ill be the decid<strong>in</strong>g factor. It is wellknorvn that advanced paternal agedoes not shorv il1 efiects <strong>in</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>gas soon as does material age. Thebreed<strong>in</strong>g per{ormanc.g is obviously notso exactrng.Breed<strong>in</strong>g ConditionI have read with <strong>in</strong>terest and pro.fited by the <strong>in</strong>formation you havegiven through the pages <strong>of</strong> ,, Our<strong>Cats</strong>," and I wish to thank you.With the breed<strong>in</strong>g season <strong>in</strong> fullsw<strong>in</strong>.g, would you please give adviceto help towards the efficiency <strong>of</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g queens ?Perhaps rhe largest proportion <strong>of</strong>the p)ea.ures trl our Fanry js to bcf,'rrn,l ir the rrnrndrr, iion and clevelopment<strong>of</strong> a nelv generation. Horvever:u(cess{ul, and hoirercr good <strong>in</strong>qurliiy are your ulclor tats, they sosoon seem to ha\c thpir day. so lhatrhe Lreeder must be for erer strir<strong>in</strong>gto fil1 their places with er,.en betteranimals. Each year he goes a stepforu'ard, nearer to the elusive perfection.Plans must be made aheadanrl a stor ktrk<strong>in</strong>g must be made <strong>of</strong>breed<strong>in</strong>g stock available. fheir reproductileproperties, {or good orotheru'ise, must Le noted and turned1,, t(c ,Llnl. Er rrr- Lrped<strong>in</strong>g queen isa lal- nnto herself, and the litters shem r\ li\e to r'dr m.t)' l"are thpir markupon the breed Jor all time.Virgil. uhen (liscours<strong>in</strong>g on theproblems <strong>of</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>g, said :" As Jor the females, rrilh <strong>in</strong>dustriouscare,Take dorvn their mettie. Keepthem lean and b:rre."And hon very right he rvas. Ifvou u,ould have vour queens goodrnl regul;r r I'ps lers, ' keep themle.an and bare." This is n,hy quite a.r'rr:Fl nf , rl^jl,iri,.n nnepns iail iObreed or are bad, <strong>in</strong>different rnothers.,\nv animal th:rt i-q fat <strong>in</strong>side does notm:1ke a good mother. Don't misunde:standme. I don't mean to''^-" ^- I 1'rt conditionsthis s'ny. But feed {,ith care <strong>in</strong>^,.^-+;+-, ^-l l-:-,1All animals <strong>of</strong> one sort do not needcimilrr{ecd<strong>in</strong>s Sf,rrlrr ' '--Y )'oUr QUeensand feed accorcl<strong>in</strong>gly to keep a" lean ' 1'ody. In this u ay youk"on un r [rir hrper]jns condition and1p^p th. anjmrls clean <strong>in</strong>side. and atthe sane timc ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> a good coatand goocl health. Clood hard fleshriithout {at should be your object <strong>in</strong>lee.ljng l -ped<strong>in</strong>o flu, prs and he sensible.too. rrhen qupens 3re leed<strong>in</strong>gtheir youngsters. If the queen doesnot gct ht at this 1i6e, gjve her u'hatshe rvill reaclily eat ; but i{ she tendsto fatness cut dorvn the food. Her fatcondition at this time oniy <strong>in</strong>dicateschc i" prt<strong>in</strong>o ......b .,....- mnrc rhrn ...,,.. 1s necessitl'y,the excess go<strong>in</strong>g to fatness and aclogg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the milk supply.I place this matter <strong>of</strong> fatness asn,rt i, "l ,rl'- i'--^.r-^r Prnr-i,1<strong>in</strong>o'y IrrPUlLdrrrthe queens a"re chosen through theA

- I l:: .::: t: :t:ir ancestfal his-' . ': r_::-q their <strong>in</strong>dividual.:.: ::- Droperlv taken <strong>in</strong>to' .t i l pcrpeluatc quile:: r, u uill buL give th"m- tr.,-:.-: r,r- this proper body con-. a-.Breed'ng frorn You,nrg Stock- ::::nk nhile on this question-the.:.:.i rr to s'hich has had to be brief-::- :,,ilol'<strong>in</strong>g may be <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>terest. As: :e-:uit <strong>of</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> obs_^rvations, it--:rs that <strong>in</strong> young stock somc:'.::.liries <strong>of</strong> their parents at the time::-\' are produc<strong>in</strong>g their voung are::l]rcrduced <strong>in</strong> these voungsters. It,.- uld follorv, therefore, that if 1,ou.:::d from young lrreed<strong>in</strong>g stock-:tirelv you *'ill develop a stra<strong>in</strong> with'r- chrractcristics <strong>of</strong> th"ir parents.s'.rn,s prs. \'ou rrill proJ,ably gr<strong>in</strong>:r shape and style, and mavbe lose cn.irlour and certa<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> tick<strong>in</strong>g.If you breed entirely from o1d.arents, you n'ill ga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> depth <strong>of</strong>rllcur, lose a little <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>eness, anclq:r<strong>in</strong> decidedly <strong>in</strong> tick<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong> last-::rl propcrlies. Probably, cun.<strong>in</strong>uousr:eed<strong>in</strong>g from young stock rvill f<strong>in</strong>dr-cu rvith lovely voungsters as young_sters, but ma1'be thev u'ill not lastthe span <strong>of</strong> time. So generallv, ifvou blend the fullv developerl (orolder) rvith the r,-ounger, \-ou rralcomb<strong>in</strong>e the good qualities <strong>of</strong> 'rroth.ir*"Y --,'t€.!-!;*A'-\ {arm,vard cat at Litton Cheney,Bridport, knor.vn a5 l,Iother Puss, isl1 r'ears old.PEDIGREE FORMS at 2s. pet d,ozentpost free) are obta<strong>in</strong>able frour ,, Our<strong>Cats</strong> " Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 4, Carlton Mansions,Clapham Road, London, S.W.9.Larger quantities available at prorala rates.RAINE HELPING HERSELF!(Miss C. Calvert Jones Tai-land Ranat who wonBest Shorr haired Cat at the Olympia Crystal CatShow. 1950.)I.'lis-s C. Calvert Jodes <strong>of</strong> Spreadeagles, Bures,Suffolk, owner-breeder <strong>of</strong> the well-knownTai-land Seal and Blue po<strong>in</strong>ted Siamese,writes:-_" Although I am extremely sotisfied with the effect<strong>of</strong> Kit-zyme on oll my <strong>Cats</strong>, I feel I must let youiearabout Ro<strong>in</strong>e, one <strong>of</strong> my youn! eueens.Ro<strong>in</strong>e (Toi lond Ronott iho was owaded BestFemqle kitten dt the Siomese CotShow lost vear wasso very pulled down over her firct fomity o titier <strong>of</strong>six - thot she wds known os th: Belsen cot II was very worried about her condition untilI storted her on Kit-zyme, buL your product brouEhtobout a ||onderful imDrovement. Ro<strong>in</strong>e wos soonbdck <strong>in</strong> excellent condition ond shc is so fond <strong>of</strong> thet.blets thdt she sits up anJ begsfor them and hoseven developed o " Kit-zyme growl " if they are Iotetn arriv<strong>in</strong>g.I Her rdtest trtck is to help herself fromthe jor ,andI have to be careful she doesn't toke toomony,(A month later)" You qill have heord <strong>of</strong> Ro,ne's success dt theCrystal Snon. Inciaentolly, she wds mdch upsetby the jude<strong>in</strong>g ond I hurried het bdck to her pen ondond goue h.er half-o-dozen KiL-zymes\|hich dppearedto soolhe her.I unhesitot<strong>in</strong>gly recommend Kit-zyme to cll othercot owners-KIT-ZYME will benefit your cat tooIt is a natural Tonic and Conditioner-N OT a purgativeKltzynreVITAMIN.RICH YEASTPromotes resistance to :LISTLESSNESS, FALLING COAT,LOSS OF APPETITF,SKIN TROUBLES.50 (7] gr.) Tablets li6, 250 for 4l-,7S0for Bl-.KIT - ZYME is sold by Chemists, and mottPet Stores.lf any difficulty <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, write to:_PHILLIPS YEAST PRODUCTS LTD.,PARK ROYAL ROAD, LONDON, N.!1/'IOLitercture free on regues!

A page for the proletarian puss No. llFELIX KEEFS ON WASHING !This delightful fireside snapshot comes to us from Mrs- M. C. Middleton, <strong>of</strong>Montrose, Scctland. Her Silver Tabby Felix and the rn<strong>in</strong>iature dachshundSimon are great friends. Felix clearly believes that any pal <strong>of</strong> his must bewashed thoroughly beh<strong>in</strong>d the ears before he can share his cushion. The pairalso share a sleep<strong>in</strong>g basket and thoroughly ecrjoy haw<strong>in</strong>g car rides together.Felix sits'on the ledge belud the back seat and looks out <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>in</strong>dory. Hecauses quite a lot <strong>of</strong> amus€ment locaily-8

Jfiore ftoro SdgresBrTOBY ( conclud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>sta!ment )-rt HAT the popular " Cat and,-.I i;irldle " sign most probably^ found its orig<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> ihe happynrrrscr)' rhyrne is l"airly ucll subslantiatedby an anc'e-tt carl<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> Beverley M<strong>in</strong>ster <strong>of</strong> a cat play,<strong>in</strong>g a viol<strong>in</strong>.Llodern pa<strong>in</strong>ters also ascr-be tothis theory and excellent examples<strong>of</strong> their work can be seen to-dayon signs at Radlett (Herts), Buxton(Derbyshire) and l{<strong>in</strong>ton.A,dmiral <strong>in</strong> the New Forest.The <strong>in</strong>n at Buxton stands at1,690 feet above sea level and issaid to be the second highest <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong> England. Mr. C. G. Harper,u ril <strong>in</strong>p at f he cnrl <strong>of</strong> the last ren-- il- ..^ rL^. ,L sixth IlukcLUry, lErrb us LrldL trru<strong>of</strong> Devonshire was fond <strong>of</strong> thisroad from Buxton to Macclesfielcl,n'hich passes the <strong>in</strong>n, and usedto travel it with his favourite catand viol<strong>in</strong>.Mr. Ralph Ellis, R.A., prob-:rb1y the most prolific sign pa<strong>in</strong>tercrf our day, designed <strong>in</strong> 1919 thesign for the " Cat and Fiddle "at H<strong>in</strong>ton Admiral. On oneside he has shou'n a sieek blackcat beside a viol<strong>in</strong>, a bottle and ag1ass, and upon a sheet <strong>of</strong> music<strong>in</strong> the background is thc phrare' Trke a cup <strong>of</strong> sprrkl<strong>in</strong>g rr<strong>in</strong>e."Un the reverse (sce rcprodrrction<strong>in</strong> the December issue <strong>of</strong> Oun( \r s) is a tabby on h<strong>in</strong>d legsplav<strong>in</strong>g his viol<strong>in</strong> u'hilst the cos''::r1ps otcr the moon, the little. ,q larrghs and a smil<strong>in</strong>g dish:'rns a\\'ay rvith a spoon !Or er thc doorway o1 this--:atched house a remarkablv,.,.11-, r-r'pd nrip<strong>in</strong>al nf the scenehas e:

The " Cat and Custard Pot "r'vas the unique name <strong>of</strong> an <strong>in</strong>n onthe N{uswell Road mentioned <strong>in</strong>" Handley Cross " by Surtees,and at which X{r. Jorrocks'shounds met and the huntsmendrank lreeiy oi brandy. A modernsign has been pa<strong>in</strong>ted on the bas-s<strong>of</strong> an illustration to this book byMr. Albert Cook for an <strong>in</strong>n <strong>in</strong> theBeaufort Hunt country at Shipton.Vlovne.'^"J"-' On one sidc hehfty years ago, a man came to thedoor and called for a dr,nk. Itrvas brought to him by thc landla,ivol '_ that time. As he drank-*-Jit, for he rvas on horseback, henoticed that the iandlady waspecr<strong>in</strong>g across the road." He asked, ' What's ter do,rnissus? ' She replied, 'Ah'mnobbut r'vatch<strong>in</strong>' yon old squ<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>gca t yonder,' po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g to acottage opposite. ' She's ailusdepicts a beribboned cat r,vhosehead is buried <strong>in</strong> a pot, and onthe other is a pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> oldJorrocks hold<strong>in</strong>g al<strong>of</strong>t a brush,surrounded by a pack <strong>of</strong> yelp<strong>in</strong>ghounds.Wee Georgie Wood <strong>in</strong> his autobiography," I Had To Be Wee,"teils an <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g story <strong>of</strong> the" Squ<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g Cat " at Pannal,near Harrogate. " It has been apubiic-house for many, manyyears-hundreds <strong>in</strong> all probability-butfor a long time it hadno name. About a hundred ancl10neen<strong>in</strong>s rn,l necr<strong>in</strong>g at rihat'sr-\-r'..o.^.-r''.-..bnone on her bus<strong>in</strong>ess.' The manlaughed. ' It 'ud be a goodishname for they public, missus-" T' Squ<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g Cat," eh? ' Andso the ' Squ<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g Cat' it became,rvith a sign <strong>of</strong> a cat afflicted<strong>in</strong> this way hang<strong>in</strong>g outside."This surve,v may be completedrvith a mention <strong>of</strong> the " Puss <strong>in</strong>Boots " at W<strong>in</strong>dley, Derbyshire,to shorv that <strong>in</strong>genuity and <strong>in</strong>nsigns go hand <strong>in</strong> hand, commemorat<strong>in</strong>gnursery rhymes and character,animals and anecdotes <strong>of</strong>all time.

HE.nnual gcneral meet<strong>in</strong>g ulthe Scottish Cat Club rvas heldlast month <strong>in</strong> Glasgou.. It re-.. ealed that althou$h the Club has a:,1lance on the creclit side, more,nlT:cs rn,l pxhil ,its:lre hupeLl for rhis\ -Jr tu hllp meet the ris ng ( oitc ,,f:irol- prornotion. Las! year's shou'.iroiied a- small pr<strong>of</strong>it and the atien-,i:..lce ilgr res \\'ere a record at 816.-\ir. James Garrorv \\,as unanimouslyre-electccl Hon. President and th3Club's President is the Hon. \irctoriaFi:riee. Urs. lj. .\. Richardson contrru:c :o S'r'\e : IT"n. S., retlry ln.lTr:asurer.Ilr. Jchn Simeon, a corrcspondentrt " LiounLll' LiIe," clescribes an <strong>in</strong>-:rresi<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>cident pror,<strong>in</strong>g the highilegree <strong>of</strong> reason<strong>in</strong>g pou'er sholn by aL':it, u'hirh had discovcred a sk<strong>in</strong>nedr:rbl;it <strong>in</strong> a cellar larder. An excell€,ntrneai for mV family and mvself,thcught the cat. But fi"om the sl:rbrrn ri'hich the rablrit la1. i1 -"-,tr, "scramlrle <strong>of</strong> some four feet up an:llmosi vcrtical u'a1l ancl throngh ai;loken w<strong>in</strong>dori. to the ouisirle uolkl.fhe cat triecl unsuccessfulh' to dr:,Lgthe rabbit orlt and take it to her kitt.rs.So the alternative plan, rhichihe a.lopted, rvas to take the kittensto the rabbit. Until then thev hadnever ventured outside the outhouserl rvhich they n'ere born, and to reach'l'-ir rn"rl they hrd to Le {akon quite:i journey across a drive and overiie ri er beds. ]lr. Simeon a.dds : T.,. ish I could have seen the mother,:: jol<strong>in</strong>g them dorvn through the: rcken light to face u,hat to a t<strong>in</strong>y.::tien must have appeared a terrifv-:rg clrop. Three <strong>of</strong> them got dorvn1lsafely but the fourth funked it,rpparcn.ly, and it rvas his merr <strong>in</strong>g unths florver bed that led to my discover<strong>in</strong>grvhirt n'as So<strong>in</strong>g on.\\rhen ]11r. Philip Knighf, a Ho11orr:i1-(,\orth Lonclon) resident, hearclscratch<strong>in</strong>g on thc F-rench rv<strong>in</strong>dou.s.n- nighr he opene6[ 3 tl,'nr slightll'io <strong>in</strong>vcstigate. A black cat rushed<strong>in</strong>to the room, ran round tg'ice,ii,mno,l *"f_' ;nlr, tlrr I'rrrn<strong>in</strong>p It-c antl shot.tup the rhimney, rvhele he sta.yed.:\n R.S.U.P.A. <strong>in</strong>spector later broughtit donn r<strong>in</strong>;njured.I)anehurst Sherriff, Cream maleorporterl by X'Ir. Gorrlon A1lt to X'lrs.E. R. ,qp.ncer, uell-knorvn Canadi.artiancier, s as i ucige..l Bcst Cat, BestCream ancl Best Cream J{aie <strong>in</strong> Shorvat a ii'orcnto fixture u,hich had l8{lexhibits. Sherriff has also rvon his{ull Charnpicnship po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> justtncler a vea.r:rt onlv trvc sho-ls.i\ c:rt rrho refused to eat r:rl ciri.iil

to excess <strong>of</strong> zeal u'hile engaged <strong>in</strong>anti-rodent operations. \Vhiskychased a mouse ac.ross thc papercoveredtop <strong>of</strong> a vat <strong>of</strong> liquid rubber.The mouse crossed safely-Whiskvfell <strong>in</strong>. lle u'as discovered later 1tythe night watchman, thickly encased<strong>in</strong> a. rubber straight jacket, {or theliquid had solidilied. Whisky rrasrushed to the P.D.S.-{. at \\-althamstou',where he uas given a bath <strong>in</strong>.oapy anti-septic solution, and aftertwo hours' rvork the rubber " shell "rvas removed and his {ur coat n'as:oa<strong>in</strong> rer erlpd A ftc. conl<strong>in</strong>o nfI <strong>in</strong>a basket, he was ready to return toduty.Ris<strong>in</strong>g production costs are responsil,lefor an <strong>in</strong>creasn <strong>in</strong> thc price<strong>of</strong> "'Ihe Cat Fancy." X'Iiss KitWilson announces that the vearlvsubscription rate for the future mustbe 10s., post fiee (from 7s.), ancl theprice o{ a s<strong>in</strong>gle copy 1Cd., asaga<strong>in</strong>st 7d.I have been read<strong>in</strong>g rvith <strong>in</strong>terest acopy o{ the revised booklet issued bythe milkers <strong>of</strong> Kit-Zyme under the1i1:e '' Prevcnt:on is Retier lhr.nCure." 1 am anare that the <strong>in</strong>troductlon<strong>of</strong> these little yeast tabletshas had uonclerful results s<strong>in</strong>ce the\\-ar on the health and general l'ell-Lc<strong>in</strong>s nf n,r'r.rl 1,,.pulf,1i,,1. .\ Sr^ljnumber <strong>of</strong> our lead<strong>in</strong>g {ancicrs, aliveto the impor'tance o{ \ritan<strong>in</strong> B <strong>in</strong>thc daily diet, have testihed to ther rlu^ uf Kit-Zyme rs a regulrr foodsupp'cment. The booklet has some<strong>in</strong>rer, sj<strong>in</strong>o rh<strong>in</strong>oc .,,,.,6' ln sAV aLOutgeneral condition, sk<strong>in</strong> afTections,fur l,ril. <strong>in</strong>,ligcstion air,l con.iipatjorr.The American Governnent rs plann<strong>in</strong>gto i.'qsue an elaborate booklettell<strong>in</strong>g pet orvnels rvhat to do andhow to :rct <strong>in</strong> the case <strong>of</strong> an attackbr- atom bcmb. llakers <strong>of</strong> proprie-'l crrn''l foo'l=;rre elojmjng thrtthe hermeticallv sc:rlecl conta<strong>in</strong>ersrioulci be the onlv soulce <strong>of</strong> food andt2dr<strong>in</strong>k {or the unfortunate victims"And they call this civilisation !The 1!)50 Report <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cats</strong>' protectionLeague, presented by theS{ ( l.taly. I1r. A. .4. Steuard, dis-, los' s rhc follou <strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g statis_tics: In-patients, 973 ; out-patients,,),208 ; cats and kittens received,Iound, 479 ' homes found and cats restoredto owners, 327 ; road accidentsattencled, 51 ; cats coliected, 643 ;humane destruction, 4,205; ambu,lance mileage,2,B10. It is po<strong>in</strong>tedout that the number <strong>of</strong> cats and kittensput to sleep n'as greater last yearbecause ihe League's activitiescovered a greater area.Nliss P. E. Sutton, Nlatron <strong>of</strong> Tedd<strong>in</strong>gtonHospital, spent a most unhappyChristmas s'hen her pe!Siamese, Freddie, got rvhisked arvav <strong>in</strong>a deliverv val to the Blackfriars are:r<strong>of</strong> London. After a most <strong>in</strong>tensivesearch, Freddis u'as found alive, brit<strong>in</strong> rn e\h.lrstp,l rn,'l friohtenn,l cnndition, heh<strong>in</strong>d a hundle <strong>of</strong> emptr'sacks <strong>in</strong> the *'arehouse uhere the vanr"s unlord"d. He rros treaiei 1rt *\ cl nr<strong>in</strong>arv srrrpeon hrri d;J n.t recoverftom his ordeal. This unhappylirtle slor) hrs a moral: \Vrtr h lorrrpet rvhen there is any van around !Remember the picture o{ thes <strong>in</strong>ged cat we published <strong>in</strong> ourr\ugust issue last year ? R. E. H.l{orrn" Ir. I Ip.rri, lr, rrrir<strong>in</strong>g to th"" Sundar- Time-.," e\pre-qses the vierv:hat " the erplanation oI tlre rr<strong>in</strong>glil:^app.rr'rt' " <strong>in</strong> .'.rn^ , rls is simpllthat <strong>in</strong> some t\.pes the o1d coat iscast <strong>in</strong> this u,ay. i remember as ah',v <strong>in</strong> DerLl -hi:e thrco Por-ian-lr pecats iiv<strong>in</strong>g a rrilcl, or at least a nonclomestic,life orr a local farm. Eachvear as thcy cast theil coats thevhrrn.''''''blikn a lltece .In c ,( h .:dg rr ith"'the ner, hair grou<strong>in</strong>g underneath.The hang<strong>in</strong>g rnass <strong>of</strong> matted f ureoul,l l)os.il 'lv i,o nristaken h) animag<strong>in</strong>ative person for a sort <strong>of</strong>n'<strong>in</strong>g. "l,lICKEY

eorrespond,enee {qprrc,erReaders are <strong>in</strong>vited to send contributions to this feature and so to jo<strong>in</strong>T,h: useful exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas, experiences and knowledge. Letterrshould be concise and deal preferaLry with items <strong>of</strong> general <strong>in</strong>terestTFIE FANCY'S LOSS\\'ith a heavy heart, I tell ir-rembers,'i the Southern Counties Cat Clul_rthat our President, lfrs. G. CampbellFraser, passed a$'ay on llth Januar]..Although she lived to the greatage <strong>of</strong> [19, her <strong>in</strong>tense <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> catsand <strong>in</strong> her " dear old Southern ,,ner.er fla_gged. I ahvays kept her <strong>in</strong>_formed <strong>of</strong> the,Club,s a-ctivities :rndnas look<strong>in</strong>g {oru.ard to tell<strong>in</strong>g her <strong>of</strong>mv American trip, conveyrng messrges <strong>of</strong> aiTection and goodrvill fromher nany {riends <strong>in</strong> the State-s, \,vhichshe visited <strong>in</strong> 1981.Before becorn<strong>in</strong>g president <strong>in</strong> l!:)17,llrs. Campbell Fraser rvas for :L greatrt:tnj/ years the Club,s llon. Secre.i rr ; ncl <strong>in</strong> this , a|e, it r her'pn.rgp11,errthusiasrn u,:as ah.,,ays apparf nt,sorlefrmes t:rk<strong>in</strong>g the form <strong>of</strong> slogansto stimulate membership. One <strong>of</strong>these is the Club's motto: ,, TheSouthern starrds for Felkn.ship anclthe Good <strong>of</strong>-the Cat.,, \Vhen T tookover her duties <strong>in</strong> 1917, I felt I hatl<strong>in</strong>deed a high erample to follou..Al1 our sr,elpathr- ,,ri11 _qo orit to hcrilaughter, lliss Lelgarrle Iiraser, ri hrseIlia<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>terest has been her r-no:her,swelfare.I,Irs. K:rthleen R. Williams,IIon. Secretary,Southern Counties Cat Club,Sutton, Surrey.FREAK BIRTFII rvas <strong>in</strong>teresled <strong>in</strong> the descriptior' r a {reak birth <strong>in</strong> I'our January::iile. Such under-developrnent <strong>of</strong>: : rnal orgrn" is. <strong>in</strong> my ,xperience.:::': uslally to pre-matLrritv, eyen |v:. r'etv ferv days. The digestive:..:em fails to function, thereby pre_'.-:rt<strong>in</strong>g the kittens stimulat<strong>in</strong>g theflori' <strong>of</strong> milk <strong>in</strong> the queen and evencurtail<strong>in</strong>g that most valuable supplyr'r colostrum which is a primary n( ces_sitv to the u,eli,be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> a1l mammals.ilrs. Felicity Tschudi Broadwoocl,Send, Surrey.QUITE UNSOI,ICITED\\re have been receiv<strong>in</strong>g your Magazrne{or some months. I am rvrit<strong>in</strong>gto 1et you knorv that I th<strong>in</strong>k it ranksamong ths ilnest and most enterta<strong>in</strong>,<strong>in</strong>g rnonthlv trooks any ca! lovercould rrish for. It caters for al1 <strong>in</strong> amost delightful and pr-actical rvav.\5 mS mo her :nd I krcp 5erep g.p.Siamese and a number <strong>of</strong> oiher cats:rs rveLl, rre have <strong>of</strong>tcn turned to 1-ourilagaz<strong>in</strong>e {or advice and help, rvhichle har-e never failed to f<strong>in</strong>d. I regardi: as <strong>in</strong>dispensable to all n'ho keeplnd love cats :is rve do.' A Kentish R.cacler(Name and adciress supptied).C{-]R BIG YEAR ?I have jLrst be.-n to Cruft's Sliolr. :rt( )i\:lirfia for the first time. The, sizcoi th:' " gaie " fcr this doggy a{Iairatnazecl me. As this is Fe::tir.ai yearI hope someth<strong>in</strong>g extra special rvill beilrthcom<strong>in</strong>g for those <strong>of</strong> us u,hopre{er cat sholvs., T. A. R., Hampstead, N.W.iFu1l name and addr.ess suppliecl.fAbout that letter you were go ngto send us. Why not sit downand wr;re it Nos/ ? correspondeneeCorner is YOUR feature.Please help to keep it go<strong>in</strong>g.

THE UNTAMABLE TAMED1 T has been Pror-ed, \vrites a corre-I spondent. that a " rvild " c"t frontr the homb-sites <strong>of</strong> London can l,etamed if sufficient Patient e is ex'pended. A resident <strong>of</strong> Errell, Surrev,has succeeded <strong>in</strong> do<strong>in</strong>g so.A number <strong>of</strong> these unfortunate" u'ild " cats have lived <strong>in</strong> the labyr<strong>in</strong>th<strong>of</strong> cellars on the bomb-site atSt. Dunstan's Hitl, EastcheaP. Lastsummer, a lady member <strong>of</strong> the staff<strong>of</strong> a near-by bus<strong>in</strong>ess house asked an<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> Our Dumb Friends' leagueif it u'ould be possible to capture one" which had prettY mark<strong>in</strong>gs." Shehad fed this " rvild " cat regularly,and rvhile it u'ould not come verynear and rvouid scurrY alvaY :rt thes'ightest movemFnl , it h:rci comealong uhenever she appeared. Br'means <strong>of</strong> a noose-stick the cat wascaptured b-rr the <strong>of</strong>flcial. It rvas put<strong>in</strong> a basket :rnd carriecl home to Ervellto jo<strong>in</strong> ts'o other Pet cats. But it<strong>in</strong>stantly charged through the glass <strong>of</strong>a rv<strong>in</strong>dorv <strong>of</strong> the room and vanished'A feu' rusty t<strong>in</strong>s rvere placed <strong>in</strong> thegarclen, as if it were a bonb-site, andfood placed there. fhe " s'ild " catcame back and took the {ood andrhen retrceteJ to hide <strong>in</strong> s mP cur'r:rnt bushes at the encl <strong>of</strong> thc gartlen.Bonlr-site Kittl', as the wiltl onecame to be christened, Iatched theother cats go <strong>in</strong> and out <strong>of</strong> the houseand one day, ruceks later, it sudclenlyclecided to jo<strong>in</strong> them as a resident.-some time later a t<strong>in</strong>y stray kittenjc<strong>in</strong>ed the comPany. Bomb-siteKittv immediately chummed up withit and they are no\Y <strong>in</strong>separable companions.Bomb-site KittY is no$'completely domesticated and happy.Rut after her experiences the orvnerseys she rvould not recommend try<strong>in</strong>gt(r tame " rvild '' cals unless the <strong>in</strong>dividualrvere a great animal loverand had considerable patience andunderstand<strong>in</strong>g.Sheepfold Sir Richard, Blue Longhairou.ned by X'Ir. Leslie OrvenJones, dis:rppe:rred {rom his home <strong>in</strong>Guildford Iast April. N{onths passedand no trace <strong>of</strong> Sir Richard coulclb: founcl dcspite press advertisements,reports to Police, R.S.P.C.A ,etc. The scquel came <strong>in</strong> Decemberwhen a report reached InsPectorHauxrvell that a lad-v liv<strong>in</strong>g abouttral{ a mile arvay from Sir Richard'shome had been feecl<strong>in</strong>g a stray catrvhom she called TimmY. Timml'rvas evenluaily recognised as the longlr:s:S:ir Richard. The knight errantis norv back home ancl the onlv queryl:{t unsolvcd is: HoN c}id he manageto fcncl for himsel{ for nearl,v eightmonths. He $'as the fussiest <strong>of</strong>{e:tlers and even a small amount olfish woulcl give him sk<strong>in</strong> trouble.r$fl f*nciers should recd66 TE{E €AT FAFSCY ''A monthly journal devoted entirely to Pedigree <strong>Cats</strong>nrw <strong>in</strong> its fifth Yeargi JUDGES' FULL REPORTS ON THE SHO\^/S O BREEDERS' NEvvS€| rne FANCY OVERSEAS € cLuB MEETIFiGS At{D REPORTSo sruD AND SALES ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC" ETC'S<strong>in</strong>gle copies lOd. Post free' Yearly Subscription lOs'Obta<strong>in</strong>oble only frorn . THE EDITOR (KlT WILSON)..THE LOFT'' I8 SOUIH END KENSINGTON W 8I4

. A?,"ceARMSFUL OF SIAMESE !{Top) Mrrs. D. Dunketley, <strong>of</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>ham, Essex, displays her nice litter <strong>of</strong> homebredWaldo Siamese at Olympia. Dam is Motris Totem, litter sister <strong>of</strong>Champion Morris Tudor.(Lorver) Tw<strong>in</strong> children (Yolanda and Adrian) <strong>of</strong> Mrs. V. A. Baker, <strong>of</strong> ForestRou', Sussex, with the qu<strong>in</strong>tette that won 3rd prize <strong>in</strong> the Kitten Class atOlympia last September.

'.1',i;.,.:-1r,rft:lili' ::r,;11 . ;;.f:POLDENHILLS HYpERION, handsome Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla studbted and owned by Mrs. Chas. Polden, <strong>of</strong> Reigate, Srrrey.Hyperion was on vie*, at the first show' <strong>of</strong> the Surrey andSussex Cat Association. reported elservhere <strong>in</strong> this issue.: :nt.' T'.-*- *.llonchctLet Eym jrtl Ngtr s PhotoTHIEPVAL WANDERER, a yolrng Blue male <strong>of</strong> uneisual quality-.He was shown to s',ome purpose by his ox"ner, Mrs. S. S. Cule7, atthe recent Manchester Show, where he was adiudeed Best Exhibit.Breeder is Mrs. Crickmore.

Two <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blues</strong> belong<strong>in</strong>g to Fru Lis Langberg, well_known and activeCopenhagen fancier. The cat on rhe right is an adult TASJA OF OLSENBURG.The kitten on the left is TONI oF OLSENBURG, who was Ilesr Kitten at catClub de Paris Show.DUNLOE DUSHENKA oF FoLLy and DUNLOE SMOIKIE oF FoLLy.<strong>Russian</strong> Blue kittens bred and exported by Miss M. Rochford, <strong>of</strong> Hampstead,\.W. They have rvon for their new owner, Mrs. Fhilip J. Aaron, <strong>of</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton,U.S.A.

tr---Lovely Longhair Tortoiseshell-and-White female Champion DINKIE DELL'born 19.15 and shown-success,full)' by the Iate Mrs. Campbell Fraser. D<strong>in</strong>kiebecame a full Champion at the last November Show <strong>of</strong> the Croydon Cat Club.She is the dam <strong>of</strong> Mrs. ChapmauJs famous Hendon Snow Maiden. a sensationalw<strong>in</strong>ner at the 1950/51 shows"

the esscntial nceds <strong>of</strong> your catu'ithout the addition <strong>of</strong> a lot <strong>of</strong>patent foods and medic<strong>in</strong>es.Before .I go further I must askvorr a question. Is the qucenrvhich you <strong>in</strong>tend tcl send to studfree from r.r'orms? If 1ou don tknow the answer it rvould be asound idea to make sure. Youner..d not th<strong>in</strong>k that trorms <strong>in</strong> a(at are a sign <strong>of</strong> mismanagcmenfon the part <strong>of</strong> the orvner. A^,,*h^. ilullrutrr ^f ur --'^-r" rrry Ldrs l-- <strong>in</strong> fhc r nast _..have been univill<strong>in</strong>g hosts to theseparas.tes. It is, however, foolishto breed from a queen who hasworms. As far as she is conccrned,unltss her guests arcrumerous, Iittle harm r'vill bed-one, but it is important to realisethat she rvi11 certa<strong>in</strong>ly pass onthese cieatnres to her kittens.l,{any k.ttens are killed by ri'orms.rn,lmlnv nlorr b\ the <strong>in</strong>jutliciouuse<strong>of</strong> r.ermifuges. All such'le2ih9 arr quilr. r;nnp( CSs.ll_\.A Novicets ErrorDo frnd out if your queen has\\onni. If sh- has, gt.t the vei.to .Jeal i,v:ttr the problem unlessyou have had a deal <strong>of</strong> experience.I'm a1l aga<strong>in</strong>st the <strong>in</strong>discrim<strong>in</strong>ateuse <strong>of</strong> r,vorm cures bytire novice, who can do far moreharrn than good. As I rvrite Ii'rave <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> me a ietter r"'liichdeicrihr r thr. rrornr<strong>in</strong>i n1 " [gLlr'i-nonlhs ' kitt,'ns b1 a nor i-,..A11 iire kittens died !It is far better to cleal tith thisrnatter before the queen is scnt toti:e sti-r"d, but if for scJme reasonor other it has to be done jater,there is little risk <strong>of</strong> harm dur<strong>in</strong>gtne first thrce iieeks <strong>of</strong> nrer'nrncvthct ,s rhc srfe i.i.lr'lil"-'"''"20-hntI'm now about to eat myNords. I am ah,vays quite happyto do that because it is an <strong>in</strong>dicationthat I real se that I have stilimuch to learn about cats. Whohasn't?It is rnore than annoy<strong>in</strong>g rvhenvou have made arrangementsu ilh r stud o\\'ner tu receive yourqucen to llnd that the lad,v hasg:r en vou the siip and vou suspectthal she has mismated rviththe ever-nresPnt srrav tom. Whtnthis -happened to any <strong>of</strong> myqueens I used to take them to the\ et for rn <strong>in</strong>ieef i6p oI EtilL;oestral. This usually preventsthe de.velopment <strong>of</strong> an unrvantediitter, rvith my queens it -,r'asalivays successfui. To-day Ish,ruld 3ct rpt the riisap;o'nimentrrnd rr cLcome thc lit llH monEreisrr hen thvv arrived. \Vhv har e Icha-nged my m<strong>in</strong>d? \ffeli, that'sa long stcry, but I'r't: come to ihe' rncl u:; on thrt monk, y<strong>in</strong>g abo"itii iih ldature--rvith a capital' \ ' is unr', i.. . I'll c, rta<strong>in</strong>lygilt' \'clL m\., reasoils if vou askior thern.Aid<strong>in</strong>g Milk SupplyJr-rdg<strong>in</strong>g from a numbe r o1Ietters I have been read<strong>in</strong>g, thecare <strong>of</strong> ihe <strong>in</strong>-kitten queen n onidtnake an artieie itself, but tr ru"'iilccni;ne mvself norr: to only onepu:nt. 'i rvo oI m\. l|i1, rs'ic]l <strong>of</strong>the loss <strong>of</strong> litters because thequeen did not prociuce hcr rniikuntil it rvas too late to be userful.I honestly beiieve that a littleordirary care woulc.l have preventedthese misforir-rnrs.' ,iiu'a\-:, <strong>in</strong>spect the queen'srrippli:s L.rc{ore thc kittens areborn ; <strong>in</strong> fact, at the end <strong>of</strong> thesixth t'eek it is a good- idea toballrr t:rem verj , a lefrrlll' lorseveral days. By the ilse <strong>of</strong>cotton ll'ool, soap and $",armr,vater for a few davs that hardcrust r.,'hich <strong>of</strong>ten encases eachnipple can be easilv ie<strong>in</strong>oved.

l:i.: the n'pp)e can sweil with-.: hlnclran:e. The very fact: al the nash<strong>in</strong>g produces-gentie. j:a,.:age rvlll <strong>in</strong>crease the circula-'.r.,r <strong>of</strong> biooC and all shouid be::11 n-ith the milk glands. It is-r. sr:nple matter to assure yourself::at all is reallv satiifactorv::\'i.i?i days before-the kittens ar'e. :,:_n, but if you have any doubts.rC are a nov-ce, obta<strong>in</strong>-the helo. i t-our vet. When such pre.a,r'-i'crs are taken ferv queens will---.ck m lk when it is -needed to:r'ecl iheir families.A typical litter <strong>of</strong>BANCHOR BLUE SIAMESEKITTENSSHOW AT FELIXSTOWEThe Shou' ;ri Felixstorve last month\,:1-s an exceilent beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g for that:::rit o{ the country. Exhibits u,ere oJr :.rt' good qua)ity and there rvere: ;tni-, lovely household pets. ft u,as.r pleasure to note their grand condi,ir,,n and the enthusiasm <strong>of</strong> thei,.,\ners, some o{ them be<strong>in</strong>g schoolchilclren.-llr'. ReauJort IJa-

LIKE CAT, LIKE KITTEN- both likeSPRATT'S CAT IOODServe it iu t as it is . . . . or moistened with gravy. Thishishly-nourish<strong>in</strong>g, concentrated food conta<strong>in</strong>s mea!fib-r<strong>in</strong>e, fish and-cod liver oil I Kittens especially loveit. Spratt's Cat Food needs no preparation . . . ' it'sclean .',. . and pussy just loves its flavour !SPRATT'S BOOKON CATS36 Pages <strong>of</strong> exqert<strong>in</strong>formotion cover<strong>in</strong>gVorieties, Feed<strong>in</strong>g,Breed<strong>in</strong>g, Treatment<strong>of</strong> Ailments, etc"Beautifully illustrated,<strong>in</strong>cluC<strong>in</strong>g fosc<strong>in</strong>otirg C.nt .Studies .<strong>in</strong>natutol colour, rricel,'- from your deoleror, if ony difficultY,ll2 post free fronoddress below.SPBA'E'T'S oAT Foorlusuol Sprott's stockistObto<strong>in</strong>oble <strong>in</strong> ! 2 packets from lourSPRATT'S PATENT LT"D., 4l i47 BOW ROAD, LONDOi!' E' 3Cat Brosches r??clfte {ovely Sessoncf gefltsSIAMESE DESIGf{ (actual size l}" high x lir" wide}Solid silver, rhodium f<strong>in</strong>ish (untarnishab!e1Artist enamelled <strong>in</strong> rratural S'P. colours on solid silverMAh{X DESIGN (actual size l" high x l{" wide)Silver oxidized metalF<strong>in</strong>e gilt on meta.Solid silver, rhodium f<strong>in</strong>ish {untarnishable)Artist enamelled <strong>in</strong> natural colours on solid silver23i- each{u.s.A. {r 3.50)36,'-(u.s.A. $ 5.25)si-,,8r-23 i-.. 361- ,,These brooches- available <strong>in</strong> two designs only at Presenc- are made by wrrld-a.renowned firm <strong>of</strong> specialists <strong>in</strong> costume jJwellery. They are <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>e quality with pla<strong>in</strong>back, fitted with jo<strong>in</strong>t p<strong>in</strong> and catch. Prices <strong>in</strong>clude. Purchase tax. and Postage'Remittances should'be made payable to Ot-.!R CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e and sent wlth order to :BOX No' 16' OUR CATS MAGAZINE4 CAR.LTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM ROAD' LONDON' S'W.9We can despatch Brooches to any part <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>in</strong> anattractive gift box and enclose your personal message orsreet<strong>in</strong>s. 5o *any cat lovers have been delighted with theseBrooch6s that it is sornewhat superfluous to add that theyare supplied on a {'rnoney returned if not satisfied " basis'22

Presented by JOAN THOMPSON11 EGULARLY every month,J( ilIrs. Joan Thompson-- -_popular and active figure <strong>in</strong>the Cat Fancy for many years'breeder and International judger''illturn the pages <strong>of</strong> her diary toreveal the most <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g eniriesconcern<strong>in</strong>g personalities, bothhuman and fel<strong>in</strong>e.Sth January. The Notts andLerbyshire Cat Club's sixth Cham-::cnship Shou' rvas very capably orr,ri-"dLi the Hon. Secrelxry and:]rol" \{anager, }Ir. Barker. BestLonghair cat *'as X{rs. Herod's White:rale Ch. Carreg Cracker. It rvas his:,rur:h appearance as an adult andhis fourth " Best Longhair " success ;;r re:rlly remarkable achievement <strong>in</strong>:lch keen competition. This seas'on's!ut,etandirg Longhair kitten,,\Irs.Cirapman's Tortoiseshell-and-\\'hitellenrlon Sncu' f Iaiden, \\.as BestLonghair Kitten. Best Shorthair-\dult rvas lliss Robson's Silver TabbyIlillcross Silver Flute and Best Shortr:iirKitten NIr. Whit<strong>in</strong>g's Maiz llorllarquis. Neuters were led by nlissi-:csher's Blue Longhair PyleighP.ter.The entry tvas not as strong as last'. .ar although over 150 exhibits rvere: r'ies'. And doubtless on account: the ra<strong>in</strong>y d.y the spectators::::med ferver than usual at lhis popu-.r fixture. The Committee are very.: ren and real u'orkers for the c:iuse.-\,ir. Jack ,Iart<strong>in</strong>, the Club's Chair-::an, a-ctually undertook fhe rvork <strong>of</strong>: :an<strong>in</strong>g and pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g the pens. I:.r'avs enjoy this meet<strong>in</strong>g and theFly<strong>in</strong>g Horse, rvhere judges stayovernight, is a. jolll' hotel. Most <strong>of</strong>us sat until the ear)y hours enjoy<strong>in</strong>ga lare po\Y-wo\\. over numerous cups<strong>of</strong> tea.Someone asked me: What dojudges taik about on these occasions?\\-p.]. "s rle are all past or prespntbreeders our <strong>in</strong>teresls are naturallythe same as ) ourS-cats,their leedi"g,mat<strong>in</strong>g, and general managemen!.Our conversations are, <strong>of</strong>c,'rir e snr<strong>in</strong>klpd rriih the usualpitiry comments on food and the<strong>in</strong>lrrnrtional situaiion, nilh perhrpsa prayer <strong>in</strong> our hearts for peace irrourl ime 1o enrble us io en joy ourfriendships ancl the pursuit <strong>of</strong> ourhobbies.l0th January. To Redhill to seethe lirst shot' ol the nervly formedSurrel' a1d Susser Cat Association.The Organiser is \lrs. Vize and it rvasg:atify<strong>in</strong>g to see the excellent respunsoto her idea <strong>of</strong> " br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g th:shorr to t he people. " Although irNas not held under Govern<strong>in</strong>gCouncil ru1es, it conlormed closely tothem, and as far as I could see theonlv .-_-'J dennrurrro \\'rq i he decoratedpens <strong>of</strong> the cats " Fcr exhibitiononly." Celebrities <strong>in</strong> this class <strong>in</strong>cludedCh. Astra <strong>of</strong> Penslord, Ch.Bourneside Black Diamond, Ch. HilIcrossSilver Ladv and Mrs. Polden's( hjnchilla Poldenhjlls Hyperion. Irvonder rvhy rve have not seen thislovely Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla male at the shorvs?llrs. Toml<strong>in</strong>son's Champions PekeholmPaprika and Patches were not-23

able absentees. N{iss Tucker's beauriful Re.] Tal,bies looked a picture.Best Exhibit ',r,as I{r. Gordon AIlt'sClh<strong>in</strong>chilla Redrvalls Jack Frost, au ell-merited arr ard and a popularr 'Bc. Best Kitten u as -\Irs. :idney>mith's Silrerkande Starlight, a tervgood a)l.round Blue Longhair. BestShorthair Adult u,as ar'r'arded to Mrs.Vize's Bourneside Inky Bit. Bestl,ridgc Fritillary, belong<strong>in</strong>g to lIrs.Staftup. This orvner, rvho <strong>of</strong>frciated;rs Hon. Veter<strong>in</strong>ary Surgeon for theShou., <strong>in</strong>tends to <strong>in</strong>stitute enquiriesaround Worth<strong>in</strong>g, l.here she has herpractice, rvith a vierv to hav<strong>in</strong>g a*how either thcre or at Brighron.\Iany years ago successful shols s'ereheld on the South Coast and condirionsto-dav riirh bigger populations.<strong>in</strong>d better travel facilities should })emost favourable.It s'as nice to see llrs. Torve andllrs. Cook Radmore judg<strong>in</strong>g. Onecannot help feel<strong>in</strong>g that the latter,rvith her vast experience <strong>of</strong> breed<strong>in</strong>gall varieties, should be judg<strong>in</strong>g Longha.irsat Championship shorvs, especia11yas she carried on all through the\rar. She has bred some ver5' nicecats and many rv<strong>in</strong>ners.\{iss von U11man and myself rvere<strong>in</strong> charse <strong>of</strong> thp <strong>in</strong>formation deskr nd s e ansrr ered many enquirie:,most <strong>of</strong> them concern<strong>in</strong>g Lanker.Personally, I have ner-er found anvih<strong>in</strong>cherfpr fn. rhe n.-Pd ' ;+;-L d:r rrrthan Sherley's Canker Porvder. Firstclean the ears rvith a luke*arm solution<strong>of</strong> methylated spirit and rvateraccord<strong>in</strong>g to directions. This treatmenthas the added advantage, espe-:,11,, far r ^n-L-i- ^^+c nf hp<strong>in</strong>or r!rrry rwr lur,6rrd,lnon-greasy. When one sees the <strong>in</strong>rrpdihlearee a cnni nf qrcacc uillo_'_ "".^\er on a T nnshair one tries toavoid us<strong>in</strong>g o<strong>in</strong>tment and oil rvhennnccihleFnr thp trznp n{'J r'r anker rvhere fluid is present, Tshould seek veter<strong>in</strong>ary advice asrrcrrallv it is noi so amenable tosimple home treatmen! and themodern remedies like M. and B. andpenicill,n <strong>of</strong>ten act llke a charmu'hen prescribed afier expert diagnosis.A poser put to us askcd u'hY thequestioner's Siamese cai had nchom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>st<strong>in</strong>ct. If she rvent ont o{the garden beyond hear<strong>in</strong>g distanceshe hung about until fetched.The remarkable th<strong>in</strong>g about th:Redhill Shot was thc crnrrJ"d htlldur<strong>in</strong>g the afternoon. It \Yas grand tosee the lccal {olk so <strong>in</strong>terested anclfor many <strong>of</strong> thern i.t u'as obviouslytheir first cat shorv. So here's to thenext S. and S.C.A. \'enture:72th January. f{iss KathleenYorke sent me the sad nervs that llrs.t'.Lmpl,ell Fraser had passed arr ry.She u'as one <strong>of</strong> our most loved andadmired breeders, exhibitors andjudges. She was Hon. Secretary <strong>of</strong>the Southern Counties Cat Clubrvhen I rvas elected to serve on theCommittee round a"bout 1926, aneihorr rrell I rememher her prcsid<strong>in</strong>g atthe meet<strong>in</strong>gs held at Anderton's Hotel<strong>in</strong> Fleet Street. She had a verygentle and lovable personalitv andt,as the lirst to encourage youngermembrrs i{ she considered they hadlatent talents. As Hon. Treasurer <strong>of</strong>the Clulr for several years, I had theplea.urc oI uork<strong>in</strong>g closeJl' rvith herrnd T.hall ner-er forpet '"'b' Irer manvk<strong>in</strong>dnesses. As a breeder her name*ill alriavs be particularly associated*ith Red Tabbies, Tortoiseshells and<strong>Blues</strong>, and she did much to encouragethp hrped<strong>in</strong>q <strong>of</strong> .nrrn,l lar cnder blue1,'6{5, rlhirh she rightlS- r unsideredan essential quality <strong>in</strong> a first-classBIue, and \vith this she strived to ret.r<strong>in</strong>deep copper eyesJ the vitalf<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g touch to this lor ely variet5 .llrs. Campbell Fraser also bred manyoutstand<strong>in</strong>g Black Longhairs. otrvhich is recorded <strong>in</strong> the last volumeo{ the Stud Book-Hendon BlackI riamond-and she cxporred toU.S.A. a male, Hendon Black Gama,which became a Champion and siredmany Champions <strong>in</strong> tbe States.24

To ]liss Lelgarde Fraser u.e extendcur deep sympathy and 2 hope thatshe niil not give up the cats and willi e rvith us next season as breeder,e:hibitor and judge. She has had torrf use many <strong>in</strong>vitations to <strong>of</strong>ficiateol'<strong>in</strong>g to her mother's delicate health,irut row u'e trust the u'armth oI ourrr elcome lvill be some. small consolaii..)nto her <strong>in</strong> her great loss.19lrh January. To N{,anchester onthe eve <strong>of</strong> the Lancashire and North\\'estern Counties Cat Club. Apleasant meet<strong>in</strong>g on arrival n'ith N,Ir.and llrs. I-amb, I,Irs. Nervton, IlissBeckett and l,,Iiss Kit Wilson, a chat,and so to bed.20;h January. Brpakfast uith \liss\\'entrvorth-Fitzs'iliiam, l ho is tojudge Siamese, then <strong>of</strong>i to the nearby[-orn J-rchange. My rvord, this Clubh:rs come on by Ieaps and bounds <strong>in</strong>,, ferr rerrsl lt hA* hecn <strong>in</strong> exisiencei,r mrn)' )cars and held sovcral pre-,.r ar shorvs,. but this rvas certa<strong>in</strong>ly thelrest ever and the first under Govern<strong>in</strong>gCcunril ruies. Three vears ago Ijudgcd the rvhole,shou' <strong>in</strong> a small hallon an upstairs floor outside X{ancirester.T*'o years ago it rnovednpr:,.r <strong>in</strong> ihp cenlre <strong>of</strong> the cily anrllliss Fitzu'illiam and mvsel{ n'ere thejudges. Last vear the <strong>of</strong>ficrals <strong>of</strong> theCorn Exchange c.aprtulated and:rgreed to let it as zr venue for a cat-]ron. Iliss Karhleen Yorke and ]Iiss( ampbeJI Iiraser were the judges.This .1's21 four <strong>of</strong> us lvere engaged andrlhen over 160 exhibits rvere entered.',lrs. Brice-Webb and X,Irs. Hancoxnere also <strong>in</strong>vited.The Corn l,]xchanpe makes a 6nevenLle. It is large, with a glass ro<strong>of</strong>.It uas a treat to judge <strong>in</strong> mid-u'<strong>in</strong>terr.ith such a perfect top light. The:ubiic came <strong>in</strong> hundreds dur<strong>in</strong>g thealternoon and u'ere still arriv<strong>in</strong>g whenI left at 5 o'clock. Congratulationst.l the Committee and special praiseir the Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Culley,-r,J her ass strnl, Mrs. Brirtlebenk,rvho were evidently pleased wilh resultsand regarded all the hard workas well lvorth while.Herc are the ma<strong>in</strong> w<strong>in</strong>ners: BestExhibit, Mrs. Culley's Biue maleThiepval \[anderer, bred by Mrs.Crickmore ; Best Longhair Kitten,\{iss Hirst's Blue Charmley Simon ;Best Shorthair, Mrs. Nicholas's S.P.Siamese Ryecr<strong>of</strong>t Ranchi ; BestShorthair Kitten, X{rs. Wridgway'sS.P. Siamese Salervheel Sab<strong>in</strong>a ; BestNeuter, NIrs. Busbridge's magnificentCh<strong>in</strong>chilla Sarisbury Leander. NIrs.Nicholas exhibited " not for competition" her Champion SouthrvoodSunya, and I thought I had neverseen her look<strong>in</strong>g so lovely. Her coatis warmer than it used to be and herpo<strong>in</strong>ts so leve1 ; her {ront parvs arereally seal and match<strong>in</strong>g the rest.She basked <strong>in</strong> the re8ected g)orY olher prize-u'<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g daughter, Ryecr<strong>of</strong>tRanchi.26th January. A visit to Mrs.Axon, who has been home from theRoyal llasonic Hospital a week andi5 a"lready a little stronger. She rvillhave to take life quietiy {or severalu.eeks and drop some <strong>of</strong> her manyactivities permanently, but rve hopeshe rvill fcer fif ennrrqh to rera<strong>in</strong> theTrea.urership <strong>of</strong> the Croydon CatClub <strong>in</strong> ghich she has taken such anactive and efficient <strong>in</strong>terest.29th January. To the SouthernCounties Ca! Club CharnpionshipShow. After a month o{ quite goodrveather it w'as disappo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g to haver'"cold fosqv da v a nd'-"-' "bbJ _"' ]ast-m<strong>in</strong>ute-i;Jchanges <strong>in</strong> the judges ow<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>flueiza.F:Iox'ever, there was rea1lygood team rvork and rve all raliied tohelp NIrs. K. R. Wiliiams as the" show must go on." It \\.as apleasure to have Mme. Ravel, <strong>of</strong> theCat Club de Paris, rtith us, also FruSkyte Birkefeld, <strong>of</strong> Denmark, and herd,aughter, Mrs. Castle, <strong>of</strong> London.The Best Longhair male was MissRcdda's Black Ch. Chadhurst Sambo.OR

now neariy {rve years o{ age and look<strong>in</strong>glovelier than ever. She also '"von1st and Ch. rvith Chadhurst Dusky,u'ho completed her Championship.Besr Longhair female \\as NIrs.Crickmore's Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla Ch. ThiepvalSnowcloud. Best Shortha"ir Adultrvas Mr. Warner's Siamese male ClonlostYo Yo, rvho also completed hischampionship. Best Shorthair Kittenrvas NIrs. Whit<strong>in</strong>g's Maiz llor NIarquis.Very few post-war Siamesekittens have had his remarkable kittencareer. Exhibited at sevenChampionship Shows, he has b-eenBest Shorthair Kitten at four <strong>of</strong> them<strong>in</strong> addition to this honour at theS.W.C.C.C. Show at Torquay. Itu'ill be <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to u'atch his careeras an adu1t.I had thc pleasurc <strong>of</strong> jutlg<strong>in</strong>g theClh<strong>in</strong>chillas and the entry <strong>of</strong> trvelvefemales was one <strong>of</strong> the best *-e havehad at pust-uar shorrs <strong>in</strong> this variely.Together nith the five males theylooked an impos<strong>in</strong>g sight as I wentdorvn the ron' previous to judg<strong>in</strong>g.Miss Langston's Ch. Flambeau <strong>of</strong>All<strong>in</strong>gton (pictured <strong>in</strong> this Nlagaz<strong>in</strong>eNIay, 1949, rvas 1st <strong>in</strong> males and l\,Irs.Crickmore's Ch. ThiepvaL Snor,vcloud<strong>in</strong> females. The Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla kittenc.lass tvas full <strong>of</strong> quality, NIrs. Hack<strong>in</strong>g'sRedrvalls Yvonne and MissLangston's Nfattherv <strong>of</strong> All<strong>in</strong>gtonbeiiig outstand<strong>in</strong>g. Another notablerv<strong>in</strong> lva.s },Irs. Torve's Seal po<strong>in</strong>tSiamese female Hillcross Topaz,head<strong>in</strong>g her Open class <strong>of</strong> 18. She isTAURENTIDE STAI{ESEEXCEL AS PETSScientifically bred for stam<strong>in</strong>a and otherdesirable qualities. Kittens usuall), for saleLAURENTIDE EPHTOO RESTOLAURENTIDE EPHTOO SAPIN.At Stud to Approvcd eueensQueens met ot Exeter,Okehambton ondMotetonhampst odMRS. A. HARGREAVES. F.Z.S.NETHERTON HOUSE, DREWSTEIGHTONNR. EXETER, DEVONTelephone I Drewsteighton 232hcme bred, as is also her sire, HillcrossPicot, litter brother to Ch. HillcrossSong.A very enjoyable show and one at.. L:^L .G .:^ | urnPlry r: .-r. ..cd splendidesprit de corps. Visitors overseasmay be <strong>in</strong>terested to know that thisterm<strong>in</strong>ates our Championship Shou'season. For the number <strong>of</strong> showsand quality <strong>of</strong> exhibits 1950/51 hasbeen the best post-war season r,r'e havehad. There has been a notable <strong>in</strong>crease<strong>of</strong> Shorthairs and some outstand<strong>in</strong>gexhibits. Ths grant<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>premier certificates to neuters hasled to keen competilion and I am surehas encouraged the exhibit<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>many neuters trvho otherrvise r,vouldhave adorned the hearthrug on1y.The next big show <strong>in</strong> the Southrr ill he the Kens<strong>in</strong>gton Kitten andNeuter Club's (Inc.) Shorv at theRo1'al Horticultural Society's NervHal1, Westm<strong>in</strong>ster, on 25th Ju1y. Itis appropriately announc,ed as par! <strong>of</strong>the Festival oI Brita<strong>in</strong> celebrations.I have always hoped to see a cat showat this ideal venue, n'here I have enjoyedso many flower sholvs and havealways thought hor.v suitable {or ourcats. All particulars can be obta,<strong>in</strong>edfrom the Hon. Secretary and ShowMana"ger, N{r. Frank B. Williams, 92Chiltern Road, Sutton, Surrey.30th January. This month's editiono{ the American <strong>Cats</strong> X{agaz<strong>in</strong>eronta <strong>in</strong>s .ome <strong>in</strong> I erestl <strong>in</strong>g items. Anarticle entitled " NutritionAl Requiremenl5<strong>of</strong> 'the Cat,;'by RilaSrvenson, lists the various vitam<strong>in</strong>sand their effect on growth and generalrvel1-be<strong>in</strong>g. Nlany breeders have hadkittens borh occasionally r.vith cleftpalates and Mrs. Srvenson writes:" It has'long been one <strong>of</strong> my pet beliefsthat lack <strong>of</strong> calcium <strong>in</strong> the dietis responsible {or cleft palaies <strong>in</strong> kittens.Some say it is a hereditarydefect. All I can say <strong>in</strong> support <strong>of</strong>my statement is that cleft palateshave been elim<strong>in</strong>ated entirely <strong>in</strong> mycattery by the <strong>in</strong>creased use <strong>of</strong> ca1-

cium plus vitam<strong>in</strong> D." With referenceto r.itam<strong>in</strong> A, one reads: ,,Adeficiency <strong>of</strong> this vitam<strong>in</strong> may result<strong>in</strong> rveepy eyes." The importance oIm<strong>in</strong>erals is also stressed.Various booklets are given arvay <strong>in</strong>England r.vith vitam<strong>in</strong> products andthe one I keep myself is given awayu'ith Agier'5 Sup.avite capsules.The article conc.ludes: " It is hopedthat those <strong>of</strong> you who are hav<strong>in</strong>gJifficulties <strong>in</strong> hreed<strong>in</strong>g and rear<strong>in</strong>gfrne, healthy litters rvill check the clietbefore decid<strong>in</strong>g the litter is just' naturally r,veak.' "An example <strong>of</strong> cat longevity is re_corded <strong>in</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> General Gray,a Silver Persian (named Ch<strong>in</strong>chillahere) <strong>in</strong> his n<strong>in</strong>eteenth year <strong>in</strong> thehome <strong>of</strong> his orvners, N{r. and Mrs.Elmer l)avis, o{ Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C.An <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g lact is that he receivedhis name from General Gray, l'hoWatcb, . ,Brita<strong>in</strong>." a nalional Jegion <strong>of</strong> carsrvho rvore a gold medal and beli, proceedsfrom the sale <strong>of</strong> which weredonated to the British cause.Another <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g item is a, photoo{ Lilli Palmer (r'ife <strong>of</strong> Brjtish actorRex Harrison) u'ith Pyervacket, aSia mese l ho is a"ppea r<strong>in</strong>g ( ont<strong>in</strong>uouslyon the stage rvith her <strong>in</strong> acomedy by John van Druten, " Bell,Book and Candle." The captionslates: " Pyeuackel is rapidly becom<strong>in</strong>gAmerica's best knorvn andbest loved fel<strong>in</strong>e Thespian."4th February. To Ashstead to seeMr. and l,Irs. Richardson and theirsmall {ami}y <strong>of</strong> Siamese. It is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gto hear holv breeders commenceespecially rvhen they have such success{rom rhe beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. They bredXllorris Una, by Shrewsbury Romeo,$'as named President <strong>of</strong> " Kittens Jorloar cat,,.,\Y/ATCH youR cAT at play-one a day <strong>in</strong> his morn<strong>in</strong>g saucer <strong>of</strong>vY m<strong>in</strong>ute a rollick<strong>in</strong>g lion cub, mil-k. . Tibs' provide essentialthe next as gentle as a doe. And <strong>in</strong> vitam<strong>in</strong>s and m<strong>in</strong>erals lack<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>all his moods a ioy to see, provided his ,civilised' diet. Just one ,Tibs,he is fit and happy. Will you do once a day.- and he'll be theone little th<strong>in</strong>g to keep him the liveliest, most lovable cat that everfriskyrfriendlycompanionhewants was, with eyes that sh<strong>in</strong>e and ato be? Give him one .Tibs' once coat like silk!27

<strong>in</strong> 1!)40. Although hcr orvn shorv(.rltsr'r \\'ds I rief and nut l,rillirnt, sbe< nn s.r\e eridencc thft as a broodqueen she was the k<strong>in</strong>d ne all hopeto pcssess. Nl:ited to Sam Slick <strong>in</strong>1917, she had the nou' {amous Ch.Nlbrris l'udor, rrho rras xuarded hissixth challengc cer-l ifr(atn this January-his larst appearance as a competitor<strong>in</strong> his Open class l{rs. Lambtells mc. Ldter I-n3 hed meny olherrr jnners. <strong>in</strong>r lud<strong>in</strong>g -\lorris SirJar. rrhuhas just Leen nculered. -{.lthough amuch better cat than many lvhich arepler ed a1 stud, he did not quitemeasure up to N{rs. Richardson'sidea" <strong>of</strong> rvhat she required, especiallya[1nr ]lurris Padishah, by Clr. Pre.rrvickPengiima Pertama made hisJppclrdnce. Aiter hjs ourstand<strong>in</strong>gkitten rv<strong>in</strong>s and seconcl <strong>in</strong> his openclass at eleven rnonths, his {uture ispromis<strong>in</strong>g. He is a lovelv nale andhas outstand<strong>in</strong>g body shape. So farhc _' has ''__ tnerf-ct horsc manners so cilnhobnob with the family.''lu-ns Urre has r f<strong>in</strong>c frmily <strong>of</strong> sixb-v-- lirs. Macclonald' s Raard Blue>rcr hi 'nd une uf { hi se is unoFfi, iallycalled Tudor II. A1l are Seal Po<strong>in</strong>ts.Thev rrerc ril <strong>in</strong> th^ lounge drapedruunLl thp fire and lcft to sleep thereirt night. Next morn<strong>in</strong>g I heardgentle scuffl<strong>in</strong>g outside my room and.r'hen I opened the door they came <strong>in</strong>like an avalanche, rvith Padishahjump<strong>in</strong>g over them <strong>in</strong> his anxiety tobe first. They all settled on the eiderdorvnuntil _they heard the t<strong>in</strong>kle <strong>of</strong>cups, rvhich meant breakfast !Padishah has :r rvell-built house rvitha spacious run u'hich enables him torrlrlk all rountl it. The rvire nett<strong>in</strong>gis rvell above the ro<strong>of</strong> so he can alsopalade on that. I liked the fivepo<strong>in</strong>tedstar on .thedoor and <strong>in</strong>sidehis c'e.pi'tg bnx arrrnged on top <strong>of</strong>the oil stove l'hich rvas lirmly andsafelv {ixcd to the lal1. A small andverl' happy- family <strong>of</strong> Siamese liv<strong>in</strong>guncler ideal conditions.DANEFII,'RSY €ATTERYOwner: Gordon B.Altt, F.z.s.BLUE, CREAhI &CHI N CHI ttAPERSIAhISPrize Stud <strong>Cats</strong> available.Kittens by prizew<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gstock usuallyfor sale-to approvedhomes only. Can beseen by appo<strong>in</strong>tment.oLE LA$tE, ST.loHilSCROWBOROUGHsussExCrowborough 407

DIRECTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSTONGHAIR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)GORDON B. ALLT, F.Z.S.DANEHURST CATTERYDANEHURST, OLD LANEsT. JOHNS, CROWBOROUGHCrowborough 107Enquiries <strong>in</strong>yited for the pppularDanehurst Longhairs -- BluePersians. Creams and Ch<strong>in</strong>chillasScc displayed and Stud advertisements <strong>in</strong> this issueREDWATLS CHINGHILLASAND CREAMSAtStud: REDWALLS SILVER KINGSirc <strong>of</strong> lst Prize Litter at Croydon Ch. Show 1948end <strong>of</strong> BEST LITTER National Ch. Show 1948and REDWALLS FLEURETTE, Best Ch<strong>in</strong>chillaKitten, Kens<strong>in</strong>gton 1949Fxquisite Kittens sometimes for saleMRS. E. M. HACKING, REDWALLS, LIPHOOKBAYHORNE KITTENSBLUES AND CREAMSBred <strong>in</strong> ideol surround<strong>in</strong>gsMRS. DULCIE BENBOW,WESTBROOK, LITTLE HEREFORD,LUDLOW, SALOP fe/: Brimfield 263DUNESK BLUE PERSIANSWorld famous for lovely pale flow<strong>in</strong>g coats,copper eyes, wonderful stam<strong>in</strong>a. W<strong>in</strong>ners <strong>of</strong>100'3 prizes, lnclud<strong>in</strong>g 29 Firsts <strong>in</strong> 1949-50.DUSIY Of DUNESK (8 Fircts), WILD VIOLET OFDUNESK (14 Firsts), CHINABOy OF DUNESK(8cst Elue Mole Kitten Not Ch. Show)REALLY LOVELY STOCK FOR SALEMRS. M. BRUNTON, MARLPOST FARMSOUTHWATER, HORSHAM, SUSSEXfel. Southwoter 389DEEBANK CATTERYI For BLUES and CREAMS <strong>of</strong> outstand<strong>in</strong>gI quality. Lovely Kittens usually for saleAT STUDDEEBANK STURDY (BLUE)By The Playmate <strong>of</strong> the Court ex ldmiston Merle2nd Open Male M;dland Ch. Show, Croydon Ch.Show, N. & D. Ch. Show 1949-50.MALMARY TAFETEACE ( BLUE)By Mokoia Tafete ex Skeete Gaye.WALVERDENE MAJOR (CREAM)By llighty o{ Sunfield ex Walverdene SandraMia. lst and Ch. Notts, and Derby, .lan. 1950\r'/IDDINGTON WHYNOT (CREAM)By Ch. Widd<strong>in</strong>gton Warden ex Widd<strong>in</strong>gtonWilful. lst and Ch., Croydon Ch. Show, 1949.Queens met by arrangementat Liverpool or BirkenheadMISS BULLELM COTTAGE THORNTON HOUGH WIRRALPhone Thonton Hough 214PRIORY BIUE & GREAMPERSIANSNoted for type,lovelypale coats- - gorgeous eye-colour & stam<strong>in</strong>aBreeder <strong>of</strong> the Int. Ch. PRIORY BLUE WISHBeoutiful Kittens for soie. Sotisfoction guoronteedAt StUd: GEM OF PENSFORDFirst Prize W<strong>in</strong>ner and Sire <strong>of</strong> First Prize W<strong>in</strong>nersat Championship ShowsMRS. L. DAVIES, THE OLD CURIOSITY CAFECHALFONT ST. PEIER, BUCKS.Gerrdrds Cross 3563TRENTON BLUE PERSIANSI At Stud: CH. OXLEYS PETER JOHNI Sire <strong>of</strong> Best Kirten Natidal C.C. Show, 1950.I Best Kirten Scottish C.C. Show, 1950. Best L.H.I Kitten Croydon C.C. Show,l950, and many otherI Prizew<strong>in</strong>ners. Strong healthy Kittens usually for{ sale, palest cgats <strong>of</strong> lovely texture, superb type.Enquiries to : MRS. HARRINGTON - HARVARDI MILFORD LODGE. NR. STAFFORDI All Queens met atSt<strong>of</strong>fotd Stotior. Euston-St<strong>of</strong>fordunCerI 3 hourt*no chonge. Tel. Milford 351BARALAN PERSIANSAt Stud-Ch. BARALAN BOY BLUESire <strong>of</strong> many w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g.Kittens both at home andaDroao.Ch. BARALAN SAMSON (Black)Both young rons <strong>of</strong> Ch. DEEBANK MICHAELMRS. E. L. HENN, SEVERN HOUSEEARDINGTON, BRIDGNORTH, SALOPTcl. Bridgnorth 7285THE ATLINGTON BLUEPERSIANS & GHINCHILTASRenowned throughout the world for typa,Golcur, coat and wide.awakc eyorEnquiries for CATS AI SfUD orYOUN6 SIOCK FOR SALE toMISS EVELYN LANGSTON8 CRAUFURD RISE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSTel. Maidenheod 813EIREANNEBLUE PERSIANSAt stud.'NEUBURIE BAMAILovely pale son <strong>of</strong> Blesscd Mischief <strong>of</strong> Henlcy.Sire <strong>of</strong> many lst Prize \iy'<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Kittens.Kittens usually lor sale.. MRS. EIREANNE MARLOW38 VEREKER ROAD. WEST KENSINGTONFulham 6201LONDON, W. t1OLDENHILLSCHTNCHITTASFR'ZE WINNERsAt strd, P<strong>of</strong>DENEirLs-HypERtoNlProved Sire\MRS. CHAS POLDENMARKET HOTEL REIGATEKlttens may be booked <strong>in</strong> advance toapproyed homcs onlyPlease menti,ot't Oun Ce.rs u)hen leplyilzg to ad,aeltis.rnents

DIRECTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSPRESTWIGKSIAMESE GATTERIESNoted for type and brilliant eye colourBreeder <strong>of</strong> Ch. Prestw ick Mata-Bi ru, Ch. PrestwickPertana,Ch.Prestwick Perak, Ch.Prestwick Perl<strong>in</strong>g,Ch. Prestwick Penglima-P€rtama and many others.. MRS. DUNCAN HINDLEYHIGH PRESTWICK, CHIDDINGFOLD, SURREYChidd<strong>in</strong>efotd 60Stotrcn - HoslemereSHORTHATR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)THE MISSELFORE STRATNOF BLUE POINTSAt StuJ to opproved Queens :MISSELFORE ZEPHYR PRINTMAJoR & MR-... s. RENDALLYEW COTTAGE, ABBOTS LANGLEY, HERTS.K<strong>in</strong>gs Langley 2975THE TAI.LAND GATSAtStud: CHAMPION TAI-LAND OBERON(Fee 2 gns.)Brood queens <strong>in</strong>clude TAI-LAND RANAT(B6t S.H. Olympia 1950), PAI-PITAPAT(Dam to Ch. Tai-land Oberon and otherprizew<strong>in</strong>ners),MISS CALVERT IONESSPREADEAGLES, BURES, SUFFOLKTel. Bures 241PINGOPSIAMESEAt Stud (to approved queens)cH. PTNCOP AZURE KYM (8.P.)W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 7 Challenge Certificate! and BesrExhibit Siamqe C.C. Ch. Show 1948. Sire <strong>of</strong>CH. PINCOP AZURE ZELDAW<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 6 Challenge Certificates'Seal Po<strong>in</strong>tcd Studs <strong>in</strong>cludeCH. MORRIS TUDORW<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 6 Challenge Certificates. Be:t S.H.National C.C. Ch. Show 1948, and Birm<strong>in</strong>ehamC.C. Ch. Show 1950. Sire <strong>of</strong> ,,Maiz--Mor-Marouis."Poraiculars from MRS. O. M. LAMB..TWYLANDS,'' GRANGE HILL, HALESOWEN,NR. BIRMINGHAMTel. Halesowen l,226RAARD BLUE SAGCHIlst Prizew<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g B.P. Stud at theSiamese C.C. Ch. Show 1948, alsoBest B.P. Male Adult <strong>in</strong> the NationalCat Club Class.MRS. MACDONALD,WOODGATE, LONDON RD., EWELL, SURREYEwell 4l8lDEVORAN SIAMESE CATSEXCEL IN TYPEAt Stud-PRESTWICK PRITHIE PALFee {2 -2 - 0DEVORAN DONALDFee f2- 12-6Kittens usually for sarePorticulars from - MRS.'PRICE, IHE GABLESHEATHFIELD ROAD, BUSHEY, HERTSPhonc - Watford 5624MRS. [. K. SAYERSSOUTHWOOD CATTERIESWell-known B.P, and S.P.SIAMESE at Stud"All big w<strong>in</strong>ners- sir<strong>in</strong>g big w<strong>in</strong>ners"RYDES HILL LODGE, ALDERSHOT ROADGUILDFORD, SURREY Ie/. : Wotblesdon 3l I IHILLCROSS STAMESEAt Stud-HILLCROSS SHENGSON andHILLCROSS PICOTHillcross Stock won 150 awardt,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g 70 Firsts and Specialr 1945-49.Noted for type, eye col6ur & light coat3.Kittens for iale bred from noted 3tock,MRS. E. TOWE (Breeder <strong>of</strong> Ch. Hillcross Song),239 HILLCROSS AVENUE. MORDEN. SURREYTel. Liberti 6014VEGTENSIAN RED TABBIESl{ealthy and very <strong>in</strong>telligent Kittens, may be booked fromCH. VECTENSIAN €OPPiER EYESCH. VECTENSIAN RtO' TINTODeep Reds with clear mark<strong>in</strong>gs,glorious copper eyes, shott coats- MISS PAT TUCKERI9 TUMBLEWOOD RD., BANSTEAD, SURREYBest Exhibir, Kens<strong>in</strong>gton 1949. Best 5.H. Kitten,Croydon 1949. Besl S.H. Cot, Notionol 1950.DONERAILE SIAMESEAt Stud: DONERAILE DEKHOSALWFIEEL SIMKIN(Agha Khon's son)Noted for eye coloirrl type and gentletemperament. Glueens met London Term<strong>in</strong>ilnguiries for Studs and Kittens to :MRS. KATHLEEN R. WILLIAMS. 92 CHILTERN ROAD, SUTTON, 5URREYPhonet Vigilant 1389IMPERIATSEAT.POINTED SIAMESES<strong>of</strong>t, Smart, Slim . . .MRS. FRED J. W|LSON,WEST 176 REID WAY, IMPERIAL RISE,PARAMUS, RIDGEWOOD P,O.,NEW JERSEY, U.S.A.Please nention Oun Crrs uhen leply<strong>in</strong>g to aduertiscmcrls

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSThe rate for prepaid advertisements under this head<strong>in</strong>g is 3d. per word per<strong>in</strong>rertion (m<strong>in</strong>imum rr words) and <strong>in</strong>structions must be received by not later thantAc last daS, <strong>of</strong> the month preccd<strong>in</strong>g the month <strong>of</strong> issue. Please write " copy " clearlyand post with appropriate remittance to Oun C,rrs M,tc,rzrNr, 4 Carlton Mansions,Clapham Road, London, S.W. s.Use <strong>of</strong> Box No. costs r/- extra.At StudSCO-RUSTON RAVISANT (Blue Persian), sireInt. Ch. Southway Nicholas, dam Sco-RustonKalisa.REDWALLS JACK FROST (Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla)' sircCh. Foxburrow Titli-Willi. dam RedwallsSnowstorm, prizew<strong>in</strong>ner every time shown191E i 51.IIIOLESEY ALI BABA (Cteam Pcrsian), sireTweedledum <strong>of</strong> Dunesk, dam Molesey Mischief.Fee for each stud 92 2s, and carriage to rcgisteredqueens only.-Gordon B. Allt, F.Z,S.'Danehurst Cattery, Old Lane, St. Johns, Crowborough.Tel. : Crowborough 407.BOURNESIDE CATTERY, Aitken. 2 CommonfieldRoad. Banstead, Surrey. Tel., BurghIJ.e^th 2754. PELHAM PUFFBALL' CreamL.H., sire Ch. Widd<strong>in</strong>gton Varden, damPelham Hazel. Sir<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Creams andBIue Creams. Fee l2 2s. and carriage.SCAMPERDALE BLUE BOY (BRITISHBLUE). outstand<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>ner. Sire Tancor BoyBlue, dam Scamperdale Tw<strong>in</strong>t -"SandyLodge," Sandbanks, Boumemouth-TYPIC PITA (S.P. SIAMESE)' sire Ch.Jacques <strong>of</strong> Ab<strong>in</strong>gdon, dam Phantom BearrtyFee 5,2 2s. and caniage'-Mrs. Barnes, J3Hamilton Street. Cardiff.For SalcMASSM eight months BROV/N TABBY MaleTrclystan-Hadley union. Reasonable price tobreeder.-Cathcart, Dunstone, Paignton.WINNING BRITISH BLUE Female, born 21thllay, 1950. by Scamperdale Blue Boy.-" Sandy Lodge," Sandbanks, Bournemouth.\O SQUINT, no k<strong>in</strong>k, beautifully marked:edigree S.P. SIAMESE, , months. Jealorrscrr necessitates disposal. 6 gns.-Sheffield, 2l$ "sr Avenuer Wonh<strong>in</strong>g (1252)..{BYSSINIANS. Croham Gondar ptize-w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gFemale cat, also bearrtiful Male Kitten.-Basnett, Wyberton, Walderslade, Chatham,Kent.SIAMESE Kittens, S.P., tegistered pedigree.-Mrs. P. G, Sayers, l54D Uppet GrosvenotRoad, Tunbridge Wells. Phone 21114.SIAMESE S.P., vigorous, affectionate, Maleand Female Kittens. 12 weeks, from first prizelitter, very typey, 5 to 8 gu<strong>in</strong>eas.-Priston,Vorsbot'o' Dale Vicarage, Batnsley. Tel.3126.MiscellaneousEMPIRE STYLE BUNGALOW, I bed, 2 rec.,kit. and bath, hot water, ma<strong>in</strong> water, Calorgas, newly dec. Catavan, good outbuild<strong>in</strong>gs,suitable cat board<strong>in</strong>g, 1 acre, 1,3,750 freehold.-R. Ellis & Son,165 Fenchurch Street, E.C.3.wARNING To owNERs. N;'."*diro..;cetr unlcss you are certa<strong>in</strong> they are go<strong>in</strong>g toe good home. Therc is a big demand for catrby the vivisectors and also by the fur trade. Inboth cases they are liable to suffer revolt<strong>in</strong>gcruelty. For further <strong>in</strong>formation apply:-National Anti-Yivisection Society, 92 Victori.Street. London, S.V.l.THE TAIL-WAGGER MAGAZINE, thcmonthly British Dog Magaz<strong>in</strong>e for dog ownenend dog lovers evcrywhere. Fully illustratedud domplete with <strong>in</strong>formative featutes and<strong>in</strong>sttuctive articles. Annual subscription 7s. 6d.(<strong>in</strong>c, posrage) fot twelve issues.-The Tail.Wagger Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, t56-'60, Grayr Inn Road,London, W.C.1.PEDIGREE FORMS for non-club membencan be supplied at the rate <strong>of</strong> 2s. post freeper dozen. Larger supplies at pro rata rates"Send order and remittance to OUR CATSMagaz<strong>in</strong>e,4 Carlton lllansions, Clapham Road,s.w.9.HORSEFLESH for lfuman Consumotion delivetedup ro l0 miles radius <strong>of</strong> London, overthis it can be posted or railed to your address.Cheapest and the best meat only supplied.-Write or phore, W. T. Thurkle, 207 CotdharbourLane, Brixt<strong>of</strong>l, Londcn, S.W.9. PhoneBRI 3574.Board<strong>in</strong>gFOR SIAMESE ONLY. A comfortable andwelt-run BOARDING HOME where cats areloved and cared for as <strong>in</strong>dividuals md thespecial needs <strong>of</strong> Siamese are fully understood.We have been privileged to look after manybeautiful cats for well-known <strong>Breeders</strong> andS,C.C. members, to whom reference may bemade. Numbers ate strictly limited and sn<strong>in</strong>"gent precautions taken aga<strong>in</strong>st the possible <strong>in</strong>troduction<strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>fectious diseases. No cat canbe accepted without our own Cenificate <strong>of</strong>H6alth signed by the owner.-Detailed prospectusfrom Dr. and Mrs, Ftancis, Low Knap,IIalstock, Yeovil, Somerset" Telephone Cors"combe 250. Through tra<strong>in</strong>s {rom London andBirm<strong>in</strong>gham.WantedWANTED. Tvo animal lovers. futl and patrtime. for assistance with cats. dogs, garden.domestic duties. Good accommodation andreasonable wages o{fered. No objection to ownpets.-Write, giv<strong>in</strong>g details and wages required.to Box No. 22, OUR CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 4 CarltonMansions, Clapham Road, London, S,W.9.

To the Children4, ^..* f,t*r-That Dog LicenceFrom Uncle PeterHave you bought the licence for your dog yet? If your pet isseveral years old you r,vilI have to buy the licence <strong>in</strong> January, nui it newas only a puppy last year then there's no need to buy another until thefrrst day <strong>of</strong> the month <strong>in</strong> which you bought your last licence. Did youknow that? I expect that Daddy buys the iicence, so you can tell him..4, Visitor for Chuistmas. . I.h.1.1 an,un<strong>in</strong>vited guest for Christmas this 1-ear. She rvas a very nice long_h;rired black kitten about six months oid and she a.rrived on Christmas E,ve. Ith<strong>in</strong>k that her orvner had gone arvay for the holiday and {orgotten all about her.rf he had done that, then it rvas very cruel. I tried hard to f<strong>in</strong>d the owner, butits rvas no use. rn the end the R.S.P.c.A. <strong>in</strong>spector came to fetch hi:r and hehas found her a" gooJ home uhere she rvill be happy and uell looked afler. Soyorr sea this story has a happy end<strong>in</strong>g. I nish all strays roultl be {o.nd goodhomes, but sometimes, unfortunately, that is not possibie.Our Friends the BirdsDid you remember to put out food and rvater for the wild birds rvhenwe had all that snow on the ground ? I'm sure you did because you knowwild birds have a very bad time when all water is frozen and when thesnow prevents them from f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>sects. Did you notice horv the berriesstarted to falI from the bushes as soon as the frosts came? No doubt weshall get some more cold lveather, so f<strong>in</strong>cl a nice piece <strong>of</strong> fat for the birdsr,vho come to your garden. That will help to keep them warm.The Intelligence <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cats</strong>Norv here is a nice little problem for you and for me too. A frienci <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>e*as go<strong>in</strong>g a*'ay for a holiday, so r <strong>of</strong>iered to iook after" his czrt. we only liveabout half a mile apart and one morn<strong>in</strong>g along came Mike <strong>in</strong> a big cat box. Hecould not see rvhere he rvas go<strong>in</strong>g. \veil, he stayed with me for a fortnight andthen *enL bar k <strong>in</strong> the same box. Norv, flike isn't a kitten. but a full-groivn cat,and until he came for his holiday he had never been a.nyu,here near"my housealthough he had seen me many times. with<strong>in</strong> trvo hours <strong>of</strong> hi, b"irrg taken homehe u'as back rvith me aga<strong>in</strong> and he has been over to see me every day s<strong>in</strong>ce. canyou tell me hor'v he kner'v *here r lived and how he found his rvay? r don,tknorv. Irrishldid.ao,,4/{-.ed ,4-4.-*

l', *- *l{VILI-ION SPRINGTIIIIE, promis<strong>in</strong>g young CreamI-onghair female (born Septernber, 1949), froms hom fancier Mr. A. H. Bubb, <strong>of</strong> W<strong>in</strong>scombe,Sonrerset, is expect<strong>in</strong>g great th<strong>in</strong>gs.Only threc months old but completelyself.assured-PYMBLE RLUE POSY,Blue Longhair kitten sired by ChampionAstra <strong>of</strong> Pensfotd. Owner is Mrs.,{. Pdce Hawk<strong>in</strong>s, Norbury, S.W.PENNY,2 years old White Shorthait female,is caughe-on the bird table <strong>of</strong> all places !Penny belongs to Mrs M. Dallison, <strong>of</strong> Hersden,nr. Canterbury,SLAI)ES CROSS KII\{BAL *'as a good w<strong>in</strong>ner at the last Torquay Shorv. Bredlry l\Iiss Mackenzie, this prornis<strong>in</strong>g -/o.rngster won fivc prizes for his new ownei.Mrs. R. Yate, o{ C<strong>of</strong>f<strong>in</strong>swell, Newron Abbor, Devon.

Adyertisementslttu ean pr"oserae 24 eopies <strong>of</strong>OIIft CATS <strong>in</strong> l,hese speeial eusesArrangements have been made with the makers <strong>of</strong>the well-known EASIBINDER to supply readers <strong>of</strong>OUR CATS with their self-b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g cases and accessories,Each EASIBINDER-see illustration belowwillhold 24 copies <strong>of</strong> this Magaz<strong>in</strong>e. lt enablessubscribers to keep their copies clean and undamaged.The issues can be <strong>in</strong>serted or removed at will withthe aid <strong>of</strong> steel rods supplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der. Bymeans <strong>of</strong> a special device, the EASIBINDER is just asuseful when only partly filled and the pages willalways open flat. Full <strong>in</strong>structions for use aresupplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der.EAS I Bl N DERS are suppliedwith the title (OUR CATS)pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> gilt on the sp<strong>in</strong>e,They are stoutly made andneatly t<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> green b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gc I oth.Price I3l5 eachu.s.A. $2.00(P rices <strong>in</strong>clude postoge)Orders ond remittances should be sent to OUR C ATS Mogoz<strong>in</strong>e,4 Corltonfulonsions, Claphom Rood, London,5.W.9. Remittonces should be modepoyoble to " Our Ccts Mogoz<strong>in</strong>e."SPECIAL OFFERS !Complete set 1949 issues (a few only) l2s. 5d, ($2.00)Complete set 1949 issues (with Easib<strong>in</strong>der) 25s. 0d, ($4.00)Complete set 1950 issues l5s. 0d. ($2.50)Compfete set 1950 issues (with Easib<strong>in</strong>der) 2fs. 6d. ($4.25)Pr<strong>in</strong>led <strong>in</strong> Cteat B,itq<strong>in</strong> fu F. .1. Milwt & Sons Ltt., Contnetce Roacl, Brentfortl, Middleser,Jor the Pubtishers'"0 ""P';f:';:;;,1 o!;r'rl;,Jl;,.\.fni.ut.ishato'4 cartton Mansions'ir-- ',ar;:r

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