Journal Cover.psd - Camp Ramah

Journal Cover.psd - Camp Ramah Journal Cover.psd - Camp Ramah
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Message from the PresidentOn behalf of the officers and members of the NationalRamah Commission, I am pleased to welcome you toRamah’s sixtieth Anniversary Celebration. Over the past 60years, thousands of campers and staff have spent incrediblesummers in Camps Ramah, and have returned home withtheir Jewish lives transformed. A Ramah summer turns thedidactic into the experiential. A child who has spent asummer at Ramah goes home with a model of how to live aJewish life in a secular world, and that experience isinvaluable.I can speak from personal experience. It has been over fiftyyears since I first began my Ramah journey at Camp Ramahin Connecticut. It was Ramah that influenced how I wouldultimately elect to live my life as a Jew and the type ofJewish home I would choose to create. It was at Ramah thatI developed a love of the Hebrew language, a commitmentto Jewish observances and traditions, and a strong attachmentto the State of Israel. I am pleased that my love for Ramahhas been passed down to our four children, and that now athird generation of Ramahniks, our grandchildren, arecampers at Ramah Berkshires.There is something magical about each Ramah summer andeach of you through your support and devotion to Ramahhelps create this magic. Each Ramah summer is indeed asummer that lasts for a lifetime. I look forward to greetingeach of you. Enjoy!!Charles T. Mann, M.D.President, National Ramah Commission, Inc.6

Message from the Past PresidentWelcome and thank you for participating in the NationalRamah Commission’s celebration of 60 years of Ramahcamping.It is hard to believe that 60 years have passed since the“Ramah Experience,” originally envisioned as asummertime experiment of the then nascent LeadersTraining Fellowship program, first took shape on theshores of Lake Buckatabon in Conover, Wisconsin.Since then, Ramah has impacted the lives of so manythousands of individuals, and through them schools,synagogues, organizations and entire communities, that thecontribution of Ramah to Jewish life here and in Israel canonly be described as phenomenal.Over the past six decades, Ramah has been shaped bymany, many men and women, some of whom are with ustoday, who devoted all or part of their careers to Ramahand who shared their extraordinary talents in teaching,counseling, leading and mentoring those of us who werefortunate to have been part of this experience. To them,we express our deepest gratitude and say “todah rabah.”I trust you will enjoy today’s program and will join me inlooking forward to further growth and expansion ofRamah in the years ahead.Morton M. SteinbergImmediate Past President and Chairman, Board of TrusteesNational Ramah Commission, Inc.7

Message from the Past PresidentWelcome and thank you for participating in the National<strong>Ramah</strong> Commission’s celebration of 60 years of <strong>Ramah</strong>camping.It is hard to believe that 60 years have passed since the“<strong>Ramah</strong> Experience,” originally envisioned as asummertime experiment of the then nascent LeadersTraining Fellowship program, first took shape on theshores of Lake Buckatabon in Conover, Wisconsin.Since then, <strong>Ramah</strong> has impacted the lives of so manythousands of individuals, and through them schools,synagogues, organizations and entire communities, that thecontribution of <strong>Ramah</strong> to Jewish life here and in Israel canonly be described as phenomenal.Over the past six decades, <strong>Ramah</strong> has been shaped bymany, many men and women, some of whom are with ustoday, who devoted all or part of their careers to <strong>Ramah</strong>and who shared their extraordinary talents in teaching,counseling, leading and mentoring those of us who werefortunate to have been part of this experience. To them,we express our deepest gratitude and say “todah rabah.”I trust you will enjoy today’s program and will join me inlooking forward to further growth and expansion of<strong>Ramah</strong> in the years ahead.Morton M. SteinbergImmediate Past President and Chairman, Board of TrusteesNational <strong>Ramah</strong> Commission, Inc.7

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