Issue 68: June 2011 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 68: June 2011 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 68: June 2011 - Youth Work Ireland


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Young People & VolunteeringActivity Supplementby Gina HalpinThe EU has designated <strong>2011</strong> as the European Yearof Volunteering. For young people volunteeringcan offer a great way to help build their personaland professional development, while at the sametime giving them an opportunity to build on skillsor interests they have. It is also a fun way to meetnew people.This activity supplement looks at the positive gainsyoung people can get from volunteering, and, whatthey can contribute by volunteering.Start a discussion that considers the mostpowerful motivators for young people offeringtheir time free of charge. Remind them of thethings that can be gained such as:Skill Acquisition - Job & Communication SkillsPersonal & Professional Development - TrainingConfidenceExperience - Could be added to their C.VHaving Fun - Meeting new peopleNew Challenges - Great life experiencesSatisfaction - By making a differenceWidens Horizons - Through the ability to exploredifferent sorts of career or job opportunities in avoluntary capacityAnd the things young people could bring to anorganisation:Activity OneWhy Do People Volunteer?Aim: This exercise encourages young people to seethe personal and social benefits of volunteering.Materials: Flipchart paper and markers.Start by suggesting that young people often engagein voluntary activities, even if they do not labelthem as such. For example, they might help acharity raise money, get involved with a politicalcampaign or fundraise for their school or sportsteam. Have the young people discuss in smallgroups the following:EnergyEnthusiasmA Fresh PerspectiveSkills and Abilities - particularly in I.TA <strong>Youth</strong> Point of ViewConclude that volunteering comes in many formsand levels of commitment and is often linked topersonal values and a wish to help a cause thatpeople are linked to by experience or family andfriends.Source: <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Now, January <strong>2011</strong>Any voluntary work that they have done.Why they got involved.What they get out of it.After 10 minutes hand out the flipchart paper andmarkers and ask the young people to list theirreasons under the following headings “Personal”,“Family/Friends”, “Community” and “Social”.Irish <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Scene 12 <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>68</strong>, <strong>June</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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