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Letes go to a ShowBrief details of the various Cat Shows fixed to take place duri4g theaplroaching L949 I 50 Season are given below for the information and guidance odour readers. We shall present more detailed information ftom time to time as itbecomes available. Make a point this time ol attending as many Shows as youcall. There is n.o better place at which to make friends and to. pick up usefulpoints about cats, their breeding and management.194926 luly Kensington Kittel and Neuter Cat Clubs (incorp.) ... London(See advert.)30 July Beeston Show ... Beeston. Notts25 August ... ... xSandy Show .,. Sandy, Beds27 August The Lancs and North Vestem Counties Cat Club ... Eccles. Lancs(See advert.)2 September ... ... Durham County Press ... ... Durham, Lancs21 September ... ... *Flets and Middlesex Cat Club ... ... Venue to be fixed2E September ... ... South Westen Counties Cat Club .,. ... Torquay12 October ,.. ... *Blue Persian Cat Club ... London1l October .., *Siamese Cat Club ... ... London27 Octobe ... ... *The Midland Counties Cat Club ... ... ... ... Birmingham5 November ... .., Scottish Cat Club .,. ,.. Glasgow10 November ... .., *Croydon Cat Club ... ... London6 December ... ... *National Cat Club ... ... London19509 January ... ... *Notts and Derby Cat Club .,. ... ... Venuetobefixed23 Jawary ... .". +Southem Counties Cat Club .,, ... ... London26 January The Lancs and North Vesten Counties Cat Club ... Manchester* Denotes Shows with Championship status,KENSINGTON KITTEN & NEUTERCAT CLUB (incorp.) SHOW' tokes place otPORCH ESTER HALLBAYSWATER, LONDON, W.2onTuesday, 26lh luly, 1949Popular ludges-G6nerous cla$illcation-Exc6llent catering-- Houcchold Pet SectionCat3 will b6 competlng tor-Neuter Certificates for the first time at this ShowAll informotion fromMRS. I. M. NEWTON, CRAB TREEHAMM COURT, WEYBRIDGE, SURREYAre you o Cat Lover?lF so, JotNTHE MIDTAND GOUNTIESGAT CLUBAnnual Subscription 5l-Entrance Fee 216Hon.Seqetorr: l4RS. O. M. LAMB..TWYLANOS,'' GRANGE HILL,HALESOWEN, Nr. BIRMINGHAMChampionship Show in BirminghamOctober 27ah, 1949Atl fancie's should reod55 THE CAT FANCY ''A monthlv t"'"1'"j"1"*;"0 Pedigree cats;lj'!lt".tO JUDGES' FULL REPORTS ON THE SHO\^/S BREEDERS' NEWSO THE FANCY OVERSEAS CLUB MEETINGS-AND ')REPORTS. STUD AND SALES ADVERTISEMENTS, 'ETC,, ETC.Single coples 7d. Post free. Yeorly Subscription 7s.Obtoinoble only fram . THE EDITOR (KlT WILSON).,THE LOFT" 18 SOUTH FND KENSINGTON W:8Cover photogroph js Mrs. E. L- Henn's Biack L.onghait Kitten by Ch. Deebonk Michael.L

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