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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSThe rate for prepaid advertisements under this heading is 3d. per rvord perinsertion (minimum r2 s'ords) and instructions must be received by not later thanthe losr day ofrhe monrh preceding ihe month of issue. Plea:e rvrite ':.opy " cl.arlyand post x.itl'r appropriate remittance to OuR Cers MecazrNr, 4 Carlton Mansions,Claphan-r Road, London, S.W.g.At StudTIMOTHY OF KNOTT HALL (Btue Persian),sire Dickon of Allington, dam Pickles of KnottHal[. Fee 2] gns. and retum catriage. Registeredqueens only received.SCQ-RUSTON RAVISANT (Blue Persian), aireInt. Ch. Southway Nicholas, dam Sco-RustonKelis.MOLESEY ALI BABA (Cream Persian), siteTweedledum of Dunesk, dam Molesey Mischief.Fee for each stud tZ 2s. and carriage to registeredqueens oniy.-Gordon B. Allt, F,Z.S.,Danehurt Cattery, Pitts Lane, Binstead, nearRvde, I.O.W. Ryde 2794 (2'! hours fromLondon).BOURNESIDE CATTERY' Aitken, 2 CommonfieldRoad. Banstead. Surrev' Tet,, Burghtje^th 2754. PELHAM PUFFBALL, CreamL.H., sire Ch. Widdington Varden, damPelham Hazel. Siring winning Creams andBlue Creams. Fee t2 2s. and cariage.TANCOR TORCH (Red Tabby)' SireHendon Sir Roderic, dam Jill All Alone.l0s. and carriage.ch.FeeTANCOR ED\X/ARD (Siamese S'P.), littetbrother to late Sam Slick. Fee l0s. and cardirge.-Sheppatd,Gothic Cottage, Sandhutst,Cambaley, Surrey. Yateley 3183.RAYLEIGH BLUE PERSIAN dt Stud,VALLEYEND COMMANDO, site ValleyendBlue Prince, dam Faith by Bluemantle of Rayleigh.-Mrs.Voss, Fairlight Glen, EastiroodRoad, Rayleigh, Essex.SEDAN CYDER (Cream Perdan), sire Dickonof Allington, dam Sedan Bat[ey Sugar. Fee2 gns. and return carriage.-Miss W. Titcombe,14 Long Lane, North Stifford, Grays, Essex,Til. 4174.SIAMESE Cats ZY-TINGASHA (Seal). SILKYBOY (Seal), ZY-AZUREDAH (Blue).-J. HallLongmore, Frankton, Rugby.IDMISTON CANDYTUFT, Blue Persian. Fee2! gns. and carriage. Sire Timothy of KnottHall, dam Oxleys Yam!.-Braisier, " BurcwsLea," Shere, Suney. Tel. : Shere 254. Neareststadon. Gohshall.Club NoticeTHE LANCASHIRE 6c Norrh Western CountiesCat Club. SUMMER SHOW, 27th August,1949. at Eccles (in conjjunction with Ecclesllorticultural & Agricultural Show). Judge,Mr. Geo. Bolton. Usual cups and specials {ormembers. A1l schedules and enouiries fromhon. Sec,, \4rs. Culley,65 Vestbourne Park,Urmston. Lancs.For SaleTHE DUNLOE RUSSIAN BLUES. Shorrhaired lovelv kittens.-Miss Rochford, 25 Rrrdallx1- 64e8!:...*f31p:l:.{ i.w.a _I.l::BLUE PERSIAN Kittens by Champion SouthwayCrusader ex Hendon Lady Griselda, males10 gns. CREAM PERSIAN Kittens by MoleseyAti Baba ex Sunfield Queens, males 12 gns.and 15 gns.-Gordon B. Allt, F.Z.S., Danehuret,Pitts Lane, Binstead, near Ryde, f,0.W.Rvde 2794.PEDIGREE PERSIAN Kittens, REDS,CREAMS, BROWN TABBY Female, 5 gns.-Sheppard, Gothic Cottage. Sandhurst, Betks.Phone Yateley 3183,SIAMESE Male and Female Kittens by Hardv4ickPanda, sire Prestwick Prithee Pal, housetrained,show standard, used to dogs.-MissWest,65 Valteyfield Road, S.W.16. Stteatham6664.GIPPESWYK BLUE PERSIAN Kittens nowavailable for show, breeding or pets.-Alexander, Stone Lodge Lane, Ipswich. Phone4216.SIAMESE Kittens, males, farm teared, from4 gns,-Longmore, Frankton, near Rugby.BLUE POINTED SIAMESE Kittens, dam Ch.Velvet Mask Dinah, site Raard Blue Sacchi.Seal Pointed SIAMESE Kittens. dam LindseyLoo, sire Seal Sleeve Qui San Fou.-Maclaren,Feries, Pulborough, V. Sussex.BEAUTIFUL hybrid SIAMESE Kittens, malesf,1 15s,-Seawynds. Watren Road, Godeston'Links, Norfolk.WantedWANTED by Lady engaged in Animal WelfareWork, COMPANION HELP interested in same,small salary, simple cooking, small house ruralsurroundings, help for rough.-Miss Harvey,Woodside, Flert{ord Heath, Flefts.WILL animal lovers offer GOOD HOMES(safe area, away traffic) to two doctoredFeoale Cats (one Black, one \ffhite), 6 monthsold, to save. Sweet but ordinary. Referencesreqqired.-Box No. 11, r' Our Catg " l:llagazine,4 Carlton Mansions. Clapham Road, S.V.9.34

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