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. As one rvho has been in Sweden(Stockholm) {or five months and hassome more tlme- to spend here belorer can _return home, I am as catstarved as any cat lover can be intnls country where cats cannot beseen, much less petted, for love ormoney. I only sa.w one cat bere in4b months. Then I read the newsa cat ofshow to ,be held at the localstadium where mosfly "nly.poilsevents take place.. \orv, Swedes as a rule do not ,, soT ] f9. pers_ nearly as much as fieoo -rnE_ngland, and even dogs are fewqnd far between. The- averaseSrrede when asked ,'Do you t""p""cat? " shakes his headnaturedly eo'od_and answers, ,,No, ?filruare no mice_ in rzy house.,' U,hilea malonty tohe-re a cat js an animatedand rather smelly mousetrap, to thevery_ tew rt is a first-c.lass object ofsnobbery.. Shorvs are tretd andprlresawarded in the shape of .i1.,,".'gotd. cups and cabinet_size photographs-"nttaken of the beaulifullygroomed thorou gh breds.. The shcw was open for tbree davsrn successlon, and when I got there-unforrun_a.telyon the lait day_onry tne Sramese had retained theircustomary vita)ity. Some of theLonghalrs looked rather the rvorse forwear alter fhcir long confinement(Di nours a day lor three days), but.o, the shorv rvas most'impres-;'.rl"lThere were some 120 cats lined uorn.tne spacious caqes olaced on )on!lrestie tables. On eicn cage wasplnned a card with the cat s name,ge1de5, class and numlrcrJuoge s._comments underneath. "rJ--il;were all Thevin _.four main classes, ih'eAngoras,. .Sjamese, Russianlvery BluesorrgrnaJ and coming most)ylro-m Norrvay.for the occasion)rn^e*-Houscholdand!-ats, looking ex_llem.eLy we.lI nourished hut rathierrne onlarge Srze. Very few appeared tooe,,neutered. _. The Angoras were:l:11". sub-divided acc"ordingrnel"r, i;colouring_ginger, pure'u.hite-or a toveltness that has to be seento be believcd-black and blue_grev.r nere were no persians or Manx" norIu? uoy -distinction made between,11tes. gnd . queens. Neuters *eieJudged jn the same class. A speciaigro]rp was formed by vithmother^ their ,,kulls,,, catsite Srvedish-ioilrtters.oo- Tlere u.as a delightful cagefui witha Sramese mother and her fourhybrid-Siamese kittens. The kittenswere definit_e1y too rvhite ana the carJourslde sard ., Litter tainted_dis_qualified." Although f o"." o*rr"ii:!-,:?T,::!, x'il" Ti'ff:::" i"ffi?for th-e under-cat because I foundf,li,:"'l"t:'l,i"i::?,';3 bv th; .t;;;;:::."s:T oi;.",11::'L t3I s as impressed.#* '";"i#tl,o.o,g1in..,'5i,i!"j"al?i;. oIu lf:cats on.show were actua'l11igr"a"ut"llrom^othersmallershowd ield tv11t" i "',""r"#'' rfif,L;;'J jlll:p1vlte persons, of whom the mosll:!ibt.,, perhaps, is Baroness lilli v.fi-'1,11;.il"ilt.an. exhibitor and en-. The p_ublic could record their oreterenceior one cat andpoprlarthe mostanimal receivea tne iltf"-"oi^,,1:':;:'l?:i!:13;,;, TJ'l",io B:Tneuter or a tom !, Ad.mission was hv iicket costinsaDout. zs., and various irre.levaniEnrck_knacks rvere sold to coverpromottontheexpenses. \'ery few catssate:j:: :" but the {ew" rhat wereu,,rreu were consrderablY,"."X:.nTifi11"'TlJ#'1,?"'.tl",u at lz 2s.n',|, ?:.u if "rf :',',"J':::i:e siames"eX4iss I. F. Hazel,c/o Countess Bunde, Stockholm.,-The .first 'issue of Oun Clrs hasj:ro ;:" "il;::.,"!,-equite safeivrrienas Jia ;;;ii;:3 *#,"?"ju.jIIt rs a grand publication,,r.,,4and worthvSr"at lurure, a.ndI T,*tr^I#i"'i'" J,L.'" "TH b :" i fl :T t,a,t thel^^1.'"1d- Royarrasr39.i"i'Br.',?monlh, and the moment Iopened, it several cat Fanciers .crowded round and expressed. A;i;;l'!:'1'J'";;*,#t";::,..f: *i-iiii::,:iff-hriiFll*ffi *?trMrs. F. B. Donmall,Lansvale, N.S.W., Australia.

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