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Correspondenee ('ornerReaders are invited to send contriburtiqls to this feature and so to joinin the u,seful cxchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge, Lettereehould be concise and deal pcefecably witfr items of general interest.1 HAVE never taken a prominentI part in the work of research andr enquiry into cat flu or distemper.Neithei'have L sat on anv commiiteeof enquirii into ther arboire diseases.Therefore.'it may seem a little presuinDtiousof me to comment onMrs.-" Williams's article entitled" That Dreaded F.I.E.," g'hich appearedin your April issue. Neverthbless,I have been enquiring andprobing "-quietly, but not, thankgoodness, entirely on my own.Since 1930, folloy-ing heavy. mortalityin my own cattery, I have lostso many kittens at various times thatI came to the c,onclusion that neitherbreeders nor vets. had a very ciearidea o{ what they were fighting. HadI to experience the same troublesagain, I think the mortality amongmy cats would be a very small percentageof the original losses. Indeed,in some outbreaks, I should notexpect to lose any provided I gavevery full time and attention to mypatients. I do agree with Mrs.Williams that f.i.e. i.s over-rated. Itmay be a bogey to frighten naughtyl

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