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templated buying, a delectabJe spotand next to Mme. Ravel's futurecountry retreat, although I understandshe will still retain her Parishome. Mme. Bridgett enchantedwith the glorious view but a littledubious about negotiating theheights !21st May. A very enjoyable teaparty for about 50 members of theRiviera Cat Club. The Young membersdanced in an annexe, those rvhowished to played bridge, and the restof us indulged in that universaloccupation of cat Iovers -gossiP.Mme. Bridgett's Cream male, withthe silk girdle of her dressing-gor.vntied round his neck as a Precaution,behaved with perfect sang-froid andwas very much admired. The Vdade Barcia, Countess de Bourbon,Mme. Serranto, Mrs. Strang-Steel andother officiais were tireless in introducingmembers and visitors to eachother and everyone aPPeared to beenjoying themselves tremendously'22nd, May. Our little PartY brokeup to-day after a very enjoyable tendays. Mme. Bridgett and M1Ie.Perrin back to Switzerland, myself toParis en route to Brussels, and MissRoyd-Smith back to England.24th May. On to Brussels {or ashort stay s ith ]1me. Egeter. Shepurchased the winning Blue kittenBaralan Merry Fella, bY Ch. DeebankMichael (bred by Mls. Henn), on mYrecommendation. Since then wehave corresponded and this visit rvasthe outcome. As I triPPed dow'nthe raihvay stairs rn Brussels I sawMme. Egeter with a coPY of OunC.q.rs held in front of her. That rvasour introduction.Merry Fel1a has grown into a finecat rvith a good head and verylove1y deep copper eyes. A Bluequeen was nursing a robust litter o{four by him, antl a Black queenwhose pedigree is rather a mysteryhad a very lively, attractive litter of23three Blue Shorthairs and one BlackShorthair. The only other cat is aBlue female and she arrived in anunusual way. She ras brought to bemated, the Iee paid, and then ngq'ord came from the owners untilthey wrote to say they rvere on theirway to Canada and asking Mme.l'oa+pr +^ lrapn _'"r hpr _'""I was very concerned to hear fromMme. Egeter that Siamese lemalekittens were being sold in the marketat Brussels for less than the Belgianequivalent of J1 each. One cannotassociate pedigree kittens with market-places,and'it is heartbreaking tosee domestic pets exposed for sale inthe open at any time or place. Whatis the remedy ? Tn my opinion,Siamese breeders cannot act morehumanely than to follow the advicegiven by Mrs. Wade, a great andexperienced cat lover, u'ho suggestedthat some o{ the female kittensshould be put to sleep at birth.25t}:' M"y. Tea with llme.Michaux. She has a lovelY WhiteLonghair with copper eyes and a remarkablecoat for NIay. She wasnursing a White female, later to becomethe property of Mme. Egeter,and a Blue male by MerrY Fella.ller son by him in a previous litteris huge. Although only ten months,he is already larger than the majorityof stud cats and he tries to sliP inunobserved feeds from his mother,rvhich is risky as the neq. babies u'ereonly trvelve days old.26th May. NIme. Egeter was concernedas Merry Fe11a's tail had abrown greasy deposit which the vet.diagnosed as eczema. This conditionis frequently seen on the skinof Longhair males and is not a skineruption. In the evening I washedhis tail and the skin n'as clean andhealthy and his owner very relieved.When this condition is "'observedone s.ash in the following solutionrviil usually remo\re all grease. If it

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