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AdyertisementsENTERITIS..DISTEMPER'' ..SHOW FEVER''and disorders due to microbic infection are rapidly responsive to :ENTEROFAGOS(polyvalent bacteriophages);t Taken orally* Completely innocuous* Prophylactic as well as therapeutic* Cats like itSend for free somple to:MEDICO. BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES LIMITEDCargreen Road South Norwood London S.E. 25'ln perfect healthand full of go''Having now tested your Cat powders . . . mav f sav thatI have- great faith in them as a condirioner and also-as atonic tonrc for 1or cats. One of mv my Siamese cats was iloht right ofi off fnnrt food : no.tnlng couldlcmpt him. So I decided ro try your powders astonrc.a. loday.thatcatfrombeingalmostaskeletonamonthago. rs.now in m pertect pertecr health healrh and .uil of grright grrishton his toes.My orher 5 Si:.mese have all lrad your Fowdeis and I reallv must say that_thcir their coats and eeneial generci annearence appearance ' ,-z -"t"are ^-"imuchDctler than I have secn them ibr a long rime, Will youplease forward me roo powders,,(siqred) P€rcy 3 rD€an^,fff lf;g$ TmlRegularly give.n. Itarswood Cat Powders are the ideal corrective-a perlectlybaldnced combirtction of nerve ronic. blood purilier and mineralsalts, prepared with rhe high standards of care for which l(arswood havelong been famed in veterinary circles. Packets of 8 fo r gd. or 24 for r I gd..from Chemists, Corn Dealeis and Pet Shops ;KARSIVOOD €oDlsslsLerb v/' P0![IDER$E. Gtrfrths Hughes, Ltd, Manchester ?, Lancs,

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