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CT o/) oJ@ JA regular news! Jeaturewith a selection of the bestitems from ho.e ond overseas./'--\ OIIIIENDED bv the Old Street\- magistrate, nlr] Leslie NIarks,ror a smart plece of work when:.e \1'as off duty in Westminster-P.C. Wisker.-{ny reader who wants to spend aninteresting day out amid loriely surroundingsshould make a note of25th August, the date fixed for thisr-ear'_s.Sandy Show. Sandy is in Bed-Jordshire and the Shou' is'held in thePark of Sandye Ptace, some 10*acres. In addition to a Championlship Cat Show, there are about i,000ciasses devoted to other thingsdeadstock,floral exhibits, d"ogs,rabbits, cage birds, bantaris,plgeons, agricultural implements,trade stands, etc. The judges forthe cat section will be Mis. -L. K.Sayers-Siamese ; Mrs. J. Thompsonand \Vhites, R1ds, Creims,-Blacks Torties and Tabbies ; Mrs. D. Brice-\\'ebb-Blue adults; Mr. CvrilYeates-Shorthairs ; Mr. J. H. 'A.]Iartin---Chinchillas and Blue kittens.Sandy }as -re-established its pre-warreputarion- Ior being one oI thi .finestone-day shou.s in the cotrntry.According to a ..Daily Herald ,report, Dr. Lester R.' Aronson,chairman and associate curator of theDepartment of Animal Behaviour atthe American Nluseum of NaturalHistory, is conducting a series of experlmentsto determine the socialbehaviour o{ male cats. These ex_penments involve the recording ofnoises and reactions made by the"catsas they.are brought face 1o'face witheacn other.. A. P,urlry (Surrey) c.rr"sponJ"ntrn. I ne* Sunday Express ,, write5 ;nlany D_e\.on people believe tha tcats born rn May won,t catch rals ormlce- and..this superstition survivesln hampshire and in villages of the50utn Uowns. In Staflordshire'is..atherrsaying.that boys born in )lavwrll be cruel to animals, and I havemet an offshoot of this belief in someparts of the west o{ Ireland.',I have. had the item o{ nervs fromAmer:ica that NIr. Brian Stirline-Webb, hon. treasurer of our SiameieCat Club, is scheduled to judge theSiamese_Specialty Show to be itagedby the Empire Cat Club of New y6rkon 8th and 9th December.A.-.al living at Tydd^St. Giles, in( amDndgeshlre, is reported to haveclimbed to inspect a hawks, nest atthe top ol a [0 ft. tree. Jnsjde thenest he found three tortoiseshellkittens.Mrs. Ann Y. Satterthwaite isdoing. good work for the Fancy inHonolulu, u'here she conducts i catcolumn in a local nervspaper underthe title of " popoki patter.,,fo.poki is the Hau.aiian rvord. for cat,being.the nearest the natives get top.rono-uncing ' ' poor pussy,,, -*trictrtney heard the missionaries say totheir cats. There are several'com_mercial catteries out there and a,second successful shou, has recentlybeen staged.The 1949/50 Shorv Season will beopened rvith the Kensington Kittenand,Neuter .Cat Clubs tincorp.) Showrn, the Porch-ester lJall, Bayiwater,\v.2. on 20rh Julv. An inierestinsleature rvill be a Household pet secltl,'ll o,r.ssnised hy IIiss D. Culverwell,l:,: \\ cstmtnSter Palace GardenS,S.\\- l. lliss C._ Manley has leen lnlvlreo lo Judge thc entri.s in this sec_tion uhich,, it is hoped, will be wellsupporled hv ordinarv pct owners.tt ls somettmes rlell to rememberthat the differences betrveen breedand breed are suoerficial u"a--umatter for individual prelerence.X,Iany, potential Champion'ship r"i;-ners nave ascended the ladder offame via the Household pets classes,.. J\[r. Jones (displaying the cat.s firstIrtler 1o his neighboui; : Thcre they,tD

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