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Culioden, u'as a lovely edition ofher mother and she had a sweeternature. On one occasion shetook Frnt and Championshipor-er Siar and the next time Starhrai \ani, whose promisingca:::: \\as stopped by the nar.S:- ;s ;till as lovelv as cver andilles ivith Mrs. X{oore, heriresent owner.There have been many well-knou'ncets at the Culloden Cattery, amongrhem Ch. Laughton l2u1sl-s1qsl-Iing in flov'ing even coat-Ch. AnneGoodcat, Ch. Hestia, two lovelyTorties, I.aughton Playboy and hisson, S*'eetaboy (Creams). Sweetaboyis still going strong at ten years oldsiring winning kittens, one of which,Woburn Pansy, bred by X{iss Page,and owned .by Mrs. Speirs, was BestKitten in Shorv at the National in1 948.Mrs. Yeend once entrusted theq'onderful Blue, Ch. X{ischie{ ofBredon, to my care. I was veryproud to have him. What a marvellousstud he was ! He handed onhis grand type and his name is to beseen in the pedigrees of most Bluesto-day. He hated a queen to hit out.Another guest I enjoyed having u'asflrs. Stevenson's famous Cream .trr,lCh. Bufi of Handley.One of the best purchases I evermade was the White male Ch. CasinoLuck, rvhom I bought in 1938 fromthat great enthusiast the late Mrs.Grace Cox-Ife. Luck rvas like a fairyprinc.e to everyone at the CullodenCattery and all the queens-Blues.Blacks, Blue-Creams, Creams andTorties-thought him a marvel.When I shorved him at Croydon heappeared so vouthful that Mr.Western came up to me with thenews that he had seen a very beauti{u1son of Luck's, IIe u'as amazed,to discover that he had been lookingat Luck himself, then 7 years o1dbut looking 6ve years youngerl1lCHAMPION CASINO LUCKThat day Luck rvas unanimouslyarr:rrded Best trxhibit in Shou, andI{r. and NIrs. Cox-Ife, Captain St.Barbe, Nhne. Gibbon (rvho rvas stayingwith me and helped with his preparationfor the show) and myselfs.ere highly delighted rvith . his su.ccess.It was indeed a red-letter davfor Luck, n'ho had the ideal temperament{or public appearance andthoroughly enjoved all his shou, outrngs.Although I find it easier to generaliseabout cats than to talk aboutone particular breed, I must confesskeeping many difierent breeds-after Chinchillas are my favourites.-that Thel' are so human and understand-

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