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one that requires very carefulattention. We have so manylovely cats that excel in all otherrespects but are either shaded onflanks, stomach, .under tail, earflaps or frill. This shading spoilsthe look of a good cat and involvesthe loss of points at ashow.Enter BarbaraAt t'li,g first Championship showI attended, I was greatlyattracted'to a very sound, pale,even BIue kitten which I discoveredbelonged to and was bredby Miss Evelyn Langston. Herllame was I isbia of Allington andshe was really lovely. I spoke toMiss Langston and asked if Imight be allowed to buy Lisbia,but she wouldn't sell. She waskind enough, however, to promisethat she wouid again mate thedam Ch. Marise of Allington toMilord of Mendip. From thismating I was able to buy Barbaraof Culloden, and when she wasshown at Madresfield SummerShow she won first in her class.also Best Kitten in Show. Thisshe did on her wonderful coatand general all-round quality.Mr. Ambrose rvas the judge.Thus I established for the CullodenCattery a colour standardthat was never lost. When CaptainSt. Barbe showed a litter ofBarbara's at Newbury, it arousedexceptional interest. There weresix kittens, each one as level andpale as the next. One of the litterwas Anthea of Culloden and shenever varied her shade of palestblue. As an adult when shetook her first Championship andfive firsts, she was Best LonghairFemale in Show and she alsocarried off the special forsoundest Blue female. Anthea'swin gave the greatest pleasureand showed me I was continuingwith the lovely sound colouringof her anceitors and breedine onthe right lines.Barbara was the dam andgranddam of many winners besidesAnthea-Mervyn, Desire,Memory, Cynthia, Souriya, andothers. The last named, by Sono'Flick, that grand stud, was theloveliest and best loved of all theCulloden cats. Cynthia was herdam and she and Son o' Flicklvere the perfect match for colour.Vinning BlacksBlacks became my secondfancy and from Mr. McClure Ibought those well-known catsCh. Hillingdon Jackdaw, Ch.Hillingdon Hebe and Ch. HillingdonBlack Star. Jackdawwas surely one of the finest Blackstuds of his time and his childrenused to be lined up at the showswith persistent success. He wonmany championships and hadthe endearing quaiities of gentlenessand patience with his queens.Black Star lvas quite different intemperament, jealous of othercats and sometimes a handful atshows. Star had the deepestlarge round copper eyes. Herdaughter Nani, by Blessing of10

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