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coiour, particularly colour, andrvith its ascendancy the name ofl,liss Kathleen Yorke becameincreasingly prominent in theaffairs of the Fancy. To-day,she remains one of its most experiencedand enthusiastic membersand her services as judgeand authority are frequently indemand from show promotershere and overseas, where she hasmany friends.But I could never seem to findanything about them-at leastnot until the d.ay after, whenpictures appeared in the newspapersI As a matter oI fact,even to-day it is difficult formany interested people to findout about shows unless they knowsomeone connected with or inter-Miss Yorke begins her storyfor Oun Cars with a direct butsignificant observation: " I can'tremember the time," she says," when I didn't have one or morecats around me."She continues: During the firstWorld War I had two Blue Persianneuters who were the best offriends with an Airedale and aCollie. Wherever I went theyfollowed and the four good companionsnever fa-iled to create interestand amusement. One ofthe neuters I had bought fromSelfridge's and the other camefrom Miss Frances Simpson,although at the time I had noidea of her great fame in the catworld and did not discover ituntil many years later.Although these neuters wereperfect in my eyes, they lackedthe type we now know. Theyhad glorious copper eyes, coatsof softest texture, pale, even andabsolutely sound. This soundnessis lacking to-day. Thecolour of my cats delighted me,and many years later I thoughtI would like to see a cat show.L-LANTARNAM JUMBO BOY, MissYorke's prize-winning Black, who wassired _by _Ch. Hillingdon Jackdaw.lrreeder was Mrs. Putman.ested in exhibiting. I am oftentold after a show is over, " Ifonly I had seen something aboutit, I should have liked to havebeen there."Our present-day show managersare excellent and go to alot of trouble to get all the publicitythey can. But a lot moreis needed in this direction. Ifonly we could interest the pressmore. Tlvo shows given a goodspace in the newspapers beforethe events were full to overflowing.Reverting to the question ofcolour in our Blues to-day, it is

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