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WEO'S WEO rtmong the BreedersMISS KATHLEEN YORKElITH interest expandingso widely in the felineworld it is a naturalsequence that the thirsters afterknowledge become more numerousand active in their search forhelp and guidance in mattersaffecting cat care and management.The majority, thankgoodness, are content to plan forprogress step by step and theirdemands are within the boundsof sweet reasonableness andcommon sense. A few seem intenton getting there before theyarrive, completely oblivious tothe fact that in cat breeding andshowing, as in most other under-.takings, it is wise to make hasteslowly.Miss Kathleen Yorke with DiamondLil, Blue Persian belonging to Mr.Cecil Hallam, the photographer.Now and again we are confrontedwith posers that are bewilderingin their comprehensiveness.Only a panel of expertsand recourse to a well-stockedlibrary could possibly dispose ofthe enquirers to their satisfaction !Occasionally the problem is suchthat it can be dissected and thepieces passed on to our expertfriends for-as they say downWhitehali way-" your kindattention, please. "To all beginners and noviceswe can offer no better advicethan that they should read andre-read the contributions madeunder this heading by our leadingFanciers. Here those bestqualified to speak present thefascinating stories of their careersand with commendable willingnessand frankness pass on muchthat is useful to those who areanxious to follow in their stePs.This month's contributor, forexample, is a lady with an outstandingrecord as breeder, exhibitorand judge, and during theperiod between the tlvo wars sheowned with Capt. St. Barbe thefamous Culloden CatterY, whichfor many years ranked high inthe estimation of Fanciers allover the world. Stock with theCulloden prefix carried with it aguarantee of type, condition and

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