Welcome to Our Annual Report - Oconomowoc Area School District

Welcome to Our Annual Report - Oconomowoc Area School District

Welcome to Our Annual Report - Oconomowoc Area School District


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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>We are proud <strong>to</strong> present this 2011‐12 <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. This report demonstratesour commitment <strong>to</strong> excellence in academics, the arts, and athlecs. We are proud <strong>to</strong> share this commitment withour students, staff, families, and the greater <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> community. Working <strong>to</strong>gether, we will ensure a qualityeducaon for all students, so they can be producve cizens and be ready for college and careers as they graduate.<strong>Our</strong> commitment <strong>to</strong> that goal is unwavering.We must also embrace changes <strong>to</strong> our learning environments which will help preparestudents for the world in which they will live. Today’s classrooms are vastly differentfrom when most of us sat at desks in neat rows. Informaon sharing and communica‐on can now take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because of technology. Students<strong>to</strong>day move through their learning environments <strong>to</strong> gather informaon and learn withtheir peers, somemes even peers across the globe. It is really an excing me in educaonas we prepare our students for a world we can only imagine. More importantly,our students will be the crical thinkers, problem solvers, responsible decision‐makers,effecve communica<strong>to</strong>rs, and crea<strong>to</strong>rs of the future. Success for all students is ournumber one priority and passion.I encourage you <strong>to</strong> learn more about what is going on within our <strong>District</strong> by communicangwith teachers and administra<strong>to</strong>rs, vising our <strong>District</strong> Facebook or Twier site orchecking our website. We know we will connue <strong>to</strong> change and grow <strong>to</strong> meet theneeds of our students and we will balance that growth with responsible stewardship oflocal and state resources. We look forward <strong>to</strong> working with our community <strong>to</strong> mee<strong>to</strong>ur goals.We are truly fortunate that our children are the parcipants in a wonderful educaonalsystem in the United States where every student is granted opportunies <strong>to</strong> learn. It isa serious responsibility that we accept every day as we strive <strong>to</strong> make a difference <strong>to</strong>dayand for the future.Thank you for your interest in the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>.Inside<strong>Our</strong> Mission<strong>Our</strong> Students<strong>Our</strong> Educa<strong>to</strong>rs<strong>Our</strong> Parents<strong>Our</strong> <strong>School</strong>s<strong>Our</strong> Community<strong>Our</strong> Leaders<strong>Our</strong> Scorecards<strong>Our</strong> Arts<strong>Our</strong> Athlecs<strong>Our</strong> Budgetand more...Patricia E. Neudecker, PhDSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>sImmediate Past President, American Associaon of <strong>School</strong> Administra<strong>to</strong>rs2Donald WiemerPresident, Board of Educaon

<strong>Our</strong> Mission...The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, in partnership with the community,demonstrates its commitment <strong>to</strong> excellence by challenging students with a visionaryinnovave curriculum in a posive learning environment so that each studentdevelops lifelong learning skills, values and knowledge <strong>to</strong> become a self‐reliant,posive contribu<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> our community, democrac society, and the world.The <strong>District</strong> will connue <strong>to</strong> focus on student achievement and success, <strong>to</strong> manageour resources responsibly and <strong>to</strong> develop healthy relaonships with one another.The three areas may sound simple on the surface but our success is dependent oncollecve effort and dedicaon.Goals Raise Student Achievement ~ Manage Resources ~ Develop Relaonships3Silver Lake Robocs Team is World Champs !!

<strong>Our</strong> Parents...In the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, we recognizethat many things influence the educaonof our children. One of the most important fac<strong>to</strong>rsis involvement by our parents and guardians whosupport the accomplishments of their children.There are many ways in which parents and extendedfamilies demonstrate that support, butthe goal is the same: <strong>to</strong> help <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> areachildren have the most meaningful educaonalexperience possible.Thank you parents, for cheering on students,teachers, schools and learning.Thanks <strong>to</strong> all of our parent and communitysupporters! The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Parent TeacherAssociaons and Organizaons ~ The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>Public Educaon Foundaon ~ The<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Sports Booster Club ~ The DramaMamas & Papas ~ Robocs Men<strong>to</strong>rs ~ HauntedHigh Volunteers ~ Band AidsOASD<strong>Annual</strong> Parent Survey74% of respondents would allowtheir OHS student <strong>to</strong> bring a mobiledevice (e.g., iPod, Smartphone, lap<strong>to</strong>p,etc.) <strong>to</strong> school for educaonalpurposes.The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> surveys a random sampleof parents each year as part of itsconnuous improvement andaccountability cycle. The resultsare reviewed by administra<strong>to</strong>rs,principals, and teachers <strong>to</strong> gaugeprogress and set improvementgoals.More than 548 parents completedthe 2012 quesonnaire yieldinga +4% margin of error. Resultsshow the percentage ofparents who graded <strong>Oconomowoc</strong><strong>School</strong>s as “A” or “B”remains significantly above the2005—2007 levels.Percent of <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> parents who graded their child’sschool as A or B: 2005—Present6975 7868388 88 90 882005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

<strong>Our</strong> Academics...The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is commied <strong>to</strong> providing all children thehigh quality, engaging learning experiences necessary for success in the 21stcentury. <strong>Our</strong> teachers are dedicated, creave and movated by excellence.They are eager <strong>to</strong> take advantage of professional development <strong>to</strong> maximizetheir impact; they are willing <strong>to</strong> engage students by connecng “real world”with classroom, leveraging emerging technology for instruconal gain.<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> FLeX Connect offers hybrid andonline courses cus<strong>to</strong>mized <strong>to</strong> the needs of thelearner. Capitalizing on the promise of any‐me, anywhere learning, our innovave staffstrives <strong>to</strong> merge challenging, engaging curriculumwith movaonal technologies in a personalizedlearning environment.The IB Project Lead the Way Career CerficateThe Internaonal Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programme is a demandingand comprehensive two‐year curriculum for highly movatedjuniors and seniors. Students may earn IB Cerficates or may fulfilla range of requirements and receive an IB Diploma in addion <strong>to</strong> theirOHS diploma.7

<strong>Our</strong> Arts...OASD students have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> learnabout and be involved in an impressive array ofarts opportunies. The curriculum includes art andmusic experiences beginning in 4K, connuingthrough <strong>to</strong> the high school level where studentscan select classes or clubs like jazz combo, playproducon or art metals and jewelry, among manyother opons. Even at the elementary level, studentsin third and fourth grade present their ownschool musicals. In the intermediate grades, studentsperform their school musicals on the stageof the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Arts Center. Band and orchestrastudents are included in high school performancesand jazz band parcipants add their talents<strong>to</strong> district‐wide jazz concerts.Planned for next year is a reunionof the ~100 <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High<strong>School</strong> alumni musicians whowere part of the band programduring direc<strong>to</strong>r Buz Hoefer’s tenurefrom 1977‐92.Special Recognitions <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> Players were again honored with Tommy Awards, this me for theirfall 2011 producon of Urine<strong>to</strong>wn. Garnered awards included Outstanding Musical, Best MaleLead and Best Female Lead. Wrote one of the judges: “This was a <strong>to</strong>p‐notch high school musicalthat demonstrated what is possible with high standards, commitment, teamwork and aenon<strong>to</strong> detail. <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> was vic<strong>to</strong>rious!” Ten students from Silver Lake Intermediate and <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> were showcasedduring the 6 th annual Milwaukee Regional Art Fair. The Florenne Opera Company collaborated with third grade students from Park Lawn Elementary<strong>to</strong> perform The Three Lile Pigs at the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Arts Center <strong>District</strong> art teachers collaborated <strong>to</strong> present the first district‐wide art show, Faces of Art Educa‐on in <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>. The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> Wind Symphony earned First Place in the Dixie Classic NaonalMusic Fesval in Chicago, receiving an overall score of 97.6, and taking overall awards for bestband, best percussion and best brass secons. An appreciave audience celebrated the return of world‐renowned pianist and <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>High <strong>School</strong> graduate, Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Finkelmeyer, and his performance of “The Oz Fantasy‐Fantasia on Themes from the Wizard of Oz” at the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Arts Center.8

<strong>Our</strong> Arts Center...The OAC serves the school district and Lake Country area bycreang and promong district, community and professionalcultural events with the mission <strong>to</strong> entertain and educate.2011‐12 HighlightsThe OAC developed a new annual arsc partnership with theMilwaukee Ballet Company, which features student performances.Aendance for all OAC events in 2011/12 exceeded 50,000.A new film series and visual arts series were created withgreat public response. Films included were “Race <strong>to</strong> Nowhere”and “The Red Kite Project.” Visual arts series events includedan All‐<strong>District</strong> Arts and Cras event, OHS IB Art show, MilwaukeeYouth Art Fair, Pewaukee <strong>Area</strong> Arts Council’s Ekphrascevent and the Waukesha Creave Arts League member show.Michael Duncan, Direc<strong>to</strong>r<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Arts Centerwww.theoac.net9

<strong>Our</strong> Athlecs...WLT All‐Sport Champs 2012The 2011‐12 athlec year witnessed many new events,success in mulple venues and growth in our goal sengand leadership skills. Fiy‐eight coaches in 20 sportsalong with four compeve club sports and one full‐metrainer helped approximately 500 student/athletes navigatethrough the fall, winter and spring sports seasons.The Athlec Purpose of the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> is <strong>to</strong>: Enhance academic experience Insll sportsmanship and respect Build strong character Promote physical, mental and spiritual fitness Develop compeve individual achievement thatfosters team success Strengthen school and community prideEveryone involved with OHS Athlecs—from coachesand players <strong>to</strong> parents and community members—isexpected <strong>to</strong> support the Athlec Purpose while maintainingthe perspecve that sports are a part of life andnot life itself.The last piece of the puzzle is the ulmate success ofthe Athlec Fields Forever project. We will connue <strong>to</strong>plan and prepare for this comprehensive outdoor facility.This project encompasses soccer, baseball, soball,football, track and field, lacrosse and tennis for bothboys and girls. The Booster Club and <strong>District</strong>, in a partnership,have been working <strong>to</strong>wards funding this $3.9 Mendeavor which will impact the school community aswell as the surrounding communies.Scott Raduka, Athletic Direc<strong>to</strong>r10

CooneyAccomplishmentsState Qualifiers Cross Country – Team placed 11th overall, Team AcademicAll‐State, Seconal Champs Boys Track – 9 Qualifiers: 3rd Shot Put, 4th 110 MHigh Hurdles, 7th 300 Intermediate Hurdles Girls Track – 4th in 4x800 relay, State Champion inWheelchair 800m and 1600m races Boys Tennis – second consecuve season Girls Swim Cheerleading – 3rd place finish —small group division Poms – Midwest Grand Champs, state compe<strong>to</strong>rsConference Championships Girls Cross Country Boys Tennis Boys Track and FieldIndividual Honors 149 selecons for WLT All‐Conference Honors Naonal level compe<strong>to</strong>rs in Sailing & Downhill SkiRacing Two 1st team All‐State Athletes First ever WIAA Scholar Athlete finalist WBCA All‐Star selecon – Girls Basketball Individual State Champs in Downhill Ski Racing andWheelchair Track & FieldProgram WLT All‐Sport Champs (Best Athlec Program) Hosted several WIAA and WLT regionals, seconalsand conference championships Increased the number of <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> youth parcipaonin camps, clinics and leagues Connued the “Athlec Fields Forever” campaignwhich is a renovaon of the outdoor facilies at OHS Broke 10+ school records in various sports (20+ in thelast several years) 18 WLT Scholar Athletes 175 <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Scholar Athletes11

<strong>Our</strong> Alumni...<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> alumni proudly representthe <strong>District</strong> locally, naonally and internaonally. From theirlearning experiences, they emerge with determinaon, visionand commitment.The <strong>District</strong>’s Wall of Fame recognizes those alums who havetaken their foundaonal educaon and moved on <strong>to</strong> make asignificant contribuon <strong>to</strong> the welfare of mankind.The Wall of Fame recipient for 2012 is Mahew Nelson, a1998 graduate of <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong>.Nelson used his musical abilies <strong>to</strong> teach young musicians <strong>to</strong>play tuba in the High <strong>School</strong> All‐American Marching Band andhas parcipated in countless naonal and internaonal performancesincluding events for a former and current Presiden<strong>to</strong>f the United States.A Few Other Notable OHS Alumni...Vice Admiral Dirk Debbink, Chief of Navy Reserve and Chief of Staff, U.S. Pacific Fleet, is a OHSalum.World renowned jazz composer and arranger, Fred Sturm, graduated from OHS in 1969.Craig Schiefelbein, co‐founder and CEO of Paragon Development Systems (PDS) graduated from<strong>Oconomowoc</strong> High <strong>School</strong> in 1982. His company architects, supplies, implements and managesIT soluons for many Fortune 500 companies. He is also co‐founder and chairman of the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong><strong>Area</strong> Foundaon and is acve in a number of civic organizaons.1992 OHS graduate Ma Rinka is a well‐known and sought‐aer architect. His firm is designingThe Couture, a 44‐s<strong>to</strong>ry building which will replace Milwaukee’s Down<strong>to</strong>wn Transit Center.Mac Guckenberger is a recent OHS graduate and University of Wisconsin‐Madison student whodedicates his me <strong>to</strong> helping young students achieve success in roboc compeons. Heworked with a high‐achieving group of Silver Lake students who excelled in a world compeon;they nominated their adviser, Mac, as Men<strong>to</strong>r of the Year.12

<strong>Our</strong> Community...<strong>Oconomowoc</strong>Who wouldn’t want <strong>to</strong> live here? The connued growth in the number of students in the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> reflects the desire of families <strong>to</strong> reside in a beauful and family‐centered community which is locatedalmost equidistance between Madison and Milwaukee. Wonderful natural resources including lakes, a universallyaccessible playground and hiking trails that stretch from down<strong>to</strong>wn <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> up through Ixonia arejust a few of the aributes. Housing varies from the newly‐built <strong>to</strong> the well‐established in this welcoming environment.Access <strong>to</strong> professional arts programming is conveniently located at the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Arts Center; otherevents include the annual <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Fesval of the Arts Week, Moonlight Movies, concerts in the parkand art crawls. The community acvely supports environmental awareness and the protecon of waterways andwetlands.The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is an important element in the appeal of this area. Businesses locate andmaintain their presence here because their employees appreciate the educaonal value of taxes paid vs. highquality results as a part of high quality of life. Students acvely work with and support community groups andbusinesses; during the 2011‐12 school year, the following are just a few of their collaboraons: Students enrolled in the OHS Building Trades III course worked with Tim O’Brien Homes <strong>to</strong> build a threebedroom,two‐bath 1,678‐sqaure foot ranch‐style house in Ixonia. It was the fih such home completed byOHS students. OHS Future Farmers of America students grew organic plants from seeds which were then transplanted atNuGenesis Farm. The produce was harvested and used by district food service provider, Taher, <strong>to</strong> enhancehealthier lunches for <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> students. Members of the OHS Advanced Markeng Class and DECA raised more than $6,000 at their annual Grilling2Giveevent. Proceeds were divided between the Lake <strong>Area</strong> Free Clinic and the Susan G. Komen BreastCancer Foundaon. The art of district students was again part of this spring’s gallery night in down<strong>to</strong>wn <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>.13

The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Public EducaonFoundaon was created <strong>to</strong> offereducaon‐minded cizens a way <strong>to</strong>support the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> area publicschools with private, taxdeducblecontribuons. Throughvarious collaborave projects, OPEFseeks <strong>to</strong> encourage leadership, fosterexcellence, and nurture communityin the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> publicschools.<strong>Our</strong> Community...OPEF presented a record$86,795 in grant awards forthe 2012‐2013 school year!The <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> Public Educaon Foundaon (OPEF), a non‐profit foundaon that supports innovave educaonalopportunies in the <strong>Oconomowoc</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> (OASD), presented a record $86,795 in grant awards for the2012‐2013 school year at the May 15 OASD board of educaon meeng.This represents a 70 percent increase over the <strong>to</strong>tal amount the foundaon awarded last year. In just four years since itbegan awarding grants in 2009, OPEF has contributed more than $169,000 <strong>to</strong> support educaonal enhancements notcovered by the taxpayer‐funded OASD budget. “We are thrilled <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> contribute $80,755 in educaonal grantsand more than $6,000 for drug and alcohol awareness educaon through the Jennifer Bukosky Fund,” said MaribethBush, OPEF Grants Commiee Chair. “We couldn’t have raised this money without literally hundreds of volunteers anddonors from our area communies, including teachers and corporate sponsors who helped make our Haunted High andHaunted Ball fundraisers successful. OPEF is proud <strong>to</strong> offer a way for supporters of educaon <strong>to</strong> make tax deducblecontribuons that will help connue <strong>Oconomowoc</strong>’s long tradion of educaonal excellence.”The seven educaonal grants awarded this year from the OPEF General Fund, and two grants from the Jennifer BukoskyFund, have the potenal <strong>to</strong> impact students at all grade levels and schools, and <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch all public school families in thedistrict. Grant recipients were selected from 31 different grant applicaons, requesng more than $341,000, whichOPEF received from OASD staff members this year. Applicaons were reviewed by the OPEF Grants Commiee and approvedby the OPEF board of direc<strong>to</strong>rs. Selecons were made based on key criteria including the impact on a largenumber of students, creavity and long‐term impact on curriculum, and alignment with the OPEF mission of encouragingleadership, fostering excellence and nurturing a sense of belonging in the public schools.14

<strong>Our</strong> WKCE Reading Scorecard...15

<strong>Our</strong> ACT EXPLORE & PLAN Scorecard...17

<strong>Our</strong> Advanced Placement Scorecard...18

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